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1、a:13:i:0;s:28188:#2010年同等学力人员申请硕士学位#英语水平全国统一考试试题# Paper One 试卷一#Part Dialogue Communication# (略)#Part Vocabulary#Section A#11.【答案】C#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词。#C项的意思是“超越,胜过”,与“surpass (超越,胜过)”的意思相吻合。#A项“改善”、B项“在之前”和D项“征税,强加”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】虽然我们这代人在知识方面超过以往任何时代,但在智慧上却没有什么突破,这一观点为大多数人所接受。#12.【答案】D#【解析】本题的四个选项都是形

2、容词。#D项的意思是“麻烦的”,与“disturbing (烦扰的)”意思相吻合。#A项“讨厌的,无礼的”、B项“郁闷的”和C项“无聊的”都与题干中的词义不符。#如今,许多学生在选择学校和职业时,会有一种意愿干扰他们的选择,那就是:#能否有好的收入潜质。#13.【答案】D#【解析】本题的四个选项都是副词。#D项的意思是“故意地”,与“purposefully (有目的地,蓄意地)”意思相吻合。#A项“拼命地,失望地”、B项“明确地”和C项“决然地果断地”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】贝蒂很生气,因为她觉得在聚会上她的朋友们有意冷落她。#14.【答案】A#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词短语。#

3、A项的意思是“开始工作”,与“get down to business (着手干正事)”意思相吻合。#B项“成交;#达成协议;#做个交易”、C项“达成协议”和D项“改变计划”都与题干中的词义不符。# #【译文】已经玩得差不多了,我们开始进入正题吧。#15.【答案】C#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词。#C项的意思是“使变成”,与“convert (使转变)” 的意思相吻合。#A项“改变”、B项“发展,发扬”和D项“更改”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】我们的身体怎么可能将昨天的午餐转化为今天的肌肉呢。#16.【答案】D#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词。#D项的意思是“遵循”,与“observe

4、(遵守)”意思相吻合。#A项“注意到”、B项“注视,监视”和C项“庆祝,赞美”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】当孩子们逐渐长大时,遵循家庭传统是很重要的。#17.【答案】B#【解析】本题的四个选项都是名词。#B项的意思是“解释”,与“interpretation (解释)”的意思相吻合。#A项“估价,评价”、C项“赞誉,承认”和D项“中断,打断”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】虽然这很难理解,但是你所看到、闻到、听到、感觉到的东西仅仅是大脑对于(外界)刺激的阐释(反映)。#18.【答案】D#【解析】本题的四个选项都是名词。#D项的意思是“义务,职责”,与“commitment (承担义务)”的

5、意思相吻合。#A项“约会,指定”、B项“排列,安排”、C项“奉献;#信仰”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】生活的重要性绝不仅仅只是源于我们工作及其他事物中的压力和重担。#19.【答案】B.#【解析】本题的四个选项都是介词短语。#B项的意思是“在危险中”,与“at stake (危险)”的意思相吻合。#A项“毫无疑问”、C项“警惕,防范”、D项“详尽地,普遍地;#未被捕获的”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】如果你继续沉溺于电脑游戏,那么你的未来将会非常危险、#20.【答案】B#【解析】本题的四个选项都是介词短语。#B项的意思是“与相反的”,与“as opposed to (完全不同,反对)”的意

6、思相吻合。#A项“关于,至于”、C项“依据,按照”、D项“按照,根据”都与题干中的词义不符。#【译文】浪漫主义小说不同于现实主义的小说,它总是描述理想生活并最终以皆大欢喜结尾。#Section B#21.【答案】C#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词短语。#根据所填词后面的内容“促销的快速增长”可以推知,C项“有助于,促进,加剧”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“诉诸,采取”、B项“呼吁,上诉,有吸引力”、D项“将应用于”都与题意不符。#【译文】一些因素促成了促销活动的迅速增多,在消费市场方面尤为突出。#22.【答案】C#【解析】本题的四个选项都是介词。#beyond (ones) expecta

7、tion意为“出乎意料”,与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A、B、D三项都无法与题干中的词形成正确搭配。#【译文】互联网在过去的二十年以超出人们想象的速度迅速发展。#23.【答案】D#【解析】本题的四个选项都是形容词。#所填词修饰的是holiday,因此D项“长期的,持久的”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“扩大的,扩展的”、B项“展开的,扩充的”、C项“增加的”都与题意不符。#【译文】我的大儿子在移居到另一个州、换一份新工作并开始人生的新篇章之前,刚刚修完一段长假。#24.【答案】B#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词短语。#根据所填词后面的“less than 10%”可以推知,B项“占(比例、成

8、分等编造”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“拿起,开始从事”、C项“伸出”、D项“关掉(收音机等);#生产;#结果是”都与题意不符。#【译文】虽然黑人和印第安人占美国总人口的28%左右,但在前30名的商学院中却只占不到10%。#25.【答案】A#【解析】本题的四个选项都是现在分词做形容词。#根据所填词后面提到的“China and India”可以推知,这些国家都是新兴经济体,因此A项“新兴的”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#B项“雇用,使用”、C项“拥抱”和D项“发射;#散发(光、热、气味 等)”都与题意不符。# #【译文】在需求不断增长的新兴经济体中,如中国和印度,能源商认为石油期货交易值得一

9、试。#26.【答案】C#【解析】本题的四个选项都是介词短语。#根据法律和规章与宪法的关系可以推知,C项 “符合”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“向表示敬意”、B项“纪念”和D项 “作为的报答”都与题意不符。#【译文】每个国家法律规定的制定必须严格依照该国的宪法。#27.【答案】B#【解析】本题的四个选项都是名词。#根据题干中的“陪审团”和“被告”之间的关系可知推知,B项“裁决”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“宣判”、C项“审讯,审判”和D项“辩论”都与题意不符。#【译文】陪审团的判定是被告有罪。#28.【答案】A#【解析】本题的四个选项都是形容词。#根据所填词后面的“cycle”可以推知,

10、A项“恶性的”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#B项“垂直的,直立的”、C项“生动的,鲜明的”和D项“精力旺盛的”都与题意不符。#【译文】在英语学习的过程中,学生由于犯错而被批评之后会犯更多的错误,这就导致了恶性循环。#29.【答案】B.#【解析】本题的四个选项都是形容词。#所填词后面是说学习新事物,因此B项“棒极了的”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#A项“疯狂的,狂热的”、C项“寒冷的”和D 项“可爱的,聪明的”都与题意不符。#【译文】学一些你以前不知道的东西难道不是很酷?#30.【答案】A#【解析】本题的四个选项都是动词短语。#题干中所填词的主语“they”指的是前面提到的体育游戏,据此可以推知A项

11、“设计,规划”与本题所表达的意思相符合。#B项“解雇”、C项“伸出,消除,打扰”和D项“推迟,使分心,使厌恶”都与题意不符。#【译文】很明显,体育运动不再是业余项目,而是作为一种专业项目展示的。#Part Reading Comprehension#Passage One #31.【答案】C#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是“数字教科书倡议”这个项目如何。#根据题干所问内容可定位到第一段,该段第一句说加利福尼亚有一个名为“数字教科书倡议”的新项目。#后面又说州长阿诺德施瓦辛格努力促使学校使用网上免费提供的教学材料。#据 此可知,C项“加利福尼亚州州长提倡该项目”为正确答案。#32.【答案】B#【


13、基金会为编写数字教科书的老师支付薪酬”为正确答案。#35.【答案】A#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是根据苏珊马蒂莫所说,数字教科书如何。#根据题干的关键词“Susan Martimo”可以定位到第七段,该段中说加利福尼亚州的教育部官员苏珊马蒂莫说,她并不期望立即广泛使用这些教科书。#因此A项“不可能得到广泛的使用”为正确答案。#36.【答案】A#【解析】引申推理。#本题问的是从最后一段中可以推知什么内容。#文中最后一段说,学校行政人员指出,这些课文在网上或许是免费的,但学生们需要访问它们的途径。#并非每个人都有电脑或电子阅读器。#学校可以打印出副本,但是那并不能使学生的学习环境得到改善。#培训

14、教师有效使用数字教科书也同样需要成本。#从中可以推知,A 项“使用数字教科书并不是真的免费”为正确答案。#参考译文.#加利福尼亚州有一个名为“数字教科书倡议”的新项目。#“今年秋季从高中数学和科学课开始,我们将成为美国第一个州为学校提供国家批准名单上的数字教科书。#”那是州长阿诺德。#施瓦辛格在6月份说的,讲的是他努力促使学校使用网上免费提供的教学材料。#他列出了为什么他认为使用数字教科书具有意义的原因。#加利福尼亚州批准在未来六年周期中使用传统教科书。#数字教科书可以提供最新的信 息,它们减轻了书包的负担,节省了纸张和木材,并且使学习更加有趣,互动性更强。#最重要的是,他说道,它们还帮助学校

15、节省了资金。#由于深陷财政难题,该州不得不几次大幅削减学校开支。#超过六百万的学生就读于加利福尼亚州的公立学校。#今年早些时候,加利福尼亚州邀请了内容开发商为高中提供数学和科学课的数字版教 材。#这些教材必须满足该州至少90%的学习要求。#受过专门训练的教师审核了16本教材, 并通过了其中的10本。#10本教材中的6本由CK12基金会出版,该基金会是一个非营利组织,已经开发了大约两年的数字版科学和数学教科书。#基金会为撰写并编辑这些教材的教师和其他教育专家 支付薪酬,这些钱由科斯拉家族资助的组织提供。#加利福尼亚州不能规定学校使用数字教科书,但学区将自行决定是否使用。#加利福尼亚州的教育部官员

16、苏珊马蒂莫说,她并不期望立即广泛使用这些教科书。#她最好的估计是,某些拥有大量科技实力的学校将会首先采用,但是也只是作为传统教科书的附加教材。#学校行政人员指出,这些文本在网上或许是免费的,但学生们需要访问它们的途径。#并非每个人都有电脑或电子阅读器。#学校可以打印出副本,但是那并不能使学生的学习环境得到改善。#培训教师有效使用数字教科书也同样需要成本。#Passage Two#37.【答案】B#【解析】文章主旨。#本题问的是本文的主要内容是什么。#综观全文,第一段就提出肥胖的问题,第二段讲了肥胖的危害,后面几段从各个方面阐述了如何保持健康和正确减肥的方法。#因此B项“如何保持健康和避免肥胖”

17、为正确答案。#38.【答案】A#【解析】词义猜测。#本齒问的是“this expanding problem”指的是什么。#根据题干中的词语可定位到第一段,该段中说在英国,医生警告说当身体已经超重的儿童长大时,肥胖就是一枚定时炸弹。#后面又说,英国政府认为其得为这个正在扩大化的问题负责。#据此可知,A项“医生警告的肥胖定时炸弹”为正确答案。#39.【答案】C#【解析】因果细节。#本题问的是为什么作者提到查尔斯狄更斯小说里的匹克威克先生。#根据题干的关键词“Mr. Pickwick”可以定位到第二段,该段第一句说快乐的匹克威克先生是查尔斯狄更斯小说里的男主人公,在插图里看起来就是那种胖乎乎、 乐

18、呵呵的人。#据此可知,C项“他是肥胖和快乐的象征”为正确答案。#40.【答案】C#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是利亚姆唐纳森爵士认为避免肥胖最好的方法是什么。#根据题干的关键词“According to Sir Liam”可以定位到第四段,该段中说利亚姆唐纳森爵士认为,每周5天,每次至少适度运动30分钟。#后面又说,卫生发展署认为,与人们的生活相适应的身体活动可能更为有效。#据此可知,C项“进行身体活动”为正确答案。#41.【答案】A#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是下面哪项不是卫生发展署推荐的方法。#根据题干的关键词“the Health Development Agency”可以定位到第四段


20、文#在英国,医生警告说当身体已经超重的儿童长大时,肥胖就是一枚定时炸弹。#因此,我们应该如何做呢?#多锻炼?#少吃东西?#还是两者都要做。#英国政府认为其得为这个正在扩大化的问题负责。# #快乐的匹克威克先生是查尔斯狄更斯小说里的男主人公,在插图里看起来就是那种胖乎乎、乐呵呵的人。#18世纪绘画里的美女都有着圆滚的身材和柔软的曲线。#但是现今,肥胖既不被视为性格开朗,也不是美丽的象征,而是加大了患心脏病和中风的风险。#那么你怎么办?#节食?#英国首席医疗官利亚姆唐纳森爵士认为,这个方法并不可取。#他说体育锻炼是减少罹患肥胖症、癌症和心脏病风险的关键。#卫生大臣约翰里德甚至说,不活动也是引发心脏


