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1、闽教版小学英语五年级下册全册课文文本闽教版小学英语五年级下册 全册课文文本Unit 1 Winter Vacation(寒假)Part AHi, Lily. How was your winter vacation? 你好,莉莉。你的寒假过得怎么样?It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall. 很精彩。我参观了长城。How about you? Were you in China? 你呢?你寒假有在中国吗?No, I wasnt. I went to Australia. 不,没有。我去了澳大利亚。How was the weather there?

2、那的天气怎么样?It was hot. It was summer there. 很热。那里是夏天。巩固练习A: How was your winter vacation? 你的寒假过得怎么样?B: It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall. 我参观了长城。 I went to Australia. 我去了澳大利亚。I visited the museum. 我参观了博物馆。 I watched TV. 我看了电视。Part BHi, boys and girls! 嗨,孩子们!Hi, Miss Gao. 嗨,高老师。How was your win

3、ter vacation? 你们的寒假过得怎么样?I went to Taiwan with my parents. 我和父母去了台湾。Is it your hometown?那里是你的故乡吗?Yes, it is. 是的,台湾是我的故乡。I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 我乘船游览了日月潭。How about you, Yang Ming? 你呢,杨明?I played chess with my father. 我和爸爸下了棋。Who was the winner? 谁赢了?Very often my dad was the winner. 经常是我

4、的爸爸赢。I did my homework. 我做了家庭作业。句型巩固:How was your winter vacation? 你们的寒假过得怎么样?I went to Taiwan with my parents. 我和父母去了台湾。I played the violin. 我拉了小提琴。I played chess with my dad. 我和爸爸下了棋。I did my homework. 我做了家庭作业。P5短文:讲述家乡Taiwan is Wang Taos hometown. In winter vacation he went there with his parents

5、. He wanted to see his aunt and uncle. He was at their home for the Spring Festival. They went to see Sun Moon Lake by boat. The tour of the lake was wonderful.台湾是王涛的家乡,在寒假他会和父母回台湾。他想看望他的叔叔和婶婶。他会在叔叔婶婶家过春节。他坐船去日月潭,游湖行很棒。Unit 2 A Visit to the ZooPart ADad, I want to see elephant. Where are they?爸爸,我想看

6、大象。它们在哪里?Look, there is a map over there. Lets go and have a look.瞧,那边有一幅地图。我们去看看。Go straight. Then turn right. There are some elephants behind the hill.直走,然后右转。小山后面有几只大象。Theyre so tall and big. Look, a baby elephant!它们又高又大。看,一只小象。Let me take a photo of it.让我来给它拍一张照片。句型巩固:There be.句型There is a map o

7、ver there. 那里有一张地图。There is a baby elephant in the zoo. 动物园里有一只小象。There are some bears under the tree. 树下有几只熊。There are some tigers next to the lions. 紧挨着狮子园有几只老虎。Part BWe are home.我们回来了。What animals did you see, children?你们看到了什么动物?We saw pandas, tigers, monkeys.我们看到了熊猫、老虎、猴子I took a photo of a baby

8、 elephant.我给一只小象拍了一张照片。Did you give bananas to the monkeys?你们喂猴子吃香蕉了吗?No, we didnt. we were hungry. We ate the bananas.不,我们没有。我们很饿,我们吃了香蕉。句型巩固:一般过去时态句型What animals did you see? 你们看到了什么动物?- We saw tigers and elephants. 我们看到了老虎和大象。Did you take any photos? 你拍照了吗?- Yes, I took some photos. 是的,我拍了一些照片。Di

9、d you give food to the monkeys? 你有给猴子食物吗?- No, we didnt. 不,我们没有。Did you eat the bananas? 你们吃了香蕉吗?- Yes, we ate the bananas. 是的,我们吃了香蕉。P12短文:Dad took us to the zoo today. We went there by car. We were very happy. At the zoo, we saw many animals. The elephants were tall and big. There was a baby eleph

10、ant. It was very lovely. I took a photo of it. The pandas were lovely, too.今天爸爸带我们去了动物园。我们坐小汽车去的,我们非常开心。在动物园,我们看到了很多动物。大象又高又大,那还有一只小象,它很可爱,我为它拍了一张照片。熊猫也很可爱。Unit 3 Easter EggsPart AWhat are you going to do, Mom? 妈妈,你准备做什么?Im going to make some Easter eggs. 我准备做一些复活节彩蛋。Good. Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。Im

11、 going to color the eggs. 我准备给鸡蛋上颜色。I need red, yellow, green and brown colors.我需要红色、黄色、绿色和棕色。OK. Here you are. 好的,给你。Wow, so many Easter eggs! 哇,这么多复活节鸡蛋!They look beautiful. 它们看起来很漂亮。Im going to hide them in the garden. 我准备把它们藏在花园里。句型巩固:Im going to color the eggs. 我要给鸡蛋涂上颜色。Im going to hide the eg

