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1、The expression with much cursing and clattering of pans means with a lot of swearing and bangingabout as they were not used to doing it, they made many mistakes.4 A Soviet womans days are usually taken up with nipping out of work at lunchtime to buysomething for dinner (Para 3)To nip out means to go

2、 out for a very short time probably unofficially. It is a slang and is similar to theexpressions pop out and sneak out.5 Their husbands by drinking themselves into a stupor with toasts “to our beloved ladies ”(Para 4)Stupor is a state in which you cannot think, speak, see, or hear clearly, usually b

3、ecause you have drunktoo much alcohol. Sadly, Russia does have a serious alcoholism problem and early death from overconsumptionof vodka is far too common.6 “I certainly will,” said Yakov, squeezing in between Liza Minelli and Katya and draping an armaround each of them. (Para 10)Yakov fit in betwee

4、n Liza Minelli and Katya although they were sitting close together, and put an armaround each girl.7 Yuri and Emily arrived and we covered blinis with thick sour cream and red caviar and drankchampagne, as families did all over Voronezh. (Para 13)Sour cream is fermented cream, which is smoother and

5、thicker. Eastern European food is noted for its sourflavours.Caviar usually refers to the roe or eggs of the sturgeon, a large fish, and is a very expensive special food.It can also refer to other commoner fish roes.Unit 8 High days and holidays264Reading and understanding4 Answer the questions.1 Ho

6、w well does the writer know the Soviet Union?Not very well. The others have to explain the tradition of International Womens Day to the writer.2 What was Yakov doing when the writer met him?He was buying roses.3 Where does the writer live?Room 99 of a hostel.4 What do the Russian men do on Internati

7、onal Womens Day?They buy flowers for the women in their life and do some house chores for them.5 What kind of daily life do Russian women usually have?They have a very busy life with lots of chores to do.6 What do the Russian men do after theyve prepared breakfast for their wives?They meet up with f

8、riends and drink themselves into a stupor.7 What is the usual number of flowers to buy in Russia?An odd number.8 Why did Yakov buy 14 flowers?He planned to give Katya five flowers and the girls in Room 99 three for each.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions

9、.1 to put something somewhere in a careless way, especially something that is heavy (dump)2 to lie, sit, or lean in a relaxed or lazy way (lounge)3 loved very much by someone (beloved)4 to move somewhere quietly and secretly so that no one can see you or hear you (sneak)5 a feeling of very strong an

10、ger that usually does not last very long (fury)6 to talk about other people or about things that are not important (gossip)6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.1 I unexpectedly met an old friend in the shopping mall yesterday. (bumped into)2 Th

11、e men demonstrate how true and honest their love for their wives is by drinking a lot. (sincere)3 While the men are doing the shopping, the women will clean the carpets, and dust the room. (vacuum)4 Please remain here and wait for a while she will come back soon. (stick around)5 I think it is a good

12、 idea to soak clothes before washing them. (advisable)6 After hearing what he had been through, her eyes were full of tears. (filled up with)High days and holidays Unit 82657 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If someone is dewy-eyed, are they likely to (a) lack experience about

13、life, or (b) be in love?2 If someone accepts you on your own reckoning, do they (a) accept you without considering if you arewhat you claim to be, or (b) have a clear idea of your real character?3 If you bask in your fame, do you (a) feel bothered, or (b) enjoy being famous?4 Does charred mean (a) b

14、lack and burnt, or (b) cooked perfectly?5 If something shrivels in the summer heat, does it (a) grow rapidly, or (b) become smaller and not fresh?6 If someones face turns scarlet, is it because they feel (a) embarrassed or angry, or (b) tired and hungry?7 If you go to bed on the dot of 11 pm, do you

15、 sleep (a) at exactly 11 pm, or (b) around 11 pm?8 If you pop into somewhere, do you (a) go there only for a short time, or (b) stay there for a long time?9 If someone is in a stupor, are they unable to think or act normally because theyre (a) too sleepy, orunable to think or act normally because th

16、eyre (a) too sleepy, or(b) not completely conscious?Active reading (2)Chinese or Western, its a time to relax1 Their fears may be justified to a certain extent. (Para 4)The word justified means having an acceptable explanation or reason. The writer then gives theexplanation in the following sentence

17、.2 For good or bad, the world has possibly undergone more changes (Para 5)The writer does not want to get into the question of whether what has happened has been good or bad. Thepoint is to agree that there has been change and it has consequences.3 Television, we thought, was the last uniting factor

18、 till we got a feel for the Internet. (Para 5)The expression get a feel for something means to be accustomed to something or to have or develop anunderstanding of something and skill in doing it.4 Nothing comes without a rider in this global market. (Para 6)A rider is an American expression for a cl

19、ause added to a law or legal document, often setting an extracondition.The sentence means nothing in the modern world comes without some unexpected or unwantedconsequences.5 Be it on the mainland or in the highly developed West or in the poorest of societies, a festival carriesthe same meaning. (Par

20、a 7)The sentence means festivals have the same meaning whether in China, the advanced economies of theWest or the least developed nations.3 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 The writer thinks the Chinese celebrate Christmas because (d) .(a) its a Western festival(b) the world has under

21、gone a great deal of change(c) its a festival which carries the same meaning in both the East and the West(d) it has become a festival which is celebrated around the world, and everyone can relax during thattime2692 Some scholars fear that celebrating Christmas in China (a) .(a) may threaten Chinese

22、 culture(b) means that the Chinese blindly follow the West in every way(c) causes Chinese festivals to lose their charm(d) is a good example of Western decadence3 The Chinese attach more importance to Christmas than a couple of decades ago because (b) .(a) television and the Internet have become uni

23、ting factors(b) changes throughout the world make them look differently at the world and at Chinas place in it(c) we belong to a global village(d) most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar4 Enjoying a Western festival doesnt mean that (c) .(a) the Chinese approve of Western decadence(b) the C

24、hinese are left untouched by the festive season(c) the Chinese follow the West without thinking(d) the Chinese culture is free of decadence5 The writer believes that the scholars and students (b) .(a) can save society from the influence of a world which is getting smaller(b) have a point of view whi

25、ch should not be rejected(c) are what are referred to as conservatives(d) are right in thinking Chinese festivals have lost their charm6 The basic message of Christmas (d) .(a) is similar to Eastern principles of helping others(b) has the same charm as Chinese festivals(c) is one of Western culture,

26、 which attracts youngsters more than other Chinese(d) is one of goodness, love of mankind and help for the poor which is relevant to everyone4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 simple (humble)2 to show that there is a good reason for something, especially something that other peopl

27、e think is wrong(justify)3 to experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary (undergo)4 a large meal for a lot of people, usually in order to celebrate something (feast)5 a system for measuring the length of a year and dividing it into periods such as weeks and months(ca

28、lendar)6 a child, or a young person (youngster)7 pleasant or attractive qualities or features (charm)8 the quality of being morally good (goodness)9 to express a strong opinion and try to persuade other people to accept it (preach)2705 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Act

29、ivity 4.There is some (1) justification to scholars fears that a lot of Chinese (2) youngsters have recentlybecome more interested in festivals from the Western (3) calendar, such as Christmas which I must admitdoes have some (4) charm. The world is (5) undergoing many changes, and even though we come from agenuinely m

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