22、。#只有受过训练的运动员才应定期促使身体达到那种运动级别。#既然如此,我们应该忘记健身房,听从专家们的建议来加强日常生活中的锻炼吗?#毕 竟,提前一站下车,走完佘下的路程不会造成任何伤害。#最后思考一个问题:#为什么过去的人们在缺乏健身设施的条件下却比现代人更瘦、更健康呢?#Passage Three#43.【答案】A#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是除了孤独,下面哪项也能在人群中传播。#根据题干的关键词“also spread”可以定位到第二段,该段中说早期研究结果显示,幸福、肥胖和戒烟的能力就像社会群体间的传染病一样,也是可以传播的。#因此A项“幸福”为正确答案。#44.【答案】B#【解析】

23、具体细节。#本题问的是开始于1948年的弗雷明汉心脏研究项目如何。#根据题干的关键词“starting from 1948”可以定位到第三段,该段中说这项始于1948年的研究是为了调查心脏病的起因。#从那时起又增加了更多的测试,包括对孤独感和沮丧的评估。#据此可知,B项“扩大了研究课题”为正确答案。#45.【答案】A#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是有关孤独传播的说法中哪项是正确的。#文中第五段说,研究发现孤独在女人之间的传播比在男人之间更容易。#因此A项“它在女人之间是一种普遍的现象”为正确答案。#46.【答案】D#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是你有一位孤独的朋友后更可能会怎样。#根据题干的关

24、键词“Having a lonely friend”可定位到第七段,该段中说据说普通人每年大约有48天感到孤独。#研究发现有一位孤独寂寞的朋友大约会多增加17天。#据此可知,D项“增加孤独感”为正确答案。#47.【答案】D#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是芝加哥大学的约翰卡乔波认为孤独感会怎样。#根据题干中的关键词“John Cacioppo”可定位到文中倒数第二段,该段中说该项研究由芝加哥大学的约翰卡乔波主持。#他指出确认、应对孤独感非常重要,被推向社会边缘的人应该获得帮助以便修补他们的社交网络。#据此可知,D项“影响社交网络”为正确答#48.【答案】B#【解析】文章主旨。#本题问的是本文的主

25、题思想是什么。#综观全文,文章第一段就提出了孤独感也可以传播。#后面几段从一项研究来说明孤独感的传播模式,孤独感对朋友关系的影响以及如何应付孤独感等。#因此B项“孤独感可以传播”为正确答案。#参考译文#人们巳经把孤独与抑郁、还有其他健康问题联系起来。#如今,一项研究显示孤独也可以传播。#孤独人士的朋友有52%的更多可能性会产生孤独感。#同时,这个朋友的朋友有25 %的更多可能性会产生同样的感觉。#早期研究结果显示,幸福、肥胖和戒烟的能力就像社会群体间的传染病一样,也是可以传播的。#所有研究结果均来自于美国马萨诸塞州弗雷明汉镇的一个主要健康研究项目。#这项始于1948年的研究是为了调查心脏病的起

26、因。#从那时起又增加了更多的测试,包括对孤独感和抑郁的评估。#新的研究结果包括了弗雷明汉心脏研究项目第二代中的5 000多人。#研究人员调查了交友历史记录和孤独感报告。#这些研究结果确定了孤独感就如所报道的那样在少数亲密朋友间传播的模式。#例如,孤独感会影响邻居间的关系。#当曾经是亲密朋友的邻居如今减少了相聚时间时,孤独感就会传播。#研究还发现,孤独在女人之间的传播比在男人之间更容易。#来自美国芝加哥大学、哈佛大学、加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员对此做了研究。#研究结果于上个月在人格和社会心理学刊发表。#据说普通人每年大约有48天感到孤独。#研究发现有一位孤独寂寞的朋友大约会多增加17天

27、。#但是每另外增加一个朋友可以减少大约5%,也就是2. 5天的孤独。#孤独寂寞的人对他人的信任越来越少。#这使他们更加不容易交到朋友,而且社会排斥他们的可能性将更高。#该项研究由芝加哥大学的约翰卡乔波主持。#他指出确认、应对孤独感非常重要,被推向社会边缘的人应该获得帮助以便修补他们的社交网络。#研究的目标应该是积极创造出抵制孤独的“防护栏”。#他说,这种“防护栏”可以保护整个社交网络不会瓦解。#Passage Four #49.【答案】B#【解析】文章主旨。#本题问的是下面哪项是本文的最佳标题。#文中第一段提出医疗数据数字化已经得到了改进,第二段讲患者用社交网站来分享关于健康状况、治疗和医生这

28、些方面的信M。#M面几段又提到人们可以发送短信或电子邮件给他们的医疗服务人员,很多病人已经拥有电子医疗记录,最后讲医疗数据正在获得新的数字生命。#据此可知,B项“你未来的医疗数据”为正确答案。#50.【答案】C#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是将患者的信息放在网上的数据库里会怎样。#根据题干的关键词“databases and online”可定位到第一段,该段中说将人们的健康信息放在网上的数据库里不仅仅是要减少冗佘,而且已经转变了我们寻求和接受医疗保健的方式。#因此C项“改变了人们寻求和接受医疗保健的方式”为正确答案。#51.答案】D#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是根据约翰戈麦斯所述,很多病人

29、利用社交网站做什么。#根据题干的关键词“John Gomez”可定位到第二段,该段中说无数的患者利用社交网站来分享关于健康状况、治疗和医生这些方面的信息。#因此D项“分享关于医疗保健的信息”为正确答案。#52.【答案】A#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是下面哪项不是使医生和病人的传统角色发生改变的原因。#根据题干的关键词“the traditional roles”可以定位到第三段,该段中说随着获取个人健康信息途径的增多一一无论是通过正式的电子医疗记录、自创的个人健康记录,还是通过与医生的快捷、即时通信会议医生和病人的传统角色正在迅速转变。#据此可知,A项“更容易获取网上的信息”不是使医生和病人

30、的传统角色发生改变的原因,因此A项为正确答案。#53.【答案】D#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是根据尼图卡施亚普所述,未来更多的患者将会如何做。#文中第四段中说,更多的人甚至可以完全无须去医院或医生诊所查看,通过发送短信或者电子邮件给他们的医疗服务人员,也可以查阅个人健康记录或者通过智能手机应用软件来解答他们的问题。#据此可知,D项“不用去医生的诊所和医院查看”为 正确答案。#54.【答案】C#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是下面哪项是文中陈述的内容。#文中第五段说,尽管美国大多数的医院和医生诊所仍在为开始这种转变而努力着,但很多病人已经拥有电子医疗记录有些病人甚至可以部分地使用这些记录。#据此

31、可知,C项“病人正开始 使用他们的电子医疗记录”为正确答案。#参考译文#因为医疗改革的通过,在未来的几年里,又有2 300万美国居民预期会更经常地利用美国的医疗保健制度。#医疗数据数字化已经得到了改进,用以帮助已经负担沉重的医疗体制来管理急剧增多的病人。#但是,将人们的健康信息放在网上的数据库里不仅仅是要减少冗余,而且已经转变了我们寻求和接受医疗保健的方式。#医疗信息技术公司Edipsys的副总裁约翰戈麦斯说:#“社会医疗保健的动态正在发生变化。#”他指出,虽然大多数病人可能仍不愿意在Facebook网站上分享他们最新的CT扫描图像,但是很多父母将他们孩子的超声波图像贴在网上。#如今,无数的患


33、他们的问题。#随着全国范围内已经开始向电子医疗记录转变,这些变化将得到加强。#尽管美国大多数的医院和医生诊所仍在为开始这种转变而努力着,但很多病人已经拥有电子医疗记录有些病人甚至可以部分地使用这些记录。#在克利夫兰诊所,得克萨斯大学达拉斯西南医学中心和其他研究室所进行的一项名为MyChart的方案是建立一种门户网站,病人通过该网站可以查看基本的医疗信息,也可以查看某些检查结果。#医疗数据正在获得新的数字生命,它促使“提医疗保健的方式”发生根本性的改变,戈麦斯说道。#Passage Five #55.【答案】B#【解析】具体细节。#本题问的是根据文章所述,什么是隐喻。#根据题干所问内容可定位到第

34、一段,该段中说隐喻是诗歌中的;i:1;s:10711:2015年6月四级第一套#Part II# Listening Comprehension#Section A#1. A) He is pleased to sit on the committee.#B) He is willing to offer the woman a hand.#C) He will tell the woman his decision later.D) He would like to become a club member.#2. A) Their planned trip to Vancouver is

35、obviously overpriced.# B) They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.# C) The guide books in the library have the latest information.# D) The library can help order guide books about Vancouver.#3. A) He regrets having taken the history course.#B) He finds little interest in the history bo

36、oks.# C) He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.# D) He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.#4. A) The man had better choose another restaurant.#B) The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.#C) The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.#D) The man has good taste in c

37、hoosing the restaurant.#5. A) He has been looking forward to spring.B) He has been waiting for the winter sale.# C) He will clean the womans boots for spring.D) He will help the woman put things away.#6. A) At a tailorsB) At Bobs home.# C) In a clothes store.D) In a theatre.#7. A) His guests favor T

38、ibetan drinks.B) His water is quite extraordinary.# C) Mineral water is good for health.D) Plain water will serve the purpose.#8. A) Report the result of a discussion.B) Raise some environmental issues.# C) Submit an important document.#D) Revise an environmental report.#Questions 9 to 12 are based

39、on the conversation you have just heard.#9. A) They pollute the soil used to cover them.B) They are harmful to nearby neighborhoods.# C) The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.D) The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.#10. A) Growing population.B) Packaging materials.# C) Changed eating habits

40、.D) Lower production cost.#11. A) By saving energy.#B) By using less aluminum.# C) By reducing poisonous wastes.D) By making the most of materials.#12.A) We are running out of natural resources soon.# B) Only combined efforts can make a difference.# C) The waste problem will eventually hurt all of u

41、s.# D) All of us can actually benefit from recycling.#Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.#13. A) Miami.B) Vancouver.C) Bellingham.D) Boston.#14. A) To get information on one-way tickets to Canada.# B) To inquire about the price of “Super Saver” seats.# C) To get adv

42、ice on how to fly as cheaply as possible.# D) To inquire about the shortest route to drive home.#15. A) Join a tourist group.B) Choose a major airline.# C) Avoid trips in public holidays.D) Book tickets as early as possible.#Section B#Passage One#Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have

43、just heard.#16. A) There are mysterious stories behind his works.# B) There are many misunderstandings about him.# C) His works have no match worldwide.# D) His personal history is little known.#17. A) He moved to Stratford-on-Avon in his childhood.# B) He failed to go beyond grammar school.# C) He

44、was a member of the town council.# D) He once worked in a well-known acting company.#18. A) Writers of his time had no means to protect their works.# B) Possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.# C) His works were adapted beyond recognition.# D) People of his time had little interest

45、in him.#Passage Two#Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.#19. A) It shows you have been ignoring you health.# B) It can seriously affect your thinking process.# C) It is an early warning of some illness.# D) It is a symptom of too much pressure.#20. A) Reduce our workload.

