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1、香港邮政邮票发行计划香港郵政2014年郵品發行表及簡介来源:香港郵政官网 整理:李明1.岁次甲午(马年)发行日期:2014年1月11日 邮票 版票 邮票小型张 丝绸邮票小型张 套折 首日封 首日封(珍藏版) 已盖销首日封 已盖销首日封(珍藏版) 邮资已付生肖贺年卡 已盖销邮资已付生肖贺年卡岁次甲午(马年)邮票是香港邮政贺岁生肖邮票第四辑的第三套邮票。这一套四款邮票以布艺、木雕、金属雕塑及漆器四种工艺呈现骏马的飞逸神态。另推出邮票小型张及丝绸邮票小型张,为新春佳节增添吉祥之气。1a.十二生肖金银邮票小型张 灵蛇骏马发行日期:2014年1月11日 邮票小型张 套折 纪念封 纪念封(珍藏版) 已盖销

2、纪念封 已盖销纪念封(珍藏版)灵蛇杳然远去,骏马奔腾而至,送旧迎新,何不两者兼得?此邮票小型张的蛇年及马年邮票分别以银箔烫压和22K镀金金片印制,既具收藏价值,亦是贺岁佳品。2.心思心意发行日期:2014年1月23日 邮票 版票 小版张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封香港邮政第五辑心思心意邮票设计独特,以全息烫压效果印制。心思心意邮票合共六枚,各具意趣,除爱与关怀和纪念志庆主题外,今年还新增了生日初生庆贺,不论是婚嫁纪念、节日喜庆、祝捷庆功、生辰弥月等珍贵时刻,均可大派用场。3.中国恐龙发行日期:2014年2月20日 邮票 版票 小全张 套折 珍贵邮票小册子 首日封 已盖销首日封 已盖销首日封(彩

3、色邮戳) 邮资已付图片卡(特别印刷效果) 已盖销邮资已付图片卡(特别印刷效果)中国有记载的恐龙属种多达140种,约占全球六分之一,是世界公认的恐龙大国。这套邮票介绍六种中国恐龙,包括炳灵大夏巨龙、顾氏小盗龙、巨型禄丰龙、多背棘沱江龙、安氏原角龙及上游永川龙,带你回到牠们生活的中生代时期,深入认识这种传奇的史前动物。4.天气现象发行日期:2014年3月27日 邮票 版票 邮票小型张 邮票小型张(特别印刷效果) 套折 珍贵邮票小册子 首日封 已盖销首日封天气瞬息万变,各种现象的形态及成因迥异,但与我们的生活息息相关。这套邮票以七种天气现象为主题,包括彩虹、霜、云、闪电、雾、雨及台风,务求增进大众对

4、各种气象的认识。5.国际家庭日发行日期:2014年5月15日 邮票 版票 小全张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封联合国把每年的5月15日定为国际家庭日,旨在增加各地人民对家庭的认识。家庭是社会的基石,和睦的家庭有助建立和谐社会。这套邮票以不同的互动手势,表达家庭的四种核心价值孝、爱、和谐与关怀,从而宣扬仁爱家庭的文化。6.香港馆藏选粹 吴冠中画作发行日期:2014年6月17日 邮票 版票 邮票小型张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封 邮资已付图片卡 已盖销邮资已付图片卡吴冠中是艺术史上一位举足轻重的艺术家,他的作品把西方的艺术思维巧妙地与东方的情思结合,推动了二十世纪中国艺术的创新发展。吴冠中把他一批经

5、典作品(包括双燕)及遗作送给香港,如今制作成七款邮票,藉此让他无私的艺术精神走进香港及世界各地的寻常百姓中。7.二一四年香港通用邮票发行日期:2014年7月(待定) 邮票 版票 小全张 套折 卷装邮票 首日封 已盖销首日封 邮票小册子 明信片 极限明信片 航空邮简二一四年香港通用邮票将以中国香港世界地质公园为设计主题。地质公园共有两大园区及八个景区,不但景观优美,地貌各异,而且极具科学价值。香港邮政期望藉着此套通用邮票,向公众宣扬地球科学知识,加强市民爱护环境的意识。8.粤剧服饰发行日期:2014年8月21日 邮票 版票 小版张 邮票小型张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封粤剧是广东地区的戏曲剧种,

