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1、2. Match the sentences (15) to the pictures (ae).Reading: Lexical preparation(1) accuse: v. (accuse sb. of sth.) : to say that sb. has done sth. wrong or is guilty of sth. e.g. The government was accused of incompetence. 2) charge: v. (charge sb. with sth./ with doing sth.): to accuse sb formally of

2、 a crime so that there can be a trial in a court of law e.g. He was charged with murder.3) convict: v. often passive (convict sb. of sth.): to decide and state officially in a court of law that sb. is guilty of a crime e.g. He was convicted of fraud.4) allege: v. often passive (formal) to state sth.

3、 as a fact but without giving proof (It is alleged that) e.g. It is alleged that he mistreated the prisoners. He is alleged to have mistreated the prisoners.5) chance: U the way that some things happen without any cause that you can see or understand (by chance) e.g. I met her by chance (=without pl

4、anning to) at the airport.6) impress: v. (formal) to have a great effect on sth., esp. sbs mind, imagination, etc. (impress sth. / itself on sth.)7) catch up with sb. : if the police or authorities catch up with sb., they find and punish them after some time e.g. The law caught up with him years lat

5、er when he had moved to Spain. to reach sb. who is ahead by going faster or reach the same level or standard as sb. who was better or more advanced e.g. He had to work hard to catch up with the others after missing a term through illness.8) be / get caught up in sth. : to become involved in sth., es

6、pecially when you do not want to be e.g. Innocent passers-by got caught up in the riot.9) attempt: n. an act of trying to do sth., especially sth. difficult, often with no success (in an attempt to do) (make an attempt to do) Reading1. Match the first lines of each news story below (ae) to the full

7、stories (iv). What do all the first lines have in common? a) A Mafia hitman who was believed to have been responsible for . b) A British climber made an extraordinary journey . c) A Japanese man drove his car through a train station . d) A man has been jailed for three years . e) A 15-year-old boy f

8、rom Cowes has become the youngest person .The first lines introduce the main character, often with a qualifying adjective mafia, British, etc.2. Read the news stories and answer these questions. 1) Why did Graham Burdon post the message? Because he wanted to get in touch with some old school friends

9、. 2) Why is Torres perfect alibi such an “original” one? Because he confessed to having committed another murder on the same day. 3) How did Seb Clover feel when he arrived? He felt very tired. 4) How did Saito try to attract the womans attention? By driving dangerously up stairs and along a corrido

10、r in a train station. 5) Why was Trevor Jones lucky to have been found by the Romanian family? Because the village is usually uninhabited in winter.3. Discuss these questions with a partner. 1) Which stories are the most humorous? Stories i, ii and iv. 2) Identify any humorous or ironic touches in t

11、hese texts. - he was busy killing / he couldnt possibly have shot (ii); - in a bid to get noticed (iv).4. Translate the following sentences into English.(1) 他被判处死刑,其犯罪团伙因杀害20人已受到指控。(accuse)He was sentenced to death. His gang had been accused of killing 20 people.2) 她曾两次被判诈骗罪。(convict of)She has twic

12、e been convicted of fraud.3) 据说他是被迫签署那份文件的。(Its alleged that .)Its alleged that he had signed the document under pressure.4) 他们攀登那座山的一切尝试都失败了。(in an attempt to do)They failed in all their attempts to climb the mountain.5) 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。(impress) His words impressed themselves on my memory.2. Listen ag

13、ain and find three incorrect facts in each report. 1) Why do you think people might be interested in news 2) Do stories like these appear in the news in your country?Language Focus: Passive constructionsPractice1. Complete the newspaper story using an appropriate passive form of the verbs in bracket

14、s.Compulsive criminal admits to 589 burglariesA burglar who was jailed for seven years by a London court on Friday for two break-ins has admitted to nearly 600 more. 1) It was reported (report) that Martin Maloney, 22, had concentrated most of his efforts in the capital where 2) _ (say)to have carri

