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1、高考英语复习 语法精选之定语从句英语语法精选之定语从句【三大从句大统一原理】Step1:通过主句的完整性,确定从句类型 如果主句不完整,一定是名从 如果主句完整,可能是同从/定从/状从Step2:通过从句完整性,确定引导词类型 如果从句不完整,引导词是代词 如果从句完整,引导词是副词或连词Step3:根据意思选引导词,留心特殊用法!【如何判断句子完整性】 看谓语动词!如果谓语动词是 vt,一般主谓宾齐全才算完整; 如果谓语动词是 vi,一般主谓齐全就算完整。注意:有时会出现“主谓宾宾”结构,如 I give you some money. I tell you a story.【定从全部解题技

2、巧】 Step1:判断从句确实是定从(主句完整,且从句修饰主句中的某个名词) LiHui is a teacher (_who/whom/that_ teaches English).LiHui is a teacher, (_who_ I love).LiHui is a teacher (in _whom_ I believe).Step2:判断从句的完整性。 从句不完整,填代词(who/whom/which/that) 填代词时,逗号或介词后不用 that,其余都用 that; 逗号后,指人用 who,指物用 which; 介词后,指人用 whom,指物用 which。 从句完整,填副词

3、(when/where/why) 当先行词是 reason 且从句完整时,直接填 why;当先行词不是 reason 且从句完整时:非时间即地点只要先行词不是时间词,不管是不是地点词, 都看作地点词。Step3:特殊用法 只要能翻译成“他的/他们的”,就填 whose; 只要能翻译成“正如”,就填 as。【练习】absent 缺席的 adj. absence 缺席 n. present 出席的 adj. presence 出席 n.1. I dont know the reason (_why_you were absent) (from the meeting), but Im sure (

4、that someone will tell me the reason)(_that/which_you havent told me).主谓宾宾(1)我给你钱。(give)(2)我告诉小明故事。(tell)(3)我问小花问题。(ask)(4)我借给小强钱。(lend)point 指 v. 点 n.roof 房顶,屋檐 n.bush 灌木 n.2. Pointing (to the house) (on _whose_roof) (grew lots of bush), the old man told me that was (_where_ I would stay).spread 扩散

5、 v.heavy 重的 adj.storm 暴风 n.3The news (_that/which_ is spreading) (around this area) is (_that_ a heavy storm is coming).【补充知识】 从句引导词何时能省略?1、当 that 引导及物动词的宾语从句时,可省略。I know (that LiHui is handsome). 2、当关代引导定语从句,且在从句中作宾语时,可省略。 The story (that I told you) is true.【继续练习】问题一:定语从句修饰谁?short 短裤 n.shirt 衬衫 n.

6、 T-shirt T 恤衫 n. stupid 蠢的 adj.1. Ted came (for the weekend) (wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt), (_which_ is a stupid thing) (to do) (in such weather).解法一:从句不完整,所以填代词;空格前有逗号,所以不填 that;不指人,所以填 which。解法二:空格处正好可以翻译为“这件事”,所以填 which。concert 演唱会 n.interval 间歇 n.audience 听众,观众 n. cream 奶油

7、 冰淇淋 n. scream 尖叫 v.2. (Between the two parts) (of the concert) is an interval, (_when_ the audience can buy ice-cream).如何确定从句是定从? 答:看看从句有没有在补充说明主句中的一个名词!shine 闪 v.3. There are many thousands of stars (in the sky) (that _shine_)(shine) (like the sun).问题二:用代词还是副词?diamond 钻石 n. necklace 项链 n.1. Do you

8、 remember one afternoon (ten years ago) (_when_ I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace)?master 大师 n.German 德语,德国人 n. 德国人的 adj. Germany 德国 n.2. A new master will come tomorrow (_that/who_ will teach you German).tour 旅行 n. tourist 旅客 n. tourism 旅游业 n.3. The Great Wall is the place (_that

9、/which/不填_ almost all tourists would like to visit) (when they come) (to Beijing).waste 废物 n. wasteland 荒地 n. transform 变形 v. theme 主题 n. theme park 主题公园 n.4. Do you know the wasteland (_where 在那儿 _ they used to play) has been transformed into a theme park?综合考虑:定语从句修饰谁?填代词还是填副词?be left over 剩下来 refr

10、igerator 冰箱 n. fridge 冰箱 n. whatever 无论啥 whoever 无论谁1. (Whatever is left over) may be put (into the refrigerator), (_where 在那儿_ it will keep) (for two or three weeks).narrow 窄的 adj.2. The old town has narrow streets and small houses (_that_ are built) (close to each other).定语从句的高级玩法 1:插入语!“you know”

11、、“I think”.这种都叫插入语,有它没它不影响句子结构。refer to 提及 v.1.Is that the small town (you often refer to)?Right, just the one (_where_ you know I used to work) (for years).of importance = important of beauty = beautifulof difference = different2. He made another wonderful discovery,A. which I think is B. which I t

12、hink it isC. which I think it D. I think isof importance to science .定语从句的高级玩法 2:分隔开! 定语从句部分,不用紧紧跟在先行词之后。1. The village has developed a lot (_where_ we learned farming) (two years ago).pass away 去世expect 预期 v. unexpectedly 出人意料地 adv.2. December 17, 2011 was a sad day (for the North Koreans), (_when_

13、 their top leader Kim Jung-il passed away unexpectedly).填代词,只能用 that1. He is the only man (_that_ I want to see).绝2. All the books (_that_ you offered) has been given out.绝3. This is the best book (_that_ I have ever read).绝4. He told me everything (_that_ he knows).不5. We talked about the persons a

