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1、synopsis,剧情简介,拯救大兵瑞恩(Saving Private Ryan)是美国经典战争电影之一,描述诺曼底登陆后,瑞恩家4名于前线参战的儿子中,除了隶属101空降师二等兵的小儿子詹姆斯瑞恩仍下落不明外,其他3个儿子皆已于两周内陆续战死。美国陆军参谋长马歇尔上将得知此事后出于人道考量,特令前线组织一支8人小队,只为在人海茫茫、枪林弹雨中找出生死未卜的二等兵詹姆斯瑞恩,并将其平安送回后方。该片最为人津津乐道的是开头的诺曼底登陆抢滩场面,相当程度重现了当年的残酷与惨烈。,斩获第71届奥斯卡最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳录音、最佳剪辑、最佳音效等五项大奖 第56届金球奖最佳影片、最佳导演 第52届

2、英国电影学院奖最佳音效、最佳音效、最佳视觉效果、最佳音效、最佳视觉效果等,Saving Private Ryanis a 1998 Americanepicwar filmset during theinvasion of NormandyinWorld War II.It was directed bySteven Spielbergand written byRobert Rodat.The film is notable for its graphic and realistic portrayal of war,and for the intensity of its opening

3、27 minutes,which depict theOmaha Beachassault of June 6,1944.The film followsUnited States Army RangersCaptainJohn H.Miller and his squad as they search for aparatrooper,Private First ClassJames Francis Ryan,who is thelast-surviving brotherof four servicemen.,THE CAST,演员介绍,Tom Hanks,(Captain Miller)

4、,In this movie,hes performing an excellent captain in the army.,Matt Damon,(Private Ryan),He is the main character of the movie,all story surrounding him then proceeds.,Tom Sizemore,(Sergeant Horvath),He had earlier received critical praise for his work as Scagnetti,the self-promoting detective on t

5、he trail of two serial killers,in Oliver Stones controversial Natural Born Killers.,Barry Pepper,(Private Jackson),Barry Pepper recently wrapped production on the film Enemy of the State,due out this fall,in which he co-stars with Gene Hackman,Will Smith and Jon Voight.In this movie,he is a sharpsho

6、oter.,THE STORY,剧情,On the morning of June 6,1944,the beginning of theNormandy invasion,American soldiers prepare to land onOmaha Beach.They struggle againstGerman infantry,machine gun nests,and artillery fire.Company commanderCaptain John H.Miller survives the initial landing and assembles a group o

7、f soldiers to penetrate the German defenses,leading to a breakout from the beach.,第二次世界大战后期,德军东部战场正打得不可开交,英美联军则于1944年6月6日(代号D日)在法国的诺曼底大区开始进行大军团的全面登陆,试图从西部直取德军总部柏林,而在地面部队的登陆作战之前,部分分队已经空降到了远离诺曼底的法国内陆地区,试图在破坏骚扰德军的部署能力之后再与登陆的部队集结,以便于进一步进行大规模的组织进攻。,二等兵詹姆斯瑞恩所在的部队就被远远地抛离到了德军前线的后方。詹姆斯瑞恩是家中四兄弟的老末,他的三名兄长都在这次战

8、役中相继阵亡。美国作战总指挥部的将领在得知该消息之后,为了不让这位不幸的母亲再承受丧子之痛,决定派一支特别小分队,将她仅存的儿子安全地救出战区。回家照顾母亲。,In theUnited States Department of WarinWashington,D.C.,GeneralGeorge Marshallis informed that three of the four brothers in a Ryan family were allkilled in actionin the first days of the invasion and that their mother is

9、 to receive three telegrams,one per son,to inform her of that.He learns that the fourth son,Private James Ryan,also took part in the invasion as aparatrooper,and ismissing in actionsomewhere in Normandy.After reading to his staffAbraham Lincolnsletter to Mrs.Bixby,Marshall orders that Ryan be found

10、and sent home immediately.,该拯救小组的任务就落在了刚刚完成登陆任务的约翰米勒上尉身上,而米勒上尉和他的部队刚刚经历过奥马哈海滩登陆战的惨烈激战,伤亡很大,此时米勒已经顾不上闲暇歇息,而必须组建一支小队即刻出发开始拯救任务,他匆匆地挑选了几位身边较为优秀的士兵,然后又临时从别的部队征召了几名专业兵种,在别的部队还在原地休整的时候,米勒的八人小队又开始踏上长驱直入敌方占领地带,在茫茫未知的广阔地域中寻找一名叫瑞恩的士兵的征途。,In France,three days afterD-Day,Miller receives orders to find Ryan.To a