6、已有四百多年历史,糅合了广东民间说唱艺术和音乐,艺术风格别树一帜。粤剧服饰以刺绣为主,按角色、性别、场景等来划分。这套邮票展示七款粤剧服饰,包括大汉装、海青、小古装、小军装、蟒袍、披风及大靠,画功细腻,一丝不苟,诚为收藏之选。9.中国香港 马来西亚联合发行:地道食品发行日期:2014年10月9日 邮票 版票 小全张 套折 纪念套折 首日封 已盖销首日封香港是国际美食之都,马来西亚的多元文化美食亦广为饕客钟爱。两地的地道食品各具特色,吸引世界各地的游客前来品尝。这套邮票呈现马来西亚和香港的地道食品,从而透视两地独特的饮食文化。10.圣诞邮票 III发行日期:2014年11月4日 邮票 版票 小全

7、张 自动黏贴小全张 自动黏贴邮票小型张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封 已盖销首日封(彩色邮戳) 邮资已付圣诞卡(本地邮资) 已盖销邮资已付圣诞卡(本地邮资) 邮资已付圣诞卡(空邮邮资) 已盖销邮资已付圣诞卡(空邮邮资)为迎接万世欢腾、普天同庆的圣诞节,大家往往会寄圣诞贺卡给挚爱亲朋,送上祝福,表达心意。如能辅以设计别出心裁的应节邮票,让收件者感受到浓浓暖意,更是难能可贵。香港邮政推出第三套圣诞邮票,凭借丰富的想象力,把香港独特的事物融入到各款可爱的圣诞造型,让佳节气氛弥漫城市每一角落。11.中国世界遗产系列第三号:中国丹霞发行日期:2014年12月4日 邮票小型张 套折 首日封 已盖销首日封中国


9、皮包装,内附2013年发行的所有特别邮票、小全张和邮票小型张,绝对令收藏家爱不释卷。c.2013年邮票套折发行日期:2013年12月17日此邮票套折设计简约,内含2013年发行的所有邮票,是集邮者的入门之选。备注:*香港邮政就邮品之发行日期、售价、名称、设计及形式保留最终修改权利。所有特别/纪念邮票及其相关邮品由发行日起三个月内在各邮局发售,数量有限,售完即止。 2014 Stamps Issuing Programme and IntroductionIf you are interested in ordering the following stamp products, please

10、click here.1.Year of the HorseIssue Date: 11th January 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Stamp Sheetlet Silk Stamp Sheetlet Presentation Pack First Day Cover First Day Cover (Prestige version) Datestamped First Day Cover Datestamped First Day Cover (Prestige version) Postage Prepaid Lunar New Year Greeti

11、ng Card Datestamped Postage Prepaid Lunar New Year Greeting CardYear of the Horse is the third Lunar New Year special stamp issue in the fourth series. This set of stamps delineates the ethereal beauty of horses in four different artistic mediums, namely fabric art, wood carving, metal sculpture and

12、 lacquer. The stamp sheetlet and silk stamp sheetlet give a note of festivity of the Chinese New Year.1a.Gold and Silver Stamp Sheetlet on Lunar New Year Animals Snake/ HorseIssue Date: 11th January 2014 Stamp Sheetlet Presentation Pack Souvenir Cover Souvenir Cover (Prestige version) Datestamped So

13、uvenir Cover Datestamped Souvenir Cover (Prestige version)While the Year of the Snake draws to a close and the Horse comes in like a bolt of lightning, it is a good idea to capture and celebrate the Lunar New Year with this special stamp issue. This stamp sheetlet with 22K gold-plated horse stamp an

14、d silver hot-foiled snake stamp is perfect for gift or collection.2.HeartwarmingIssue Date: 23rd January 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Mini-Pane Presentation Pack First Day Cover Datestamped First Day CoverThe fifth issue of Heartwarming stamps by Hongkong Post is unique in design with holographic fo

15、il effect. The six stamps cover themes like Love & Care, Celebrations, as well as the new theme of Birthday / Newborn. Whatever special occasions you are congratulating, be it a wedding, anniversary, festival, celebration or birthday, Heartwarming stamps will surely melt the recipients heart!.3.Chin

