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1、C. 14.A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday.2.Whose recorder is the best?A. Jacks. B. The man3.What is the man doing?A.Typing a letter.B.Repairing a machine.C.Teaching the woman something.4.How old is the boys sister?A. 10. B. 12.5.What are the speakers talking about?A.When to play the piano.B.How often to

2、go to the gym.C.How to deal with stress.第二节(共15小题;每小题L5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6、7题。6.What are Meis lessons about?A. Painting.B. Speaking Chinese.C. Drawing Chinese words.7.How does M

3、eis teacher help Mei?A.He makes learning fun.B.He tells her to be patient.C.He makes the lessons easy.听下面一段对话,回答第8至10题。8.What does the boy dislike to eat?C. Cake.C. His father.C. Get ready for bed.A. Vegetables. B. Meat.9.Who told the boy people should drink milk?A. His mother. B. His teacher.10.Wha

4、t will the boy do next?A. Eat his salad. B. Drink fruit juice.听下面一段对话,回答第11至13题。11.What will the man do today?A.Buy some dog food.B.Bring his dog to the doctor.C.Have a check-up for himself.12.What does the woman say about her sister?A.She has a son.B.She doesn t like dogs.C.She doesn t treat her do

5、g very well.13.What does the woman suggest?A.The mans dog is lucky.B.Her dog is like her child.C.She wants a dog soon.听下面一段对话,回答第14至17题。14.When did Sue leave last night?A.At around 10:00 p.m.B.At around 10:30 p.m.C.At around 11:15.C. Some water.What did Matt have to drink?A. Some soda. B. Some juice

6、.16.Who won the game?A. Chris.B. Joey.C. Matt.17.How did the man feel about the game?A.He was lucky.B.He got tired of playing.C.He didnt have a chance to win.听下面一段独白,回答第18至20题。18.Who was from the farm?A. The duck. B. The fish. C. The dog.19.Why did the little rabbit try swimming in the water?A.Other

7、 animals liked doing it.B.He wanted to leave the farmC.He wanted to prove he was the best.20.What did the rabbit say at the end?A.He liked to be outside the farm.B.He didnt like swumning.C.He wanted to stay home.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AExercise

8、helps to keep us in good health. Doctors at the American Heart Association suggest getting at least 150 minutes of proper physical activity every week. Many people exercise for a few minutes every day or every other day. So. getting 150 minutes every week is easy.But what about those times when you

9、are sick? If you do not feel well, should you keep following your exercise habit? Following are the answers from health experts (专家).Edward R. Laskowski is a doctor at the Mayo Clinic. He and other experts have a general rule about exercising when you are sick. It is usually fine to exercise properl

10、y (not hard), he explains, if your symptoms (症状) are all above the neck These signs may uiclude a ninny nose, sneezing (喷嗓)or a sore throat.Geralyn Coopersmith. a physical fitness trainer who has written several books on exercise offers similar advice. However, both Coopersmith and Dr. Laskowski sug

11、gest taking a break from exercising if signs of your illness appears fcbelow the neck. Pay special attention to symptoms such as chest congestion (胸闷),bad cough or pain in the stomach.There are other symptoms that can tell you to avoid exercise. They include a higher than normal body temperature, a

12、sense of feeling very tired, and widespread muscle (刖L肉)pain.Both Coopersmith and Dr. Laskowski suggest listening to your body. If you feel really bad. take a break and let your body rest. If you dont feel too bad. these experts both suggest cutting down the amount of exercise. For example, if you u

13、sually run. take a quick walk instead.21.How long should people do exercise according to doctors?A.No less than two and a half hours a week.B.One hundred and fifty minutes each day.C.At least a few minutes every day.D.About 150 minutes every other day.22.People with symptoms “below the neck are advi

14、sed to.A. stop exercise B. walk instead of runC. ignore the symptoms D. do less exercise23.What does the imderlined part “listening to your body in the last paragraph mean?A.Taking good care of yourself.B.Learning to take advice of your body.C.Making decisions according to your physical condition.D.