12、gs. 我打算去藏鸡蛋。She is going to do her homework. 她要做家庭作业。They are going to skate. 他们打算去滑冰。Part BWhere are the kids? 孩子们在哪里?Theyre in the garden. 他们在花园里。Theyre looking for Easter eggs. 他们正在寻找复活节彩蛋。Look. Kate is picking up an egg. 瞧,凯特正捡起一个彩蛋。(现在进行时)She is a clever girl. 她是一个聪明的女孩。Yes, she is. 是的,她是。I got

13、 eighteen, and Ben got fifteen. 我捡到了18个彩蛋,本捡了15个。Did you have a good time? 你们玩得快乐吗?Yes, we did. 是的,我们玩得很快乐。句型巩固:be going to do (打算/计划/将要做 )与 be doing (正在做)She is going to hide the eggs. 她要去藏鸡蛋。She is hiding the eggs. 她正在藏鸡蛋。They are going to look for the eggs. 他们打算去找彩蛋。They are looking for the eggs.

14、 他们正在找彩蛋。P19短文:复活节兔子The Easter Bunny is a rabbit. It is very clever. It can color eggs. It can hide eggs in the garden. Children get Easter presents from their aunts, uncles or parents. They make Easter cards. Very often the Easter Bunny is on the cards.复活节兔子是一只兔子。它很聪明。它会给鸡蛋上颜色。它会把鸡蛋藏在花园里。孩子们从叔叔婶婶或父

15、母那收到复活节礼物。他们制作复活节贺卡。贺卡上常有复活节兔子。Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart AWe are going for a spring outing. 我们将要去春游。Were going to climb a mountain. 我们打算去爬一座山。You can take some food with you. 你可以带一些食物。What are you going to take with you?你准备带什么去?Im going to take some water with me. Well be thirsty.我打算带点水去。我们会渴的。Your

16、e right. 你是对的。Are you going to wear sports shoes?你准备穿运动鞋吗?Yes, Im going to. 是的,我准备穿。Im going to take a camera with me. I want to take some photos. 我打算带相机去,我想拍一些照片。Good idea. 好主意。句型巩固:Whatre you going to take with you?你打算带什么?Im going to take with me. 我打算带Some water 一些水 some orange juice 一些橙汁 some tea

17、 一些茶Some fruits 一些水果 a camera一个相机 an umbrella 一把雨伞Part BIt is a sunny day. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. 今天天气晴朗,蓝天白云。The pupils are getting on the bus.(学生们正在上公共汽车。)They are going for a spring outing. 他们准备去春游。Now they are climbing the mountain.(现在他们正在爬山。)“ come on !“ Wang Tao is shouting to

18、his classmates. “加油!”王涛对同学们喊道。Now they are at the top of the mountain.(现在他们在山顶上。)Miss Gao is taking a photo of her pupils. 高老师在给她的学生们拍照片。句型巩固:They are going to get on the bus. 他们将要上车。Now they are getting on the bus. 现在他们正上车。Miss Gao is going to take a photo. 高老师打算拍照片。Now she is taking a photo of her

19、 pupils. 现在她在给学生们拍照。P26短文:用过去时态描述春游活动The pupils of Class One, Grade Five went for a spring outing. They wanted to climb a mountain.五年一班的学生去春游。他们想去爬山。They got to the foot of the mountain by bus. 他们乘坐公交车到达山脚。Then they climbed the mountain on foot. At the top of the mountain they took many photos.然后他们爬

20、山,在山顶拍了很多照片。过去式:go went want wanted get to got to climb climbed take took Part CAre you going to wear sports shoes? 你打算穿运动鞋吗?Yes, I am going to. 是的。Im going to take a camera with me. I want to take some photos. 我打算带一个相机。我想拍一些照片。Good idea! 好主意!Review 1一、P33王涛与妈妈关于购买春游所需物品的对话Mom. We are going for a sp

21、ring outing tomorrow. I need to buy something. 妈妈,我们明天要去春游,我需要买一些东西。Lets go shopping. 我们去购物吧。Thanks, Mom. 谢谢妈妈。I need two bottles of fruit juice. I will be very thirsty. 我需要两瓶果汁,我会很口渴。What about some fruits? 买一些水果怎么样?I like fruits. 我喜欢水果。Lets get some. 我们去买一些吧。I need some cakes. I will be hungry. 我需

22、要一些蛋糕,我会饿。OK. Ill buy some cakes. 好的,我会买一些蛋糕。Are you going to the park tomorrow? 明天你会去公园吗?No. We are going to climb a mountain. 不,我们打算去爬山。Can you climb the mountain with so many things? 带着这么多东西你还能爬山吗?Oh, no. 哦,不行。P34 短文填空:描述动物园之行On Sunday, Dad took us to the zoo. Kate wanted to see elephants. We loo

