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1、文章第四段指出“Later, as you moved up the ladder, something slightly more sophisticated was called for. The advice then was to put something in the letter which would distinguish you from the rest.”。这与A符合。20. B细节题。文章最后一句话说“it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in

2、 the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.”这与符合。Passage Two21. D 细节题。文章第一段与第三、四句话指出“Most social-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out They must then get a job and finish in their spare time”。A明

3、显不对;B和C与文章的意思不符。22. C 文章第二段指出“The ESRCs response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below 10%; in the first year of this policy the national average shot up to 39%. Unless completion rates improve further, this would exclude 55 out of

4、73 universities and polytechnics-including Oxford University。A、B和D都与文章的意思不符。23. A 细节题。第三段最后一句话证实B是反对ESRC政策的观点三段第二句话证实C是反对ESRC政策的点;第三段第三句话证实D是反对ESRC政策的观点。只有A与第三段第一句话的意思不符24. C 细节题。文章第四段第二句话说“It would prefer to see more systematic teaching of research skills and fewer unrealistic expectations placed o

5、n young men and women who are undertaking their first piece of serious research.”。 这与C符合。A和B与文章的意思不符;D与文章的意思相反。25. B 细节题。最后一段第二句话说“The most it can do is to try to persuade universities to change their ways.”。A和C是ESRC不能做的事情;D是反对者的观点。Passage Three26. D 主旨题。文章第一段说明了流感给人们带来的危害,第二段介绍了人们为应付流感所做的努力,随后几段说明了

6、可能患流感的群体。这说明,本文主要讲的是应地流感的努力以及可能患流感的群体。A只是第一段的重点;B和C不全面。27. C细节题。第二段第一句话说“constant changes of antigenic specificity of the virus necessitate a different composition of the vaccine from one year to another.”。28. A 细节题。第二段第二句话说“The network of WHO surveillance activities to monitor the evaluation of inf

7、luenza virus strains”。B、C和D都与文章的意思不符。29. D 细节题。文章最后一段指出“Physicians, nurses, and other personal in primary and intensive care units should be immunized”。30. C 细节题。本文讲的是流感对人们带来的危害以及人们如何防范流感,所以本文应该是一篇有关流行病的文章,最可能刊登在有关流行病的书刊杂志上。Passage Four31. B 细节题。文章最后一句话说“Modern science was born when Galileo began tr

8、ying to explain how things happen and thus originated the method of controlled experiment.”。32. C 细节题。文章中间部分指出“Aristotle whose natural science dominated Western thought for two thousand years”。33. A 细节题。文章中间部分指出“Bertrand Russell says,Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea.”

9、。34. C细节题。文章中间部分先引用了Bertrand Russel的话“Electricity is not a thing; it is a way in which things behave. When we have told how things behave when they are electrified, we have told all there is to tell.”,然后指出“Until recently scientists would have disapproved of such an idea.”。这说明,许多科学家不同意的是存在不言而喻的法则。35.

10、 D 推论题。最后一句话说“Modern science was born when Galileo began trying to explain how things happen”。这说明,随后的段落可能探讨Galileo的学说的以及现代科学的诞生。36. B 细节题。文章第三段指出“Where our energies should be directed instead is toward the development of educational programs that combine course sequences in the liberal arts with cou

11、rse in the viable professions.”最后一句话指出“in an age of adversity, double majors are one way liberal arts students can more effectively prepare for the world outside.”。这说明,选修双科有助于文科学生找到工作。A和C不对;37. A 词义题。访美第一段指出,作者告诉司机他是英语老师后,司机说“Is that so? I was an English major. But then, instead of chatting idly abo

12、ut Joyce or dropping the subject altogether, this driver caught me short. “You guys,” he said, “ought to be shot.”。这说明,司机认为他的专业不好。B和C与文章的意思不符;D明显不对。38. D 推论题。文章第二段指出“It is not the fault of English and philosophy and biology that engineering and accounting and computer science afford students better

13、job opportunities and increased flexibility in career choice. Literature and an understanding of mans evolutionary past simply are no longer perceived in todays market as salable.”。文中没有提到A;39. B 细节题。文章第三段最后两句话证实A和C是提到的障碍;文章第三段第三句话证实D是提到的障碍。只有B文中没有提到。40. B 主旨题。文章首先引用司机的话提出了问题,然后具体说明了选修双科的原因以及好处,最后作者提

14、出了自己的方法。这说明,本文主要讲的是选修双科的问题。只有B可以表达此意思。Passage Six41. C 细节题。第二段最后一句话证实提出了A;第三段证实提到了B;第四段最后一句话证实提到了D。文中只是说“A newborn is even attuned to(调和)the cadence and rhythm of his native language.”,并不是说可以辨别,所以C不对。42. B 细节题。文章第二段第一句话说“DeCasper found that newborns choose the recording of their mothers voice over t

15、hat of another womans.”。A与第四段的意思不符;文中没有提到C;D与文章第三段第 句话的意思不符。43. A 归纳题。文章最后一段指出“His mother has tripped and fallen heavily on one hip. He is much floodsAs she recovers the stress hormones ebb away, and he calms down too.”。这说明,母亲的一些行为不可能不会对怀中的婴儿造成影响。B与最后一段倒数第二句话不符;D与最后一段第三句话不符。44. C 细节题。文章第二段指出“DeCaspe

16、r found that newborns choose the recording of their mothers voice over that of another womans. The baby has no innate interest in his fathers voice, which is heard in the womb only from time to time, while the mothers voice is ever present.”。这说明,婴儿对其母亲声音的反应是一种生理反应。45. D 推论题。文章第一段指出“Does an unborn ba