15、ed out up to three burglaries a day. Maloney was sentenced for two separate burglaries, but 3) _(think) to have asked for a further 587 to be taken into consideration. 4)_ (suggest) that Mr Maloney was hoping his confession would persuade the judge to give him a lighter sentence.2. Translate the fol

16、lowing sentences into English.1) 他被公认为是一位专家。 He is known to be an expert.2) 相信汤姆能在两天内返回。 Tom is believed to come back within two days.3) 据报道,这条河流已经污染了。 It is reported that the river has been polluted.4) 据说他找到一份好工作。 It is said that he has got a good job.5) 人们相信这里的生活会得到改善。 It is believed that life her

17、e will be improved.Writing:A news report1. Work in pairs. Choose one of the other two newspaper stories on pages 6162 and write a radio report about it. Include two incorrect facts in your report. Remember to use passive constructions where appropriate.2. Work with another pair. Read your radio repo

18、rts to each other. As you listen, try to identify the two incorrect facts.Lesson 2 News to Me1. Learning expressions for using the internet.2. Listening to people talking about blogs.3. Discussing opinions about journalism.4. Revising ways of expressing preferences about the present, the future and

19、the past.5. Reading a website about blogging.6. Discussing blogs.7. Writing a blog posting.Vocabulary: Using the Internet1. Match the two parts of these expressions. You can make more than one combination with some of the verbs.2. Work in pairs. How often do you do each of these things?3. What other

20、 combinations can you think of with the verbs in Exercise 1. install an anti-virus program, download a song . - download a file/a song; - update a file/software; - install a new program; - e-mail your contacts Listening & Speaking1. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1) How important is it to k

21、eep up with the news? Why? 2) How do you find out about the news (TV, Internet, etc.)? 3) How has the way news is reported changed in recent years?2. Listen to Kath and Phil talking about blogs and answer the questions.According to Kath, how have blogs changed in recent years?They have changed from

22、being online diaries to being almost like small-scale private news agencies.2) Who is more in favour of traditional journalism? Phil.3) What are Kath and Phils jobs? Kath is a doctor and Phil is a journalist.3. Listen again and say if the following opinions are expressed by Kath (K) or Phil (P).(1)

23、It is better to read the views of people with first-hand experience of events. K2) Journalists do not always present the truth in news stories. K3) Its preferable to read a report by a professional journalist than one by an amateur. P4) The true facts about an event should be freely available to eve

24、ryone. K5) The majority of people cannot write very well. P6) Blogs might help journalists decide what to write about. K4. Work in pairs. Do you agree with these statements? / Why not?(1) It is better to read the views of people with first-hand experience of events. 2) Journalists do not always pres

25、ent the truth in news stories.3) Its preferable to read a report by a professional journalist than one by an amateur.4) The true facts about an event should be freely available to everyone.5) The majority of people cannot write very well.6) Blogs might help journalists decide what to write about.TAK

26、EAWAY ENGLISH: Talking about preferences1. Match the beginnings (15) and endings (ae) of these extracts from Kath and Phils conversation.(a) a paper than waste time reading something of no interest to anyone . (4)b) mention this conversation to any of them . (5)c) read something written by a trained

27、 and experienced journalist . (1)d) if you could read eye-witness reports all the time? (2)e) be treated by you or by someone with no training .? (3)2. Listen to three conversations in which people express preferences. What preferences do the people have in each case? 1) Woman would prefer to try Ja

28、panese food. 2) Woman would prefer to go to the cinema. 3) Woman would prefer it if man went out with her.3. Listen again. Which of the highlighted expressions (15) in Exercise 1 do you hear? Number them in the order in which you hear them. 1) Id rather . 4) Id sooner buy. 2) Wouldnt you prefer it . 5) Id rather you didnt . (3) Would they rather . 4. Work in pairs. Invent similar conversations in which

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