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1、英语六级听力真题含答案2007年12月大学英语六级考试真题Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section A 11. A Proceed in his own way. B Stick to the original plan.C Compromise with his colleague. D Try to change his colleagues mind.12. A Many has a keen eye for style.B Nancy regrets buying the dress.C Nancy and Mary we

2、nt shopping together in Rome.D Nancy and Mary like to follow the latest fashion.13. A Wash the dishes. B Go to the theatre.C Pick up George and Martha. D Take her daughter to hospital.14. A She enjoys making up stories about other people. B She can never keep anything to herself for long.C She is ea

3、ger to share news with the woman. D She is the best informed woman in town.15. A A car dealer. B A mechanic. C A driving examiner. D A technical consultant.16. A The shopping mall has been deserted recently. B Shoppers can only find good stores in the mall.C Lots of people moved out of the downtown

4、area. D There isnt much business downtown nowadays.17. A He will help the woman with her reading. B The lounge is not a place for him to study in.C He feels sleepy whenever he tries to study. D A cozy place is rather hard to find on campus.18. A To protect her from getting scratches. B To help relie

5、ve her of the pain.C To prevent mosquito bites. D To avoid getting sun burnt.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A In a studio. B In a clothing store. C At a beach resort. D At a fashion show.20. A To live there permanently. B To stay there for half a year.C To f

6、ind a better job to support herself. D To sell leather goods for a British company.21. A Designing fashion items for several companies. B Modeling for a world-famous Italian company.C Working as an employee for Ferragamo. D Serving as a sales agent for Burberrys.22. A It has seen a steady decline in

7、 its profits. B It has become much more competitive.C It has lost many customers to foreign companies. D It has attracted a lot more designers from abroad.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.23. A It helps her to attract more public attention. B It improves her chanc

8、e of getting promoted.C It strengthens her relationship with students. D It enables her to understand people better.24. A Passively. B Positively. C Skeptically. D Sensitively.25. A It keeps haunting her day and night. B Her teaching was somewhat affected by it.C It vanishes the moment she steps int

9、o her role. D Her mind goes blank once she gets on the stage.Section BPassage OneQuestions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.26. A To win over the majority of passengers from airlines in twenty years. B To reform railroad management in western European countries.C To electrify th

10、e railway lines between major European cities. D To set up an express train network throughout Europe.27. A Major European airlines will go bankrupt. B Europeans will pay much less for traveling.C Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half. D Trains will become the saf

11、est and most efficient means of travel in Europe.28. A Train travel will prove much more comfortable than air travel. B Passengers will feel much safer on board a train than on a plane.C Rail transport will be environmentally friendlier than air transport. D Traveling by train may be as quick as, or

12、 even quicker than, by air.29. A In 1981. B In 1989. C In 1990. D In 2000.Passage TwoQuestions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.30. A There can be no speedy recovery for mental patients. B Approaches to healing patients are essentially the same.C The mind and body should be take

13、n as an integral whole. D There is no clear division of labor in the medical profession.31. A A doctors fame strengthens the patients faith in them. B Abuse of medicines is widespread in many urban hospitals.C One third of the patients depend on harmless substances for cure. D A patients expectation

14、s of a drug have an effect on their recovery.32. A Expensive drugs may not prove the most effective.B The workings of the mind may help patients recover.C Doctors often exaggerate the effect of their remedies. D Most illnesses can be cured without medication.Passage ThreeQuestions 33 to 35 are based

15、 on the passage you have just heard.33. A Enjoying strong feelings and emotions. B Defying all dangers when they have to.C Being fond of making sensational news. D Dreaming of becoming famous one day.34. A Working in an emergency room. B Listening to rock music. C Watching horror movies. D Doing dai

16、ly routines.35. A A rock climber. B A psychologist. C A resident doctor. D A career consultant.Section CIf youre like most people, youve indulged in fake listening many times. You go to history class, sit in the third row, and look (36) _ at the instructor as she speaks. But your mind is far away, (

17、37)_ in the clouds of pleasant daydreams. (38)_ you come back to earth: The instructor writes an important term on the chalkboard, and you (39)_ copy it in you notebook. Every once in a while the instructor makes a (40)_ remark, causing others in the class to laugh. You smile politely, pretending th

18、at youve heard the remark and found it mildly (41)_. You have a vague sense of (42)_ that you arent paying close attention. But you tell yourself that any (43) _ you miss can be picked up from a friends notes. Besides, (44)_.So back you go into your private little world, only later do you realize yo

19、uve missed important information for a test. Fake listening may be easily exposed, since many speakers are sensitive to facial cues and can tell if youre merely pretending to listen. (45)_. Even if you are not exposed theres another reason to avoid fakery. Its easy for this behavior to become a habi

20、t. For some people, the habit is so deeply rooted that (46)_. As a result, they miss lots of valuable information.答案:听力 11. C Compromise with his colleague. 12. B Nancy regrets buying the dress.13. A Wash the dishes.14. C She is eager to share news with the woman. 15. B A mechanic. 16. D There isnt

21、much business downtown nowadays.17. B The lounge is not a place for him to study in.18. C To prevent mosquito bites.19. A In a studio.20. B To stay there for half a year.21. A Designing fashion items for several companies.22. B It has become much more competitive.23. D It enables her to understand p

22、eople better.24. B Positively.25. C It vanishes the moment she steps into her role.26. D To set up an express train network throughout Europe.27. C Traveling time by train between major European cities will be cut by half.28. D Traveling by train may be as quick as,or even quicker than by air.29. A

23、In 1981.30. C The mind and body should be taken as an integral whole.31. D A patients expectations of a drug have an effect on their recovery.32. B The workings of the mind may help patients recover.33. A Enjoying strong feelings and emotions.34. D Doing daily routines.35. B A psychologist.36. squar

24、ely37. floating38. Occasionally39. dutifully40. witty41. humorous42. guilt43. material44. the instructors talking about road construction in ancient Rome, and nothing could be more boring45. Your blank expression, and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that betray you inattentiveness.46. the

25、y automatically start daydreaming when a speaker begins talking on something complex or interesting2008年6月21日大学英语六级真题及答案PartWriting (30 minutes)Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?1.随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多2.有人认为电子图书会取代传统图书,理由是3.我的看法注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上 Part Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 mi

26、nutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1 For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D. For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

27、What will the world be like in fifty years?This week some top scientists, including Nobel Prize winners, gave their vision of how the world will look in 2056,fron gas-powered cars to extraordinary health advances, John Ingham reports on what the worlds finest minds believe our futures will be.For th

28、ose of us lucky enough to live that long,2056 will be a world of almost perpetual youth, where obesity is a remote memory and robots become our companions.We will be rubbing shoulders with aliens and colonizing outer space. Better still, our descendants might at last live in a world at peace with it

29、self.The prediction is that we will have found a source of inexbaustible, safe, green energy, and that science will have killed off religion. If they are right we will have removed two of the main causes of war-our dependence on oil and religious prejudice.Will we really, as todays scientists claim,

30、 be able to live for ever or at least cheat the ageing process so that the average person lives to 150?Of course, all these predictions come with a scientific health warning. Harvard professor Steven Pinker says: “This is an invitation to look foolish, as with the predictions of domed cities and nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners that were made 50 year ago.”Living longerAnthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest Institute in North Carolina, belives failing organs will be repaired by injecting cells into the body. They will naturally to straight to t

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