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1、_ second boy that came into the classroom is _ student in my school. 0冠词:不用冠词有几点:呼语头衔职务前星期月季节假日疾病球类及三餐听音下棋各学科正午睡觉是习惯呼语头衔职务前呼语:头衔职务:Obama is elected(选举) as president of the U.S. 星期月季节假日听音下棋各学科疾病球类及三餐正午睡觉是习惯schoolAlison is 10 years old. Every day she goes to school. Shes at school now. School begins a

2、t 9 and finishes at 3Today Alisons mother wants to speak to her daughters teacher. So she goes to the school.She is at the school now.练习1SchoolAEvery term parents are invited to (the/x )school to meet the teachersBWhy arent your children at (the/x )school today?CWhen I was younger, I hated (the/x )s

3、chool .What time does (the/x )school start in your country.What kind of job do you want to do when you leave (the/x )school .My mother is waiting outside (the/x )school to meet me.universityIn your country, do many people go to (the/x)university?You must study at (the/x )university if you leave your

4、 middle school.This is only a small town but (the/x )university is very big.hospitalJack had an accident last week. He was taken to _hospital. He is still in hospital now.Jill goes to _ hospital to visit Jack every day.Nora works as a cleaner at the/x hospital.When Ann was ill, we all went to the/x

5、hospital (如果不加the?)churchMy mother is a churchgoer. She goes to _ every Sunday.John went to _ to take some photos of the building.prisonKens brother is in prison for robbery.Ken went to the prison to visit his brother every month.In many places people are in _ because of they have two or more wives.

6、Last night the ambulance was called to _. The judge decided to fine the man 500$ instead of sending him to _.现在完成时的概念,用法及考点基本定义:just/already/yet1Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. Ive just had lunch. 2Do you know where Julia is? Yes. I _ her. (just/see) 3What time is David leaving?He _.(al

7、ready/leave) 4Whats in the newspaper today? I dont know. I _(not /read/ yet) 5Is Ann coming to the cinema with us? No, she _the film. (already/see) 6Are your friends here yet? They _. (just/arrive) 7What does Tim think about your plan?I _ (not/tell/yet) 情景小练习Joe goes out. 5 minutes later, the phone

8、rings and the caller says Can I speak to Joe?You say: She has _. (go out) You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. Wait a minute! _ (not/finish)You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve (预订)a table. Later your frie

9、nd says Shall I phone to reserve a table? No, I _it. (do) You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been successful (成功的). Ask her: _?(find). Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks Is Ann still at the bank? No, _. (come back) 练一练1What is h

10、is sister like? - I dont know. I _ her. (never/meet) 2 How is Amy these days? -I _ her recently (not/see) 3 Are you hungry? - Yes. I _much today (not/eat) 4 Whats the book like? I dont know. _it. (never/read) 5 Do you like caviar? - I dont know. _it. (never/eat) 6Is Berlin an interesting place? - I

11、have no idea. _there (never/be) 7-I read a newspaper yesterday but I _today.( not/read) 8I worked hard at school last term but _this term (not/work) 9 Our football team won a lot of games last season but we _this season.( not/win) 10It snowed a lot last winter but _this winter. (not/snow) 2Tom is pl

12、aying tennis. He is not very good and he doesnt know the rules (规则). You: Have_. He: No, this is the first _. 3Sue is riding a horse. She doesnt look very confident (自信). You: Have _. She: _. 4Maria is in London. She has just arrived and its very new for her. Have_. _ 1His father _ the Party since 1

13、978 .Ajoined Bhas joinedCwas in Dhas been in2Do you know him well ?Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago .Awere Bhave beenChave become Dhave made3How long have you _ here ?About two months .Abeen BgoneCcome Darrived4Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes.Ahas begun Bhad begunChas been on Dbegan一般过去时与

14、现在完成时的辨析选择最佳选项1-Where is your key? -I dont know. I _ it. Alost Bhave lost 2I was very tired, so I lay down on the bed and _ to sleep. Ahave gone Bwent 3Mary _ to Australia for 3 days 4Mary _ to Australia for a long time but she is back now. 5-Wheres Tom?-He_ out. He will be back in about an hour. Ah

15、as gone Bwent6I planned (计划) to phone Diane last night but I _ Ahave forgotten Bforgot 7I learned German when I was 5 but I _ most of it. 8I _ a headache earlier but I feel better now. Ahave had Bhad 9Look! There is an ambulance (救护车) over there. There _ an accident. Ahas been Bwas 10Is Helen still

16、here? -No, she _ out. Ahas gone Bwent 11The police _ three people but later they let them go. Ahave caught Bhas caught Ccatch Dcaught 12Ann _ me her address but Im afraid I _ it. Ahas given, have lost Bgave, lost Chas given, lost Dgave, have lost 13Where is my bike? It _ outside the house. It _!Awas

17、, has disappeared (消失) Bhas been, disappeared Chas been, has disappeared Dwas, disappeared 句中划线部分是否正确,正确划勾,错误请改正。1Do you know about Sue? She has given up (放弃)her job. _ 2The Chinese have invented printing. _. 3How many plays has Shakespeare written? _. 4Have you read any of Shakespeares plays (戏剧)?

18、_. 5Plato(柏拉图)has been a Greek Philosopher (哲学家) _ 6Ow! I have cut my finger. Its bleeding! _. 7My parents have got married in London. _. 8Where have you been born. _ 9Mary isnt at home. She has gone shopping. _. 判断正误并改正,同时请划出时间提示词。现在完成时属于现在的时态,不可与表过去的时间连用 (如yesterday, ago, in 1985, when I was a chi

19、ld, what time),现在完成时的时间提示词往往是从过去延续到现在(如since 1982,until now ,How long, for 3 days, so far, recently, these days, before,) Have you seen the news on TV last night? _ I have bought a new car recently. Do you want to see it?_ I have bought a new car last week. _. Where have you been yesterday morning?W

20、here have you been these days? _. Jenny has left school in 1991. _. When have you seen your brother? _. What time has Tom started university? _. How long have you learned English?Im very hungry. I havent eaten anything today. _. 填空 1I dont know where Amy is. _her? (you/see) 2When I _(get) home last

21、night, I_ (be) very tired and I _(go) straight to bed. 3Your car looks very clean. _(you/wash) it?4George _(not/be) very well last week. 5Mr Clark _(work) in a bank for 15 years. 6Mr Liu _(work) in a bank for 15 years, then he stopped and moved to Australia. 7My grandmother _ (live) in TangShan all

22、her life. 8I_(live) in TangShan when I was a child. After the earthquake (地震) I went to Beijing with my family. 9My grandfather died 30 years ago. I _(never/meet) him. 10I dont know your husband. I _(never/meet) him. 11A:Is your father at home?B: No, Im afraid he _out. (go) A: When _he_ out? (go) Ab

23、out 10 minutes ago. where do you live? B: In Beijing How long _(you/live) there? 5 years 12A: Where _(you/live) before that? In Tangshan And how long _(you/live) in Tangshan since I was born. 将来时的考点及表现形式一般将来时态:了解: bedoing does掌握: be going to do will dowill/be going to安排,计划will do 说话当时做决定be going to 说话之前已经做了决定 -Ann is in hospital -Oh really. I didnt know. I_ visit her-Ann is in hospital-Yes, I know. I _visit her Mr Fly, you forgot to turn off the light!Oh, so I have. I _ turn it off righ

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