46、B) Control our temper.# C) Use painkillers for relief.D) Avoid masking symptoms.#21. A) Lying down and having some sleep.B) Rubbing and pressing ones back.# C) Going out for a walk.D) Listening to light music.#Passage Three#Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.#22. A) Depe

47、nding heavily on loans.B) Having no budget plans at all.# C) Spending beyond ones means.D) Leaving no room for large bills.#23. A) Many of them can be cut. B) Alt of them have to be covered.# C) Their payment cannot be delayed.D) The eat up most of the family income.#24. A) Rent a house instead of b

48、uying one.B) Discuss the problem in the family.# C) Make a conservation plan.D) Move to a cheaper place.#25. A) Financial issues plaguing a family.B) Difficulty in making both ends meet.# C) Family budget problems and solutions.D) New ways to boost family income.#Section C#Perhaps because going to c

49、ollege is so much a part of the American dream, many people go for no(26)_reason. Some go because their parents expect it, others because its what their friends are doing. Then, theres the belief that a college degree will(27)_ensure a good job and high pay.#Some students (28)_ through for years ,at

50、tending classes, or skipping(逃课) them as the case may be, reading only what cant be avoided, looking for less(29)_courses, and never being touched or changed in any important way. For a few of these people, college provides no (30)_, yet because of parental or peer pressure, they cannot voluntarily

51、leave. They stop trying in the hope that their teachers will make the decision for them by (31)_ them.#To put it bluntly(直截了当地),unless youre willing to make your college years count, you might be (32)_ doing something else. Not everyone should attend college, nor should everyone who does attend begi

52、n right after high school. Many college students (33)_ taking a year or so off. A year out in the world helps some people to (34)_their priorities and goals. If youre really going to get something out of going to college, you have to make it mean something, and to do that you must have some idea why

53、 youre there, what you hope to get out of it, and (35)_even what you hope to become.#Part III Reading Comprehension #Section A#Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.# Its our guilty pleasure:# Watching TV is the most common everyday activity, after work and sleep, in many parts of th

54、e world. Americans view five hours of TV each day, and while we know that spending so much time sitting 36 can lead to obesity (肥胖症) and other diseases, researchers have now quantified just how 37 being a couch potato can be.# In an analysis of data from eight large 38 published studies, a Harvard-l

55、ed group reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that for every two hours per day spent channel 39 , the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) rose 20% over 8.5 years, the risk of heart disease increased 15% over a 40 , and the odds of dying prematurely 41 13% during a seven-y

56、ear follow-up. All of these 42 are linked to a lack of physical exercise. But compared with other sedentary (久坐的) activities, like knitting, viewing TV may be especially 43 at promoting unhealthy habits. For one, the sheer number of hours we pass watching TV dwarfs the time we spend on anything else

57、. And other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to 44 them.# Even so, the authors admit that they didnt compare different sedentary activities to 45 whether TV watching was linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death compared with

58、, say, reading.#A) climbed F) harmful K) suffered#B) consume G) outcomes L) surfing#C) decade H) passively M) term#D) determine I) previously N) terminals#E) effective J) resume O) twisting#Section B#Essay-Grading Software Offers Professors a Break#A Imagine taking a college exam, and, instead of ha

59、nding in a blue book and getting a grade from a professor a few weeks later, clicking the “send” button when you are clone and receiving a grade back instantly, your essay scored by a software program. And then, instead of being clone with that exam, imagine that the system would immediately let you

60、 rewrite the test to try to improve your grade.#B EdX, the nonprofit enterprise founded by Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to offer courses on the Internet, has just introduced such a system and will make its automated (自动的) software available free on the Web to any insti

61、tution that wants to use it. The software uses artificial intelligence to grade student essays and short written answers, fleeing professors for other tasks.#C The new service will bring the educational consortium (联盟) into a growing conflict over the role of automation in education. Although automa

62、ted grading systems for multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread, the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics.#D Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer who is president of EdX, predict

63、ed that the instant- grading software would be a useful teaching tool, enabling students to take tests and write essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers. He said the technology would offer distinct advantages over the traditional classroom system, where students often wait days

64、 or weeks for grades. “There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback,” Dr. Agarwal said. “Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback.”#E But skeptics (怀疑者) say the automated system is no match for live teachers. One longtime critic, Les Perelman, has drawn nationa

65、l attention several times for putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks. He has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares we;i:2;s:9834:Final Examination for Business English Correspondence#外贸英语函电期末试卷#班级_ 姓名 _ 学号

66、_ 成绩 #(请将在答案写在答案卷上,并且在试卷和答案卷上都要写姓名和学号)#Part I. Vocabulary 20%#1)Translate the following into English 10%#1.交货期#2. 提单#3. 信汇#4. 折扣#5. 离岸价#6. 递价#7. 销售合同#8.现行市场#9. 续订#10. 一式两份#2)Translate the following into Chinese steamer#2. transhipment#3. initial order #4.payment terms#5. collecting bank#

67、6. freight collected#7. total value#8. insurance policy#9. shipping notice#10. documentary L/C#Part II. Multiple choice 20%#1)As the item _ the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to establish direct trade relations with you.# A. lies within B. fall within C.come under D. be within

68、#2)We owe your name and address _ Italian Commercial Bank who has informed us that you are in the market _ table-cloths.# A. fromfor B. to.with C. from.with D. to.for#3)Please reply as soon as possible, _the earliest shipment and terms of payment.# A. stated B. as stated C. stating D. state#4)We wou

69、ld not give you any lower price _ you could place an order for more than 500 tons.# A.except B.until C. unless D.besides#5)_ we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the time being.# A.While B.When C. As D.Since#6)The commodities you offered are _ line with the

70、business scope of our clients.# A.outside B.out C.out of D.without#7)Please _ us if you find our price competitive.# them with orders with orders from D. place our orders#8)We must insist on immediate delivery,_ we shall be compelled to cancel the order in accordance with the c

71、ontract stipulations# A.however B. likewise other words D.otherwise#9)Goods will be shipped _ 30 days after receipt of the L/C.# B.on C.for D.within#10)After shippment we shall draw _ you for the expense we have paid according to your instructions.# A.from B.for C. on D. against#11)We find

72、 that the quality of your shipment is not in conformity with the _ specifications.# A.agreed agreed C. agreeing agree#12)We shall open the L/C _ the bank of Boston.# A. in B. with C.for are faving you this morning, asking you to amend the L/C _ “Transhipment allowed”.# A. to rea

73、d reading reads D.reads#14)An L/C should be established _ our favour available bby document draft _ 60 days sight.# A.inafter B.onin like to have the insurance _ for 130%of the invoice value.# A.cover B.covered C.covering D. to cover#16)The loss was due to improper p

74、acking, _ the suppliers should be responsible.# A. for which B. to which C. in which D. which#17)We will not be held responsible for any damage which results _ rough handling. # A. from D. to#18)We shall appreciate _ a reply.# A.your giving B. you to give C. your for giving D. for your gi

75、ving#19)We confirm _ you an offer of 50 metric tons of Soya Beans.# have sent B. having sent C.sent send#20)We find it _ that you failed to _ the shipping space on s.s. Peace.# A.regretorder B. regrettedget C. regretful.have D. regrettablebook#Part III Translation 40%#A. Put the following

76、sentences into Chinese 20%#1). To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending to you, by separate mail, several pamphlets for your reference.#2). As we are in the market for mens leather shoes, we should be pleased if you would send us your best quotation.#3). Although we

77、are anxious to open up business with you, we regret that it is impossible for us to allow the reduction asked for, because we have cut our prices to the lowest point.#4). We can meet your requirements to have the goods packed in wooden cases but you have to bear the extra packing charges.#5). In com

78、pliance with your request, we exceptionally accept delivery against D/P at sight, but this should not be taken as a precedent.#BTranslate the following into English 20%#1).我方对进口你方产品很有兴趣,如有可能请向我方提供目录,价格单和样品。#2).花生行市目前见疲,除非你方能减价5%,否则我们无法达成交易。#3).我们不能考虑按照你方价格成交,因为你方价格与市价不符。#4).信用证应于装运期前30天开到卖方。#5).一俟收到

79、贵方订购的确认函,我们将尽快发货。#Part IV. Writing (20%)#Draft a letter concerning further negotiation about price with the following hints:#1) Having difficulties in meeting the buyers request for price reduction.#2) Cost of raw material has risen sharply.#3) 15% reduction in price is impossible.#4) Suggesting 8%

80、reduction on an order for us $3,000 or more without lowering standards.#5) Looking forward to more orders.#外贸英语函电期末试卷答题卡#班级_ 姓名 _ 学号_ 成绩 #(请将答案都写在答案卷上,写在试卷上将不计分数,作答时请看清每到题的要求,请在试卷和答案卷上都写上姓名、班级和学号)#Part I. Vocabulary 20%#1)Translate the following into English 10%# 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._# 6._ 7._ 8._ 9.

81、 _ 10._ #2)Translate the following into Chinese 10# 1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._# 6._ 7._ 8._ 9. _ 10._ #Part II. Multiple choice 20%# 1-5:#_ 6-10:#_# 11-15:#_ 16-20:#_#Part III Translation 40%#A. Put the following sentences into Chinese 20%#1)._.#2)_.#3)_.#4)_.#5)_.#BTranslate the following into English 20

82、%#1)._#2)_#3)_#4)_#5)_#Part IV. Writing 20%#_#5#;i:3;s:10070:#20152016第二学期#离 线 作 业#科 目:# 大学英语II #姓 名:# 金宇 #学 号:# #专 业:# 铁道工程技术 # 2015-48班(高专) #西南交通大学远程与继续教育学院#直 属 学 习 中 心#大学英语II#第1次作业#主观题#Directions:#For#this#part,#you#are#allowed#30#minutes#to#write#a#composition#on#the#topic#“My#Favorite#Sport”.#Y












94、re#doing#exercise;#some#were#reading#books#under#the#tree.#There#s#also#a#very#beautiful#lake#in#the#park.#It#was#just#like#a#mirror.#Jack#and#I#bought#two#kites.#The#wind#was#so#strong#that#we#began#to#fly#kites#on#the#grass.#We#really#had#a#very#happy#day#in#the#park!#第 4 页#;i:4;s:10189:09 #Passag

95、e One#The other day my son asked me if he could ride up to his elementary school on his bike and meet his friend. He wanted the both of them to ride back to our house so they could play video games and jump on the trampoline (蹦床). I have to admit, part of me wanted to say no. We can go pick him up o

96、r his parents can bring him over here, I thought. But my son is eleven years old now. And after all, I do let him ride his bike to school. But I also drive my daughter to school and I can see him on the way, making sure he is getting there safely.#My husband thinks I am too overprotective. I dont da

97、re to let my children walk anywhere without one of us going along. As you pull out of our neighborhood, there is a shopping center across the street. My son always asks if he can ride his bike or walk over to the drugstore by himself. But crossing that street is just too dangerous. The cars fly arou

98、nd the corner like theyre driving in a car race. What if he gets hit?# What if some teenage bullies are hanging out in the parking lot?#I want so much to give my children the freedom that I enjoyed having when I was growing up but I hesitate to do so because there are dangers around every corner. To

99、o many kidnaps, too many sex offenders. I went online and discovered there are 41 sex offenders in my area alone.#I honestly dont think my mom worried about such things when her children were young.#Growing up in the 1970s was indeed a different time. I never wore a helmet when I rode a bike. We wer

100、e all over the neighborhood, on our bikes and on foot, coming home for dinner and then back out again until dark. We rode in the back of the truck, didnt wear seatbelts. I walked to and from school every day.#31. What did the author feel reluctant to let her son do?#A. Meet his friend. B. Play video

101、 games.#C. Jump on the trampoline. D. Ride his bike on streets.#32. What does the author mean when she says “But my son is eleven years old now”?#A. He is old enough to be given some freedom now. #B. He is a bit too young to go out alone.#C. He has reached the legal age for riding a bike. #D. He can

102、t protect himself from road hazards.#33. Given her husbands attitude towards bringing up kids, he would most probably _.#A. drive his son to school to ensure safety#B. follow his son all the way to school and back#C. give his son more freedom in deciding what to do #D. ask the other boys parents to

103、bring him over here#34. Which of the following is NOT considered by the author as a potential threat to kids?#A. Teenage bullies. B. The drugstore.#C. Child abusers. D. Cars racing by.#35. What can we infer from the last paragraph?#A. The social security back in the 1970s was no better than it is to

104、day. #B. Todays children enjoy more freedom than those in the 1970s.#C. Children today are more obedient to their parents.#D. Children in the 1970s enjoyed more freedom than those today.#36. What is the authors main purpose in writing this passage?#A. To compare todays social environment with that o

105、f the 1970s.#B. To show her concern over the increasing crime rate in her neighborhood. #C. To describe her hesitation as to how much freedom she should give her son. #D. To express her worries about both safety and security in her area.#Passage Two#About a century ago more people would not have app

106、reciated the study of a foreign language as they do today. Gone are those days when patriotism towards ones own language was a major obstacle to learning foreign languages, a time when most nations were trying to throw their alien rulers out of their countries in their freedom struggles.#Gone are th

107、ose days when people were proud of their mother or father tongues and considered that their native languages alone will suffice the need to survive. Language skills today have become as important as other business and career skills like IT, vocational or professional skills. Thus learning a foreign

108、language today has become essential for an individual whether it is for careers, growing a business, or even to make an impression.#All that one needs to possess these days is a drive to learn a foreign language and there are all kinds of institutes and courses that teach various foreign languages l

109、ike French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. Todays world economy has bridged the barriers of race, sex, color and religion and the world has become a smaller place. Todays businesses also demand language skills to expand and grow in other countries. Tens and hundreds of businesses worldwide are expan

110、ding and growing their businesses by promoting them in countries other than their countries of origin. The tremendous growth of the Internet has further increased the demand for language skills. In Canada an official rule also says that all commercial establishments must have their websites created

111、both in English and French, the official languages of the country.#Language can also ease race and border barriers. You are more welcome in an alien nation if you know the language of the people there and can converse in their tongue. People in these countries immediately respect you and think you c

112、are about their culture as much as they do because in any culture language is the key identity.#37. One of the reasons for not studying a foreign language in the past is _.#A. it was too difficult B. it was not allowed#C. it was seen as disloyalty D. it was taught by foreign rulers#38. According to

