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1、春季入学测试笔试专升本文科复习资料北京航空航天大学现代远程教育2015年春季入学测试笔试专升本文科复习资料(A卷) 大学英语Part I. Vocabulary and Structure 1. After the trip, we all felt our holiday was_ cheap.A. shockingly B. amazingly C. wonderingly D. annoyingly2. _, and you will see a high building.A. Turning to the left B. To turn to the leftC. Having tu

2、rned to the left D. Turn to the left3. The old system has died and a new one has sprung up to _ its place.A. keep B. take C. change D. give4. The three Chinese journalists were _ killed in the missile attack. A. however B. whoever C. whichever D. whatever5. The most important thing is for NATO to me

3、et the Chinese requests and _ full responsibility for the attack. A. bring B. give C. take D. carry6. His son was found guilty, which brought _ to the whole family.A. interest B. flame C. impression D. disgrace7. You ought to _ your food properly before swallowing it.A. lick B. chew C. bite D. eat8.

4、 I_ up some English while on my holiday abroad.A. took B. picked C. looked D. brushed9. Now many employers have _ to regard a masters degree as minimum training. A. insisted B. managed C. come D. give10. Hardly when the bell .A. did I close the door; had rung B. had I closed the door; rangC. I had c

5、losed the door; rang D. I closed the door; rangPart. Cloze TestNowhere_11_ seen a more untidy office than my friend James. Everywhere there are papers and books. Not only _12_ never to be cleaned out, but also I do not think it is ever aired, for at no time have I seen any of the windows open. Often

6、 I have _13_ James that he should open one, but each time he answered, “Not just now, Henry, later”. Luckily I do not have to go there very often nor do I stay there longer than I have to. Strangely enough, James is quite tidy outside his office. Only once have I seen him with a dirty _14_, for exam

7、ple. Nor is he careless about things like invitations. At no time _15_ been known to forget a party, and no sooner does he receive an invitation _16_ he answers it. Unfortunately, his office is quite differently run. Perhaps he does not like such a work. In his garden in the evenings and _17_, James

8、 is happy as soon as he gets home from the office he begins to work in the garden. Always he seems to have some work to do there. And nowhere in his garden is there a curlier which is not tidy and well looked _18_. Seldom have I seen prettier flowers, or healthier vegetables, or smoother, greener gr

9、ass than in James garden. Really, I think he ought _19_ a farmer, so good is he _20_ such work.11. A. have I B. do I C. I have D. I do12. A. does it seem B. it does seem C. it seems D. is it seam13. A. hinted B. suggested C. asked D. mentioned 14. A. dog B. collar C. caller D. dollar15. A. will he B

10、. he will C. has he D. he has16. A. than B. as C. and D. when17. A. in week-ends B. in week-end C. by week-ends D. at Week-ends18. A. about B. after C. at D. for19. A. work as B. to go C. to have been D. become20. A. for B. at C. in D. withPart III. Reading ComprehensionPassage One1970 was “World Co

11、nservation(保护) Year”. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger. They hoped that governments would act quickly in order to conserve nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 r

12、emain. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and lives. We cant live without these things. If we continue like this, we shall destroy ourselves.What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is importa

13、nt to ask “What must we do now?” The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests, and so on. In a small town in the United St

14、ates a large group of girls cleaned the banks of eleven kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record called “NO ONES GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD,” It was made by the Scuttles, Cliff Richard and other singers. The money from it will help to conserve wild animals.

15、21. There are fewer plants, trees and flowers in Holland now because .A. many plants, trees and flowers dont grow there any moreB. there has been a lot of conservation in HollandC. Holland does not need so many plants, trees and flowersD. Some plants, trees and flowers are dangerous22. We shall dest

16、roy ourselves if we dont .A. improve our technology in planting treesB. try our best to save the worldC. change the earthD. hear about the record “NO ONES GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD”23. “NO ONES GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD” was .A. an important book published in 1970B. a record calling on people to con

17、serve natureC. an idea that nobody would acceptD. a rule worked out by the United States24. What is the most important thing for us to do to save our world? .A. We should plant more trees and flowersB. We should clean the banks of our riversC. We should know what will happen in the futureD. We shoul

18、d know what we should do and begin to do it now 25. Whats the main idea of the passage? .A. 1970 was World Conservation Year.B. The United Nations wanted everybody to know that the world is in dangerC. It is the young people who are helping to save our worldD. Conservation is necessaryPassage TwoWhe

19、n we want to tell other people what we think, we can do it with the help of words. We can also do it in many other ways, too. Sometimes we move our heads up and down when we want to say “yes”, and we shake our heads when we want to say “no”. Some people cant hear or speak. They talk with the help of

20、 gestures(手势).People from other countries often have to do it if they dont know your language.Here is a story. An American was once having his holiday in Italy, but he could not speak Italian. One day he went to a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, the American opened his mout

21、h, put his fingers in it and took them out again. In this way he wanted to say “Bring me something to eat”. The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The American shook his head and the waiter understood that he didnt want tea. So he took it away and brought him a glass of milk. The American shook h

22、is head again. He was very hungry now and looked sad. He was just going to leave the restaurant when another man came in. When this man saw the waiter, he put his hands on his stomach(胃). In a few minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat on the table in front of him.26. Sometimes people mov

23、e their heads when they want to say “yes”.A. right and left B. fast and slowC. hard and easy D. up and down27. If people want to say , they may shake their heads.A. “no” B. “yes”C. “words” D. “OK”28. If you cant , you may talk with the help of gestures.A. write and read B. say or singC. hear and spe

