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1、届高三一轮复习英语第一册精品教案6Unit6 Good manners 考纲要求: 考纲规定的考试范围:1. 重点单词与短语interrupt; apology; apologize; fault; introduce; forgive; culture; manners; impression; behave; roll; dessert; custom; course; raise; advice; spirit; mix; extra; stare.; be afraid to do sth.; cant help doing; together with; leave out; sta

2、re at; make jokes about sb.; mean to do; mean doing; start with; ask for.2. 句型Its a custom in China to have some tea before the meal is served. It 做形式主语I guess it wasnt really your fault, was it? 主从句的反意疑问句You are looking two seats to sit down , but there are none. 如何表示数量上没有I am sorry, I didnt mean t

3、o 表示道歉的方法When you see two spoons, the big one is for the soup and the small one for the desert. 省略的用法How about you? 如何询问对方的情况Having good table manners means knowing, 动名词做主语的用法3. 语法:The Attributive Clause()(1)能够用英语描述人物、事件、时间、地点、原因等-使用限制性定语从句。(2)能够用英语对特定的人物、事件、时间、地点等做补充说明-使用非限制性定语从句。 复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握in

4、terrupt; apology; apologize; fault; introduce; forgive; manners; impression; behave; custom; course; raise; advice; spirit; extra; stare.; be afraid to do sth.; cant help doing; together with; leave out; stare at; make jokes about sb.; mean to do; mean doing; start with; ask for等重点单词及短语的用法。2. 掌握It 做

5、形式主语的用法;动名词做主语的用法;主从句的反意疑问句的表达方法和如何询问对方的情况等用法。教材知识归纳知识归纳1.Excuse me, may I interrupt you for a moment? (1)interrupt的用法vt, vi1 阻断;中断 The war interrupted the trade between the two countries. 战争中断了两国间的贸易。Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm. 市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。打岔;插嘴Its not polite to interrupt a

6、speaker. 打断别人说话是不礼貌的。Dont interrupt; let him go on speaking. 别插嘴,让他继续说。派生词:(1)interrupter n. 打岔者,打断者(2) interruption n. 打岔打断,使中断的事物注意:interrupt, disturb与bother的区别 (1)interrupt意为“打断,使中断”常含有主动之意。She interrupted me to ask a question.她打断我的话,问我一个问题。(2)disturb则意为“打扰,使不安”。Alight wind disturbed the surface

7、of the lake.微风吹拂湖面。(3)bother 指使人烦恼而引起的不安或感到不耐烦,也可指“麻烦”。Will it bother you if I turn on the TV?我开电视不会吵着你吧?(2). moment的搭配: at any moment 随时;在任何时候;马上You can turn to me for help at any moment.在任何时候你都可以向我求助。2 at the last moment 在最后关头At the last moment, he gave up.在最后关头,他放弃了。 at the moment 此刻;(正当)那时At the

8、 moment I am working. 此刻我正在工作。 in a moment 一会儿,不久;立即,马上He will be here in a moment. 他一会儿就来。 for a moment 片刻For a moment he didnt know what to do.有一会儿他不知道该怎么做。 the moment(that). 一就2.What does Bill say to apologise for losing the bike?apologize的用法派生词:apology n. 辩解,道歉I owe you an apology for my rudenes

9、s last night.昨天晚上我太粗暴,应该向你道歉。相关归纳 :(1) apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apology to sb for (doing) sth向某人为某事(为做了某事)道歉He apologized to her for not going to her party.= He made an apology to her for not going to her party.他因为没有出席她举行的宴会而向她表示歉意。(2) apologize for oneself 为自己辩解或辩护When the teacher

10、scolded her, she began to apologize for herself.当老师责备她的时候,她开始为自己辩护。3.I guess it wasnt really your fault, was it?当陈述部分是主从复句时,疑问部分中的动词和代词应和主句中的动词和主语保持一致,而不是和从句中的动词和主语保持一致。They know that he is from England, dont they? It was the first time that I had seen such an interesting film, wasnt ?He fell off th

11、e horse when a dog ran in front of them suddenly, didnt he?但是在宾语从句中当主句部分是表示第一人称的主观看法时,疑问部分中的动词和代词应和从句中的动词和主语保持一致,而不是和主句中的动词和主语保持一致。I think you are from America, arent you?I believe he can do it well, cant he?4. You ask him to introduce you to the man.introduce的用法 vt.(1)介绍,引见(introduce sb. to sb.)It

