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仁爱版七上案例设计Unit 4Topic 1What can I do for you全套文档格式.docx

1、(3)询问价格,如: How much is it? Well take it.2.Skill aims 能听懂表示愿望、建议的表达和提供帮助、询问价格等购物交际用语; 能清楚地为他人提供购物帮助、表达自己的购物愿望、征询意见以及询问价格; 能正确朗读句子和对话,注意语音语调; 能编写简单的购物对话,表达连贯准确。3.Emotional aims在学习过程中,创设真实的情景,并采用对话、表演等灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神;能够积极与同学合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;培养学生合理的消费观。 . The key points and diff

2、icult points1.能结合已学单词,了解字母c和字母组合al, au, c+e,i,y, ck等的发音规律,并能根据发音规则进行单词的拼读和拼写。2.能在情景中用“购物”这个话题进行对话练习与交流。3.能初步了解数词的表达法。. Learning strategies1.能够根据已学知识进行基数词的学习。2.能够从同伴处获取反馈,修改自己编写的购物对话。. Teaching aids录音机、图片、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduc

3、tion (5 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Group work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher.2.Do duty report. Prepare some conversations about ordering and having meals in the restaurant or at a friends home in groups. Then some groups act out the conversations.(S=saleswoman)A:Would you like to have

4、dinner with me?B: Yes, Id like to.S: May I help you, sir? Yes. What would you like to eat? Let me see. Why not have some . and .? Good idea. Help yourself tosome . Here you are!A& Thanks. Would you likesomething to drink? Yes, a glass of apple juice, please.1.Greet students ready for learning.2.Help

5、 the students to revise the words and expressions in Unit 3.Presentation (15 minutes)1.Individual work.2.The whole class work and pair work.3.The whole class work.1. Play a game like this:T: In the shop, I want to buy a skirt. Its for my daughter. So I can say, “I want to buy a skirt for my daughter

6、.” Now, please choose the words from the following columns to make new sentences.e.g. “I want to buy. for .” Column 1a capa coata dressa skirta pair of shoesa pair of glovesColumn 2my friendmy mommy fathermy auntmy cousinLily2. Look at the pictures about clothes with price on it. Answer the teachers

7、 questions:How much is this dress?Ss: Its . yuan.How much is this coat?Then ask and answer the questions about the price in pairs according to the pictures.3.Do 1a. Look at the pictures of Section A-1a and have a guess:“Where are Maria and her mother?” “They are in the shop.” What do they want to bu

8、y?They want to buy some clothes.Listen to the tape and check your answer.1.Present the new expression about wishing, “I want to buy. for.”2. Show somepictures of clothes with price on it. Help the students learn the expressions of shopping and asking the price.3.Lead the students to predict the conv

9、ersation by looking at the pictures in 1a before listening. Play the tape.Consolidation 1.Individual work, pair work and the whole class work.2.The whole class work and group work.1.Read the sentences in 1b. Guess the answers from the pictures in 1a. Then listen to the tape and check the answers in

10、1b. Check the answers with your partner. Then the whole class check the answers.2. Read after the tape. Try to act out the conversation in groups. Then some groups act out the conversation. 1.Play the tape.Check the answers.2.Play the tape again. Practice(10 minutes)1.Individual work and pair work.2

11、.Group work and the whole class work.3.Individual work and pair work.4.Group work and the whole class work.5.The whole class work and individual work.1.Do 1c. Complete the following conversation in 1c individually. Then check the answers with your partner. Practice the conversation in pairs. Then so

12、me pairs act out the conversation.2.Do 2a. Revise the words of numbers from 1 to 19, which the students have learned before. Find the rules of word formation, twenty, thirty. Then try to fill in the blanks in 2a. Check the answers in groups. Then the whole class check the answers. Play a number game

13、,. 5 . 10 . 15. 7 . 14 . 213.Look at the pictures in 2b. Guess the price of the different clothes. Then listen to the tape and check the answers. The whole class check the answers together.Ask and answerquestions about price in 2b in pairs.How much is the skirt? Its 80 yuan.4.Do 3a. Divide the class

14、 into seven groups. Every group reads one group of words in 3a. Discuss in groups and try to find the rules of sounds about the letter(s) “al”, “au”, “c+e,i,y”, “c”, “ck” by themselves. Then one student in each group reads out the sound and teaches the sound to the whole class. Then the whole class

15、listen to the tape recorder and check the sounds. Read the sounds and words aloud after the tape.“al”: /5/, /5l/“au”: /3/, /5/“c+e/i/y”:/s/“c”,”ck”: /k/Find different sounds from the words group.e.g. can cake center cat: centeraunt august because autumn: aunt5.Do 3b. The students read the chant afte

