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1、on!你你穿穿的的这这件件裙裙子子很很漂漂亮亮。噢噢。谢谢谢谢,我我昨昨天天买买的的。A A Oh,thanks.IOh,thanks.I gotgot itit yesterdayyesterday B B Sorry,itsSorry,its tootoo cheapcheap C C YouYou cancan havehave itit D D SeeSee youyou latelate9、How do I get to the cinema 能告诉我电影院怎么走吗?沿着这条街,然后向左拐 A Its very far B Yes,there is a cinema near her

2、e C Its well known D Go down this street and turn left10、If you like I can mail this letter for you?你会喜欢我写封信给你吗?那你真是太好了。A Thats very kind of you B You are so kind C Please give me a hand D You are greatKey:BCADAKey:BCADA11、David injured his leg playing football yeserday.大卫昨天踢球时腿受伤了 Really?真的吗?那怎么发生的

3、啊?A Who did that B Whats wrong with him C How did that happen D Why was he so careless12、Must I be home before seven?我必须在7点之前回来吗?.不,不需要 A No you needt B No,you mustnt C Yes,you will D No,you wont13、Shall I drive you to the railway station?要我开车送你去火车站吗?Oh dont bother about it.Ill take a taxi.哦,不要麻烦,我打

4、个出租车 Well,!恩,祝你旅途愉快。Thank you and goodbey!谢谢,拜拜。A come on B help C have it checked up D have a nice trip第 1 页14、Im terribly sorry that Ive spilled some coffe on the carpet.很抱歉,我溅了些咖啡在地毯上。没关系。A Sorry B It doesnt matter C Thats right D Dont mention it1515、HiHi ,isis MaryMary therethere ,please?,please

5、?请请问问。MaryMary 在在吗吗?A A HoldHold onon IllIll getget herher B B No,sheNo,she isntisnt herehere C C YesYes sheshe liveslives herehere D D Yes,doYes,do youyou want?want?Key:CADBAKey:CADBA1616、ItsIts ratherrather coldcold inin here.Dohere.Do youyou mindmind ifif I I closeclose thethe window?window?这这里里相

6、相当当冷冷,你你介介意意我我把把窗窗户户关关上上吗吗?不不介介意意,去去关关上上吧吧。A A Yes,pleaseYes,please B B No,goNo,go aheadahead C C Sure,pleaseSure,please D D I I dontdont likelike itit17、-Which sweater do you lika better?你喜欢哪件毛衣?我无法决定 A Good idea B Yes,its nice C Yse,please D I cant decide18、How clever your litte son is!你的小儿子真聪明!谢谢

7、。A I dont think so B In fact he isnt C Thank you D You are not true 1919、Medam,doMedam,do allall thethe busesbuses gogo dowmtowm?dowmtowm?女女士士,请请问问,是是不不是是所所有有的的公公交交车车都都开开往往市市区区?对对不不起起,我我也也不不是是本本地地人人。A A WowWow ,you,you gotgot thethe ideaidea B B No,neverNo,never mindmind C C prettypretty well,Iwell,

8、I guessguess D D Sorry,ImSorry,Im newnew herehere2020、CouldCould IspeakIspeak toto DonDon Watkins,please?Watkins,please?我我能能和和DonDon WatkinsWatkins说说话话吗吗?请请说说。A A ImIm listeninglistening B B Oh,howOh,how areare you?you?C C Speaking,pleaseSpeaking,please D D ImIm DonDonKey:BDCDC21、Tomorrow is my birt

9、hday.明天是我的生日。祝你生日快乐。A oh,I have no idea B Im glad you like it C Many happy returns of the day!D You must be very happy22、Did you win the 100 metre race?你赢了百米比赛吗?Yes,I did.是的。Really?真的?是呀。A Congratulations B Best wishes C Good luck D Right23、You speak English very good,你的英语说的非常好。A No,not at all B My

10、English is not good C Thank you D No,you speak better24、I was worried about my maths,but,Mr Brown gave me an A我很担心我的数学,但是布朗先生给了我一个A。祝贺你!真不容易。A Dont worry about it B Congratulations!Thats a diffcult course.C Mr.Brown is very good.D Good luck to you!2525、ThanksThanks forfor youryour谢谢谢谢你你的的

11、帮帮助助 这这是是我我的的荣荣幸幸。A A MyMy pleasurepleasure B B NeverNever mindmind C C QuiteQuite rightright D D DontDont thankthank memeKey:CDCBA26、Hello,Im Harry Potter.你好,我是Harry Potter Hello,my name is Charles Green,but 你好,我的名字叫Charles Green,但是请叫我Charles.A call my Charles B call me at Charles C call me Charles

12、 D Chaeles me27、Im sorry to trouble you.Can I borrow a pen,please?很抱歉打扰你,我能借用一下你的笔吗?当然!在这儿 A Yes,you can B Certainly!It is here C Shes welcome D than you28、I was born in Boston,but I studied in New York.?我出生在波士顿,但在纽约上学,你呢 I was born in New York,but studied in Boston.我出生在纽约,在波士顿上学。A What do you do B

13、And you C Where were you D Do you第 2 页29、Excuse me,could you show me the way to the nearest post office?打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮政局怎么走吗?Oh yes!Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue,You cant missit.噢,对!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过。A I beg your pardon?B what do you mean?C Youre welcome D Mm.let me think.30、When a

14、re you going to the show?你打算什么时候去看这场演出?今天晚上。A Last night B I am C Yesterday D This eveningKey:CBBDDKey:CBBDD31、-We need some toothpaste.我们需要一些牙膏。让我去买一些。A Lets go to the bookstore B Lets get some C Lets buy them D Lets go32、-Im sorry to trouble you.我很抱歉麻烦你。A The same to you B What a pity!Im sorry to