15、Listening to music when exercising to keep healthy.24.What is the text mainly about?A.Warnings against exercise when you are ill.B.Harmful results of exercise when you are ill.C.Time for exercise when you are ill.D.Professional suggestions on exercise when you are ill.BLanguage is part of our daily

16、lives, no matter where we live in the world. Similarly, music is a part of many people s lives. Both language and music play a huge role in our culture and here are some of their similarities. Both language and music have a writing system. In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a

17、 collection of letters. Similarly, we use notes to keep a record of music. Just as you are reading this collection of letters and find meaning in it, musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music which we can hear. So just as you read English, you can read music. By writing pieces of

18、text or music, we are able to share experiences through time. I can read or hear the ideas of someone who lived hundreds of years ago, which is really quite exciting. Both vary (改变)with culture. You can make a good guess at where someone is from by listening to the language they use. In the same way

19、, we know that styles of music are different around the world, giving us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music and providing us with music for every situation. Both share feelings. You can know that I am angryr through my words. Similarly, music can sound angry, sad

20、or happy. Music can show you exactly how the composer (作曲者)was or is feeling, and allows us to share that feeling. When you feel happy, you may want to sing and dance to a happy song to celebrate your happiness, while you probably want to listen to sad music when you are feeling down. I think we hav

21、e all used music to express our feelings.25.Whats the main idea of the text?A.Language is part of peoples daily lives.B.Music plays an important role in peoples lives.C.Language and music are similar in many ways.D.Music is more important than language for us.26.How does the author develop his idea

22、in Para 2?A. By giving examples. B. By making a comparison.C. By describing details. D. By listing reasons.27.What might people do when theyre in low spirit according to the text?A. Talking to a composer. B. Singing a happy song.C. Dancing to delightful music. D. Listening to unhappy music.cI am a p

23、erson who has always loved reading. For me, it is easy to get lost in a book and return to the world a couple of hours later having been on an adventure. As a 6-year-old. I could be found reading Harry Potter, a difficult book for a 6-year-old but I enjoyed it all the same. Now, as a student, it is

24、harder to find the time to read books for pleasure; however. I relish the summers where I have the time to read to satisfy myself. Growing up. it soon became clear that spelling for me was not difficult and I had a wide vocabulary. This is because I began reading from such a young age.My advice for

25、you as English learners would be to read the books that you have often read in your own language in English. Reading, stories especially, is a great way of improving your vocabulary and spelling without noticing as you are lost in the story For me. I have read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

26、 iii French and am currently reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Spanish. This is a really useful way of being able to read in another language because I know the stoiy so well in English, it is easy to follow the story in the foreign language even if I do not understand every word.Th

27、is is another important point: it is not necessary to understand every word. If you understand the meaning of the sentence, each word is not necessarily important. Sometimes it is impossible to translate directly from one language to another. Quite often, if a word is used several times in a text, y

28、ou can gain your own meaning from it and it makes much more sense than if you tried to translate it in the first place.Give it a try. If you like reading you could be opening up a whole new world of literature.28.What can we learn from the author s reading experiences?A.He often spent hours taking a

29、n adventure.B.He didn5t like Harry Potter any more with age.C.He could spare enough time reading for fun as a student.D.Reading helped him a lot since his early age.29.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word relish in paragraph 1?A. Spend. B. Lose. C. Enjoy. D. Hate.30.What sugge

30、stion does the author give for learning English?A.Reading English stories youre familiar with in your own language.B.Reading Harry Potter in different languages.C.Improving your vocabulary and spelling by design.D.Understanding the story in your own language.31.What can be the best title for the tex

31、t?A.Better Ways to Read stories.B.The Benefits of Reading.C.How to Improve Spelling and Vocabulary.D.Is It Necessary to Know Each Word?DIts a really good idea to visit colleges before you apply because their websites can all look and sound the same. Nothing will give you the sense of what it will actually be like to live on a college campus (校忱I) like visiti

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