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新版pep英语四年级下册unit 4 At the farm教案.docx

1、新版pep英语四年级下册unit 4 At the farm教案学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm A Lets talk 第一课时教学目标1. 能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;2. 能够在情景中运用句型Are these.? Yes, they are. What are these?They are询问物品名称并回答;3. 能够在情景中恰当运用句型Theyre goog/so big!描述物品特点;能够在语境中理解新词carrot和tamato的意思,并能正确发音。教学重点句型What are these? Are these?及其简略

2、回答。教学难点these的发音。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Greetings 2. Revision 快速出现一些水果图片,让学生大声说出来。3. Free talk A: I likeDo you like? B: Yes, I do. No, I dont.Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 师生围绕red做头脑风暴游戏。 出示一只红色的比T: A red pen. What else can be red? 引导学生说词组,a red kite, a red apple等,师出示相应物品图片。最后T: I know a

3、 kind of red wgetable. Its round. Its juice. What is it? 课件出示西红柿T: Look! Its a tomato. 教读tomato,并板书。2. 课件再出示一个西红柿,引导学生说:They are tomatoes. 师板书句子,提示学生注意tamato一词的复数变化,帮助他们理解Its a tamato. 和Theyre tamatoes. 两个句子的不同含义。3. 师手指西红柿图片描述:These are tomatoes. They are red. They are good. They are yummy. 同桌学生结对练习

4、运用 Theyre描述tomatoes。4. T: They are yellow. They are small. They are yummy, too. What are they? 学生尝试猜测后,教师引导用What are these?提问。教师板书该句子,然后出示he, she, we等词帮助学生根据发音规则拼读单词these。 最后师出示黄色西红柿图片说:Theyre tomatoes, too. They re yellow tomatoes.5. Catch the words 抓单词游戏 快速出现一种水果或蔬菜T: What are these? S: Theyre回答。最

5、后教师呈现胡萝卜的图片,教学carrots,并引导学生说:Theyare so big. 6. T: Where can we see these vegetables? 然后用简笔画画一些篱笆或课件出示农场背景,T: We can see them at a farm. 师板书单词farm,并引导学生拼读单词。7. T : Now lets go to the farm. What are these? Can you guess? 引导学生使用Are these ? 进行猜测,教师适时出示相应图片。8. Pair work A: Look at these! Are these ? B:

6、Yes, they are./ No, they arent. A: What are these? B: They are9. A Lets talk (1)Listen and repeat听录音,跟读对话,注意语音语调。(2)分角色朗读对话。作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第38页5遍。读熟读背对话。2. 课堂作业本第27页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm A Lets learn 第二课时教学目标1、能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。2. 能熟练运用上述单词并运用

7、句型Theyre描述蔬菜特征。3. 通过说唱B部分的歌谣巩固所学单词的复数形式。教学重点tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。教学难点potato和tomato的复数形式。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Greetings 2Enjoy a chant: P39先让学生听然后鼓励学生跟唱。3. 复习A Lets talk 分角色表演对话。Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 生表演完对话后,师问T: What do Mike and Sarah see at the farm? S: T

8、omatoes and carrots.2. 教师出示carrots卡片问T: What are these?S: They are carrots. 教学carrots. T: What colour are they? S: They are red.3. 出示红黄西红柿图片,教学单词tomato, tomatoes.I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes? 引导学生用I like 或I dont like根据自己的实际情况表达。4. 运用句型Look at the_. Theyre_.描述tomatoes 和carrots.5. 教师再拿起一夹青豆,边

9、说边完全呈现:T: Oh,its long and green. What are they?引导学生回答S: They are green beans. 教学green beans. T: Do you like green beans?S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 让学生在回答中学习单词。6. 出示土豆:Do you know it?French fries are made of it. Its a potato. 教学单词potato和 potatoes. 并板书7. 教师将四种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。8. Catch th

10、e words 抓单词游戏 快速出现土豆,胡萝卜,扁豆T: What are these? S: Theyre学生快速说出来。9. 请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? S:carrot。10. Lets chant. 跟着录音节奏说, 学习新词onions。作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第39页5遍。读背第38页对话。2. 抄写本第40,41页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm A Lets spell 第三课时教学目标1能感知并