16、ese DinosaursIssue Date: 20th February 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Souvenir Sheet Presentation Pack Prestige Stamp Booklet First Day Cover Datestamped First Day Cover Datestamped First Day Cover (Colour Postmark) Postage Prepaid Picture Card (Special Printing Effect) Datestamped Postage Prepaid Pic

17、ture Card (Special Printing Effect)China has as many as 140 recorded dinosaur species, representing one-sixth of the worlds total, and is recognised as a major dinosaur region. This stamp issue features six Chinese dinosaurs: Daxiatitan binglingi, Microraptor gui, Lufengosaurus magnus, Tuojiangosaur

18、us multispinus, Protoceratops andrewsi and Yangchuanosaurus shangyouensis which leads you to the Mesozoic Era when these giants trod Chinese soil to get a close-up of these legendary creatures!4.Weather PhenomenaIssue Date: 27th March 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Stamp Sheetlet Stamp Sheetlet (Speci

19、al Printing Effect) Presentation Pack Prestige Stamp Booklet First Day Cover Datestamped First Day CoverLook around you and you can easily observe all sorts of weather phenomena that have bearings on our daily lives. This stamp issue introduces seven common weather phenomena ranging from rainbow, fr

20、ost, cloud, lightning, fog, rain to typhoon, to enhance the publics awareness of these weather conditions.5.International Day of FamiliesIssue Date: 15 May 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Souvenir Sheet Presentation Pack First Day Cover Datestamped First Day CoverThe United Nations has made 15 May the

21、annual International Day of Families to enhance awareness of the family around the world. The family is the cornerstone of society. Therefore happy families are the keys to building a harmonious society. This stamp issue conveys the four core values of family filial piety, love, harmony and care thr

22、ough interactive hand signs, and underscores the significance of the family.6.Hong Kong Museums Collection Paintings by Mr. WU GuanzhongIssue Date: 17th June 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Stamp Sheetlet Presentation Pack First Day Cover Datestamped First Day Cover Postage Prepaid Picture Card Datesta

23、mped Postage Prepaid Picture CardWU Guanzhong is one of the most influential artists in art history. His works have fused western art concepts with oriental aesthetics, and have opened up new creative vistas for 20th century Chinese artists. Wu donated to Hong Kong his masterpieces such as the Two S

24、wallows and his last works. This set of seven stamps featuring his paintings helps disseminate his selfless artistic beliefs to all people in Hong Kong and abroad.7.2014 Hong Kong Definitive Stamps Issue Date: July 2014 (TBC) Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Souvenir Sheet Presentation Pack Reel Stamps First

25、 Day Cover Datestamped First Day Cover Stamp Booklet Postcard Maximum Card AerogrammeThe unique, picturesque and awe-inspiring landscapes of Hong Kong Global Geopark of China are adopted as the theme of the 2014 Hong Kong Definitive Stamps. The Geopark consists of two Regions and eight Geo-Areas. At

26、 this scientifically significant Geopark, you can get close to breathtaking geological wonders at the tip of South China. Through this set of definitive stamps, Hongkong Post wishes to promote earth science and raise public awareness of the natural environment.8.Cantonese Opera CostumesIssue Date: 2

27、1st August 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Mini-Pane Stamp Sheetlet Presentation Pack First Day Cover Datestamped First Day CoverCantonese Opera is the indigenous performing art form of Guangdong region. Dating back to some four centuries ago, the genre has a unique style built upon narration and Canto

28、nese folk music and singing. Cantonese opera costumes are mostly embroidered and classified by the roles, gender and scenes. This exquisite stamp issue presents seven costumes including the Great Han Costume, Gown with Sloping Collar, Dress for Young Ladies, Military Uniform for Soldiers, Python Cer

29、emonial Robe, Gown with a Vertical Collar and Grand Armor in meticulous details.9.Hong Kong, China Malaysia Joint Issue on Local FoodIssue Date: 9th October 2014 Mint Stamps Stamp Sheet Souvenir Sheet Presentation Pack Souvenir Pack First Day Cover Datestamped First Day CoverHong Kong is a renowned international food capital, whereas Malaysia is a popular destination for foodies as a multicultural gourmet hub. Tourists are drawn to both places for their unique gastronomical landscapes. This joint issue features authentic local food of Malaysia and Hong Kong and celebrates the dist

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