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1、9)Muffin top腰部赘肉 10)Badonkadonk 大屁股She stopped working out and she got a little jiggly. I hear she has a muffin top and a big badonkadonk.她停止锻炼之后变得有点胖,而且我还听说她现在有很多赘肉,屁股也大了。11)sit-ups仰卧起坐12)push-ups俯卧撑13)squats蹲坐I do lots of sit-ups,push-ups,squats.So I dont get a big badonkadonk.我不要大屁股啦。【Fashion Wee

2、k衣服/穿得迷死人:Dressed to kill】1)decked out /dressed to kill 盛装打扮Melissa came to the party dressed to kill/all decked out. Melissa盛装打扮来参加派对。2)burn a hole in ones pocket 花钱如流水,存不住钱,有钱就花Having a cat is expensive .I have to buy so many toys and treats for him. Its burning a hole in my pocket. 养猫很贵的,要给它买很多玩具

3、和吃的,我的钱肯定会被花光的。3)fly by the seat of your pants 凭感觉,碰运气,自由发挥We had never seen a situation like this ,so we were flying by the seat of our pants.我们谁也没有遇到过这种情况,所以只有凭感觉了。4)hand-me-down 用旧的东西全给其他人用The shirt is a hand-me-down from my older sister. 这件衬衫是我姐姐不要了给我的。【你最喜欢哪部电影 Whats your favorite movie?】 1)Wha

4、ts your favorite type/kind of movie? 你最喜欢哪种电影My favorite movies are adventure movies/comedies. 我最喜欢冒险片/喜剧片。2)The movie takes place in.这个电影的故事发生在. 3)The movie is set in. 这部电影以(什么时间)为背景The movie is set in pre-war London.这部电影以战前的伦敦为背景。4)starring 由谁主演Salt starring Angelina Jolie. Salt特工少特这个电影由Angelina J

5、olie主演。5)whats that movie about ? 这部电影讲的是什么6)box office 票房That movie topped the box office last weekend. 这个电影票房上周高居榜首。【sick生病】1) sick 生病I feel sick.我感觉不舒服。2)sick as a dog 病得厉害。Andrew is sick as a dog. Im going to make him some soup. Andrew 病得厉害,我去给他煮点汤。2) call in sick 打电话请病假I dont feel good,Im going

6、 to call in sick and take the day off.我感觉不舒服了,待会去打电话请病假,今天在家休息了。3) sick in bed 卧病在床Bob is sick in bed with the flu. Bob得了流感,现在卧病在床。4) worried sick 担心得要命Thaks heavens youre alright. I was worried sick! 谢天谢地你没有事,我担心得要命。【吃饭】 1)taste 尝尝Taste this!Its really good!尝尝这个,非常好吃!2)nibble 一点点咬,小口吃 nibble on 吃一点

7、 nibble on a chip I wasnt hungry at lunch. So I just nibbled on my sandwich.我午饭时不是很饿,所以我只吃一点三文治。3)binge 暴食I binged on ice cream and snacks for an entire day,when my boyfriend broke up with me.男朋友和我分手了,我暴食了一整天的零食和冰淇淋。4)gulp 喝大口,一饮而尽He gulped down an entire bottle of champagne.他将这瓶香槟一饮而尽。5)munch 来点小吃W

8、e can munch on some chips before dinner,so you dont get too hungry.晚饭前如果太饿的话,我们可以先吃点薯片。6)inhale 吸气/吃得非常快I just inhaled that hamburger. I was so hungry!我很快地吞下了这个汉堡,看来我真的很饿。7)savor 细细品尝I slowly drank the coffee,savoring every drop. 我慢慢喝这咖啡,细细品尝这每咖啡的滋味。【颜色】1)black and white 黑白分明,是非分明Judge everything as

9、 either good or bad. 判断每件事不是好就是坏。Its not black and white just because she has a different opinion than you do doesnt mean shes wrong.就是她有不同于你的想法,并不代表她的想法是错的,着没有什么黑白分明。2)feeling blue 感觉特别难过,心情忧郁Ive been feeling blue since my boyfriend broke up with me.男朋友和我分手后,一直感觉特别难过。3)green with envy 十分嫉妒My friend

10、s were green with envy when they saw the new LV bag I bought.我的朋友看到我买了一个LV包包,心中难免嫉妒。4)golden opportunity 绝好的机会This is your golden opportunity.Dont let it pass you by!这是你千载难逢的机会,不要错过哦!5)tickled pink 非常开心,高兴地要命I was tickled pink by the compliment.听到他们的称赞,我高兴得要命。【开学Cut class】1)teacher s pet 老师的宠儿Carrie

