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高二外研版选修八备课资料Module 5 试题 单元测试题 2 含答案.docx

1、高二外研版选修八备课资料Module 5 试题 单元测试题 2 含答案2020年精编外研版英语资料Module 8 单元测试题 2第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、 C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。ASpring Willow Farm is designed to educate the public about farm operation, farm history, and issues facing farmers today.ScheduleWe are open every day of the year, except

2、holidays. The grounds are open year-round from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. Visitors can access the buildings on most days between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with a reduced schedule during the winter months. Please call the farm or visit our website for a current schedule of events, classes, and opening

3、 times.Visiting the farmVisitors are free to tour the farm on their own. Maps are available at the information desk in the Main Building. Guided tours are included in the cost of admission (入场费). Tours leave from the Main Building front entrance at 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. daily. The ground floor of

4、 the Main Building contains exhibits explaining daily farm life in different periods of history, with displays showing farm tools, kitchen and other household utensils (用具), photographs, and more. Also in the Main Building is the Farm Gift Shop. Available for sale are a variety of books on farming a

5、nd farm life as well as reproductions of old photographs and historical farm tools. In the cow barn (棚舍), visitors can watch milking demonstrations (示范) every afternoon. The horse and goat barns are also open to visitors. Please note: Our animals are used to attention from people and enjoy being pet

6、ted, but use caution. Please dont tease the animals, and please dont feed them.ClassesSpring Willow Farm offers classes on various aspects of farming and farm history two evenings a week throughout the year. In addition, classeson special subjects related to farming can be arranged for your club or

7、group. Please contact the Education Office for further information.21. What can we learn about Spring Willow Farm?A. It is open to the public.B. It offers free guided tours.C. It works with local farmers.D. It is accessible during the night.22. While touring the farm, visitors are allowed to _.A. do

8、 the milkingB. feed the animalsC. adopt the animalsD. buy some souvenirs23. What is Spring Willow Farm used as?A. A winter school.B. A botanical garden.C. An education center.D. An amusement park.BJust like any other home, the InternationalSpace Station (ISS) requires some housekeeping,in the form o

9、f routine work and repairs. That iswhy NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and fellowastronaut Kjell Lindgren performed a spacewalkoutside the station on Wednesday. The operationbegan at 8:03 a.m. and lasted for more than sevenhours. It was the first spacewalk for both men.The ISS has been in constant use fo

10、r 15 years and needs to be upgraded (升级) from time to time. During their spacewalk, Kelly and Lindgren did basic electrical work, such as attaching new cables (电缆) that will provide power to docking ports on the station. The ports will be used when new crew and cargo ships arrive at the ISS in2017.

11、The two astronauts also placed a thermal (防 寒的) cover on a key scientific instrument on the station to protect it from the cold temperatures of space.As the more senior astronaut, Kelly led the spacewalk. However, Lindgren handled some of the more challenging parts of the job in some of the tighter

12、areas of the station.“Lindgren has longer arms,” said NASAs Grant Slusser, who served as ground director for Wednesdays spacewalk.Kelly and Lindgren spent months training and practicing for the operation. The preparation began in NASAs Neutral Buoyancy Lab (NBL), a 6.2-million-gallon swimming pool w

13、ith a full-size replica (复制品) of most of the ISS located at the bottom. Here astronauts become accustomed to working in an environment similar to the one outside the space station.During the spacewalk, Kelly and Lindgren received updates from NASA that provided them with both major and minor details

14、, right down to how many turns are needed to tighten a bolt (螺栓). Once the task was successfully completed, the astronauts reentered the ISS. But they will not remain inside the station for too long. Both men will perform a second spacewalk scheduled for November 6.24. What is Paragraph 2 mainly abo

15、ut?A. The goal of Wednesdays spacewalk.B. The duties of NASA astronauts in space.C. The role of the International Space Station.D. The flight schedules of spaceships in 2017.25. Why did Lindgren take on the more challenging parts of the job?A. He is several years senior to Kelly.B. He has a physical

16、 advantage over Kelly.C. He has more work experience than Kelly.D. He is braver and more confident than Kelly.26. The spacewalk Kelly and Lindgren performed _.A. started at nightB. seemed a difficult taskC. was directed by the NBLD. was their second spacewalk27. What will Kelly and Lindgren do next?

