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八年级下Unit 7供参习Word下载.docx

1、 2. Do you mind doing?3. Could / Can / Will / May you please do?4. Would you mind not doing?5. Not at all. Ill do it right away. 6. Sorry,Ill do it right away.7. Please do / dont 8. Youd better doIV. 重要语法 Would you mind doing sth.? Would you mind moving your bike?Not at all. Ill do it right away.3.C

2、ould you please take out the trash?Sorry. Ill do it in a minute【课文解析】1. Would you mind?和Do you mind? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。(1)mind后面可以用-ing形式,复合结构 ones doing或if引导的从句。例如:Would you mind doing the dishes? Do you mind doing the dishes? Please do the dishes. 请把餐具洗了好吗? (表示请求别人做事)Would you mind turning dow

3、n the radio? Do you mind turning down the radio? 请把收音机关小点好吗?(2)Would you mind my doing? = Do you mind if I do? 这个句型用于询问他人意见或请求他人的许可。Would you mind my smoking here? Do you mind if I smoke here?你介意我在这里吸烟吗?Would you mind my asking you a question? Do you mind if I ask you a question?我问你一个问题好吗?Would you

4、mind my opening the window?Do you mind my opening the window? Can I open the window? 我可以开窗吗?注意:在美国口语中还可以将这个句型用Would you mind me doing sth.?来表达,但是在书面表达中要用my。Would you mind me using your car?我用一下你的车好吗?(3)询问有关人们感觉的一般性问题,可以用Do you mind?通常不用Would you mind?如:Do you mind people smoking in your house?你介意别人在

5、你家里吸烟吗?get on还可以表示为:相处融洽、继续。Get on with your work! 继续工作吧!I get on well with all my classmates. 我和所有的同学相处都很融洽。get的其它的用法:(1)表示“到达,抵达”,如果后接表示到达某地的名词,get后面要接介词to,如果get后接的是地点副词就可以直接在get后使用。She got there at six. 她六点钟到达那里。(there为地点副词)When we got to the station, the bus was waiting. 当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。(the sta

6、tion是名词)(2)get sth. done使;受;让人做好;经历;让;做(该做的事)如:Ill just get these dishes washed and then Ill come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。I must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。(3)get与宾语+形容词连用,其意思是“使某物/某人成为”如:I got my feet wet. 我把脚弄湿了。Its time to get the kids ready for school. 该给孩子们收拾好去上学了。(4)成为如:My hands are gettin

7、g cold. 我的手冷。The foods getting cold. 菜凉了。This skirt is getting dirty;it needs washing. 这件短裙脏了,该洗一洗了。He is getting old. 他渐渐老了。(5)获得,取得如:I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。ll get something to eat before I got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。【典型例题解析】例1The TV is too noisy , Mum, Sorry,my dear. Ill_ at onc

8、e.A. turn it on B. turn down it C. turn it down D. turn it up解析 本题考查的是动词短语的用法。有上句的“电视太吵了”可知下句应为“我将立刻调小它”。在这四个选项中只有turn down 是调小的意思,it是代词,应放在短语中间。答案 C例2.Would you mind _those old clothes?A. dont wear B. not wearing C. not to wear D. doesnt wear正解 B错因分析 出错的原因是没有掌握mind的用法。mind后面跟动名词,并且它的否定式为:mind not d

9、oing sth.例3._ come earlier next time?A. Would you like B. Would you mind C. Could you please D. Will you like?正解 C错因分析 这道题主要考察与建议某人做某事有关的句型。其中Would you like?句型后面跟动词不定式;. Would you mind ?句型后面跟动名词;只有Could you please?句型后面跟动词原形。所以选C。例4 (2008年安顺)I think math is _ than history.A. difficult B. much difficu

10、lt C. much more difficult D. very difficult【析】本题考查形容词比较级的构成。than是比较级的标志词,故应该用比较级形式。difficult 是个多音节形容词,变比较级时,前面加more,much修饰形容词比较级。故此题选C。单元测试题根据句意和首字母完成单词1Hows the w_ in Beijing?2It often s_ in the north of China in winter,and the weather is very cold3They are in France on v_ today4Can I take p_ of yo

11、u?5Its s_ todayLets go out to play volleyball6There are many people t_ photos in the zoo7Thank you for j_ us in the party8There are some people l_ on the beach9Its very cold todayMany people are wearing coats and s_10I am s_ they can play in this heat单项填空( )1_ you often _ TV on Saturday evening? ADo