12、was my younger brother who introduced me to jazz.是我的弟弟介绍我听爵士乐的。Allow me to introduce my friend Miss Wood to you.允许我向你介绍我的朋友伍德小姐。(2)引进;传入;采用(introduce sth. To sth. )Coffee was introduced into England from the Continent.咖啡是从欧洲大陆传入英国的。(3)提出;制定;推行The vice chairman of the committee introduced a topic for

13、 discussion.委员会副主席提出议题供大家讨论。(4)作为.的开始;引出He introduced his speech with an anecdote.他说了一则轶闻作为讲话的引子。派生词:introduction的主要义项有:介绍;引见;引进;推行;序言;引言。5. You are looking for two seats to sit down with your friends, but there are none.none的用法:pron.(1) 一点儿也没;一个也没I wanted some more cold meat but there was none left

14、.我想再吃些冷盘肉,可是一点也不剩了。He had none of his brothers boldness.他一点都不像他哥哥那样有魄力。(2)没有任何人(或物)(常与of 短语连用,做主语是谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数)None of the telephones are/is working.所有的电话都坏了。None of them speak(s) English.他们都不会讲英语。注意:none与nothing的区别(1)none强调人或物在某一特定范围内在数量上没有,没有一个。常可以做how many和how much 的答语Have you bought any cloth

15、es?你买衣服了? None一件也没买。 -How many tigers did you see in the zoo?-None.(2)nothing只能指物,表示“没有什么(东西)”强调没有任何东西。它们不可与of短语连用,作主语时谓语动词只能用单数。Theres nothing in the bag口袋里什么也没有。 6.Im sorry, I didnt mean tomean的用法(1) 1. (言词等)表示.的意思;意指,意谓 What do you mean by I realized what he meant.我明白他的意思了。By the cities I mean th

16、e big cities in particular.我所说的城市主要是指大城市。Dont think I am joking; I mean business.不要以为我是在开玩笑,我可是当真的。(2) mean to do打算做某事What do you mean to do next? 下一步你打算做什么?I mean to write a letter to my girlfriend. 我打算给我的女朋友写封信。I know I have hurt her feelings, but I didnt mean to. 我知道我伤害了她,但这不是我的本意。I had meant to

17、apologize to him, but I changed my mind.我本打算向他道歉,但又改变了主意。(3) mean doing 意味着-Her smile means being happy. 她的微笑意味着正高兴。Waving the hand means saying goodbye. 挥手意味着道别。If it means delaying one more week, I will not wait. 如果这意味着拖延一个星期,我就不等了。(4) mean sb. to do 打算要某人做-I mean you to repair my bike. 我打算要你给我修自行

18、车。I had meant you to get up early, but you got up late.我本打算要你早起,但你起晚了。He meant his son to succeed. 他要他的儿子成功。(5) 吝啬的,小气的be mean + about/over/withHer husband is very mean about money.她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。7. Knowing them will help you make a good impression. (1)Knowing them动名词做主语。动名词做主语的相关用法动名词做主语时,谓语动词用用单数。Wal

19、king around in a city is rather tiring. Raising dogs is his favorite. 喂猪是他最喜欢的事情。注意:常用it 做形式主语真正做主语的动名词后置的句型有:It be no use./ no good/ pointless /a waste of time doing sth.(偶尔也用不定式)It is a waste of time waiting on.再等下去是没有用的。做主语的动名词与不定式的区别。作主语动名词通常指一个抽象动作,而做主语的不定式通常指某一次具体的动作。Its no use crying over spi

20、lt milk,泼水难收,哭也无用(指抽象动作)。He realized that to go on like this was no use(指具体动作)下面结构也用动名词There +be +no +动名词,含义上相当于its impossible to doThere is no telling what hes going to do. (2) impress 的用法:派生词:impression n. 印象 impressive adj. 印象深刻的相关归纳:impress sb with sth. The girl impressed us with her intelligenc

21、e and humour.那个女孩以她的智慧和幽默给我们留下了深刻的印象。impress sth. on/upon sb. The teacher impressed the importance of English on us.老师让我们深深记住了英语的重要性。under the impression that 从句I am under the impression that he will be here in time.我认为他会及时赶到的。 what impressed sb. most is + n.或从句What impressed me most is their welcom