11、归纳字母组合or在单词中的发音规则;能读出符合or发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合or发音规则的单词,补全短语、句子。2能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学重点能感知并归纳字母组合or在单词中的发音规则;能读出符合or发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合or发音规则的单词,补全短语、句子。教学难点能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Lets chant2. Revision 出示农场,复习上

12、节课的单词和句型 T: What are these?S: They are carrots.T: Are these ? S: Yes, they are./ No, they arent.Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 课件呈现一农民在农场上种植蔬菜的图片及文字说明:The farmer grows vegetables on his farm. He works hard. 其中farmer, farm, works hard要用不同颜色标出。教师引导学生拼读farmer, farm, hard并尝试朗读句子。2. 师手指单词work示范朗读,学生尝试拼读。

13、 T: Who works hard in our class? 学生尝试说:works hard. 3. T: Please listen to a chant.师播放chantT: I d like to read the story. 引导学生拼读story。 课件出示:The story is about_. 和两个选项, A是horse的图片,B是dog的图片和文字。学生选择并拆音拼读horse。课件出示:The story is about_. A. horse B. dog 引导学生选出正确答案。4. 课件显示:The horse likes to_. A. work B. wa

14、lk 引导学生选出正确答案A。The horse works hard of course.5. Lets chant 播放歌谣,学生跟读两遍后尝试自己朗读。6. 引导学生找出歌谣中含有or的词,如:horse, work,请学生拼读并总结or的两种常见发音:/ :/和/ :/ 出示上述单词的卡片并根据or的发音排成两列。7. 继续出示以下单词:fork, corn, born, port, short, 学生拼读。出示homework的单词卡片,让学生朗读并根据or的发音将卡片放在正确的一列。继续出示:word, worm, world map等卡片,学生拼读。引导学生观察语音例词,提示学生

15、or在辅音字母w后面时经常发/ :/,其他时候一般发/ :/。8. Read, listen and number 先拼读,再听音排序10. Look, listen and write 听一听,写一写作业布置1. 听录音,书本第40页拼读5遍。2. 抄写本第42页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm B Lets talk 第四课时教学目标1. 能理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;2能在情景中恰当运用句型 What are those? Theyre.问答物品名称;能运用句型Are they ? Yes,they are/No,

16、 they arent.确认是否为某种物品。3. 进一步巩固名词复数及读音规则。 教学重点句型What are those? Are they?How manydo you have?的理解与应用。教学难点名词复数及其读音规则。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1Greetings 2. Lets chant(P40) 复习Lets spell的歌谣,学生跟着录音说唱。同时复习or在单词中的两种常见发音。3. 拼读单词horse, fork, homework, world mapStep2.Presentation& Practice1. 课件出示一匹马T:

17、 Whats that? S: Its a horse. 学生拼写horse。课件再呈现一匹马T: What are those? 引导学生回答 S: Theyre horses. 教师提醒学生注意horses的读音。2. T: Where are the horses? 引导学生回答S: Theyre on the farm. 课件呈现一个农场,画面中两个地方用色块遮盖(一个近,一个远)。T: Guess. Where are the horses? Here or over there? 教师配合肢体语言重复朗读these和those,解释两者的区别,适时提醒学生o-e的发音,引导学生拼读

18、单词those。3. 教师点开近处的遮盖部分,出现一群马,T: Look! These are horses. How many horses do you see?学生看图回答。教师指着图片中远处的遮盖部分T: But what are those? 课件出现两个关键词:fat, eggs.学生尝试猜测。教学hens。教师板书单词hens, 引导学生拼读。4. 同样的方法呈现dogs, cats, ducks, pigs和cows。最后师生看完整图画操练对话。7. 教师指着农场画面问T: How many horses do you see? S: I see many animals. 然

19、后教学a lot of animals.8. Pair work A: You have a lot of animals. What are those? B: Theyre horses. A: How many horses do you have? B: 9. Lets play 几个学生上台抽取一张卡片,表演动作A: What are those? Are they ? B: Yes,they are/No, they arent.10 B Lets talk (1)看动画,回答问题。What does Sarah see at the farm? How many horses?