17、A. Go back to the earth.B. Welcome the new crews arrival.C. Prepare for their next spacewalk.D. Get in touch with the ground control center.CBorn in 1898 to middle-class parents in Bavaria, Bertolt Brecht grew up in a comfortable environment. In elementary school, he met Caspar Nehar, who became a l

18、ife-long friend and designed sets for many of Brechts plays. As a student at Munich University during World War I, the dramatist studied theater and became interested in German cabaret performances (a form of entertainment with singing and dancing that was performed in restaurants or clubs).Brecht b

19、egan writing works for the stage around this time, which won some words of praise. He also spent time studying the work of political theorist Karl Marx and socialism. He began to form his theory of “epic theater.” This theater, different from the traditional aims of drama as described by Aristotle,

20、was not meant to be an imitation of reality or a way to entertain people.Epic theater is meant to present an argument and invite the audience to make judgments on it. Traditional conventions, like not looking directly at the audience, are ignored. Brecht tried to prevent audiences from sympathizing

21、with his characters, and wanted them to care about the issues being discussed.In 1927, Bertolt Brecht began working with a composer named Kurt Weill. Together they wrote several plays, the most famous of which being The Three penny Opera. The play opened in 1928 and starred Weills wife, Lotte Lenya.

22、 Although this musical adaptation of an 18th century opera by John Gay initially was attacked by critics, it grew in popularity and was performed over 400 times over the next two years.As a Marxist, Bertolt Brecht fled Germany in 1933 because of the Nazi terror and moved around Europe. Still under t

23、he shadow of Adolf Hitler, Brecht left Europe for America in 1941. During this time, he wrote several plays protesting the rule of Hitler, including Mother Courage and Her Children, The Good Person of Sezuan, Caucasian Chalk Circle, and The Misery of the Third Reich. In 1949 Brecht moved to East Ber

24、lin. Seven years later he died from a heart attack.28. What did Brecht do around World War I?A. He met Caspar Nehar.B. He started to create plays.C. He became a famous actor.D. He created German cabaret.29. According to the text, epic theater _.A. forbids actors to look directly at the audienceB. st

25、resses the importance of reflecting realityC. differs greatly from Aristotles theoriesD. tries to make people pity the characters30. What dowe knowabout The ThreepennyOpera?A. It was based on John Gays work.B. Brecht played a leading role in it.C. Brecht completed it in two years.D. It won much prai

26、se immediately.31. What is the text mainly about?A. Brechts theater theories.B. Brechts important influence.C. Brechts unique writing style.D. Brechts life and achievements.D “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed (赋予) with certain rights, tha

27、t among these arelife, liberty and the pursuit (追求) of happiness.” These are words written in the Declaration of Independence. Finding happiness is a basic human goal.Since 2012, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network has been producing the World Happiness Report. According to

28、their 2015 report, people living in Switzerland are the happiest in the world. Switzerland took the first spot from Denmark which had held the title of being the happiest since the first survey in 2012. It is rather interesting that the top four happiest nations in the world are all small or medium-

29、sized European countries, while England 21, Germany 26 and France 29 are further down the table. Iceland, Denmark and Norway follow Switzerland with Canada being placed 5th among the happiest nations. Wondering how happy folks in the US are? The country came in at number 15. Syria (Asia) came in at

30、156, Burundi (Africa) 157, and Togo (Africa) 158. They are the least happiest nations coming in at the bottom of the table.So what makes a country happy? Well, its citizens have longer life expectancies, more social support and are more generous. They have more freedom to make life choices, believe

31、that there is less corruption (腐败) in their communities and have a higher GDP per person.Switzerland lies at the crossroads of Europe. In fact, the country is very close to the geographical center of the continent. It is also a melting pot of different cultures German, French and Italian, which are

32、all official languages spoken here. The Swiss landscape is very diverse as well, from the Swiss Alps to the charming valleys carved out by glaciers.Switzerland is famous for its neutrality (中立), and has not taken sides in any wars. The Swiss have chosen to not be part of the European Union, and the country joined the United Nations only in 2002. Since Switzerland does not participate in wars, its citizens serve in peacekeeping missions around the world.32. The first paragr

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