22、e.给我印象最深刻的是他们的热情欢迎。8.When you see two spoons, the big one is for the soup and the small one for the desert.the small one for the desert是the small one is for the desert的省略。体现了并列句中的省略并列句中的省略 (1) 如果主语不同,而谓语动词中的一部分相同,则省略谓语动词中相同的那部分。 John must have been playing football and Mary (must have been) doing he

23、r homework.约翰一定在踢球,而玛丽一定在做作业。 We raced to the east and they to the west.我们向东驶去,他们则向西驶去。He majors in chemistry and I in physics.他主修化学,我则主修物理。 (2)主语相同,谓语动词也相同,则二者都可以省略。 His suggestions made John happy, but (his suggestions made) Mary angry.他的建议使约翰高兴,却使玛丽很生气。 (3)主语相同,而谓语不同,则可以省略主语。 Old McDonald gave up

24、 smoking for a while, but (he) soon returned to his old ways. 老麦克唐纳戒了一阵子烟,可很快又抽上了。 (4)在并列复合句中,如果that从句从属于第二个并列句且它的谓语动词和宾语等其它一些成分与第一个并列句相同时,这个that从句通常可以省略这些相同的部分。 Jack will sing at the party, but I know John wont (sing at the party). 杰克将在晚会上唱歌,但我知道约翰不会在晚会上唱歌。 9.Dinner starts with a small dish, which

25、is often called a starter.Start with的用法:(1)start with sth. 以开始His illness started with a slight cough.他的病是从轻微的咳嗽开始的。He started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself.他本想损害别人,结果却害了自己。 (2) start sth. with sth. 以什么来开始什么We started our lesson with an English song.我们以一首英文歌曲开始了我们

26、的课。(3)to start with 首先;刚开始的时候(做插入语)To start with, let me introduce myself.首先,让我做个自我介绍。Our company had only six workers at first.我们公司刚开始的时候只有6个员工。10.When drinking to someones health, you raise your glasses.arise, rise, raise的用法区别:(1)raise vt.“使上升;升起;提高;饲养;养大;筹集(款项);引起;唤起;扬起(灰尘)”等;They are going to ra

27、ise funds for the school buildings.他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。He raised his glass and said: Your health, Carl.他举起了杯子说道:祝你健康,卡尔。The landlord raised my rent.房东提高了我的租金。The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. 风刮起了落叶。(2)rise vi.“上升;升起上涨;站起身;起床”; The population of the city has risen to five million.该市人口已增加到五百

28、万。He rose and left the room.他站起身走出屋去。(3)arise vi. “出现、发生” arise from/ out of 由什么引起Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment.在他们进行实验的过程中,出现了意想不到的困难。Between the copartners serious disagreements arose.合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。11.For drinking during a dinner, the best advice is never to drink

29、too much.advise的用法 派生词:adviser: n 顾问 advisable: adj. 可取的advice: n. 建议;劝告;忠告;意见l相关归纳: (1)+名/代词/动名词Id advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.要是想在8月份去旅行,我建议提前购票。(2)+疑问词+不定式Can you advise me what to do next?你能建议我下一步怎么办吗?(3)+名/代词+不定式Police are advising fans without tic

30、kets to stay away.警察在告诫没有票的球迷离开。(4)+that从句They advised that a passport be carried with you at all times.他们建议护照要随身携带。It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance.竭诚劝你办理某种医疗保险。(6)+名/代词+wh-从句注意:(1)advise后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词多用“(should+)动词原形”。(2)advise可以接动名词作宾语,不可直接跟不定式作宾语,但可以跟疑问词+不定

31、式作宾语。(3)advise可以用不定式作宾语补足语, 但是suggest 不可以。(4) advice: n.作“建议;劝告;忠告;意见”解时,是不可数名词,其后的介词多用on。也可用about。a/several piece(s) of advice一/几条建议12. How about you?英语中表达“怎么样?”的结构:(1)How/What about?常用来征求对方的意见或向对方提出建议。about后接名词、代词或动名词,动名词可以有逻辑主语。(2)How do/doeslike?用来询问对某事的感觉,即喜欢还是不喜欢。How do you like the book?你认为这本书怎么样?It is well worth readi

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