12、,watching BAre,watching CDo,watch DAre,watch( )2Wheres your brother now? _ AHes reading a book BHe is reading at home CHe reads a book at home DHe goes home( )3_ they _ the song in their school now? AIs,singing BAre,singing CDo,sing DAre,sing( )4How is the weather in summer in London? AIts cold BIts

13、 warm CIts cloud DIts wind( )5Hows it _? Its not bad Ago Bgoing Cgoes Dis( )6Whats Mary _? Shes watching TV Alike Bdo Cdoing Ddoes( )7Thank you for _ us happy Amaking Bmake Cmakes Dto make( )8It is windy and cold _ winter _ Paris Ain,in Bon,in Cin,of Don,on( )9_? Running AHow is it going? BWhats the

14、 weather like? CHows the weather? DWhats it doing?( )10There are many people in the parkSome are boatingSome are taking photos _ are talking AOther BOthers CThe other DThe others( )11Jim with his parents _ there Aare taking photos Bis taking photos Ctake photos Dare takeing photos( )12Whos cooking?

15、ALinda does BLinda is CLinda has DLindas( )13_? Its windy AHow is it going BHow is the weather CHow is it like DDo you like the weather( )14Tigers can eat people That sounds _ Areally Bterrible Cwell Dusually( )15Hello! _ LisaIs that Linda speaking? Sorry,she is not at home AThis is BIm CThat is DSh

16、e is句型转换1Mary is watching TV(对画线部分提问) _ _ Mary _?2Its sunny in Beijing(对画线部分提问) _ the _ in Beijing?3They are playing volleyball on the beach(改为一般疑问句) _ they _ volleyball on the beach?4Its snowing(改为否定句) It _ _ snowing5Whats the weather like in Shanghai?(改为同义句) _ the weather in Shanghai?6Its sunny to

17、day(改为同义句) Its a _ _ today7They look cool(改为一般疑问句) _ they took cool?8Everyone is enjoying themselves(改为同义句) Everyone is _ a good _9I read a book when it rains(对画线部分提问) What _ you _ when it rains?10He does his homework every day(时间用now替换) He _ _ his homework now根据汉语完成句子1看! 他们在看电视。 Look! They are _ _2

18、纽约的天气怎么样? Hows the _ in New York?3男孩子们正在打篮球。 The boys are _ _4你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗? Do you like to _ _ _?5情况怎么样? _ it _?6孩子们在公园里玩得很高兴。 The children are _ _ _ _ in the park7这儿有很多人在度假。 There are many people here _ _8吉姆正在动物园里给大象拍照。 Jim is _ _ of the elephants in the zoo9他们能在这么热的天气下玩我觉得很惊讶。 I am _ they can play in

19、 this _10这群人躺在沙滩上 The group of people are _ on the _根据首字母提示完成短文Dear friend, How are you? Is it cold in your hometown? At this timein November and D 1 it is cold in the south of England usually about 520In January and February we also have c2 weatherThe nights are very l 3 and the days are shortSomet

20、imes it s 4 ,but not very oftenIn March,it is a l 5 warmerIt is always w 6 in AprilIn May,June and July,it is usually warmIt is not h 7 here in summerThe highest temperature is 25It often r 8 in summer! I love my hometown,but I dont like the w 9 hereWhat a 10 the weather in your hometown?1_ 2_ 3_ 4_

21、 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_选择方框中的句子。补全对话Awhat are you doing now?BPretty goodCHe is friendly and outgoingDHows the weather?EWhos that?A:Hi,JamesB:Hi,HenryHows it going? 1 Do you know where I am now?Where are you?Im in AustraliaReally? 2 Its sunny and its very hotI am playing on the beach with my new friend 3

22、 Oh,I am watching TVIt is raining and it is cold in BeijingA new friend? 4 Its BillyHe is from the United StatesHe is a tall boy with short and brown hairHe is swimming nowWhats he like? 5 He likes telling stories1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_完形填空ADad,shall we go to the park tomorrow? 1 ,if it is fineBut dad,look 2

23、 the skyThings are not goodThere are so many clouds and it is 3 Then we have to 4 at homeWhat about making a phone 5 ? The number is 121OKPhone:Good morning,everyone! Here is the 6 report for the 7 two daysToday Beijing will be 8 Tomorrow it will be better,and the temperature(温度)is 23to 28GreatWe can go to the park tomorrow_

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