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1、高中英语综合复习练习题11.【题文】An old Spanish proverb states,“Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week”How many 1 have we put off our dreams untiltomorrow ?Id say,too manyOur dreams should not,and cannot waitWe have to go for them now !Heres 2 .1Tomorrow is not 3 Nobody likes to talk about death,but the 4 i

2、s-everybody is going to die 5 .None of us know the day,or the hour 6 today is all we haveMake the decision to go afterevery dream,big or small,right now2The world is 7 your giftYou were born into the world with a 8 gift,which nobody on this earth can copySure,other people may be able to sing,but the

3、y11 never be able to sing 9 like you .Sure ,otherpeople can write,but theyll never be able to write from the same 10 in which you write .Dontdeprive(剥夺)the world of your giftIts the oxygen that we need to 11 .Thus, it is yourresponsibility to 12 exactly what your gift is,and use it to 13 your life a

4、nd the lives ofthose 14 you .3You cant let fear winOne of the biggest dream 15 is fearMany people could have achieved amazing things 16 they werent afraidJust think about all the things youve wanted to do,but allowed fear to 17 you that you were not good,or 18 enough .Never let fear stop you from ac

5、hievingyour dreams 4You will be much happier if you go for itImagine how much happier you will be if youre living the life you 19 dreamed aboutThe only thing that is stopping you is you 20 you own happiness .Dont keep your drdamswaitingGo after them today !1Adays Btimes Cweeks Dnights2Ahow Bwhy Cwha

6、t Dwhen3Apromised Bacquired Ctreasured Doccupied4Aresult Bproblem Cfeature Dreality5Aon the spot Bfor a while Cat one point Din a hurry6ATherefore BOtherwise CInstead DBesides7Apresenting Bevaluating Cpraising D expecting8Atraditional Bvaluable Cunique Dsignificant9Apossibly Bexactly Ccorrectly Dflu

7、ently10Aangle Bdirection Csense Dcase11Aescape Bhandle Crelax Dsurvive12Aaccount for Bshow off Cfigure out Dgo through13Atreat Bbetter Caccess Dharm14Aagainst Bbeside Cbeneath Daround15Akillers Binventors Cobservers Dcandidates16Aunless Btill Cif Dthough17Aconvince Bguarantee Cwarn Dremind18Apractic

8、al Bpolite Ccapable Dcurious19Ahardly Boccasionally Calways Dseldom20AKeep pace with BTake control of CLook forward to DSpeak highly of【答案】BBADC ADCBA DCBDA CACCB【解析】【试源】2015届福建省厦门市高三3月质量检查(2015.03)【结束】12.【题文】My dad was magicHe served as a large animal vet(兽医)for more than 40 years. Hetravelled from

9、 farm to farm every day,helping and healingHe seemed to know everythingabout everythingHe could make a comer store appear out of nowhereThat was summer for meThe smell of dust and animal waste,hot on a summer breeze,pushed fast through the windows as we drove down winding roadsEven now,and I know ho

10、wawful it sounds,the smell of animal waste makes me think of my dadFor years I have enjoyedthat smell,and breathed it deeply,whenever I ran into itIt transports me back to those summerdays-days with my dadDad could make magic happen On a snowy night,Dad took me out to work when 1 was 6Nothing could

11、be seen at a11Wehad to park the car at the side of the road,waitingBut 1 was unconcerned because with myfather I knew nothing bad would happenOut of the darkness,1 watched with open-mouthedwonder as a horsedrawn sleigh(雪橇)drew up beside USIn time,my dad let me be magicWhile he treated the animals ch

12、atting with the farmers,1 was allowed to run aroundIwould run after cats everywhere,trying to catch just one so that I could pet it .I would returntowhere my dad was working,carrying one with prideUnavoidably,the farmer would glance over,do a double-take andsay:“That catS near on wildNo one has been

13、 able to pet that one inforever”1 would hold it a little tighter happily,then let it goEven after I became an adult,my dad was magicHe and my mother were very progressive in their way of raising me,encouraging me to get aneducation and career,and then think about a husband and familyBut they let me

14、choose my ownway to get there,and didnt say a lot when I chose a different order of achieving those thingsAnd now that his days are over,1 wish I had thanked him moreFor being my fatherForgiving me so many memoriesFor being magic1What would be the best title for the passage?ADad Was Magic BWhat A La