113、the article, which of the following is true?#A. Peoples language skills are better than in the past. #B. Foreign language skills are of vital importance.#C. Its easier nowadays to learn a foreign language.#D. People today are not proud of their native language.#39. What does “to make an impression”

114、(Paragraph 1) probably mean?#A. To remember things. B. To express ideas.#C. To show respect. D. To be liked by others.#40. The world has become smaller because of _.#A. business expansion B. the growth of the Internet#C. a globalized economy D. the learning of foreign languages#41. According to the

115、article, the growth of the Internet requires _.#A. more foreign language skillsB. more bilingual websites#C. better command of EnglishD. more commercial establishments#42. People in a foreign country will treat you with more respect if you speak their language because _.#A. they think you love their

116、 countryB. they think you understand their culture#C.its easier for them to communicate with you D. they believe you are a good language learner#Passage Three#You may have wondered why the supermarkets are all the same. It is not because the companies that operate them lack imagination. It is becaus

117、e they all aim at persuading people to buy things.#In the supermarket, it takes a while for the mind to get into a shopping mode. This is why the area immediately inside the entrance is known as the “decompression zone”. People need to slow down and look around, even if they are regulars. In sales t

118、erms this area is a bit of a loss, so it tends to be used more for promotion.#Immediately inside the first thing shoppers may come to is the fresh fruit and vegetables section. For shoppers, this makes no sense. Fruit and vegetables can be easily damaged, so they should be bought at the end, not the

119、 beginning, of a shopping trip. But what is at work here?# It turns out that selecting good fresh food is a way to start shopping, and it makes people feel less guilty about reaching for the unhealthy stuff later on.#Shoppers already know that everyday items, like milk, are invariably placed towards

120、 the back of a store to provide more opportunities to tempt customers. But supermarkets know shoppers know this, so they use other tricks, like placing popular items halfway along a section so that people have to walk all along the aisle looking for them. The idea is to boost “dwell time”:# the leng

121、th of time people spend in a store.#Traditionally retailers measure “footfall”, as the number of people entering a store is known, but those numbers say nothing about where people go and how long they spend there. But nowadays, a piece of technology can fill the gap:# the mobile phone. Path Intellig

122、ence, a British company tracked peoples phones at Gunwharf Quays, a large retail centre in Portsmouthnot by monitoring calls, but by plotting the positions of handsets as they transmit automatically to cellular networks. It found that when dwell time rose 1% sales rose 1.3%.#Such techniques are incr

123、easingly popular because of a deepening understanding about how shoppers make choices. People tell market researchers that they make rational decisions about what to buy, considering things like price, selection or convenience. But subconscious forces, involving emotion and memories, are clearly als

124、o at work.#43. In Paragraph 2, “decompression zone” is the area meant to _.#A. offer shoppers a place to have a rest#B. prepare shoppers for the mood of buying #C. encourage shoppers to try new products#D. provide shoppers with discount information#44. Putting fruit-and-vegetable section near the en

125、trance takes advantage of shoppers _.#A. common sense B. shopping habits#C. concerns with time D. shopping psychology#45. Path Intelligence uses a technology to _.#A. count how many people enter a store#B. measure how long people stay at a store #C. find out what people buy in a store#D. monitor wha

126、t people say and do in a store#46. What happened at Gunwharf Quays showed that sales _.#A. was in direct proportion to dwell time #B. was reversely linked to dwell time#C. was affected more by footfall than by dwell time #D. was affected more by dwell time than by footfall#47. The author argues that

127、 shoppers _.#A. exert more influence on stores than they imagine#B. are more likely to make rational choices than they ;i:5;s:2450:Fill in the blanks with the correct option and match the sentences with the pictures. #1. We _ English since 2004.#2. John and George _ Paul.#3. She _ “Pride and Prejudi

128、ce” several times.#4. Richard _ this movie eight times.#5. She _ her chores yet.#6. Tony _ his arm.#7. Mary _ already _ the dinner.#8. She _ her room yet.#9. They _ Spanish yet.#10. I _ already _ the dog.#Finish#Cook#Fed#Learn#See#Meet#Clean#Study#Read#Broke#I _ (be) sure that I _ (do) my homework.#

129、He _ (live) in Paris before he _ (move) to London.#When Tom _ (arrive) to the airport, the plane _ already _ (leave).#He _ (eat) the cookies that I _ (bake). #The professor _ (check) the test that we _ (make). #1. She _ to five different countries by the time she _ 15.#a. travels / has turns#b. had

130、traveled / turns #c. had traveled / turned#d. traveled / turned#2. When Mary _ we _ the practice.#a. arrived / had already finished#b. arrives / had already finished#c. arrived / has finished#d. arriving / had already finished#3. I _ French before I _ to Paris.#a. study / move #b. had studied / move

131、#c. studied / moved#d. had studied / moved #4. The restaurant _ by the time she _ there.#a. had already closed / get#b. had already closed / got#c. has already close / gets#d. had closed / get#Answer Key#Present perfect:#1. We have studied English since 2004.#2. John and George havent met Paul.#3. S

132、he has read “Pride and Prejudice” several times.#4. Richard has seen this movie eight times.#5. She hasnt finished her chores yet.#6. Tony has broken his arm.#7. Mary has already cooked the dinner. #8. She hasn#t clean her room yet.#9. They havent learned Spanish yet. #10. I have already fed the dog

133、.#Past perfect:#I was sure that I had done my homework.#He had lived in Paris before he moved to London.#When Tom arrived to the airport, the plane had already left.#He ate the cookies that I had baked. #The professor checked the test that we had made. #1. C#2. A#3. D#4. B#;i:6;s:12974:Book 2 Module

134、 1#1 be connected with#=be related to sth. 和有联系#2 take exercise=exercise 锻炼#3 be crazy about 迷恋# go crazy 变得疯狂#4 have a temperature/fever 发烧#5 lie down 躺下#6 begin with 以开始#7 putinto 将投入#8 become/fall ill 生病#9 head towards/to/for 朝前进#10 catch/get a cold 感冒#11 get flu 染上流感#12 have a sweet tooth 好吃甜食#1

135、3 get/be injured 受伤#14 return to normal 恢复正常#15 above normal 超过正常标准#16 below normal 低于正常标准#17 breathe deeply=take a deep breath 深呼吸#18 out of breath 上气不接下气# catch ones breath 踹口气# hold ones breath 屏住呼吸#19 keep fit/healthy 保持健康#20 keep us fit/healthy 保持我们的身体健康#21 be fit for 适合#22 be off work 不工作,休息#2

136、3 be out of work 失业#24 be at work 在上班#25 keepaway 使离开#26 at least 至少#27 at most 至多#28 be worried/anxious about 为而担忧#29 be anxious for 渴望#30 be anxious for sb to do 渴望sb做#31 see sb doing 看到sb正在做#32 make sure 确保,确实#33 would rather do 宁愿做# would rather sb did sth. 宁愿某人做某事(过去时表示现在和将来的情况)# would rather s

137、b had dong宁愿某人做某事(过去完成时表示过去情况)#34 go/be on a diet 节食#35 a bit of 一点儿,有点儿#36 miss school 缺课#37 pay for 支付#38 a free health care system 免费医疗体系#39 the problem with 的问题#40 have problems with 有的问题#41 pick sb up (用车)接某人#42 be privately owned. 私人拥有#43 I rarely get toothache.#=Rarely do I get toothache. 我很少

138、牙痛、#44. This is because 这是因为#45. make a prediction 进行预测#46. contribute to 把贡献于#47. Take more exercise or you will become ill.#多锻炼锻炼身体,否则你就会生病的。#Take more exercise and you will become really fit. 多锻炼锻炼身体,你就会变得健康。#48. Im captain of the class team at school.#我在学校是班级足球队的队长。# Module 2#1 be/become/get add

139、icted to sth. 对某物上瘾#2 be in danger 处于危险之中#3 be out of danger 脱离危险#4 ban sb from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事# ban doing 禁止做某事#5 There is a ban on 有一个关于禁令#6 affect=have an effect on 对有影响# influence=have an influence on #7. No point (in) doing sth 做某事没有意义#8 Develop interests 培养兴趣#9.break into a house 破门进入一个房子#1

140、0.break into tears 大哭起来#11. be related to sb. 与某人有关系/关联#12.take/follow ones advice 听从某人建议# give sb some advice on sth. 就某事向某人建议 order to(句首句中),so as to(句中) 为了,以便#14.give up 放弃#15.sharewith sb 和sb分享#pare to 把比做#pare with 把和做比较# compared with/to 与比 a survery 做一个调查#19.make a list of 列一

141、个名单#20.stop sb from doing 阻止sb做某事# keep sb from doing# prevent sb from doing #21. against the law 违法#break the law 违法#obey the law 守法#22. under medical treatment 在治疗中#23.continue to do=continue doing 继续做#24.offer sb sth=offer sth to sb 向sb提供sth#25.cause many deaths 导致许多人死亡#26.illnesses (which are)re

142、lated to smoking和吸烟有关的疾病#27.die of hunger 死于饥饿#28.die from an accident 死于一起事故#29. This is my treat . 我请客# treat sb. to sth. 用某物款待某人# treat sb .as 把某人视为#30.a heart attack 一次心脏病发作#31.ask sb for money 向sb要钱 in pain 处于痛苦之中#33.take sth. to sw. 把某物带到某地#34.leave school 辍学,离开学校#35.mind doing 介意做

143、 public 当众地#37.the public 公众#38.set/fix a date 确定一个日期#39.increase to 增加到#40.increase by 增加了 this time 到这时为止#42.during the 1990s 二十世纪九十年代# in the 1990s / 1990s#43. inject into 注入#44.reduce to 减少到#reduce by 减少了#45.I couldnt agree more 我再同意不过了#46. Thats a good point. 有道理#To the point 切题#47. parti

144、cipate in 参与#48. distract from 分心#Module 3#1. sb. is impressed with sth. 某人对某事印象深刻# = umpress sb. with sth.# sth. make a good impression on sb. 某事给某人留下好印象#2. split up 分裂,分割,离异/婚#3. make/take a note of 记录,做笔记# take note of = take notice of 注意到#4. compare notes with sb. 与某人交换意见# 与某人互道感想#5. change into

145、 把变成#6. music instruments 乐器#7. of all time 有史以来#8. something wonderful 很精彩的某种东西#9. the rest of his life 他的余生#10. go deaf 变聋#11. No way!# 没门,不可能#12. at an early age 在很小的时候#13. a leading/top composer一个优秀的/首席作曲家#14. receive many prizes 获得了许多奖#15. play the violin/piano 演奏小提琴/钢琴#16. have talent for 具有的天

146、赋#17. show talent for 表现出对的天赋#a talented musician 一个有天赋的音乐家#18. lose interest in 失去对的兴趣#get lost = lose ones way 迷路#be lost in thought 限于沉思之中#lose heart 丧失信心#lose weight 减肥#19. mix with 把和混合#20. have a deep influence/effect on#对有深远的影响#21. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做#22. as well as 和;#同;#以及# 之外=besides或

147、 in addition to #23. As time goes by/on 随着时间的流逝#24 be composed of 由 组成#25. if so 如果这样的话# if not 如果不是这样# if any 如果有# if necessary 如果有必要# if possible 如果有可能#26. 强调句型# It is/was + 主语/宾语/状语 + that (who) + 句子其余部分# I saw Li Ming on the playground yesterday.# 对“ not until”强调,用# It is/was not until that # He

148、 didnt start his homework until his mother came back.# 对特殊疑问句的强调, 用# 特殊疑问词+ is it that + 句子其余部分# Where did he see Li Ming yesterday?# # Where was it that he saw Li Ming yesterday?#Who saw Li Ming on the playground yesterday?#When do you go to school every day?#27. make a record 录制唱片# keep / hold a r

149、ecord 保持记录# set a record 创记录# break a record 打破记录#28. 当way 作先行词时,用that / in which / - 引导定语从句# Module 4#1.tell sb. of sth. 告诉某人某事#2.aim to do sth. 目标是做# aim at doing sb. in /out 恭迎某人/恭送某人#5. take turns 轮流# in turn 依次,轮流# Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事#6.manage to do 设法做成#7.suggest doing

150、 sth. 建议做 fond of 喜欢#9. tell by 从可以看出#10. put off 推迟,延期#11. get tired of 对感到厌烦# be tired from 因而疲倦#13. attempt to do stn. 企图做#14. observe sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事#15. all the time 一直,总是#17. cant stand 不能忍受#18. in ones twenties 在某人二十多岁的时候#Module 5#1. in total = totally = in all 合计,总共#2. now that

