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1、英语四级选词填空练习题及答案分析 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】英语四级选词填空练习题及答案分析What determines the kind of person you are What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you we

2、re _1_. The study of how genes and environment interact to influence _2_ activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important _3_ to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.Any research that su

3、ggests that _4_ to perform certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can _5_ based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, rac

4、e and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how _6_ they are, or what career they are likely to choose A concern of psychological scientists is the _7_ to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育), by genetic makeup and the enviro

5、nment. Increasingly, science _8_ that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born _9_ like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it _10_ appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there fro

6、m the beginning.A abilitiesB achieveC appealD complaintsE contributionsF displayedG essentiallyH eventuallyI extentJ indicatesK proceedsL psychologicalM raisedN smartO standard答案解析:1. M raised raise在这里的意思是养育,the environment in which you were raised 意思是你成长的环境。2. L psychological psychological activity

7、意思是心理活动,全句意思是研究基因和外部环境如何相互作用影响人心理活动的学科被称为行为遗传学。3. E contributions make contributions to为固定搭配,意为为做贡献。4. A abilities ability to 意思是做某事的能力,在此处,全句意思是任何一篇宣称人类做出某种行为的能力是基于生物学的研究都是有争议的。5. B achieve limitations to what you can achieve意思是对你所能达到的水平的限制。6. N smart 此处需填一个形容词,而且用来形容人,根据题意,smart符合题意,表示机灵,可爱。7. I e

8、xtent 此处填extent,主要是因为后面有to,to the extent 译为的程度。8. J indicates indicate 意思是表明,显示。全句意为越来越多的科学(现象)表明基因对人类很多特征有基础作用。9. G essentially essentially 的意思是实际上,本质上。全句意为从这个角度来讲,人一出生,本质上就像是还没洗出来的照片:相已经照了,但是最终会呈现多少就在于显影的过程了。10. H eventually eventually 副词,意思是最终,最后。With the worlds population estimated to grow from

9、six to nine billion by 2050, researchers. businesses and governments are already dealing with the impact this increase will have on everything from food and water to infrastructure (基础设施) and jobs. Underling all this _1_ will be the demand for energy, which is expected to double over the next 40 yea

10、rs.Finding the resources to meet this demand in a _2_. sustainable way is the cornerstone (基石) of our nations energy security, and will be one of the major _3_ of the 21st century. Alternative forms of energy- bio-fuels, wind and solar, to name a few are _4_ being funded and developed, and will play

11、 a growing _5_ in the worlds energy supply. But experts say that even when _6_, alternative energy sources will likely meet only about 30% of the worlds energy needs by 2050.For example, even with _7_ investments, such as the $93 million for wind energy development _8_ in the American Recovery and R

12、einvestment Act, important alternative energy sources such as wind and bio-fuels _9_ only about 1% of the market today.Energy and sustainability experts say the answer to our future energy needs will likely come from a lot of _10_ both traditional and alternative.A stableB solutionsC significantD ro

13、leE progressF marvelousG includedHgrowthI exactlyJ consistK compriseL competitionsM combinedN challengesO certainly答案解析:1 growth 2 stable 3 challenges 4 certainly 5 role 6 combined 7 significant 8 included 9 comprise 10 solutions【解析】这是一篇讨论能源资源的说明文,话题是考生比较熟悉的能源问题,不断增长的人口与可再生资源的矛盾该如何解决。文中指出能源的一些可替代形式

14、如生物能源、风能太阳能等可再生资源将在未来发挥越来越重要的作用。但是专家指出,即使这些资源储备量惊人,但是到2050年也只能满足世界30%的需求。文章最后两段探讨了各能源在市场上的需求,以及解决未来能源需求的其他方案。总体来说,这篇文章理解难度不大,填空难度适中,所选词汇也都是四级考纲的词汇。选项较具有干扰项,多为c和s开头的单词,考生在考试时要特别注意。What determines the kind of person you are What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map Al

15、l of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were _1_. The study of how genes and environment interact to influence _2_ activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important _3_ to the biological revolution, providing informat

16、ion about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.Any research that suggests that _4_ to perform certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can _5_ based on something that is beyond your control, such a

17、s your genes It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how _6_ they are, or what career they are likely to choose A concern of psychological scientists is the _7_ to which all of th

18、ese characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture(养育), by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science _8_ that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born _9_ like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it _

19、10_ appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there from the beginning.A abilitiesB achieveC appealD complaintsE contributionsF displayedG essentiallyH eventuallyI extentJ indicatesK proceedsL psychologicalM raisedN smartO standard答案解析:1. M raised raise在这里的意思是养