15、rge Animal VetCDad Made Me Magic DWhat A Magical Experience2The detailed description in Paragraph 2 mainly indicates that the writer_.Ahas got accustomed to the smell of animal wasteBhad unforgettable summer days with her dadCwas taken to the countryside in a vehicleD10ves hot summer in the countrys

16、ide3What does the underlined phrase“do a doubletakeprobably mean?ALook at someone again surprisingly BRefuse to talk to someoneCTake care of someone DGlare at someone4It can be inferred from the passage that the writer_.Adepends on her parents too muchBholds a positive view on marriageCiS forbidden

17、to make her own choiceDthinks well of her parentsway of raising her【答案】ABAD【解析】【试源】2015届福建省厦门市高三3月质量检查(2015.03)【结束】13.【题文】Some of the best known works of a11 timewere painted by the Dutch Post-Impressionistartist,Vincent Willem Van Gogh(18581890)And Irises(1889)is among the most recognizedof his pie

18、ces On May 8,1889,Van Gogh was admittedto the mental hospital at Saint Paul-de-Mausole,FranceDuring his stay he painted some 130paintings with the surrounding gardens and clinic becoming his main subjects for paintingAmong these were the famous The Starry Night and Irises.Inspired by the nature surr

19、ounding him,Van Gogh began his work on Irises within the firstweek of his stay at the hospitalLike many artists of his time Van Gogh was influenced byJapanese woodblock(木刻)prints which began in the 17th centuryThe use of black outlines inIrises is a typical feature of the Japanese worksIt helped to

20、strengthen the expressive power ofthe paintingIrises is the one of Van Goghs paintings that has a stillness and beauty not seen inmany of his later works The technique of Japanese artist Hokusai was used by Van Gogh with precisionThe useof blue and violet(紫色)bring the flowers to lifeThis also create

21、d a sense of movement anddepth to the flowersVan Gogh placed the irises unevenly(不均衡地)on the page,making theflowers the focusThese are all techniques taken from HokusaiVan Gogh added to his work hisown style,however,by placing orange marigolds carefully in the backgroundThe position of a single whit

22、e iris begs many questions from the viewers that are still open for interpretation(解读)Currently one of the most expensive paintings,Irises shows Van Goghs ability to use hissurroundings to paint images that have depth and characterAlthough it was painted during atime of suffering for Van Gogh,he was

23、 able to channel that energy into turning bright colors,deep outline and flat paint into works of artHis influence is forever felt among admirers andartists alike60From the passage we can learn that Van Gogh_.Apainted about 130 paintings all his life Badmired many artists of his timeCpainted Irises

24、at Saint Paul-de-Mausole Dwas a French Post-Impressionist artist1According to the passage,Irises_.Ais a typical woodblock printBreflects some techniques of HokusaiCshows Van Goghs pessimistic view of lifeDresembles many of Van Goghs later works2Van Gogh chose blue and violet so that the flowers coul

25、dA1ook lively Bbe the focus Cbe moving D1ook uneven3Which of the following is true about the single white iris?APeople share the same view on it BIts position inspires viewers to thinkCVan Gogh painted it in a strange way DIt serves as the background of the painting【答案】BAB【解析】【试源】2015届福建省厦门市高三3月质量检查

26、(2015.03)【结束】14.【题文】This challenging 1 1-month,fulltime masters program focuses on advanced economictheories and reasoning,econometrics skills,and the application of these tools used to produce a research project andor policy analysis in an international setting Studying in Washington,DC,students mo

27、ve through the program and choose to specializein Macroeconomics and International Finance or International Trade and DevelopmentInadditionthe sch001 allows students to add additional international affairs courses to theirMIEFcurriculum(课程)School of Advanced International Studies(SAIS)is currentlyre

28、cruiting(吸收)candidates for the 2015-2016 school year_The Students the SAIS student body represents approximately 75 nations, promoting a diversity that enrichesacademic life ._The StaffSAIS staff have a passion for teaching and are appreciated for their expertise(能力)Students in theM.I.E.F. program a

29、re given opportunities to do communication oneonone with world famous experts in theInternational Economics program_Recent Speakers John Lipsky,Former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Carmen Reinhart,Professor of Economics,Harvard University_Gain a Career-Building EdgeEconomics knowledgeanalytical abilities and the ability to apply economic analysis to real-worldproblems give our students a distinct professional advantageWhether

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