151、= since 既然#3. believe in 相信(某人为人)信仰#believe sb=believe what sb says相信某人所说的话#4. be similar to sth. 和相似 a part in 在中扮演角色,起作用 #6.take part in 参加#7. work on 从事#8. send/receive messages of congratulations发送/收到贺信# congratulate sb on sth. 向某人祝贺某事#9. land safely 安全着陆#10. in space 在太空中#11. take photog

152、raphs of=take a photograph of拍照#12. a success/ failure一个成功/ 失败的人,一件成功/ 失败的事#a surprise一个使人惊奇的人,一件令人吃惊的事#13. offer sbs congratulations on/upon 对表示祝贺#14. take off 起飞;#脱下;#请假;#(事业)腾飞#18. wishsuccess/luck 祝成功/好运#19. look through the telescope 透过望远镜看过去#20. a five-day visit to China 对中国为期五天的访问#21. succeed

153、 in doing sth. 成功地做了某事#22. come on 来吧,快点,得了吧#23. go aboard (the ship/plane) 上船/飞机# All aboard!# 请大家上船/车/飞机# Welcome aboard!# 请上船/车/飞机#注意:#go abroad 出国#24. at the start/beginning of 在开始时#25. be welcome to do sth. #可随意做(用于邀请某人做某事)#26. more or less 或多或少#27. divideinto 把分成(把整体分成部分)#be divided into 被分成#2

154、8. concentrate (ones attention) on/upon#全神贯注于# fix ones attention on/ upon 集中注意力于# fix ones thought on/upon 集中思想于# fix ones eyes on/upon 目不转睛地注视着#29. to ones delight 使某人高兴的是# be delighted with 对感到满意# be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事#30. daily newspaper 日报#home news 国内新闻#international news 国际新闻#31. cul

155、tural events 文化事件#financial reports 财政报道#film reviews, book reviews 影评,书评#32;i:7;s:29245:2012备战小升初语文精选阅读理真题及答案#【阅读题改卷说明】1、要点要全,2、语言表述要准确,3、答题要规范#一、古文阅读。#(12分)#虎求百兽而食之,得狐。#狐曰:#“子无敢食我也!#天帝使我长百兽,今子食我,是逆天帝命也。#子以我为不信,吾为子先行,子随吾后,观百兽之见我而敢不走乎?#”#虎以为然,故遂与之行。#兽见之皆走。#虎不知兽畏已而走也,以为畏狐也。#1、解释带点字的意思。#(6分)#狐曰:# 故遂与之

156、行:# 兽见之皆走:#2、对这则故事中几句话的理解正确的一项是(# )(1分)#A、天帝使我长百兽。#上天让我为百兽之长。#B、子以我为不信。#我不会认为你在说谎。#C、吾为子先行。#我与你先走。#D、观百兽之见我而敢不走乎?#看看百兽见到我的表现而不走开吗?#3、根据这则故事的内容写出相应的成语。#(1分)#5、请写出这则寓言的寓意。#(2分)#6、请你也写出2个具有寓意的成语。#(2分)#二、诗歌阅读(19分)#【甲】乡# 愁(节选)#后来啊/乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓/我在外头/母亲在里头/而现在/乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡/我在这头/大陆在那头#【乙】天净沙# 秋思#枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古

157、道西风瘦马。#夕阳西下,断肠人有天涯。#1、选择。#(2分)#细读甲诗,我们可以知道当时诗人余光中在(# ):#A、香港# B、澳门# C、台湾#2、填空:#(6分)#“乡愁”本是一种抽象的情感,但甲、乙两诗都把它转化成了具体可感的物象。#甲诗寄托在(# )、(# )等对应物上,乙诗则寄托在(# )、(# )等对应物上。#甲、乙两首诗都抒发了(# )之情,但甲诗已将个人情思上升到了(# )。#3、品读甲、乙两诗,找出自己最欣赏的诗句,并谈谈欣赏的理由。#(2分)#最欣赏的句子:#欣赏的理由:#4、放飞思绪,想像甲诗中的“我”,在海峡那头,会想些什么?#乙诗中的“断肠如果有一天离开了家门,你最惦


159、,因为大家都叫我笨蛋!#”#同学们笑了# 老师却没有笑# 她走过去轻拍阿瓜的脸蛋说# 是的# 你最贵#阿瓜的母亲每天放学后都会骑摩托车到校门口接他。#一个冬天下雨的傍晚,在回家的路上,阿瓜看见一个踽踽独行的同学,他知道该同学的家离学校较远,便央求妈妈顺道载同学回家,可惜因机车后座装了一个铁篮子,无法再多载一个人而作罢。#回家后,妈妈忙着载厨房做饭,却隐隐约约听见门外传来一阵奇怪的声音,出门一看,原来是阿瓜正满头大汉地用老虎钳在拆掉铁篮子#妈妈深深地叹了口气,但眼里却涌出了泪花。#多么笨的孩子啊# 又是多么善良的宝贝# 是因为笨才善良# 还是因为善良才显得笨#1、在文中空白处加上标点。#(4分)

160、#2、把下面括号内不正确的读音划去。#(2分)#倒(d#o do)数第一# 垃圾(j j#)#刷(shu su)洗# 顺道载(z#i zi)同学#3、联系上下文,写出下列词语的意思。#(2分)#踽踽独行:#作罢:#4、读句子,看看“”在句子中表示什么意思,将序号写到括号里。#(3分)#A.表示话没有说完# B.表示语意未尽# C.说话断断续续#D.表示引文又省略# E.表示文中省略的部分#(1)有人说是金蛋,有人说是原子“弹”,有人说是脸蛋(# )#(2)“是笨蛋,因为大家都叫我笨蛋!#”# (# )#(3)出门一看,原来是阿瓜正满头大汗地用老虎钳在拆掉铁篮子(# )#5、短文写了关于阿瓜地哪

161、几件事?#概括一下,写在横线上。#(2分)#6、读了课文,你最想说什么?#把你想说的话写下来。#(2分)#四、新 叶(31分)#一夜春雨。#清晨,我撩开白色的窗幔,一眼瞥见小窗下那几根光秃秃的枝条上,冷不丁里爆发出些淡绿、鹅黄色的嫩芽。#“新叶!#”我不由眼睛刷地一亮,惊喜地叫出声来。#陡然觉得一阵清风带着春的气息从胸间穿过。#“啊,你好,新叶!#”#大自然里的花五彩缤纷,而“绿色的花”却十分罕见。#如果说我见过的话,那就是新叶了。#人们总把燕子飞来当作春天来临的预告,而我认为,新叶,才真正称得上春的使者。#早在严酷的冬天,它就怀着自己的信念和希翼,坚贞执著地等待着,积蓄着,当冰消雪融,它更急



164、叶更容易博得人们欢心。#可是,红花虽好,还需绿叶扶持;#没有绿叶的“无穷碧”又哪有花朵的“别样红”?#我赞美绿叶,尽管我也十分喜欢花朵。#新叶青青,使我忽然想到:#即使不能做一朵流芳溢彩的鲜花,做一片纯净高尚的绿叶又何乐不为呢?#人生,本该像它一样青翠、蓬勃、谦逊、勤恳。#朋友,愿你生命之树,永远长满绿油的新叶,四季常青。#1、按要求填空。#(2分)#希翼:#用音序查字法应先查(# ),再查(# )音节。#2、第自然段描写作者内心感觉的一句是:#(2分)#这句话表达了作者(# )的心情。#3、第自然段第一句写新叶时写了燕子,这是一种(# )的写法,文中第(# )自然段也用了这种写法。#(2分)

165、#4、请用一句话概括第自然段的内容:#(1分)#5、新叶是怎样从枝干上长出来的?#请再读第自然段,把生长的动作词找出来:#(2分)#6、第自然段用了打比方来描写绿叶,分别比作(# )、(# )、(# )、(# )。#(4分)#7、第自然段在文章结构上起(# )作用。#(2分)#8、在文中找出下列词的反义词;#(2分)#谦逊(# )# 清高(# )#9、请写出第自然段中与“无穷碧”和“别样红”有关的诗句。#(2分)#10、绿叶对人生有什么启示意义?#(2分)#11、类似新叶一样给人以启示的平凡的事物很多,你在生活中,从哪些事物身上获得过启示?#请你拿起笔写写吧。#(10分)#(五)风雨中的菊花#

166、 午后的天灰蒙蒙的,没有一丝风。#乌云压得很低,似乎要下雨。#就像一个人想打喷嚏,可是又打不出来,憋得很难受。# 多尔先生情绪很低落,他最烦在这样的天气出差。#由于生计的关系,他要转车到休斯敦。#开车的时间还有两个小时,他随便在站前广场上漫步,借以打发时间。# “太太,行行好。#”声音吸引了他的注意力。#循着声音望去,他看见前面不远处一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩伸出鹰爪般的小黑手,尾随着一位贵妇人。#那个妇女牵着一条毛色纯正、闪闪发亮的小狗急匆匆地赶路,生怕小黑手弄脏了她的衣服。# “可怜可怜吧,我三天没有吃东西了。#给一美元也行。#”考虑到甩不掉这个小乞丐,妇女转回身,怒喝一声:#“滚!#这么点小孩

167、就会做生意!#小乞丐站住脚,满脸的失望。# 真是缺一行不成世界。#多尔先生想。#听说专门有一种人靠乞讨为生,甚至还有发大财的呢。#还有一些大人专门指使一帮孩子乞讨,利用人们的同情心。#说不定这些大人就站在附近观察呢,说不定这些人就是孩子的父母。#如果孩子完不成定额,回去就要挨处(f#)。#不管怎么说,孩子也怪可怜的。#这个年龄本来应该上学,在课堂里学习,可是这个孩子的父母太狠心了,无论如何应该送他上学,将来成为对社会有用的人。# 多尔先生正思忖着,小乞丐走到他跟前,摊着小脏手:#“先生,可怜可怜吧,我三天没有吃东西了。#给一美元也行。#”不管这个乞丐是生活所迫,还是欺骗,多尔先生心中一阵难过,

168、他掏出一美元的硬币,递到他手里。# “谢谢您,祝您好运!#”小男孩金黄色的头发都连成了一个板块,全身上下只有牙齿和眼球是白的,估计他自己都忘记上次洗澡的时间了。# 树上的鸣蝉在聒噪,空气又闷又热,像庞大的蒸(l#ng)。#多尔先生不愿意过早去候车室,就信步走进一家鲜花店。#他有几次在这里买过礼物送给朋友。#卖花姑娘认出了他,忙打招呼。# “你要看点什么?#”小姐训练有素,礼貌而又有分寸。#她不说“买什么”,以免强加于人。#这时,从外面又走进一人,多尔先生瞥见那人正是刚才的小乞丐。#小乞丐很是认真地逐个端详柜台里的鲜花。#“你要看点什么?#”小姐这么问,因为她从来没有想小乞丐会买。# “一束万寿

169、菊。#”小乞丐竟然开口了。# “要我们送给什么人吗?#”# “不用,你可以写上献给我最亲爱的人,下面再写上祝妈妈生日快乐!#”# “一共是二十美元,”小姐一边写,一边说。# 小乞丐从破衣服口袋里哗啦啦地掏出一大把硬币,倒在柜台上,每一枚硬币都磨得亮晶晶的,那里面可能就有多尔先生刚才给他的。#他数出二十美元,然后虔诚地接过下面有纸牌的花,转身离去。# 这个小男孩还蛮有情趣的,这是多尔先生没有想到的。# 火车终于驶出站台,多尔先生望着窗外,外面下雨了,路上没有了行人,只剩下各式车辆。#突然,他在风雨中发现了那个小男孩,只见他手捧鲜花,一步一步地缓缓地前行,他忘记了身外的一切,瘦小的身体更显单薄。#

170、多尔看到他的前方是一块公墓,他手中的菊花迎着风雨怒放着。# 火车撞击铁轨越来越快,多尔先生的胸膛中感到一次又一次的强烈冲击。#他的眼前模糊了。#1、 注音或写汉字 4分#弄( )脏 单薄( ) 蒸l#ng( ) 处f#( )#2、 写出近义词 2分#思忖( ) 虔诚( )#3、 找出一个比喻句,并体会其作用 2分#4、 本文刻画的主要人物是谁?#他所做的一件事情是什么?# 2分#5、 小乞丐用来买花的“每一枚硬币都磨的亮晶晶的”表明了什么?# 2分#6、 对小乞丐的外貌描写,突出了什么特点?#可以看出他怎样的生活处境?# 2分#7、 小乞丐从卖花姑娘手中“虔诚地接过下面有纸牌的花”,在风雨中“

