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1、Shes got enough on her plate already, training her daughter.Oh, yes. Princess Atta, the poor dear.Oh, winds died down. Theyll be here soon.- Just be confident, dear. Youll be fine. - Gasps Theres a gap.Theres a gap in the line. What are we gonna do?Its okay, Your Highness. Gaps happen. We just lost

2、a few inches, thats all.Oh. Right.Your Highness, I cant count when you hover like that.Oh, of course. Im sorry. Go ahead.- Guys, go shade someone else for a while. - Pet Chirps Okay, Atta. Now what do we do?Ahh- Oh! Dont tell me. I know it. What is it?- We relax. - Chuckles Right.Oh, itll be fine. I

3、ts the same, year after year.They come, they eat, they leave. Thats our lot in life.s not a lot, but its our life. Laughs Chuckles Isnt that right, Aphie? Oh, youre such a cute little aphid. Rumbling - Ditch Dot! - Yeah, yeah!Hey, come back here! Strains, Grunts - Dot! - Yes, Mother.What did I tell

4、you about trying to fly?Not until my wings grow in.- Right. - But Mom-Dot, youre a young queen ant and your wings are too little-I was talking to Mother. Youre not the queen yet, Atta.Now, Dot, be nice to your sister.s not my fault shes so stressed out. Sighs I know, I know.- Im always acting like t

5、he sky is falling. - Look out!- Atta! - Princess Atta!- Oh! - Hey!- Stop that! - What do you think youre doing?- You could have killed somebody over here. - Gasps Im sorry!- Oh, its Flik. - Oh-m sorry, Im so sorry!- Please forgive me. I - Coughing - Screams Princess Atta! - Flik, what are you doing?

6、Oh, this! This is my new idea for harvesting grain.No more picking individual kernels. You cut down the entire stalk!- We dont have time for this. - Exactly! We never have time to collect food for ourselves.We spend all summer harvesting for the offering.- But my invention will speed up production.

7、- Oh, another invention?Something for you too.Since youre gonna be queen, you could use this to oversee production.- Dr. Flora, if I may. - This is all very nice, but- Just an ordinary blade of grass and a bead of dew, right? - Flik, please.- Wrong! It is, in fact, a telescope. - Both Laugh - Its ve

8、ry clever, Flik, but- - Hello, Princess! Arent you looking lovely this morning!Not that you would need a telescope to see that.Listen! The princess doesnt have time for this!You wanna help fill this thing? Get rid of that machine,get back in line and pick grain like everybody else!- Like everybody e

9、lse! - Please, Flik. Just go.m sorry, I was really just trying-trying to help.Harvester. Why, we harvested the same way ever since I was a pupa. Sighs Where were we?- The food pile, Your Highness. - Oh, yes, yes.Hey, Flik! Wait up!Oh. Hello, Princess.You can call me Dot. Here, you forgot this.Thanks

10、. You can keep it. I can make another one.- I like your inventions. - Really? Well, youre the first.m beginning to think nothing I do works. - This works.Great. One success. Sighs m never gonna make a difference. - Me, neither.m a royal ant and I cant even fly yet. Im too little.- Being littles not

11、such a bad thing. - Yes, it is.- No, its not. - Is too!- Is not. Is not! Is not! - Is too. Is too! Is too!Oh! A seed. I need a seed. Ahh-Ohh!Ah, here, here.Pretend- pretend that thats a seed.s a rock. - I know its a rock.But lets just pretend for a minute its a seed. Well just use our imaginations.N

12、ow, do you see our tree?Everything that made that giant already contained inside this tiny little seed.All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and.voila!This rock will be a tree?Seed to tree. Youve gotta work with me, all right?You might not feel like you can do much no

13、w,but thats just because, well, youre not a tree yet.You just have to give yourself some time. Youre still a seed.But itI know its a rock!Dont ya think I know a rock when I see a rock? Ive spent a lot of time around rocks!re weird, but I like you. Horn Sounds Gasps Theyre here.- Gasping - Horn Conti

14、nues Panicked Chattering - Theyre coming! - Run! Dot! - Mom!- Mom! - Thank heavens!- Food to the offering stone. - Whistles Everyone, single file.Food to the offering stone and into the anthill. Now lets go!Go, go, go, go!Come on, keep movin, keep movin! Good. Panting Okay. Thats everyone. Flik Hey!