11、ccomplish the task,he assembles six men from his company,Sergeant Horvath,Privates Reiben,Mellishand,sharpshooterJackson and medic Wade,plus one detailed from another division,Corporal Upham,a clerk who speaks fluent French and German.,当小分队的士兵们陷入敌区,各种困难和危险相继扑面而来,人力和装备的严重不足,对语言与地形的不熟悉,还有路边墙角随时可能埋伏着的危

12、险的敌人,面对身边的战友们一个个相继倒下去,他们逐渐开始怀疑这项任务的合理性:为什么这一个士兵,就值得让八名士兵去冒死拯救?瑞恩的一条命为何比他们的生命更有价值?但是,尽管他们心存疑惑,他们还是坚决执行上级的命令。而拯救的旅程也像是一条通往死亡的道路,一条漫漫的考验战争中每个人心中人性观念与价值的磨练之路,一条充斥着自我矛盾与自我救赎的道路。,途中,为了救援被困的法国女孩,小分队失去了一位叫卡帕素的战友,The squad finally arrives on the outskirts of Ramelle,where they come upon three paratroopers am

13、bushing a Germanhalf-track,among whom is Ryan.After entering Ramelle,Ryan is told of his brothers deaths,and their mission to bring him home,and that two lives had been lost in the quest to find him.He is distressed at the loss of his brothers,but does not feel it is fair to go home,asking Miller to

14、 tell his mother that he intends to stay with the only brothers he has left,his companions of duty.Miller decides to take command of the situation and reinforce them to defend the bridge with what little manpower and resources are available.,小分队终于到达目的地,在与德军的遭遇中,与101空降师的瑞恩不期而遇,尽管瑞恩知道自己的三个兄弟都牺牲了,但他还是拒

15、绝在战争的关键时刻离开战场和战友,米勒被他的精神所感动,决定带小分队留下与他们一起守护阵地,最前面一辆坦克从楼前冲过,不入包围圈,第二辆从两楼中进来。粘性炸弹起作用了,坦克炸瘫,后面的装甲车被楼顶扔下的燃烧汽油瓶烧毁,德军步兵被机枪扫射得成批倒下,可是,德军不断涌来,米勒上尉他们节节退守,抵挡着数倍于己的敌人,他们把枪口插进坦克了望孔射死驾驶员,打开顶盖扔下手榴弹。,In spite of inflicting heavy German casualties and destroying two tanks with improvised sticky bombs and Molotov co

16、cktails,most of the Americans including Jackson,Mellish,and Horvath are killed.,Flak38 20毫米防空炮,本来是轻型高射炮。平射改打步兵了,直接后果是,可以把人打成碎片。,小分队队员使用0.30子弹勃朗宁M1919型机枪,狙击手杰克逊心神合一,百发百中,当他正来劲时,一辆坦克的炮口对准了他,顶楼被炸毁。,一个彪悍的德军与小分队队员在楼内肉搏,他用刀刺死了小分队队员。这个德寇正是被小分队放走的俘虏,他下楼时遇见从未临战的厄本,头也不回地走了,厄本却不敢开枪,他痛苦地低下了头。,Just before aTiger

17、 tankreaches the bridge,an AmericanP-51 Mustangflies over and destroys it,followed by more Mustangs and advancing American infantry andM4 Shermantanks who rout the remaining Germans.Upham,who was cut off from the Americans and hid in a ditch next to the advancing Germans,comes out of hiding as the G

18、ermans flee and orders them to drop their weapons;he recognizes Steamboat Willie among them,whom he saw shoot Miller,and executes him,telling the rest to flee.Ryan is with Miller as he dies and says his last words,James.earn this.Earn it.,最后阶段来临,弹药耗尽的队员们退守桥墩,他们敲响迫击炮弹扔向敌军,并准备炸桥。可是他们却纷纷被那个释放的德寇和他的部队射死

19、落水。米勒上尉踉跄着想按下起爆器,也中弹倒地。他坐在桥面上,面对迎面而来的坦克,拔出手枪无助地射击着。正在这时,援兵赶到了,敌人的坦克被盟军飞机炸毁。德军正想逃,藏在桥旁亲眼看到战友们牺牲的厄本,终于鼓起勇气一跃而起,用枪对准他们。他一枪打死了那个令他蒙受耻辱的、被他们释放的德寇,并用德语让德军投降。莱恩来到米勒跟前,上尉微笑着轻声嘱咐他一定要好好地生活,不要辜负牺牲的人们。说完便闭上了眼。通往巴黎、柏林的桥终于保住了,The Analysis,WHAT IS WAR?WHY DO THEY HAVE TO SAVE RYAN?AM I A GOOD MAN?,At the end of the film,old Ryan asked his wife”Am I a good man?Am I worthy of these peoples sacrifice?”,AM I A GOOD MAN?,THE END,THANK YOU,

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