20、育,the environment in which you were raised 意思是你成长的环境。2. L psychological psychological activity意思是心理活动,全句意思是研究基因和外部环境如何相互作用影响人心理活动的学科被称为行为遗传学。3. E contributions make contributions to为固定搭配,意为为做贡献。4. A abilities ability to 意思是做某事的能力,在此处,全句意思是任何一篇宣称人类做出某种行为的能力是基于生物学的研究都是有争议的。5. B achieve limitations to

21、what you can achieve意思是对你所能达到的水平的限制。6. N smart 此处需填一个形容词,而且用来形容人,根据题意,smart符合题意,表示机灵,可爱。7. I extent 此处填extent,主要是因为后面有to,to the extent 译为的程度。8. J indicates indicate 意思是表明,显示。全句意为越来越多的科学(现象)表明基因对人类很多特征有基础作用。9. G essentially essentially 的意思是实际上,本质上。全句意为从这个角度来讲,人一出生,本质上就像是还没洗出来的照片:相已经照了,但是最终会呈现多少就在于显影的

22、过程了。10. H eventually eventually 副词,意思是最终,最后。The popular notion that older people need less sleep than younger adults is a myth, scientists said yesterday.While elderly people _1_ to sleep for fewer hours than they did when they were younger, this has a(n) _2_ effect on their brains performance and t

23、hey would benefit from getting more, according to research.Sean Drummond, a. psychiatrist (心理医生) at the University of California, San Diego, said older people are more likely to suffer from broken sleep, while younger people are better at sleeping _3_ straight through the night.More sleep in old age

24、, however, is _4_ with better health, and most older people would feel better and more _5_ if they slept for longer periods, he said.The ability to sleep in one chunk (整块时间) overnight goes down as we age but the amount of sleep we need to _6_ well does not change, Dr Drummond told the American Assoc

25、iation for the Advancement of Science conference in San Diego.Its _7_ a myth that older people need less sleep. The more healthy an older adult is, the more they sleep like they did when they were _8_. Our data suggests that older adults would benefit from _9_ to get as much sleep as they did in the

26、ir 30s. Thats _10_ from person to person, but the amount of sleep we had at 35 is probably the same amount as we need at 75.A alertB associatedC attractingD clingE continuingF definitelyG differentH efficientlyI formallyJ functionK mixedL negativeM sufficientN tendO younger答案解析:文章大意:本文主要讲述的是关于老年人睡眠的

27、问题:是否老年人与年轻人相比只需要较少的睡眠时间?1. N tend tend to 固定搭配;表示倾向于;符合句意;2. L negative 空格后是effect, 前面是a(n), 由此可见,该处需要填入一个形容词;题目给出的形容词有negative, sufficient, younger;根据前后语意,填入negative最为恰当,表示少的睡眠时间对大脑的活动有负面的影响。3. H efficiently 根据推测,该处应该填入一个副词,题目给出的副词有efficiently, definitely, formally;前面提到,老年人在睡觉的时候更容易被打断,而后面用while提出

28、一个对比的概念,年轻人相比起来能获得更_ 的睡眠;综合起来,选用efficiently(最有效率的)最为准确。4. B associated be associated with 固定搭配;表示与联系在一起;本句话表示更多的睡眠通常都与健康度联系在一起;5. A alert 先看整句话的含义,如果他们能睡更长的时间,他们的感觉应该会更好以及那么,该处应该填入一个褒义词,选择alert比较恰当,表示更加警觉,机灵;6. J function 根据判断,此处应该填入一个动词,剩下的动词有cling, function;整句话的意思是当我们上了年纪的时候,我们一觉睡到天亮的能力下降了,但是,我们需要

29、的睡眠量并没有改变;空格后的单词是 well, cling 在这里并不合适,一般与to连用;选用function 最为适合;7. F definitely 作者在首段已经提出这个观点是一个myth,那么显而易见最后一段中出现的myth是作为一种强调手段,应填入definitely;8. O younger 空格的前面是 when they were, 当他们年轻的时候;应填入younger;9. E continuing 本句的意思是我们的数据显示老年人将从获益;空格的后面是得到和他们在三十多岁的时候能得到的睡眠一样多;根据上下文意思,该处应填入continuing;10. G differe

30、nt different from 固定搭配;表示和不同。As war spreads to many corners of the globe, children sadly have been drawn into the centre of conflicts. In Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Colombia, however, groups of children have been taking part in peace education _1_. The children, after learning to resolve conflicts, took on the _2_ of peacemakers. The Childrens Movement for Peace in Colombia was even nominated (提名) for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1998. Groups of children _

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