15、Hey, wait for me!Get the food to the offering stone, then into the anthill. Screams No! No, no, no, no, no! Oh, oh!Oh, no.Princess Atta! Princess Atta! Whimpering They come, they eat, they leave. They come, they eat, they leave.Excuse me, pardon me. Pardon me, excuse me. Coming through.Sorry. Coming

16、 through. Princess Atta, theres something I need to tell you.- Not now, Flik. Shh! - But Your Highness, its about the offering!- Rumbling Stops - Male Voice Hey, whats goin on?Yeah, wheres the food? All Gasp - What did you do? - It was an accident? Laughs Maniacally Boo! Laughs - Where - Whimpering

17、- Hopper. - Gasps So, where is it?Wheres my food?- l-l-lsnt it up there? - What?- The food was in a leaf sitting on top- - Excuse me.Are you sure its not up there?- Are you saying Im stupid? - No.Do I look stupid. to you?Lets just think about the logic, shall we? Think about it for a second.If it wa

18、s up there, would I be coming down here,to your level, looking for it?- Uh, l- - Why am I even talking to you?re not the queen. You dont smell like the queen.Sh-Shes learning to take over for me, Hopper.Oh, I see. Under new management. So its your fault.No, it wasnt me, it was-Uh-uh-uh. First rule o

19、f leadership: Everything is your fault.- But-But l- - Its a bug-eat-bug world out there, Princess,one of those circle-of-life kind of things.Now, let me tell you how things are supposed to work.The sun grows the food, the ants pick the food,the grasshoppers eat the food-And the birds eat the grassho

20、ppers.Hey, like the one that nearly ate you, you member? Oh, you shoulda seen it.This blue jay has him halfway down his throat, and Hoppers kickin and screamin.And Im scared. Im not goin anywhere near, okay?Aw, come on. Its a great story. Ow, ow, ow.I swear, if I hadnt promised Mother on her deathbe

21、d.that I wouldnt kill you, I would kill you.- And believe me, no one appreciates that more than I do. - Shut up!I dont want to hear another word out of you while were on this island.- Do you understand me? - Whimpers - I said, do you understand me? - How can I answer? You said I couldnt say another

22、word.- Remember Ma! - Growls Hey, Im a compassionate insect.s still a few months till the rains come,so you can all just try again.But, Hopper, since its almost the rainy season,we need this time to gather food for ourselves.Listen, if you dont keep your end of the bargain,then I cant guarantee your

23、 safety.And there are insects out there that will take advantage of you.Someone could get hurt. Snaps Fingers Screeching Snarling, Screeching Gasps, Squeals Whats the matter? You scared of grasshoppers? - You dont like Thumper?- Snarls - Leave her alone!You want her? Go ahead- take her.No? Then get

24、back in line.It seems to me that you ants are forgetting your place.So lets double the order of food.- Gasps - No! But-But-Well be back at the end of the season,when the last leaf falls.You ants have a nice summer. Lets ride!- Yee-ha! - Grasshoppers Shouting Laughing Ooh! Chuckles Nervously Flik, wh

25、at do you have to say for yourself?Sorry. I- Im sorry for the way I am.I didnt mean for things to go so wrong.I especially didnt want to make you look bad, Princess.- Well, Flik, ya did. - I was just trying to help.- Then help us- dont help us. - Help, help. Help?Flik, you are sentenced to one month

26、 digging in the tunnels.Excuse me, Your Highness. Need I remind you of Fliks tunnel-within-a-tunnel project?Helpers to help us. Thats it! We could-It took two days to dig him out. Send him to Health and Ant Services.Heavens, no!We could leave the island, the river beds dry. We could walk across and

27、get helpers.We could! We could go find helpers to help us.s perfect! - Perfect? Whats so perfect?Your Highness, dont you see? We could send someone to get help!- All Gasp - Leave the island?Why didnt I think of that? Oh! Because its suicide!-Shes right! We never leave the island. -Never leave!s snakes and birds and bigger bugs out there!Exactly! Bigger bugs!We could find bigger bugs to come here and fight.and forever rid us of Hopper and his gang!- Ludicrous! - Who would do a crazy thing like that?ll volunteer. Id be happy to volunteer. - Laugh

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