17、by know his mothers voice? Psychology professor Anthony DeCasper advised an ingenious experiment to find out. He placed padded earphones over a newborns ears”。这说明,前面的段落可能讲的是婴儿未出生之前的感觉。 Translation and WritingPart A Translation【参考译文】工程学是把自然资源最恰当地转化成人类可用之物的应用科学的专门艺术。人们一直把工程学定义为“科学原理创造性地用于设计或者开发结构、机械、设

18、备或者制造过程,或者单独或者结合利用科学原理制作的东西”。有时,“工程学”一词被比较随意地定义为发动机、机械工具以及机械零件的制作或装配,在英国尤其是这样。与工程学有关的是大量的专业知识,为专业实践所做的准备涉及到有关 些知识的应用有广泛训练。科学家的职责是了解,而工程师的职责则是动手做。科学家增加我们有关物质世界得到证实的、系统化的知识储备;工程师则应用这些适应去应对实际问题。工程学主要基于物理学、化学、数学以及它们延伸的原科学、固体和液体力学、热力学以及系统分析。2尽管因为这篇文章,英国文学被看作只是由讲英语者或者英伦三岛的居民所写的作品,但是,在一定程度上,文学是没有国界的,用英语撰写的

19、作品尤其如此。因此,英国文学可以被看成是美国、澳大利亚、新西兰以及加拿大等国主流文学的总体文化,其他联邦国家文学方面的重要内容只是其中的一部分。可以争论的是,没有单个一部英国小说达到了俄国作家尼奥托尔斯泰的说战争与和平的广泛性。不过,在中世纪,老式英国文学受到拉丁语和法语这些外语作品的影响,并且逐渐有所改变,教会人员和诺尔曼占领者使用拉丁语交流。从这种结合中,人们开发出一种灵活、微妙的语言技巧,杰弗里乔叟应用了这种技巧,威廉莎士比亚把它发挥到了极限。Educational institutions began to respond to the importance the governmen

20、ts attach to science and technology since the mid-20th century. The great progress that theoretic science and applied science have made also encouraged peoples interest in studying physical science, resulting in the rapid development of science and technology. Meanwhile, however, people ignored the

21、study of humanities and social sciences, and citizens were ignorant of the meaning of morality and social rules in life. It to some extend led to the following results: violent conflict between regions, nations and the world emerged endlessly, environmental pollution was increasingly serious. It mad

22、e peoples lives in danger. Therefore, we should correct the trend of paying more attention to physical sciences but looking down on humanities, and resume the value of humanism in life so as to get the equal development of physical and spiritual civilization. 2003年答案:Part Two Reading ComprehensionPa

23、ssage One 21-25 CBBBAPassage Two 26-30 BADBCPassage Three 31-35 AADCAPassage Four 36-4-0 DCCBDPassage Five 41-4-5 CDBCDPart Three Translation and WritingSection A1文化是人类知识、信仰和举止行为的综合形式的显现。因此文化被定义为包含有语言、观点、信仰、风俗,禁忌、规矩、制度、工具、技艺、工作艺术、礼节、典礼等组成部分;同时文化的发展还取决于人类学习知识的能力以及如何运用这种能力带来完善并超越世代的发展。每个人类社会都有它各自特定的文化


25、。在一个典型的查询中,用户通常提供字符的顺序,例如一个期刊的标题或是一个地区的名称,然后计算机就从数据库中去搜索相应顺序的字符并且提供上述字符出现过的来源材料。查询是用户检索数据库信息的最主要的一种方式。2004年答案参考答案及解析Reading Comprehension(25 points)121D 第一段提出人们想吃得美味但又不想增加脂肪,第二段就给出了解决方案fake fat products,其中包含的olestra can eliminate fat,选项D表达符合文意。22C 第三段Instead of finding the desired fat, the researche

26、rs created at that cant be digested at all中The desired fat指的是前面提到的a fat that could be digested by infants more easily。23A 第六段提到Olestrais too large for the intestines to absorb. It just slides through the intestines without being broken down,选项A表述符合文意。24B 第六段指出It can also prevent the absorption of ca

27、rotenoids, compounds that may reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc,从中可以推断olestra的食用可能会增加癌症发病率。25A 从最后一段营养学家的忧虑people might eatwithout worrying about how many calories they are consuming可以判断他们担心olestra中添加维他命会导致over-consumption of vitamins。26A 从第一段Bats rank second only to rodents in number an

28、d diversity of species可以看出rodents要比Bats多。27D 第二段作者指出Some eat other vertebrates such as fish, lizards, and even other bats,可知蝙蝠的食物种类繁多,有些蝙蝠甚至吃其他蝙蝠,选项D正确。28C 根据常识,蝙蝠是在夜间活动,同时根据第三段nocturnal flying ability的高度发达使得它们capable of avoiding obstacles even in total darkness29D 从第三段but their primary ability to d

29、o so is based on their ability to make high-pitched sounds and on their acute hearing ability可以看出这两种能力使得蝙蝠飞行中能避开障碍物。30B 文中最后一段指出“与人们通常想法不一样的是they are quite useful and helpful”,可推断,人们通常对蝙蝠持有错误的看法,选项B正确。331B 第一段概述了早期统计方法受到两种影响a mother和a gentlemanly gambling father,他们的方法是不同的,可以推断divergent意思是与different接近。32C 从第一段counting,measuring,describing,tabulating,ordering,and the taking of censusesall of which led to modern descriptive statistics可以得出选项C正确。33D 作者用father和mother是为了形象说明statistics的发展。34A 文中第二段指出descriptive statistics是一个能够将otherwise onwieldy mass of

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