11、 is the eacher s pet.2)bookworm 书虫to have your nose in a book 总是专心的看书Kenzie is a bookworm.She always has her nose in a book. Kenzie是一个书虫,她总是在专心地看书。3)final 期末考试I am so nervous for my algebra final.我很紧张代数的期末考试。4)cut class 逃课5)hit the books 很认真地学习I decided to cut class go to the library and hit the boo

12、ks,so Im ready for tomorrows big final.我决定逃课,利用这个时间去图书馆准备明天的期末考试。【各种笑法】1)crack up让人发笑You crack me up. 你太好笑了。2)laugh sarcastically 冷笑3)put on a false smile 皮笑肉不笑Her false smile is so unbearable. 她皮笑肉不笑的样子真让人无法忍受。4)smile 微笑Shes all smiles on the outside,but on the inside shes evil! 她从来都面带微笑,其实内心险恶。5)m

13、ock 嘲笑You shouldnt mock other peoples flaws. 你不要嘲笑别人的缺点。6)giggle 咯咯的傻笑She giggled at him. 她对着他咯咯的傻笑。7)forced smile 强颜欢笑I was so angry!But I forced a smile. 我气死了!但也只能强颜欢笑。【有关Dead的说法】1)Dead meat!死定了(这是开玩笑吧!) You cheated on your girlfriendYou are dead meat!你欺骗了你的女朋友,你死定了!2)Dead right 完全对的 You are dead

14、right. This is the best coffee in the city.3)Dead wrong完全错了 You are dead wrong on this one,Yao ming is the beat basketball player.你完全错了,姚明是最好的篮球运动员。4) Dead to the world 对周围事物毫无感受 I have been studying day and night for two weeks straight,I feel dead to the world.我最近两个星期日日夜夜地学习,对外界的事情不闻不问。5) Over my d

15、ead body除非我死了 She moves in to our home,over my dead body! 除非我死了,否则别想搬进我们家。【拉斯维加斯Las Vegas 婚礼】1)tie the knot 结婚2)wedding gowns 婚纱3)tuxedo 男士礼服4)veil 头纱5)The Little White Wedding Chapel 小白教堂6)Drive-thru wedding 免下车婚礼7)renew vows 誓言更新8)Graceland Wedding Chapel 恩赐大地结婚礼堂9)Elvis Weddings 猫王婚礼10)exchange v

16、ows 交换誓词【blind date 相亲】1)blind date 相亲,由第三方安排的约会,男女生初次见面My friend set me up on a blind date this weekend. 这个星期周末被朋友安排了一次相亲。2)single 单身3)double date 两对男女约会My friends Henry and Claire who are boyfriend and girlfriend brought their single guy friend for me to me.It was a double date.我的朋友Henry 和Claire,他

17、们是一对情侣,他们给我介绍一对单身汉,我们来了一次四人约会。4)not my type 不是我喜欢的类型Hes a really nice guy,but hes not my type.他是一个好人,但他不是我喜欢的类型。5)ex 前男/女友6)hung up on someone 对一个人朝思暮想I cant help it,Im still hung up on my ex. 我管不住了,我还是对前男友朝思暮想。【七大姑八大姨,各种亲戚称呼】1)Grandpa 爷爷,老爷 2)Grandma奶奶,姥姥 3)Uncle 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅,姑父,姨夫,等等 4)Aunt 婶婶,姨妈,姑妈,舅

18、妈 等等【臭味】1) stinky 臭味 What is that stinky smell!Thats nasty. 这个臭味是什么呀!受不了!2) fart 放屁 Bob!Did you fartBob cut the cheese!3) B.O. = body odor 体臭 I gotta shower before we go out tonight.I have some serious B.O.!出门前,我要先洗个澡,因为身上很难闻。4) bad breath 口臭 Bad breath is a big turn off. 有口臭真让人扫兴了。5) stinky feet 臭脚

19、OMG!The whole floor smell like stinky feet!整个楼层闻起来像臭脚味道!【特别喜欢的事情Whats your thing?】1) obsessed with 非常非常喜欢 Im obsessed with Lady Gaga. I love her music. 我非常喜欢Lady Gaga!我爱她的音乐。2) dig 很喜欢 I really dig this coffee shop. 我很喜欢这间咖啡馆。I dig your shoes!They are so cute!我很喜欢你的鞋子,很可爱!I really dig him. He is so

