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1、刘霁月讲师 学 院:外国语学院 湖南长沙提交日期:2015年04月湖南农业大学全日制普通本科生毕业论文(设计)诚 信 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的本科毕业论文(设计)是本人在指导老师的指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体在文中均作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名: 年 月 日ContentsAbstract4Key words4Introduction41 Features of Origin

2、al about Translation For Automotive Engineering41.1 Application of charts41.2 Application of proper nouns51.3 Use noun phrases62 Translation Techniques of words in English for Automotive Engineering72.1 Omission72.2 Amplification82.3 Transformation92.4Combination and Separation92.5 Repetition103 Tra

3、nslation Techniques of sentences in English for Automotive Engineering 123.1 Translation of Long sentences123.2 Translation of Passive sentences133.3 Translation of Negative sentences14Conclusion15Bibliography 16Acknowledgements 16Author:Liu YantaoTutor:Liu Jiyue(College of Foreign Languages, Hunan

4、Agricultural University, Changsha 410128)Abstract: Translation For Automotive Engineering is a branch of professional English, which has its own features and methods of translation. This pProfessional English for Automotive Engineeringr summarizes some features and English-Chinese Translation Techni

5、ques of words in Professional English for Automotive Engineering with plenty of examples and analysis.Key words: Translation For Automotive Engineering , features , methods of translation作 者:指导老师:刘霁月(湖南农业大学外国语学院,长沙 410128)摘 要:汽车专业英语作为专业英语的一个分支,有它自己的特点与翻译方法。这篇论文总结一些汽车专业英语的特点与英译中翻译方法,并在之后给出一些例子与分析。关键词

6、:汽车专业英语,特点,翻译方法IntroductionProfessional English birth from the differences between different occupations habitats and rules. As a branch of professional English, Translation For Automotive Engineering has its own features and methods of translation. Even though its definition is not as clear as some

7、 professional English like Business English. It also has its own grammatical style and structure. But Translation For Automotive Engineering has its own status in professional English. For translating it correctly and smoothly, its necessary to analysis Translation For Automotive Engineerings featur

8、es and conclude its translating methods. What we should prepare before we start our translation? What method we should use to start our translation? What we should care about during our translation? You may find answers in content below this paragraph.1 Features of Original about Translation For Aut

9、omotive Engineering1.1 Application of chartsApplication of charts is one difference of Translation For Automotive Engineering between other Technology Professional English. Sometimes, only charts can fully explain hundreds of different parts installed on a auto. Just like the article about cars engi

10、ne or something complication; instead long, complex describe, a CAD might appear on the pProfessional English for Automotive Engineeringr. And some professional charts like Analysis, UG and PROE charts can be seen usually. Youd best know something about such programs in order to avoid misunderstand

11、writers meaning and expression. Example 1:Just look at this example. A cars parts have been marked. Its engine, power train, steering system showed in the chart so that we can understand the structure of vehicle clearly than just by words.1.2 Application of proper nounsAll kinds of professional Engl

12、ish have this feature: many proper nouns, which meaning you cant understand it so much if you hardly spend your time on words memorizing. For example,when we talk about gallery in Translation For Automotive Engineering, it means the general oil pipe rather than an exhibition. Besides, Translation Fo

13、r Automotive Engineering has many abbreviation like EPU,ABS,ESP and so on. Youd better know the full words of such abbreviation in case wrong translation. (but in almost period you can use abbreviation straightly in your translation.)Example 2:The front and rear wheels are attached to the chassis by

14、 a suspension system. This system is made up of springs, shock absorbers, control arms, and stabilizers. These support the vehicle and cushion it from road bumps for better ride and handling.Translated version:前后轮通过悬架系统和底盘相连。悬架系统由弹簧、减振器、控制臂和横向稳定杆组成。它们支撑着车身,并减缓由于路面不平引起的颠簸,以获得更好的乘坐舒适性和操作稳定性。In this ex