24、ak D. go or come29. The American wanted .A. to drink a cup of tea B. to go to bedC. to have some food D. to talk with the waiter30. If people want the waiter to bring them something , theyd better put their hands on their stomach.A. to drink B. to writeC. to speak D. to eat2015年春季大学英语复习资料(A卷)参考答案题号

25、12345678910答案BDBBCDBBCB题号11121314151617181920答案AABBCADBCB题号21222324252627282930答案ABBDDDACCD大学语文一、 基础知识1孟子是孔子之后儒家思想的代表人物,他倡导的思想是 ( ) A顺应自然 B严刑峻法C仁和礼 D王道民本2梁启超在论毅力中引用孔子的话说:“譬如为山,未成一篑,止,吾止也;譬如平地虽复一篑,进,吾往也。”这段话所用的论证方法是( )A演绎论证法 B归纳论证法C类比论证法 D对比论证法3史记是我国第一部( )A纪传体断代史 B纪传体通史C编年体通史 D国别体断代史4下列作家中,属于唐宋八大家之列的

26、是( )A李白 B辛弃疾C韩愈 D白居易5诗经中保存民歌最多的是( )A国风 B周颂C小雅 D大雅6孔子认为“大同”、“小康”之间最根本的区别是( )A.人事制度 B.物质文明建设 C.所有制形式 D.精神文明建设7“孤苦零丁”、“天下为公”、“望洋兴叹”三个成语依次出自( )A.季氏将伐颛臾、庄子 秋水陈情表B.季氏将伐颛臾、陈情表、礼记大同C.陈情表、礼记大同、庄子 秋水、D.礼记大同、季氏将伐颛臾、庄子 秋水8.下列句子中,加点的“而”字作为连词,表示转折关系的是( ) A.今夫颛臾,固而近于费。 B.狗彘食人食而不知检。 C.鸣鼓而聚之,击木而召之。 D.字而幼孩,遂而鸡豚。 9.下列

27、句子中,含有意动用法的是( )A.远人不服而不能来也,邦分崩离析而不能守也。B.我尝闻少仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,始吾弗信。C.以正君臣,以笃父子,以睦兄弟,以和夫妇。D.是以泰山不让土壤,故能成其大。10.下列各句所采用的修辞手法依次是( ) .不违农时,谷物不可胜食也;数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也;斧斤以时入山林, 材木不可胜用也 .屋椽子像瘦人的肋骨似的暴露在“光天化日”之下。 .映阶碧草自春色,隔叶黄鹂空好音。 .昨宵今日,清减了小腰围。 A.排比、比喻、对偶、夸张 B.对偶、比喻、排比、拟人 C.顶针、拟人、对偶、夸张 D.夸张、拟人、排比、比喻。11五代史伶官传序中,告诫人们要居安思

28、危的警戒性语句是( )A.祸患常积于忽微,智勇多困于所溺 B.满招损,谦受益 C.忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身 D.盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉12对“岂得之难而失之易欤?抑本其成败之迹,而皆自于人欤?”一句理解准确的一项是( )A.强调得天下困难,而失天下容易B.强调“得”、“失”都是人事决定的 C.否定“得”与“失”的难易都是由人事决定的 D.否定得天下困难,承认失天下容易13. 论快乐一文提出快乐是( ) A.分为肉体和精神的 B.人生的享受C.人生的本质 D.由精神来决定 14楚辞九歌国殇之“国殇”的含义是( ) A.祭奠为楚国捐躯的将士 B.感伤楚国将士斗志的衰败C.鼓舞为楚国捐躯的

29、斗志 D.感伤楚国国势的衰败 15. 短歌行中引用诗经成句“呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹。我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙”,所表达的心情是( ) A.思慕贤才 B.优礼贤才C.对贤才无所依托的焦虑 D.与贤才久别重逢的欣慰 16.王安石的文学主张是( ) A.“有补于世”、“以适用为本” B.“明道”、“致用”、“事信”、“言文” C.“惟陈言之务去” D.“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”二、阅读短文,回答问题门槛梦屠格涅夫我看见一座大楼。正面一道窄门敞开。门里一片阴森的黑暗。高高的门槛前站着一位姑娘一个俄罗斯姑娘。望不透的黑暗中散发着寒气,随着寒气,从大楼里传来一个慢吞吞的、不响亮的声音: “啊!你要跨进这道门

30、槛来,想做什么?你知道里面有什么在等着你?” “我知道,”姑娘这样回答。 “寒冷,饥饿,憎恨,嘲笑,蔑视,污辱,监狱,疾病,甚至死亡?” “我知道。” “跟人们疏远,完全的孤独?” “我知道。我准备好了。我要忍受一切的痛苦,一切的打击。” “这些痛苦,这些打击,不仅来自你的敌人,而且来自你的亲戚,你的朋友?” “是就是从他们那里来的,我也要忍受。” “好。你准备牺牲吗?” “是。” “你准备着无名的牺牲吗?你会灭亡没有一个人甚至没有一个人会尊敬地怀念你”“我不要人感激,不要人怜悯。我也不需要名声。”“你还准备犯罪?” 姑娘埋下了头“我也准备去犯罪。”声音听了一会,然后又问下去。“你知道吗,”那声音最后说,“将来你会不再相信你现在这个信仰,你会认为自己受了骗,白白地毁了你年轻的生命?”“这我也知道。然而我还是要进来.”“进来吧!“姑娘跨进了门槛。厚厚的门帘立刻放下来遮住了她。“傻瓜!”有人在后面咬牙切齿地咒骂。“一位圣人。”不知从什么地方传来这一声回答。 一八七

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