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1、高级中学英语语法填空单句篇内部资料语法填空-单句篇句式考察:1. A plane is a machine _ can fly.2. The boy is standing there is my cousin.3. The boy _you met yesterday is Tom.4. He lives in a house windows face south.5. is known to all,Edison invented the electric lamp.6. Ill never forget the day _ I joined the Party.7. The factor

2、y _I worked is gone now.8. We didnt know the reason _ he was late.9. _ he said was true.10. _the earth moves around the sun is known to all.11.- What did your parents think about your decision?- They always let me do I think I should do.12. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is I

3、 disagree.13. Is this the museum the exhibition was held?14. You are the only person Ive met could do it.15. It was it rained heavily that they didnt come.16. I was about to turn off the computer an email arrived, informing me of the change of our travel plan.17. We went camping last Saturday. Unfor

4、tunately, the day, began brightly, ended with a violent storm.18. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house I would be staying.19. I have heard a lot of good things about you I came back from abroad.20. The news _ we won the game was true.21. Give me a chance, _ Ill give you a wonderful surpris

5、e.22. I think _ impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.23. Well reach the sales targets in a month we set at the beginning of the year.24. - Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday? - Yeah, but I have no idea he did it; thats one of his favorite universit

6、ies.25.Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxi the bus had dropped her.26. John thinks it wont be long he is ready for his new job.27. When it comes to job interviews, you really dont know you performed until you get the good-news call.28. A company _profits from home markets are declining

7、 may seek opportunities abroad. 29. The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left _ I could ask for their names.30. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, “Thats _ I was born.”31. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _ looked like a large market. 32. Then the carpet flew away

8、to Zimbabwe, _ Daisy saw an elephant.33. Of course, they must enrich our lives, _ can make it possible for us to gather many different experiences.34. But these people dont realize that many parasites(寄生虫),_ do harm to our health, are found inside snakes.35. Online bookstores offer great discounts,_

9、 is a big attraction for book lovers.36. It was with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.37. The smoggy weather has made us realize _ terrible problems we are faced with.38. It was after what seemed like a century _ we were allowed to go home.39. It is reported by the Unit

10、ed Nations _ $1 trillion food is wasted each year. 40. Therefore, it is advisable _ you should value and treat them with care. 时态语态:1. Much of the carbon in the earth _ (come) from things that once lived.2. In the past two decades, research _ (expand) our knowledge about sleep and dream.3. Have you

11、known Dr. Jackson for a long time?Yes, since she _ (join) the Chinese Society.4. _ (stand) at the gate was a young man in green coat.5. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4026 _(take)off at 18:20.6. Seeing violence on television or reading about it in the newspapers every day _ (make) us tolera

12、te crime more than we should.7. I dont know if he _(come). If he _(come), Ill let you know.8. The patient _ (send) to another hospital before we got there.9. This is the third time that I _(come) here.10. All the worries they might have felt for him _ (drive) off by the sight of his cheerful face.11

13、.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house _ (rebuild).12.Before you quit your job, _ (consider) how your family would feel about your decision.13. Anything wrong? Well, I _ (take) a test and Im waiting for the result.14.Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _ (run

14、) out. We must act immediately before theres nothing left.15.I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ (fly) to Shanghai.16. I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?Sorry, I _ (not play) the piano for years.17. When did the computer crash? This mor

15、ning, while I _ (sort) the reading materials downloaded from some websites.18. Dont worry. The hard work that you do now _ (repay) later in life.19. Close the door of fear behind you, and you _ (see) the door of faith open before you.20. The moment _ (come) soon, he thought to himself, waiting nervo

16、usly.21. Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _ (abandon) that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.22. The three of us _ (travel) around Europe for about a month last summer.23. Oh no! Were too late. The train _(leave). Thats Ok. Well catch the next train to London. 2

17、4. We were too late. The train _(leave).25.I _ (learn) music for a month.26.I _(learn) music for a month last summer.27. If their marketing plans succeed, they _ (increase) their sales by 20 percent.28. Have you read a book called Waiting for Anya?Who _ (write) it?29. No decision _ (make)about any f

18、uture appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.30. Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ (play) in the match.非谓语动词:用see的形式填空:1._ from the top of the hill, our house looks like a car. 2._ the dog come over, our friend ran away.3._ from the t

19、op of a hill, and youll find the city more beautiful.4._ more clearly, they came up and got close to it. 用discuss的形式填空:5.The question _now at the meeting is very important.6.The question _ at the meeting last week is very important.7.The question _ at the meeting next week is very important. 用turn的形

20、式填空:8. If you _to the left , youll find the post office . 9. _to the left , and youll find the post office .10. _ to the left , youll find the post office . 11. They might have a place _(leave)on the writing course; why dont you give it a try?12. Let us make a deal, the last one _ (arrive) pays the

21、meal.13. _ (stand) in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a new iPhone.14. _(not know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.15. _(eat) at the cafeteria before, Tina didnt want to eat there again.16._ (disappoint) at failing in the math exam, John wouldnt

22、 like to talk about it to his parents.17. Itwasverycruelofthem_ (eat)rarewildanimals.18. Shewavedtheredflagforthecarto let it _ (stop).19. Thearticleistoodifficultforachildoften_ (understand).20. Who were the guests _ (invite) to your party last night?21. They are cleaning the_ (fall) leaves in the

23、schoolyard.22.After completing and signing it,please return the form to us in the envelope _(provide).23. There was a _ (surprise) look on his face when he saw the _result. (surprise)24. Some impolite football fans,_at the game result,expressed their anger and sadness by throwing bottles and other t

24、hings into the football field. (disappoint)25. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them _ in his lectures.(interest) 26.He is a man of strong self-respect,so he cant stand _ (laugh at) in public.27. We really appreciate _ (invite)to your party on Saturday.28. Peter offer

25、ed _ (teach)them waterskiing.29. The old granny once told us she suffered a lot during World War II,_ (lose)her husband and children.30. Last night, there were so many people _ (watch)the opening ceremony live on TV.31. _ (frighten) and guilty, Maggie put the book back on the shelf she had secretly

26、placed in her schoolbag.32. When I got off the bus, I found my pocket _ (pick) and the money gone. 33. John is the only one of the students in the class that never admits _(make) a mistake even when it is pointed to him.34. It takes about 30 minutes to go there by car, _(depend) on the traffic.35.Th

27、ere are still many problems _ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. ( solve)36. Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _ (appoint) to guard her.37.Today there are more airplanes _ (carry) more people than ever before in the skies.38. Some people try to kn

28、ock me down, only _ (make) me more determined to do things better.39.When it comes to _ (speak) in public, no one can match him.40.The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ (develop) after great effort.41. There is nothing more I can try _(persuade)you to stay, so I wish you good luck.42. She should not have done that sort of thing.Whatever she did was reasonable, _

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