15、ample. We can see many proper nouns are used in the paragraph. Like springs, shock absorbers, control arms, stabilizers which are common parts in a vehicle. Such proper nouns are frequently appear in the Profession Automotive English, Which as the second major feature of PAE.1.3 Use noun phrases Few

16、 rhetoric or even exclamation and Doubt sentences; lots of long, boring, passive simple sentences is a conspicuous feature of Translation For Automotive Engineering. On the one hand, it makes expression clearly and certainly. On the other hand, long, boring, difficult sentence used to appeared.Examp

17、le 3:The exhaust system has four jobs:1. To collect burned gases from the engines.2. To remove dangerous emission that pollutes the air.3. To reduce exhaust noises.4. To get rid of the exhaust gases.排放系统要实现四个功能:1、收集发动机的废气。2、去除污染空气的排放物。3、减少排放噪音。4、排出废气。In the example 3. “to do” pattern has be used ver

18、y frequently. For introduce the function of exhaust system simply and orderly, the whole paragraph is consisted by “to do” except its first sentence. Such phenomenons are not rare in the PAE. To be honest, most sentences in the PAE which refer to explain somethings function or list somethings advant

19、ages or disadvantages are in this formation. And this formation become the third feature of Translation For Automotive Engineering.2 Translation Techniques of words in English for Automotive Engineering2.1 OmissionIts necessary to delete some words or phrases to express the meaning of original more

20、currently. This methods first two situation are used to be seen in the translation from English into Chinese. And the third situation can be seen both Chinese into English and English into Chinese.Firstly, Its common to delete subject in passive sentences.sometimes, the originals subject need not to

21、 show in Chinese translation. It can provide nothing but complex and uncomfortable feeling in translation for Automotive English.Example 4:As the steering wheel is turned, its motion is transferred to the idler arm and tie rods.当转动方向盘,运动被传递到随动臂和横拉杆,从而使得前轮向左或向右转动。In this example. The English original

22、 has been translated in Chinese. And we can see the “its” which means the steering wheel has been delete as the subject to make the structure integrity.Then, Its common to delete possessive pronouns in sentences which have belongingness in translation for Automotive English. In Chinese this parts al

23、ways have same meanings and make readers uncomfortable.Example 5:The brake system gives the automobile its stopping power.制动系统给车辆提供制动的动力。In this example, we can also see the “its”. But it means the car this time. And its not be delete as the subject but possessive pronoun which makes structure compa

24、ct. In translation for Automotive English, Another common situation is deleting explanations. In English, its the explanation. But in Chinese, it do nothing but make sentence more complex.Example 6:The three important parts of the chassis are the frame, the engine, and the power train (also called t

25、he drive train). 底盘有三个重要的系统:车架、发动机和传动系统。In this example. A short sentence has be added at the end of translation with brackets. Words “the power train” fit the original more currently, and “the drive train” is used more frequently in the professional English. So the translator delete this explanatio

26、n to make sentence more clearly and simple.2.2 AmplificationWhen Omission is frequently used in translation from English into Chinese. Its not strange to see Amplification is frequently used in translation from Chinese to English. And its really unnecessary to list the situations or provide more exa

27、mples because all situations and examples about Omission before can be used as situations and examples of Amplification by inverting it. 2.3 TransformationWhen we translate professional English, There would be some words that we cant translate it property in Chinese by its origin meaning. So, we wil

28、l transform the originals expression, structure and tense. Like changing verbs to nouns, changing predicate to subject, changing complex sentence to compound sentence or changing adverbial clause to attributive clause and so on. Its the most common method of translation and almost all translations h

29、ave used it much or rarely. Here are two most frequently transform situations appear in the Professional English for Automotive Engineering.First, transform verbs into nouns. Some words in English are nouns but in Chinese they are verbs or they have a verbs meaning. In professional English such examples are usual to be seen.Example 7:The body is the enclosure that houses the engine, passengers, and cargo. 车身 包围 发动机、乘客和行李。In this example. The “enclosure” in the original is a noun. But it was transformed to a verb which makes translation more simple and intelligible

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