23、ked at the map. “ The elephants are behind the hill ,” Dad said.周日,爸爸带我们去了动物园。凯特想看大象。我们看了地图,爸爸说“大象在小山后面。”We saw a lovely baby elephant. Sally took a photo of it. We saw pandas , tigers , bears and lions.我们看到了一只可爱的小象,莎莉给它拍了照片。我们还看到了熊猫、老虎、熊和狮子。We were hungry. We ate some bananas. 我们饿了后吃了一些香蕉。We had a

24、very good time at the zoo. 我们在动物园玩得很开心。Unit 5 Sports DayPart AWe are going to have a Sports Day. Who will run 100 meters?我们要开运动会了,谁愿意参加100米短跑比赛?I will. 我愿意。Great! You can run very fast. 好极了!你跑得很快。Who will do long jump? How about you, Julia?谁愿意跳远?朱莉娅,你来跳远好吗?I will try. 我来试试吧。Thank you, Julia. 谢谢茱莉亚。W

25、ho will do high jump? 谁愿意跳高?I will. 我愿意。I will take photos for our class. 我来给同学们拍照。Thank you, Sally. 谢谢莎莉。句型巩固:Who will run 100 meters? 谁愿意跑100米?I will. 我愿意。Who will do long jump? 谁愿意跳远?I will. 我愿意。Who will do high jump? 谁愿意跳高?I will. 我愿意。Part BIts Sports Day. Peter is running 100 meters. He is good

26、 at it. He is running very fast. “come on, 现在是运动会,彼得在跑100米,他很擅长跑步,他跑得很快。Peter!” Lily is shouting. Miss Gao is very proud of Peter. Yang Ming is doing high jump. Oh, no. He is “彼得,加油!”李丽喊道。高老师为彼得感到骄傲。杨明在跳高。噢,不。falling down. He is not good at it. Julia is doing long jump. She is trying to do well. Sal

27、ly is very busy. 他掉下来了。他不擅长跳高。茱莉亚在跳远,她正努力跳好。莎莉很忙。She is taking photos.她在拍照。句型巩固:Peter is running 100 meters. He is running very fast. 彼得在跑100米,他跑得很快。“come on, Peter!” Lily is shouting. “彼得,加油!”李丽喊道。Yang Ming is doing high jump. He is falling down. 杨明在跳高。他掉下来了。Sally is very busy. She is taking photos

28、. 莎莉很忙。她在拍照。P39短文:王涛讲述自己参加运动会Yesterday we had a Sports Day. I ran 200 meters. “ Come on, Wang Tao!” my friends shouted to me. I ran very fast. Miss Gao was very proud of me. Sally took a photo of me. Look, here it is.昨天我们举办了运动会。我跑了200米比赛。“加油,王涛!”我的朋友对我喊道。我跑得很快。王老师为我感到骄傲。莎莉为我拍了照片。看,在这。运动会是过去发生的事,要用过去

29、时态:have - had run - ran shout - shouted is - wastake - tookUnit 6 FeelingsPart AWho is the winner of 100-meter race? 谁是百米赛跑的获胜者?Look. Peter is the first. Wang Ming is the second. And Li Hua is the third.瞧,彼得获得第一名,王明第二名,李华第三名。Hi, Peter. 嗨,彼得。Youre the winner of 100-meter race. 你是百米赛跑的获胜者。We are proud

30、 of you. 我们为你自豪。Are you hungry? 你饿吗?No, Im not. 我不饿。Are you thirsty? Drink some water. 你渴吗?喝点水吧。Thank you. 谢谢。句型巩固:Who is the first in 100-meter race? 谁是百米赛跑的第一名?Peter is the first. 彼得获得第一名。Who is the second? 谁是第二名?Wang Ming is the second. 王明第二名。Who is the third? 谁是第三名Li Hua is the third. 李华是第三名。Par

31、t BOh, Yang Ming is sitting under the tree. 杨明坐在树底下。He looks tired. 他看起来很疲惫。He looks very sad. 他看起来很伤心。Hi, Yang Ming. 嗨, 杨明。I didnt do well in high jump. 我跳高没跳好。Oh,cheer up! 哦,振作起来!Im only the fourth in high jump. 我在跳高比赛中仅名列第四。Thats very good. 已经很棒了。Not all can be the first. 并非所有的人都能获得第一名。句型巩固:表示情感、情绪、感受的词汇Who is angry? - The tiger is angry.谁生气了? - 老虎生气了。Who is sad? - The elephant is sad.谁伤心了? - 大象伤心了。Who is hungry? -

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