171、手捧鲜花,一步一步地缓缓前行,他忘记了身外的一切,这表现了小乞丐什么样的思想感情?# 2分#8、 文章最后说“多尔先生的胸膛中感到一次又一次强烈冲击,他的眼前模糊了”。#是什么强烈冲击着多尔先生?#“模糊”说明了什么?#风雨中的菊花#1、 n#ng b# 笼 罚#2、 思考(思量) 恭敬#3、 如:#空气又闷又热,像庞大的蒸笼,生动形象地写出了天气的热。#4、 小乞丐 在母亲生日这天用讨来的钱买一束鲜花献到母亲坟前。#5、 钱放在口袋里的时间长,只靠长期乞讨积攒起来的,得来不易#6、 衣衫褴褛,又黑又脏 无依无靠 艰难困苦#7、 有沉重、有难过、更有对母亲的敬重和怀念。#8、 多尔先生被小乞丐

172、对母亲的一片真情所感动。#“模糊”说明多尔先生被感动#6、走进书里去然后答题:#有人说现代的儿童普遍有个共同倾向,就是把大部分时间花费在看电视和看漫画书上,而不喜欢阅读文字比较多的书籍。#这样的孩子,外表看起来聪明伶俐,见闻广(搏# 博),但缺乏深入思考的(奈# 耐)心,知识虽多但流于肤浅,反应虽敏捷却未经推敲思索。#造成这种现状的原因很多,影视器材的进步使人们(豪# 毫)不费力地坐在(荧# 影)光屏前,就可获得无奇不有的各种知识;#也可以轻松愉快地在短短的时间内欣赏完一部文学作品。#相形之下,阅读书籍就成为辛苦、乏味、寂寞的事了。#因此,能够静下心来聚精会神读书的儿童,也就愈来愈少了。#小朋

173、友可能读过顽童流浪记,也可能看过它的影片或卡通,两相比较,在读小说时所感受的是细致的、隽永的语言文字之美,而且又有深邃的思想、永恒的感情。#至于影片和卡通,虽然也给你感觉艺术之美和另一种震撼,但欣赏的过程却是瞬间的、粗略的。#如果把阅读比喻成细嚼慢咽的宴席,电视前的观赏就是便捷的快餐,是可口的零食。#一样是吃的享受,韵味却不相同。#现代人的求知和文学欣赏的方式已变得多姿多彩,不过,千万不要忘记阅读书籍仍然是求学问的主要方法,更是文学欣赏的最佳途径。#但愿你能确实养成良好的阅读习惯,走进书里去。#9、阅读段,划掉括号里不正确的字。#(4分)#10、从文中找出下列词语的反义词。#(2分)#粗略 #

174、瞬间# #11、为什么静下心来专心读书的儿童愈来愈少了?#(4分)# #12、读小说和看影片有什么不同?#(4分)# #13、作者把_ _比喻为_# _的宴席。#把_比喻为_的快餐。#(4分)#14、文学欣赏的最佳途径是什么?#_# _(2分)#15、结合自己的读书经历说说你是否赞同作者的观点,并说明理由。#(4分)# #【参考答案】#9、应划掉的字依次是:#搏、奈、豪、影#10、粗略的反义词是“细致”、瞬间的反义词是“永恒”#11、影视器材的进步使人们(豪# 毫)不费力地坐在(荧# 影)光屏前,就可获得无奇不有的各种知识;#也可以轻松愉快地在短短的时间内欣赏完一部文学作品。#相比之下,阅读书

175、籍就成为辛苦、乏味、寂寞的事了。#因此,能够静下心来聚精会神读书的儿童,也就愈来愈少了。#12、在读小说时所感受的是细致的、隽永的语言文字之美,而且又有深邃的思想、永恒的感情。#看影片和卡通虽然有感觉艺术之美和另一种震撼,但欣赏的过程却是瞬间的、粗略的。#13、作者把阅读比喻成细嚼慢咽的宴席,电视前的观赏就是便捷的快餐。#14、阅读书籍#15、【改题标准】表明你的观点(得1分),引述作者观点(1分)、结合自己读书经历论说自己观点(1分)、语言通顺(1分)。#阅读变,回答问题:# 马市长放下手里的茶杯,望着女儿说道:#“现在农村的条件的确差些,有些人只顾自己的利益和前途,不愿到农村去,而这个女大

176、学生敢于摆脱传统观念的束缚,敢于舍弃自己的利益,她这种精神很值得表扬,我们一定要大力支持。#” # “有什么事就说吧。#” # “我们单位有个刚分配来的大学生,放着清闲的工作不干,偏要到农村搞什么乡镇企业,您说她是不是太傻了?#” # 马市长吃罢晚饭,在客厅里悠闲地品着香茶。#女儿笑吟吟地走过来:#“爸,我想请教您一个问题。#” # “什么?#”马市长顿时收敛了笑容,“你怎么能这样,这绝对不行!#” # “哦,那么她爸爸是谁?#”马市长问道。# # “就是您老人家呀!#” # 女儿神秘地笑了笑,说:#“不对,我认为应该表扬她爸爸,因为她爸爸十分支持她。#” # 1、这篇文章的顺序被打乱了,请将

177、正确的顺序,按序号写在下面的横线上。# 2、文中突出表现马市长“变”的一对词语是 和 。# 3、文中女儿向父亲“请教”的目的是 # 4、文中第句里的“这样”的含义是# (1) (2) # 5、你认为文中的马市长是个什么样的人?# # # 【参考答案】#1、 #2、“大力支持”“绝对不行” #3、为了获取父亲对自己行动的支持 #4、(1)作出下乡的决定;#(2)以这样的方式获取支持 #5、言行不一#阅读穷人片段,回答问题:#桑娜用头巾裹住睡着的孩子,把他们抱回家里。#她的心跳得很厉害。#自己也不知道为什么要这样做,但是觉得非这样做不可。#她把这两个熟睡的孩子放在床上,让他们同自己的孩子睡在一起,

178、又连忙把帐子拉好。#桑娜脸色苍白,神情激动。#她忐忑不安地想:#“他会说什么呢?#这是闹着玩的吗?#自己的五个孩子已经够他受的了是他来了?#不,还没来!#为什么把他们抱过来啊!#他会揍我的!#打也活该,我自作自受嗯,揍我一顿也好!#”#16.“忐忑”的意思是# ,忐忑不安的原因是# (3分)#17段中的“他”指的是# #,“他们”指的是# 。#18.“揍我一顿也好!#”句中的“也”能否去掉?# #。#理由是# #(3分)。#19段中省略号的作用是(# #)(2分)#A话未说完。# B人物在思索,表现了矛盾不安的心情。#C表现人物惊慌失措语无伦次。#20上面片段中有两个成语,它们是# 、# 。#

179、(4分)#21桑娜把西蒙的两个孩子抱回家。#她清楚地知道,自己家很穷,夫妻俩拼命干活,也只能勉强度日,但她觉得“非这样做不可”,请你推测桑娜当时的内心活动,并写在下面的横线上(5分):# #【参考答案】#16、“忐忑”的意思是:#心里不安或心情不安定 忐忑不安的原因自己家的生活已经很困难了,又抱回了两个孩子,丈夫能答应吗?#(意近即可)#17、段中的“他”指的是 丈夫 ,“他们”指的是西蒙的两个孩子。#18、“揍我一顿也好!#”句中的“也”能否去掉?# #不能# 。#理由是此时桑娜已下定决心抚养西蒙的两个孩子,挨打了也心甘情愿,只要丈夫同意留下两个孩子。#(意近即可)#19、段中省略号的作用是

180、( B #)#A话未说完。# B人物在思索,表现了矛盾不安的心情。#C表现人物惊慌失措语无伦次。#20、上面片段中有两个成语,它们是 忐忑不安、 自作自受 。#21、参考示例丈夫养活这个家已经很不容易了,再添上两个人,丈夫能同意吗?#不抱回来也不行啊!#这个孩子没人管怎么行?#就这么定了,丈夫回来就是揍我一顿也行,只要他肯收养西蒙的两个孩子。#21小题改卷标准有现状思考的文字(2分),有自己主意的文字(2分),语言表述无错误(1分)#;i:8;s:15761:远程教育网 #2013年网络教育本科全国统考大学英语模拟题及答案(5)# # # # 一、交际英语# # # # 1、Could you

181、 help me put up the signs on the wall?# _.# # # # A:#No problem# # # # B:#I hope so# # # # C:#That#s all right# # # # D:#That#s a good idea# # # # 答案:# A# # # # 2、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from theUnited States.- _# # # # A:#What can I do for you?# # # # B:#Nice to meet you.# # #

182、 # C:#Please keep in touch.# # # # D:#Haven#t seen you forages.# # # # 答案:# B# # # # 3、- Thank you for inviting me.- _# # # # A:#I really had a happytime.# # # # B:#Oh, it#s too late.# # # # C:#Thank you for coming.# # # # D:#Oh, so slowly?# # # # 答案:# C# # # # 4、- Hello, may I talk to the director

183、now?#- _# # # # A:#Sorry, he is busy at themoment.# # # # B:#No, you can#t.# # # # C:#Sorry, you can#t.# # # # D:#I don#t know.# # # # 答案:# A# # # # 5、- Must I take a taxi?#- No, you _ . You can takemy car.# # # # A:#had better to# # # # B:#don#t# # # # C:#must not# # # # D:#don#t have to# # # # 答案:

184、# D# # # # 二、阅读理解# # # # 1、There aremany kinds of ants in the world that always live in companies. They are themost hard-working creatures and most of them make their nests under ground. Thesmall black ants that we see running back and forth in the grass are the sameants that bother us by coming to

185、our picnics uninvited. They are not trying tobe harmful, but are only doing the house-keeping job they were made for.# # # # They are nature#s clean-up crew. One of theseants, scouting(搜索) in the grass, finds the trail ofan injured beetle. In some mysterious way the news spreads. Soon there are twoa

186、nts, then a few more. Then a dozen or more are running around the beetle.Enough ants will come to put an end to it.# # # # Then the beetle is dead, the ants carry itaway to their underground nests. They leave nothing in the grass but emptyshell.# # # # (1)、The ants that come to our picnics are havin

187、g fun.# # # # A:#T# # # # B:#F# # # # 答案:# B# # # # (2)、According to this passage, the black ants# job is toclean up the grass.# # # # A:#T# # # # B:#F# # # # 答案:# B# # # # (3)、As soon as an ant finds an injured insect, it carries itaway and eats it.# # # # A:#T# # # # B:#F# # # # 答案:# B# # # # (4)、

188、More ants learn about the beetle from other ants.# # # # A:#T# # # # B:#F# # # # 答案:# A# # # # (5)、The ants clean the grass by carrying away everything butthe shell.# # # # A:#T# # # # B:#F# # # # 答案:# A# # # # 2、Places tostay in Britain are as varied as the places you visit. Whatever your budget is

189、the choice -from basic barn to small hotel, from tiny cottage to grand castle -is all part of fun.# # # # Hostels# # # # Cheap, good-value hostels are aimed atall types of like-minded travelers, who prefer value over luxury and you don#thave to be young or single to use them. Britain #s independent

190、hostels andbackpackers hostels also offer a great welcome. Facilities and prices vary,especially in rural areas, where some hostels are a little more than abunkhouse (临时住房) while others are remarkably comfortable almost likebargain hotels.# # # # Youth Hotels# # # # Founded many years ago to #help a

191、ll,especially young people of limited means, to a greater knowledge, love and careof the countryside#, the Youth Hotels Association is still going strong inthe 21st century. The network of 230 hotels is a perfect gateway forexploring Britain #stowns and countryside.# # # # B&#Bs# # # # The B&#B (bed

192、 andbreakfast) is a Great British institution, In essence you get a room insomebody#s house, and small B&#Bs may only have one guest room, so you#llreally feel like part of the family. Larger B&#Bs may have four or fiverooms and more facilities, but just as warm as a welcome.# # # # In country areas

193、 your B&#B might bein a village or an isolated farm surrounded by fields. Prices reflectfacilities:# and usually run from around 12 to 20 perperson. City B&#Bs charge about 25 to 30 perperson, although they#re often cheaper as you go further out to the suburbs.# # # # Pubs &# Inns# # # # As well as

194、selling drinks and meals, Britain #s pubsand inns sometimes offer B&#B, particularly in country areas. Staying anight or two can be great fun and puts you at the heart of the local community.# # # # Rates range from around 15 to 25 perperson. Pubs are more likely to have single rooms.# # # # (1)、In

195、this passage the author mainly _.# # # # A:#tells us where to staywhile visiting Britain # # # # B:#advises readers to pay avisit to Britain # # # # C:#introduces the wonderfulpublic services in Britain # # # # D:#gives us someinformation about British life# # # # 答案:# A# # # # (2)、_ are mainly buil