16、r the teacher and then read by themselves. Pay attention to the stress in the sentences.1.Ask students to finish 1c and help them check the answers.2.Help the students find the rules of word formation. Organize a game to practice the numbers.3.Play the tape recorder. Check the answers. Make the stud

17、ents payattention to the sounds of “-ty” and “-teen”.4.Play the tape and help the students check the sounds. Correct their sounds while they are reading.5.Read the chant in 3b as example. Correct thestudents sentence stress while they are reading.Production 1.Group work. 1.Sit in groups. Suppose you

18、 are shopping now. Make new conversations about shopping in groups and practice the conversations. Then some groups act out the conversations. Remember to use the expressions of asking and giving help, asking for the price and so on.1.Help the students revise and consolidate the words and expression

19、s about shopping in this section.2. Assign homework:Read 1a fluently and practice it with your partner;Review the words, expressions and sounds in this section;Preview Section B-new words.Teaching reflection: 这节课是本话题的第一个课时,学生刚接触关于购物和询问价格的对话,有些学生对于服装和鞋帽的词汇可能出现遗忘,因此在对话操练中会出现障碍。此外,这节课刚学习字母c和字母组合al, au,

20、 ck等发音,部分学生可能无法当堂识记和掌握这些音标,因此教师应引导学生在平时养成读准每一个音素的习惯。Blackboard designWhat can I do for you?1. What can I do for you, madam? shop “al”: I want to buy . for . madam “au”:2. May I help you? try on “c+e/i/y”: Yes, please. seventy “c”,”ck”:3. Can I try it on? thirty Sure. forty 4. How much is it? fifty I

21、ts seventy yuan, madam. sixty eighty ninety hundred Section B本课是话题一的第二课时,主要活动是1a和2a。通过一系列购物时的对话,学习关于表示购物愿望的表达“I am just looking.”,征询他人意见的表达“How do you like ?”“What do you think of ?”,以及表达建议的表达“Why not ?”。同时通过听一段关于购物的对话,培养学生从听力材料中获取细节信息的能力,培养学生的理财意识和一定的思维能力。此外,通过游戏,学生还将复习和巩固数字的表达法。1. Knowledge aims能根

22、据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的情景对话操练中加以应用:just, think of, think about, anything, mean能在购物的情景对话中就“表达购物愿望、征询他人意见和需求、提建议”和“表达感谢和回谢”等进行交流,如:What do you think of this yellow skirt? I dont like it at all.How about the blue one?Are you kidding?Im just looking, thanks.How do you like the trousers?They are too

23、long.Why not try on that pair?All right.Thank you all the same.2. Skill aims能听懂表示愿望、建议的表达和提供帮助、表达喜好等购物交际用语;能清楚地为他人提供购物帮助、表达自己的购物愿望、征询意见、表达喜好等;能够正确地征询他人对服饰的意见和表达自己的喜好;能正确朗读课文,注意语音、语调和连读;能根据自己的财力,拟定合适的购物清单;能编写简单的购物对话,表达连贯准确。3. Emotional aims在学习过程中,创设真实的情景,并采用小对话、小游戏等灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和

24、积极主动的学习精神。鼓励学生积极大胆,敢于模仿,培养学生学好英语的信心。培养学生形成合理的消费观。学生能在情景对话中,熟练运用表达喜好、征询意见、表达购物愿望、提建议等表达方式。1.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,认真听录音和老师的发音,大胆开口,反复模仿。2.能听懂关于购物的听力材料并获取关键信息。录音机、教学挂图、图片、多媒体和黑板。3.Group work.4.Group work.2.Do duty report. Some students act out the conversation about expressing shopping will, giving help, askin

25、g the price and so on in groups./ I want . for. What color does he like? White.What about this one?All right. How much is it. .yuan. OK. I will take it.3.Sit in groups. Look at the sounds on the blackboard. Put the word cards which are given by the teacher on the blackboard according to different so

26、unds. The group which can put the word cards in correct groups in the shortest time will be the winner in this group competition.4.Do 3. Look at the picture and play this number game under the following rule. The student who breaks the rule will be out.S1: one S2: two S3: three .S7:(Clap)S8: eight.S14: (Clap). What do you think of the game, girls?Interesting?Girls: Yes. How do you like this game, boys?Boys: Interesting!1.Greet studentsready for learning.2.Help the students to revise the words and expressions in Section A.3.Give some word cards to the students.4.The teache

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