15、hear that C It doesnt matter D Thanks a lot33、-Unbelievable!I have faied the driving test again!难以置信!我的驾照考试又没通过!This is not the end of the world.振作点,这不是世界末日。A Good luck B Cheer up C Go ahead D No problem34、-Excuse me,but can you tell me the way to the post office?打扰下,你能告诉我去邮政局的路吗?不好意思,我是外地人。A Dont a

16、sk that B Sorry,Im a stranger here C No,I cant say that D No,youre driving too fast 35、-Could you help me with my physics,please?请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗?很抱歉不行,我马上要去开会。A No,no way B No,I couldnt C No,I cant D Sorry I cant I have to go a meeting right nowKey:BCBBDKey:BCBBD36、Now lets move on to another topic.Ca

17、n you follow me?现在我们换个话题,你能跟的上吗?Professor.是的,完全可以教授。A No,I am not B Yes,I will C No,I havent D Yes.Perfectly37、-Can I have a look at your letter,please?可以让我看一下你的信吗?恐怕你不能看。A Excuse me,you cant B Im afraid you cant C I cant agree with you D Yes,thank you38、-Havent seen you for ages!What are you busy d

18、oing now?不几年不见了,最近都在忙什么呢?我现在在一家书店兼职。A I have the weather here B My hair is getting a bit longer C Yeah,thanks for coming D I am working part time in a bookshop,you know39、-How do you do?Glad to meet you.你好,很高兴认识你。你好,我也很高兴认识你。A Fine,Hoe are you?B How do you do?Glad to meet you,too C How are you?Thank

19、 you!D Nice,How are you?40、Susan is absent from todays wrting class.苏珊今天缺课了。?As far as I know,she has never missed a class.怎么会?剧我所知,她从来不缺课。A How come B So what C Why D What forKey:DBDBAKey:DBDBA41、-I think he is a good lectuer.我认为他是一个好老师。我也这样认为。A Sorry,it doesnt matter.B So do I C Yes,Its a good ide

20、a D I dont mind.42、-What do you think of the song?你觉得这首歌怎么样?听起来蛮悦耳的。A it sounds sweet B I like music very much C I dont know the title D It was a pleasure43、-Whos that speaking?Whos speaking?你是谁?This is Tom .我是汤姆 A speaks B spoken C speaking Dsaying44、-How are you feeling?你感觉怎么样?Much better.好多了,谢谢你来

21、看望我。第 3 页 A Tanks for coming to see me B You look great C You are so kind D Dont mention it45、-How are you,Bob?你好吗,鲍勃?Ted,我很好,谢谢,泰勒。A How are you?B Im fine Thank you C How do you do?D Nice to meet you.Key:BACABKey:BACAB46、-How is your mother these days?你的母亲最近几天怎么样?Oh 哦,她不是非常好。A She is good B She is

22、not very well C Never mind D Thats all right.47、-Lets go to a movie after work,ok?我们下班以后去看电影怎么样?为什么不呢?A Not at all B Why not?C Never mind D Who is it?48、-Pull,?鲍,那边在说话的人是谁?Oh,thats my fater!And beside hom,my mother.哦,那是我的爸爸,在他旁边的是我妈妈。A What is the person over there B Whos talking over there C What a

23、re they doing D Which is that 49、-How often do you go dancing?你多久去跳一次舞?每隔一天去一次。A I will go dancing tomorrow B Yesterday C Every other day D Ive been dancing for a year 50、-Hello,many I talk to the director now?你好,我现在可以和导演谈谈吗?,很抱歉,他现在很忙。A Sorry,he is busy at the moment B No,you cant C Sorry,you cant

24、D I dont knowKey:BBBCAKey:BBBCA51、-Why not join us in the game?为什么不加入我们的游戏呢?好的,我加入。A OK!Im coming B No,you do the same C Oh,thats all right D Dont mention it 52、-Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the British Museum?打搅,你能告诉我怎么去大不列颠博物馆吗?-Sorry,Im a stranger here.不好意思,我是外地人。-还是谢谢你。A Thanks,anyway

25、B It doesnt matter C Never mind D No problem53、-Im sorry,I lost the key.对不起。我的钥匙丢了。-没关系 A Well,its Ok B No,its all right C You are welcome D You are wrong54、-?你爸爸是从事什么工作的?-He teaches physics in a school。他在一所学校教物理。A what does your fater want to do B who is your father C what is your father D where is

26、 your father now 55、-How was your trip to London,Jane?简,你在伦敦的旅行如何啊?-哦,真的好极了 A Oh,wonderful in deed B I went there alone C The guide showed me the way D By plane and by bus KeyKey :AAACA:AAACA56、-Do you dance?你喜欢跳舞吗?-Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。-?你多久去跳一次舞呢?-Every weekend.每个周末。A how hard do you practice B how muc

27、h do you pay for it C how often do you go dancing D how long do you practice it 57、Would you like to go to the party with me?你想跟我一起参加聚会吗?恐怕我不能去的。A Im afraid so B No,Im sorry not C Im afraid not D its my pleasure第 4 页58、-Thank you for inviting me 感谢你的邀请。-谢谢光临 A I really had a happy time B Oh,its too

28、late C Thank you for coming D Oh,so slowly 59、-May I see your tickets,please?/可以看一下你的票吗?当然可以。A No,they are mine B No,you cant C Sure D Yes,you can60、-?你好吗?-Very well,thank you And you?非常好,谢谢。你呢?A GOOD night B How do you do C How do you like Chinese D How are you KeyKey :CCCCD:CCCCD61、-Would you like some more coffee?你想来点咖啡吗?-不了,谢谢。A Yes,I would B No,I wouldnt C No,t

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