20、nice! 我喜欢他,他是个好人!3) my thing 我特别喜欢做的事 Thats my thing.这是我特别喜欢做的事。Dancing is my thing. 我特别喜欢跳舞。Sleeping is my thing. 我特别喜欢睡觉。Cooking is my thing. 我特别喜欢做菜。4) supes/totes cool 很酷 supes = super/totes = totally This shirt is supes cool!Im gunna get it!这个衬衫很不错,我想买。Transformers3 was totes cool!Transformers3

21、 是个很好看的电影啊!5) totes magotes! 当然啦! (一个回答)You wanna go out tonightTotes magotes!你要不要跟我们一起出去啊那当然啦!【日常生活 Daily Life】1) hit the snooze button按闹钟上的止闹按扭 I hit the snooze button a few time before I finally get up.我按了几次止闹按扭后,才起床的。2) get up and get ready 起床,准备好 3) smoothie 沙冰 I make a smoothie for breakfast e

22、very morning ,it has bananas and strawberries in it.So healthy!我每天早上做一个沙冰当早餐,里面有香蕉和草莓,很健康!4) Hop on the metro 上地铁 D.Cmetro纽约subwayI take my smoothie with me and hop on the metro.我带着沙冰上地铁。5) D.C.地铁metro, 纽约地铁subway 【努力工作】1) bust my butt 很努力得工作 When I get to work,I bust my butt. 我上班时,很努力的工作!2) goof ar

23、ound 不做该做的事, 游手好闲 I have a lot to get done,there is no time to goof around. 我有很多事情要做,不能游手好闲的。3) get some air 呼吸新鲜空气 I always take a lunch break and eat outside to get some air. 我每天午餐时间都会在室外吃饭,呼吸下新鲜的空气。4) get off work 下班 5) see what my friends are up to 看看朋友在做什么 I usually go see what my friends are u

24、p to when I get off work. 下班后,经常打电话给朋友,看他们在干什么。6) hang out at my house 呆在我家玩儿We all usually hang out at my house after work. 下班后,我和朋友经常呆在我家玩儿。【如何表达激动兴奋 Totes STOKED!1) really excited 很激动 I really excited to see New York. 我很激动要去纽约了。2) stoked 很兴奋 Im so stoked for our big girls night out!今晚是我和姐妹淘的聚会之夜!

25、很兴奋很期待!3) awesome 棒极了 You got front row seats to the concert!This is gunna be awesome!你拿到音乐会前排的位子了!太棒了!4) I cant wait 等不及I cant wait to get off work!I leave for vacation tonight!哎呀我等不及下班!今天晚上就要去度假了!5) psyched 很兴奋 We get to meet Lady Gaga tonight!Im so psyched!今晚就会见Lady Gaga!我很兴奋啊!【日常交际用语Ta-da! Voila

26、!1) Ta-da! 想到与“look”看! 瞧! I got you a little present!Ta-da! Its a kitty!我给你一个小礼物,看!是一只小猫!2) Drum roll, please! 请来一连串击鼓!想显示好玩的消息Drum roll, please! Ta-da!You won!Yay!3) Voil 瞧! 那就是! (是法语,也是美国人常用的感叹词)Voil A delicious dinner just for you !瞧!为你做了特别好吃的晚餐!4) There ya have it 就这样 (美国人常用这个说法!讲故事后就说这个说法)There

27、 ya have it !Thats how I met Lady Gaga.事情就是这样的。我就是这样遇见Lady Gaga的。5) Thats it 就这些Thats it!Ive got nothin else for ya!就这些!没有什么别的消息。【周末泡吧疯狂 Clubbing! Lets DANCE!1) clubbing 泡吧, 去夜店玩 2) I just wanna dance! 我只想跳舞!3) Lets get on the floor! 开始跳舞吧!4) Lets shake it! 我们摇吧!我们跳舞吧!5) Do the robot! 跳机械舞吧!Wow!She can really do the robot!哇!她真的会跳机械舞吧!6) Head bang 摇头舞 7) Get down! 跳舞吧!【Lets put on MAKEUP! 化妆】1) makeup 化妆 2) foundation 粉底 Many women use foundation before putting on makeup.很多女性在化妆之前都先擦粉底。3) SPF 防晒系数 My foundation also has SPF 15. 我

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