196、t for young visitors.# # # # A:#Pubs &# Inns# # # # B:#Youth Hotels# # # # C:#Hostels# # # # D:#B&#Bs# # # # 答案:# B# # # # (3)、If you travel alone and want to know better about familylife in Britain, you#d better stay in _.# # # # A:#Pubs &# Inns# # # # B:#Youth Hotels# # # # C:#Hostels# # # # D:#B&

197、#Bs# # # # 答案:# D# # # # (4)、If you are interested in travelling with your friends butonly with limited means, where is the better place for you to stay?# _.# # # # A:#Pubs &# Inns# # # # B:#Youth Hotels# # # # C:#Hostels# # # # D:#B&#Bs# # # # 答案:# C# # # # (5)、Which of the following is NOT true ac

198、cording to the lastpart of the passage?# _# # # # A:#Pubs and inns usuallyprovide visitors bed and breakfast.# # # # B:#all pubs and inns offervisitors bed and breakfast.# # # # C:#Pubs and inns charge avisitor 25 at the most.# # # # D:#If you want a singleroom, you are more likely to get one in pub

199、s.# # # # 答案:# B# # # # 三、词汇与语法# # # # 1、The red flower goes from one to _ in the class.# # # # A:#the other# # # # B:#others# # # # C:#another# # # # D:#other# # # # 答案:# C# # # # 2、It is _ for people to feel excited when they startdoing something new.# # # # A:#normal# # # # B:#ordinary# # # # C:#

200、average# # # # D:#regular# # # # 答案:# A# # # # 3、He is interested _football, but not good at it.# # # # A:#at# # # # B:#in# # # # C:#on# # # # D:#of# # # # 答案:# B# # # # 4、I#ll give you a ring if Mike _ tomorrow.# # # # A:#comes# # # # B:#will come# # # # C:#came# # # # D:#is coming# # # # 答案:# A# #

201、 # # 5、Listen!# Who _ in the next room?# The voice is sobeautiful.# # # # A:#sings# # # # B:#sang# # # # C:#has sung# # # # D:#is singing# # # # 答案:# D# # # # 四、完型填空# # # # Many Chinese students don#t pay muchattention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practicespeaking English

202、in class. Here is a story to show you how important it is tospeak the English language 1 in everyday life.# # # # A foreigner once got hungry and went into arestaurant in London.He sat down at a table.# # # # When the waiter came, he opened his mouth,put his fingers 2 it and took them out again in o

203、rder toexpress that he wanted something to eat for he could not speak English.# # # # Thewaiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then tookaway the tea and brought a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. The mantried again and again, but he wasn#t able to make 3 un

204、derstood.Finally another man came in. He spoke English clearly and fluently. In a fewminutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table 4 him.# # # # So you see a man often goes hungry if he doesn#t 5 a foreign language.# # # # (1)、# # # # A:#into# # # # B:#freely# # # # C:#before#

205、 # # # D:#himself# # # # E:#master# # # # 答案:# B# # # # (2)、# # # # A:#into# # # # B:#freely# # # # C:#before# # # # D:#himself# # # # E:#master# # # # 答案:# A# # # # (3)、# # # # A:#into# # # # B:#freely# # # # C:#before# # # # D:#himself# # # # E:#master# # # # 答案:# D# # # # (4)、# # # # A:#into# # #

206、 # B:#freely# # # # C:#before# # # # D:#himself# # # # E:#master# # # # 答案:# C# # # # (5)、# # # # A:#into# # # # B:#freely# # # # C:#before# # # # D:#himself# # # # E:#master# # # # 答案:# E# # # # 五、英译汉# # # # (1)、All thatglitters is not gold.# # # # (2)、Please call me back when you are free.# # # #

207、(3)、You and your team can discover the answers to problemstogether.# # # # (4)、We must take some measures to control the pollution.# # # # 六、写作# # # # Instructions:#建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。# # # # (1)电视的优点;# # # # (2)电视的缺点。# # # # Television#引自:#;i:9;s:12967:#新初一分班考试英语模拟试题(二)#一、单项选择(2

208、0分)#1.There are two _ in our school.#A.libraryB.libraries.C.librarys#2.There arent _ apples in the basket, but there are some on the table.#A.someB.anyC.a#3.Is there a dining hall in your school?#_#A.Yes,there are.B.No,there is.C.Yes,there is.#4.Loo k,my grandmother is _ my grand father.#A.on the le

209、ft the right of#5.Have you got a dictionary?#_#A.Yes,I do.B.Yes,I gotC.Yes,I have.#6.Where are _?#They are on the chair.#A.Tony#s booksB.Tony#s bookC.Tony books#7.He _ any aunts or uncles.#A.doesn#t has gotB.haven#t gotC.hasn#t got#8.How many computers _ in your classroom?#There are t

210、wo.#A.are thereB.are you haveC.does you have#9.Where _you _?#I#m from Beijing.#A.are,, fromC.are, come#10._ is a doctor.What about _ father?#A.His,yourB.Her, yoursC.His,you#11.There are _ students in our class.That is 19 boys and 21 girls。#A.fortyB.fourtyC.fourteen#12.Juice and water are he

211、althy drinks,_ Coke isn#t healthy drink.#A.andB.butC.or#13.Can I have _ water? is in _.#A.Class Four,Grade One#B.Grade One,Class Four#C.Class four,grade one#15.What#s your _ fruit?#A.very likeB.favouriteC.much like#16.She can#t _ in the lake.#A.swimmingB.swimingC.swim#

212、17. There _ a cat and two dogs in my home.#A.beB.isC.are#18. He _ eatB.likes to eats#19. The office building _ the behind#20._ there any apples in the kitchen?#A.HaveB.BeC.Are#二、智力测验(5分)#21.Paris is the capital of _.#A.the USAB.the UK

213、C.FranceD.Australia#22.About _ percent of the earth#s surface is covered with water.#A.29B.82 C.71D.100#23.A car travels at a rate of 50 miles per hour.How long will it take to travel 300 miles?#A.250hoursB.6hoursC.1/6hoursD.15000hours#24.Beijing Olympic Games are the _ modem Olympic Games.#A.B.C.D.

214、#25.The number of seconds in one day _ The number of minutes in one week#A.#B.#C.=D.We don#t know#三、完形填空(10分)#NBA is the most famous basketball game in the world.There_ 26_ a Chinese player in this game.His name is Yao Ming.He is _27 _ player in this game。#In his spare time,Yao _28_cars. On last Chr

215、istmas,he drove _ 29 _ old car to visit one of his _ 30 _.On his way, he _ 31 _ a policeman following him.Finally, he stopped and said to the policeman:#“_ 32 _ Christmas,sir.Is there anything wrong with me?#”.“No,of course not”answered the policeman.“Then _ 33 _ did you _ 34 _ me?#”askedYao.“_35_be

216、 angry.”said the policeman:#“You did nothing wrong,I only want to ask you for a signature(签名)!#” tallestC.tallest#28.A.1ikes driving B.1ikes driveC.1ike driving#29.A.aB.anC.the#30.A.friendsB.friendC.the friend#31.A.seesB.seedC.saw#32.A.MarryB.MerryC.Happy#33.A.WhyB.Ho

217、wC.When#34.A.askB.followC.stopped#35.A.DontB.You dontC.You can#t#四、阅读理解(30分)#(A)#The following discussion(讨论) took place(发生)between a father and his nine-year-old son.#“It#s unfair(不公平),Dad.Mum wants me to make my bed, but I don#t know how.”#“It#s time for you to learn.Where are your clean sheets(床单

218、)?#”#“I don#t know.”#“What do you mean you don#t know?# You need to take care of your things.”#“Where are Jack#s sheets?#”the father called to his wife.#“Right next to ours,”the wife answered.#After a moment,the father asked slowly,“Where ale ours?#”#36.The discussion takes place between _.#A.a husb

219、and and a wifeB.a mother and her son#C.a father and his sonD.a mother and a father#37.The son doesnt know to wash his to make his to clean his to clean his bed#38.The father doesn#t know to wash to make his to clean sheetsD.whe

220、re his sheets are#39.The father says his son is _ because he doesn#t know where his _ is.#A.careful,sheetB.careless,bed#C.careful,bedD.careless,sheet#40.Who do you think take care of the housework(家务) in the family?#A.the fatherB.the mother#C.the childD.No one#(B)#A girl may pass easily through the

221、first grades.While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may get easily good grades.Girls seem to have“better brains”in school.Why do so few girls become scientists?# Why is the most important thinking in adult(成人) world done by men?#According to(根据) scientists,the answer is aggression(敌对行为

222、).Boys usually refuse to accept other people#s conclusion(结论).They insist on solving problems by themselves.while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in their own ways.Boys are usually the ones who get high p

223、ay and the powerful job because they are to be aggressive at an early age.#41.Girls get better marks at school than boys because _.#A.boys are lazier#B.girls are better at remembering things than boys#C.girls are cleverer than boys#D.teachers care more for girls than for boys#42.There are so few wom

224、en scientists because _.#A.boys are cleverer than girls#B.girls are less cared for#C.girls are lazier#D.few of them are trained to be aggressive#43.According to the scientists,_.#A.boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are remembering things#B.boys Can easily get food jobs while gi

225、rls can#t#C.girls insist on doing things on their own#D.the nature of the boys and girls is the same.but their education is different#44.In the view of the writer,_.#A.girls have better brains#B.boys have better brains#C.neither boys nor girls have better brains#D.usually great scientists are men an

226、d most important things are done by men#45.Which of the following is right?#A.Boys are cleverer in school.#B.Girls are cleverer at an early age.#C.Boys and girls have good points in different ways.#D.Boys have good points only when they enter the adult world#(C)#Answer the questions according to the

227、 poster at the next page.#46.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?#A.FiveB.SixC.Seven#47.A child under 12 Can go to the zoo _.#A.with a ticket of $1.00B.with a ticket of $2.00 C.freely#48.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons,one aged 14 and the other 10,how much are the

228、 tickets together?#A.$2.00B.$3.00 C.$4.00#49.Which of the following is the visiting time?#A.8:#00 a.m. Monday.#B.9:#30 a.m.Friday.#C.3:#00 P.m.Sunday.#50.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?#A.To give some food to the fish.#B.To take a few nice photos.#C.To throw things at animals.#主观题部分#五、根

229、据首字母选择单词的适当形式填空(10分)#51.Im ten years old and my sister is two years older than me,so she is t_ years old。#52.Chinese people are very good at table t_,and it#s our favorite sport.#53.Lingling is now reading books in the school l_.#54.I have a pen friend,and we always send e_to each other by computer.

230、#55.Ice-cream and candies are not healthy food.They ale u_ food.#56.Whats the w_ like in spring?# It#s warm.#57.When you see foreign friends in our school,you can say to them “W_ to my school”.#58.My uncle is a worker.He works in a f_.#59.Your father and your mother are your p_.#60.Don#t take this b

231、ook because it is mine.Y_ is on the table.#六、阅读与表达(10分)#“Early to bed,early to rise”makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.It#s good for the body.#This is an old saying.Have you heard of it before?# It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be health

232、y.We shall also be rich and clever.#That is true.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have enough sleep,or they can#t do their work very well.They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!#The body also needs exercise:# walking, running, jumping, swimmin

233、g, playing games and all other exercise.Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body.This is very important.Our blood takes food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better.#根据短文内容,回答问题。#61.What does“early to bed

234、.early to rise”mean?#62.What must the body have to be healthy?#63.What will happen to Children of young age who don#t have enough sleep?#64.What keeps the body strong?#65.What takes food to all parts of our body?#七、书面表达(15分)#假如你是Sally,请给你的笔友John写一封信,介绍你的小学。#注意:#开头已给出,全文80词左右。#框里所给词语供选用。#Dear John,#H

235、ow are you recently?#I#m writing to introduce my new school to you.#参考答案:#客观题部分#15:#BBCAC610:#ACAAA1115:#ABBAB1620:#CBBCC#2125:#CCBCA2630:#CBABA3135:#CBABA3640:#CBDDB#4145:#BDACC4650:#BCBCB#主观题部分#51.twelve52.tennis53.library54.e-mails55.unhealthy#56.weather57.Welcome58.parents59.Yours#六、阅读与表达(10分)#6

236、1.What does “early to bed, early to rise” mean?#10 means to go to bed early and get up early#62.What must the body have to be healthy?#Enough sleep#63.What will happen to Children of young age who do;i:10;s:14683:汉译英# 1、 走社会主义道路,就是要逐步实现共同富裕。#共同富裕的构想是这样的:#一部分地区有条件先发展起来,一部分地区发展慢点,先发展起来的地区带动后发展的地区,最终达到

237、共同富裕解决的办法之一,就是先富起来的地区多交点利税,支持贫困地区的发展。# #翻译:#To take the road of socialism is to realize common prosperity step by step. Our plan is as follow:# where conditions permit, some areas may develop faster than others;# those that develop faster can help promote the progress of those that lag behind, until