20、(2)听录音,跟读对话,注意语音语调。(3)分角色朗读对话。作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第41页5遍。读熟读背对话。2. 课堂作业本第30页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm B Lets learn 第五课时教学目标1能够听、说、认读本课的重点单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse及其复数形式。2能运用句型Are these ? Yes,they are/No, they arent. They are讨论农场动物。教学重点单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse及其复数形式的表达。句型:What are they?和Are

21、they?的问答。教学难点关注学生对于名词复数的理解以及Whats this/that? Its a 和What are these/those? Theyre的正确使用。教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1. Enjoy a song: Mary has a little lamb2. Free talk 出示图片A: What are those? Are they ? B: Yes,they are/No, they arent.3. Act and guess师示范表演一种动物,学生猜动物名称。4. Listen and do 师发指令,学生做一做动物

22、的动作。Step2.Presentation& Practice1. 师最后一个指令T: Act like a horse. 学生做出相应动作后,教师板书h_ _se,请学生说出单词中缺少的字母。 出示两匹马的图片,引导学生说:Two horses. 教师在黑板上的horse末尾加s并领读horses。2. Golden eyes T: How many horses do you see? 学生回答。 师呈现不同数量马的图片,继续游戏。 最后教师出示一副画有一群马和一只绵羊的图片,板书sheep,引导学生拼读。在图片上再增加一只绵羊,T: How many sheep do you see?

23、 引导学生回答:Two sheep. 教师解释sheep的单数和复数形式相同,然后更换包含不同数量绵羊的图片,继续问答。3. T: Look at those sheep. What colour are they? Are they tall or short? Do they have long tails? 引导学生回答。教师适时板书:They are_. They have_.They are so cute!4. T: I have another kind of animals. They have two short legs. Some of them are fat. We

24、eat their eggs. What are they? Ss:hens 出示图片, 教学hens5. T: Hens lay eggs. How about milk? Where does milk come from?引导学生说出单词cows. 课件出示图片,学生根据位置的远近描述,This is a cow. That is a cow. These are cows. Those are cows.6. Listen and repeat 听音,跟读单词。7. Pair work 课件出示不同数量和位置的动物,两个学生问答。A: Whats this/that? B: Tts A

25、: What are these/those? B: Theyre 作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第42页5遍。第41页读背。2. 抄写本第44,45页。教学板书教学反思学科英语授课年级四年级主备教师课题Unit 4 At the farm B Read and write 第六课时教学目标1. 能在图片的帮助下读懂短文,在语境中理解新词garden, goat, eat的意思;能够完成读后圈刺的活动;能按照意群和正确的语音语调朗读短文。2. 能在有意义的语境中抄写单元的核心句型并能根据实际独立书写核心句型;能综合运用本单元的核心句型。教学重点掌握两个重点句子:“These/Those are

26、.”的正确书写。教学难点在四线格中的正确书写These/Those are.教 学 过 程教学环节 教学活动反思与修改Step1.Warm up1. Revision 快速出现单词卡片,复习本单元的单词。2. Free talkA: What are these/those? B: They are.A: Are these/those.?B: Yes, they are./No, they arent.3Lets chant: P39Step2.Presentation& Practice1. T: How many kinds of vegetables are mentioned in

27、the chant? What are they? 学生分别回答两个问题,教师适时出示五种蔬菜。2. T: I love to eat and How about you? 教师板书I love to eat 并领读句子,提示ea的发音,引导学生拼读eat。 请学生表述自己喜欢吃什么蔬菜。教师总结说:Vegetables are good for us. We should eat more of them.3. 教师指着图片T: This is Mr MacDonalds farm. What vegetables does he have? Lets go to his vegetable

28、s garden and have a look. 学生阅读第一、二幅图及相应文字。教师出示一张花园图片,板书garden, 引导学生拼读单词,然后解释garden和 vegetable garden的意思。4. 教师播放第一、二幅图的动画,学生先跟读在齐读。5. T: What animals does he have? Please read and find out. 学生阅读第三、四幅图及文字并作答。教师适当引导,如:Are there any animals? How many sheep are there? Do you see any goats? 当说到goats时,教师先示范朗读,然后依次出示sheep, lambs, goats的图片提问Are these sheep?What are those?帮助学生理解几个单词的不同含义。6. 教师播放第三、四幅图的动画,学生先跟读在齐读。7. 播放完整动画,学生再次跟读并齐读。然后学生四人一组分段朗读并进行展示或比赛。8. Look and write提示学生书写规则,注意句子开头首字母大写和句末的标点。学生独立书写,教师巡查。9. Lets check10. Story time作业布置1. 听录音,跟读书本第43页5遍。2. 抄写本第47,48页。教学板书教学反思

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