14、nd things (_that_ we remembered).人物6. Who is the man (_that_ is making a speech)?避填代词,不能用 that1. He has a son, _who_ has gone abroad for further study.2. I like the person (to _whom_ the teacher is talking).3. Those (_who_ respect others) are usually respected by others.小规律:当 those/these/the one 表示那

15、些人、这些人、一个人时,其定从由 who 引导关系代词的高级玩法:变复杂!grammar 语法 n.1. He was educated (at a local grammar school), ( he went on) (to Cambridge).A. from which B. after thatC. after which D. from this【关系代词和代词到底啥关系?】答:关系代词=代词+buff(增益效果).普通代词只能指代东西,不能引导从句;关系代词既能指代东西,又能引导从句! 代词:this/that/he/she/it/they. 关系代词:who/whom/whi

16、ch/that LiHui is a teacher who teaches English. LiHui is a teacher. He teaches English. LiHui is a teacher, and he teaches English. LiHui is a teacher; he teaches English.(he 不能连接两个句子,因此,要么拆开写,要么加 and,要么加分号)2. Last week, only two people came to look at the house,A. none of them B. both of themC. non

17、e of whom D. neither of whomwanted to buy it.3. The man pulled out a gold watch, were made of small diamonds.A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands ofC. which the hands of D. the hands of which把 which 看作 the watch,则 the hands of the watch 正确,而 the watch the hands of 不正确,所以选.4. The factory produces h

18、alf a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% are sold abroad.A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that5. There are two buildings, stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which6. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by

19、 floods, from effects people are still suffering.7. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 2003, Chairman of the Students Union.he studied very hard and was madeA. during which time B. for which time C. during whose time D. by that time8. I saw a woman running toward me in the dark. Befo

20、re I could recognize who she was, she had run back inthe direction which she had come.9. There are two buildings , stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. the larger B. the larger of themC. the larger one that D. the larger of whichshow sb. around sp. 带领某人参观某地10. She showed the visitors around the muse

21、um, the construction three years.which had taken more than11. Wind power is an ancient source of energy which which we may return in the near future.考虑:“从句谓语动词+介词+先行词”的搭配gun 枪 n.pistol 手枪 n.cannon 大炮 n. argue 争论 vi.12. Gun control is a subject which Americans have argued for a long time.scene 场景 n.s

22、cenery 风景 n.13. In our city there are several big public parks which many people can go to enjoy the beautiful scenery.species 物种 n. ocean 大洋 n.depth 深度,深处 n. length 长度 n.width 宽度 n.14. There are species living in the depths of the oceans which we still know little.attach 贴 v.positive 积极的 adj. negat

23、ive 消极的 adj.15. A good advertisement often uses words which people attach positive panion 同伴 n. associate 联系 v. warm-hearted 热心的 adj.16. The companions with my brother associates are friendly and warm-hearted.关系副词的注意事项:非时间即地点situation 情形 n.1. Its helpful to put children in a situation they can see t

24、hemselves differently.chapter 章节 小箱子,事件/案件/案例 n. introduce 介绍,引入 v.consumer 消费者 n. consume 消费 plain 抱怨 v. complaint 抱怨 n. result in 导致.change 改变 v.零钱 n. law 法律 n.2. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.graduate 毕业 v.

25、 毕业生 n. career 职业生涯 n.3. After graduation she reached a point in her career she needed to decide what to do.research 研究 v.n. researcher 研究人员 n. conduct 主导 v. hibernation 冬眠 n.chemical 化学物质 n.cell 细胞,小隔间 n.state 状态,国家,州 n.age 变老 v.4. Researchers are now conducting hibernation experiments and can use

26、chemicals to put living cells into sleep-like state they dont age.tradition 传统 n.dress up 盛装打扮 v. particularly 特别地 adv.popular 受欢迎的,流行的 adj.event 事件,大活动 n.5. My desk-mate, Beth, comes from a tradition people dress up for particularly popular sporting events.make friends with 跟.交朋友6. I made friends w

27、ith Tom during his stay in Beijing, busy with . 忙于. occasion 场合 n.rare 稀少 v.7. Im always busy with my work, so occasions are quite rare my kids.he was studying Chinese in a universityI have the time to spend a day withsurvey 调查 v.conduct 主导 v.interview 采访,面试 n. interviewer 面试官 n. interviewe

28、e 受试者 n.8. A survey was conducted in Shanghai worker.bubble 气泡 n.economy 经济 n.economic 经济的 adj.occur 发生 v.9. A housing bubble is an economic situationinterviewees were asked if they wanted to be a factoryoccurs when house prices rise much too fast.10. Were just trying to reach a point both sides wil

29、l sit down together and talk.put sb. into prison 把某人放进监狱11. Do you know the reasonshe was put into prison ?特殊的关系词:whose1. The school shop, customers are mainly students, is closed during the holidays.temple 寺庙 n.temper 脾气 n.roof 房顶 n.damage 破坏 v.storm 暴风 n.under repair 处于修理状态之下2. The old temple roof

30、 was damaged in storm is now under repair.newly built 新建的3. The newly built caf, the walls of are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.noun 名词 n.announce 宣布 v.transform 变形 v. transformer 变形金刚 n. digital 数码 n.4. Steven P. Jobs, death was announced on Wedne

31、sday, led a cultural transformation in the waymusic, movies and mobile coTomunications were experienced in the digital age.5. There was a tree in front of the house, owner was seen sitting under it, enjoying the shade.program 节目 n. contribution 贡献 n.6. The CCTV program, People Who Moved China, honors those remembered.contributions should be难题project 项目 based on 基于.agreement 协议 n.purpose 目的 n.

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