238、 all become prosperous One way is for the areas that become prosperous first to support the poor ones by paying more taxes or turning in more profits to the state. #2、 要提倡科学,靠科学才有希望。# #翻译:#We must promote science, for that is where our hope lies. #3、 现阶段中国已经实现了粮食基本自给,在未来的发展过程中,中国依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给,客观上具

239、备诸多有利因素#翻译:#China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development. #4、 社会主义中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治,永不称霸。# #翻译:#Socialist China should s

240、how the world through its actions that it is opposed to hegemonism(霸权主义)and power politics and will never seek hegemony. #5、 老科学家、中年科学家很重要,青年科学家也很重要。# #翻译:#Veteran and middle-aged scientists are important, and so are young ones. #6、 革命是解放生产力,改革也是解放生产力。# #翻译:#Revolution means emancipation(解放)of the p

241、roductive forces, and so does reform. #7、 将右腿提放20次。#再将左腿提放二十次。# #翻译:#Lift and lower the right leg for 20 times. Repeat with the left leg. #8、 世界在观望。#世界在倾听。#世界希望看到我们的所作所为。# #翻译:#The world watches. The world listens. The world waits to see what we will do. #9、 过去,只讲在社会主义条件下发展生产力,没有讲还要通过改革解放生产力,不完全。#应该

242、把解放生产力和发展生产力两个讲全了。# #翻译:#In the past, we only stressed expansion of the productive forces under socialism, without mentioning the need to liberate them through reform. That conception was incomplete. Both the liberation and the expansion of the productive forces are essential. #10、 这样好嘛,就是要有创造性。# #翻

243、译:#Thats good. Creativity is just what we want. #11、 对改革开放,一开始就有不同意见,这是正常的。# #翻译:#In the beginning opinions were divided about the reform and the open policy. That was normal. #12、 同时,我们的对外开放采取了多种方式,包括搞经济特区,开放十四个沿海城市。# #翻译:#In the meantime, we have implemented the policy of opening China to the outs

244、ide world in many ways, including setting up special economic zones and opening 14 coastal cities. #13、 改革开放迈不开步子,不敢闯,说来说去就是怕资本主义的东西多了,走了资本主 义道路。#要害是姓“资”还是姓“社”的问题。# 翻译:#The reason some people hesitate to carry out the reform and the open policy and dare not break new ground is, in essence(本质上), that

245、 they are afraid it would mean introducing too many elements of capitalism and, indeed(甚至), taking the capitalist road. The crux(关键)of the matter is whether the road is capitalist or socialist. #14、 社会主义发展生产力,成果是属于人民的。# #翻译:#Under socialism, when the productive forces are developed, the result belon

246、gs to the people. 15、 基本路线要管一百年,动摇不得。#翻译:#We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation(踌躇,不果断). 16、 我们的第一个目标是解决温饱问题,这个目标已经达到了。# #翻译:#Our first objective was to solve the problem of food and clothing, which we have now done. 17、 过去我们搬用别国的模式,结果阻碍了生产力的发展,在思想上导致僵化,妨碍人民和基层积

247、极性的发挥。# #翻译:#We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidly and kept the people and grassroots units from taking any initiative. #18、 没有人好生照顾的话,花草自然要枯萎。# #翻译:#Flowers will pine away(枯萎) when they are not cared fo

248、r. #19、 中国与东盟各国或山水相连,或隔海相望,在悠久的交往中,人民之间形成了深厚的传统友谊。# #翻译:#Joined together by mountains and rivers or facing with other across the sea, China and ASEAN countries have developed a profound traditional friendship among the people in the course of their age-old contacts and exchanges.#20、 我们正处在世纪之交的重要历史时

249、刻,应该以长远的战略眼光审视和处理双方关系,建立中国与东盟面向二十一世纪的睦邻互信伙伴关系。# #翻译:#At this important historical juncture on the eve of the new century, we should approach and handle our bilateral relations(双边关系) from a long-range strategic perspective and forge a Chinese-ASEAN good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust oriented

250、 to the 21st century. #21、 一连十天没下雨。# #翻译:#We havent got a drop of rain for a good ten days. #22、 恐怕周末前要变天。# #翻译:#I am afraid that we are in for a change of weather before the weekend. #23、 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。# #翻译:#Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. #24、 我国社会主义工业化的建设及其

251、成就,正在日益促进他们的这种积极性。# #翻译:#Their enthusiasm is being constantly heightened by Chinas socialist industrialization and its achievement. #25、 会谈中,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权方面的问题。# #翻译:#During the talks, their discussion has been centered around protection of intellectual property rights. #26、 孩子们看电视过多会大大的损伤视力。#翻译:#To

252、o much exposure to TV program will do great harm to the eyesight of children. #27、 由于我们实行了改革开放政策,我国的综合国力有了明显的增强。# #翻译:#Thanks to the introduction of our reform and opening policy, our comprehensive national strength has greatly improved. #28、 我完全赞成你的意见。# #翻译:#Im all for your opinion. #29、 作者在文章中,对人类

253、疏忽自身环境作了批评。# #翻译:#In his article the author is critical of mans negligence toward his environment. #30、 学生们都应该德、智、体全面发展。# #翻译:#All the students should develop morally, intellectually, physically. #31、 这架波音747飞机起飞了,机上载有347名乘客。# #翻译:#The Boeing 747 took off with 347 passengers on board. #32、 因为他滥用职权,他

254、严重损害了自己在下属面前的形象。# #翻译:#Abuse of power seriously damaged his image among his subordinates.#33、 即使是最好的厨师,有时又有做不好的菜。# 翻译:#The best cook sometimes makes bad dishes. 34、 江山易改,本性难移。# 翻译:#You can never scare a dog away from a greasy hide. 35、 这家商店里的商品品种多、花色全、样式新。# #翻译:#The commodities in this store are gre

255、at in variety, new in style, and their design and color are rich. #36、 他不明白人生的意义。# #翻译:#He doesnt know what life means to him. #37、 济南地段的黄河,夏天河面宽,水流急,泥沙沉淀淤积,河床逐年加高,水位高出地面十多米。# #翻译:#The Yellow River at Jinan is wide and turbulent in summer. With years of precipitation and deposition of silt, its bed

256、has become higher and higher so that its average water level is about 10 meters above the ground. #38、 七股大水,从水库的桥孔跃出,仿佛七幅闪光黄锦,直扑下去,碰着嶙峋的乱石,激起一片雪白水珠,脱线一般,撒在洄漩的水面。# #翻译:#Seven torrents were rushing through the archways of the bridge like seven glittering rolls of cloth of gold cascading on to the jagg

257、ed rocks below and scattering snow-white bubbles like a string of broken beads on the swirling water. #39、 我们的三个孩子是在接受了8年到11年左右的华文教育后,才转入英文源流学校,对此我们感到非常的欣慰。# #翻译:#We are gratified that our three children had between 8 and 11 years Chinese schooling before switching over to English medium schools. #4

258、0、 期望大学毕业生即使在竞争激烈的时代中也要活得正直,彬彬有礼,富有爱心是否要求过高了?# #翻译:#Is it too much to expect that, even in this hard-edged, competitive age, a college graduate will live with integrity, civilityeven compassion?# #41、 嘴甜心苦,两面三刀,上头笑着,脚底下使绊子,明是一盆火,暗是一把刀,她全占了。# #翻译:#She will give you sweet talk when there is hatred(憎恨,

259、怨恨)in her heart, she is so double-faced and tricky. All the time she is smiling she tries to trip you up, making a show of great warmth while she stabs you in the back. Thats the way she is. #42、 任务虽然艰巨,可是我们还是想办法完成了。# #翻译:#It was a difficult task, but we managed to accomplish it. #43、 如果样样抓,一样也抓不到。#

260、 #翻译:#Grasp all, lose all. #44、 任何一个人,如果不努力学习新东西,都会被时代所淘汰。# #翻译:#Any person who fails to master new things will be left behind the times. #45、 他患了严重的急性肺炎之后,就奉命退伍了。# #翻译:#He was invalided out of the army because of a nasty attack of acute pneumonia. #46、 九路公交车来了。# #翻译:#Here comes the bus NO.9. #47、 在

261、任何情况下,中国决不首先使用核武器。# #翻译:#Under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. #48、 在有些欧洲国家里,人民享受最广泛的社会福利,如医疗保险等。# #翻译:#In some of European countries, the people are given the biggest social benefits such as medical insurance. #49、 没有知识分子,我们的事情就不能做好,所以我们要好好团结、依靠他们、使他们富强起来。# #翻译:#Wit

262、hout intellectuals, our work cannot be done well, and we should therefore do a good job of uniting with them, relying on them and making them rich. #50、 据谣言,那场火灾是由于玩忽职守造成的。# #翻译:#It is rumoured(谣传)that the fire break-out was due to negligence. #51、 在我们这个时代,任何人都想要在社会上起到所希望的作用,必须接受必要的教育。#随着科学的进步,在中小学开

263、设了越来越多的课程。#与过去相比,现代教育更重视实用性。# 翻译:#In our times, anyone who wants to play an important role in a society as he wishes must receive necessary education. With the development of science, more courses are offered in primary schools and middle schools. Compared with the education in the past, modern educ

264、ation places its stress on practicality. #52、 现在的中国教育与中国经济的巨大发展相比,还存在着差距。#这些差距既向中国的高等教育提出了挑战,同时也为他带来了机遇。#我们应该抓住机遇、迎接挑战,从人才培养模式、学科建设和科学研究等方面进行新的探索,努力创建面向21实际的一流高校。# #翻译:#In order to match the great development of Chinas economy, there is still a long way for its contemporary education to go. The disp

265、arity between them not only puts challenge before Chinas higher education, but provides it with opportunities simultaneously. We should seize the opportunity and meet the challenge head-on. We should make new explorations in the aspects of the personnel-training pattern, curriculum set-up and scient

266、ific research, and we should establish first-class institutions of higher learning geared to the 21st century. #53、 中国是个大国,百分之八十的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、城镇和其他用地。# #翻译:#China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmlan

267、d, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses. #54、 少年时一去不复返的,等到经历衰退时,要做学问也来不及了。# #翻译:#Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. #55、 声速随温度的升降会有轻微的增减,但不受气压的影响。# #翻译:#The speed of sound incr

268、eases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls slightly with a decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air. #56、 要充分重视自然科学理论研究,包括现代数学、高能物理、分子生物学等基础学科的理论研究,忽视这一点就不能掌握和运用世界上先进的科学技术成果,不能很好的解决我们在建设中遇到的重大问题。# #翻译:#Full attention must be paid to theoretical research in the

269、natural sciences, including such basic subjects as modern mathematics, high energy physics and molecular biology. Negligence in this respect will make it impossible for us to master and apply the results of advanced world science and technology and properly;i:11;s:2473:#Lesson 15 Good news#用所给单词或短语的

270、正确形式填空。#look up could not afford to go into#interrupt enter#1. Two lawyers _ a restaurant and ordered two drinks.#2. When I came in, he didnt _ from his book.#3. All visitors must show their pass before _ the building.#4. She _ eat at the expensive restaurant.#5. When I am working, dont knock on my

271、door. Never _ me. Not for any reason.#根据汉语提示完成下列句子。#1. 当轮到我发言时,我忽然失去了信心。#When it was _, my confidence suddenly deserted me.#2. 2004年,据旧金山的一篇报道称:#普通工人每年要额外花费1000磅看大夫。#In 2004, the average worker paid _ to go to see doctors, according to a San Francisco report.#3. 鲍勃告诉我说他在那儿工作了多年才搬走。#Bob told me _ the

272、re for years before he moved out.#从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。#1. Alice, why didnt you come yesterday?#I _, but I had an unexpected visitor. (1997,全国高考卷)# A had B would# C was going to D did#2. The girl looks _. But now she is looking _ at the man. # A beautifully;# angrilyB beautiful;# angrily# C

273、beautiful;# angryD beautifully;# angry#3. He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning _ his teammates had done. (2006,上海高考卷) #A whatB which#C why D while#4. Mary, _ here everybody else, stay where you are. (2006,上海高考卷)# A comeB comes# C to comeD coming#用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成句子。#1. I was to

274、ld Tom _ (join) the army two years before.#2. They had hoped that she _ (come) to join them last weekend. #3. The boy _ (say), “I found the dog just at the edge of the wood.”#4. Hayley said to me that she _ (see) me at the same place the next day.#5. _ (give) blood if you can and many lives will be saved.#6. You usually stay home and rest on Sundays. Why do you sound so _ (anger)?#1#;i:12;s:3:#;

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