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1、s cousin, Jack.9. Listen! Someone(有人) _ (大哭). What happened?10. Jims father has three _ (孩子).二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. The students are _ (get) very excited.2. How about _ (watch) the running race?3. Su Hai,_ (put) your hands on the desk.4. Dont speak_ (loud) in class, please.5. The little girl cried _

2、 (sad).6. Dont _ (laugh)loudly, the baby is sleeping.7. I could not _ (find) my book.8. The children _ (be) in the playground a moment ago. But now they _(be) in the classroom.9. My father _(read) newspapers every evening.三、将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内。( ) 1. What _ you feel angry? A. make B. makes C. making( )

3、 2. Sorry, sir. You cant _ in front of our shop. A. parking B. litter C. come( )3. _ a sign. What does it _ ? A. This is, means B. Theres, means C. Heres, mean( ) 4. Dont _ books on the floor. They _ the room messy. A. put, makes B. throw, make C. pick, make( ) 5. Walk _ . The ground is _. A. carefu

4、lly, wet B. careful, clean C. careful, messy ( ) 6. What _ the city messy? There are so _cars in the street. A. make, much B. makes, many C. makes, much( ) 7. _ is the most important holiday in the UK. A. New Year B. Halloween C. Christmas( ) 8. In the UK, people call the metro_ . A. train B. underg

5、round C. subway ( ) 9. The twins are _ about their plans _ the winter holiday. A. taking, to B. talk, about C. talking, for ( ) 10. Where _ you go last night? I called you, but you _ at home. A. did, werent B. were, were C. did, were四、 左右搭配。( )1.How did the cat get out? A. No, it wasnt.( )2.Does Mik

6、e have any good habits? B. It was great fun.( )3.Whose bedroom is this? C. At six.( )4.What are you doing? D. It bit the net with his teeth.( )5.Where are they ? E.I am reading a story.( )6. When do you get up? F. Yes, I am. ( )7. Are you sleepy? G. Yes, he does.( )8. Was it on the ground? H. I was

7、at home.( )9. Where were you yesterday? I. They are in the classroom.( )10. How was the holiday? J. Its my cousins.五、阅读理解.( 10分) The Lantern Festival is a Chinese festival. It is in February or March, fourteen days after the Spring Festival. People usually go to enjoy lanterns in the streets or in t

8、he parks. There are so many lanterns. Children often hold little lanterns in their hands. Theyre very excited. Sometimes we can enjoy fireworks at night. At the festival people eat small dumplings. In China people call them Yuanxiao. They taste delicious. Whats more, Yuanxiao means family reunion (团

9、圆) and happiness.根据短文内容选择合适的答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(5分) ( ) 1. Whens the Lantern Festival? _. A. In January or February. B. In February or March. C. In May or June. ( ) 2. What do people usually do at the festival? _. A. Eat rice and noodles. B. Make pumpkin lanterns. C. Enjoy lanterns.( ) 3. Did you eat Y

10、uanxiao last Lantern Festival?_. A. Yes, we did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I ate.( ) 4. What does Yuanxiao mean? _. A. Lanterns. B. Dumpling balls. C. Family reunion and happiness.( ) 5. What do children like to do? A. Make lanterns. B. Eat Yuanxiao.C. Hold little lanterns in their hands.六、填空题。(18分)1、心脏

11、每跳动一次,都包含_和_两个过程。 2、人体的司令部_。3、_年在希腊举行了第一届现代奥运会。4、奥林匹克的格言是“_”,奥林匹克的精神是“_”。5、古代奥运会起源于_。6、北京奥运会是第29届奥运会,奥运会每_年举行一次。7、地球上的四大洋是_、_、_ 和_。8、自然资源十分有限,属于越用越少的自然资源有_、_、_ 等;属于循环再生的自然资源有_、_、_ 等七、判断题。(22分)1、体重并非每年匀速增长。( ) 2、我们的成长就是指身高和体重的增加。3、测量身高时,必须脱掉衣服。4化石是生物进化最直接、最可靠的证据。5、科学家做出的解释都是正确的。6、所有的生物经过漫长的年代都会形成化石。7

12、、现代科学家通过研究化石已经知道了恐龙灭绝的原因。( )8、化石就是生物。9、化石是生物进化最直接最可靠的证据。10、在自然选择的过程中,凡是生存下来的生物都是适应环境的。11、篮球比赛中,篮球出了界限的垂直线而球未落地被救回算出界违例。12、头手倒立可以提高机体的平衡能力。13、参加身体锻炼前或上课前先做准备活动。14、饭前宜做剧烈运动,饭后不宜做剧烈运动。15、运动后马上喝生冷食品补充能量。16、少年儿童每天不少于2小时活动。17、课间活动时间是20分钟。18、给文章配画,指插附在文章中艺术地再现文意的图画,又叫插图。19、苏州园林是我国的历史文化名园,以小巧、自由、精致、淡雅、写意见长,

13、体现了文化和艺术的和谐统一。20、名字的设计方式有变形、描绘、剪贴、制作等。21、中国人画的画叫中国画。 ( ) 22、书、笔、墨、“书画称为”文房四宝。()八、选择题 (10分)1. 三原色( ) A、红、黄、绿 B、橙 、绿、紫 C、蓝、红、黄2. 透视的特点( ) A、近大远小、近实远虚 B、近小远大 C、近大远实 3. 生活中道路两旁的树木、渐渐远去的铁轨这就是近大远小的( ) A、突变现象 B、观察现象 C、透视现象 4. 构成园林的四大要素为( )A、地形、植物、水、建筑和建筑物 B、地名、植物、水、建筑和建筑物 C、地形、动物、水、建筑和建筑物 5. 三间色是( ) A、橙、黄、

14、绿 B、紫、橙 、绿 C、红、黄、蓝 6. 下列不属于民族乐器的是 。 A.笛子 B. 古筝 C. 小提琴 7. 下列属于民族乐器的是。 A.大提琴 B. 圆号 C.唢呐8. 音符“ 5 ” 是。 A. 全音符 B. 二分音符 C. 四分音符 9. 力度记号“ m p ”是表示。 A.很强 B. 中弱 C. 中强 10.中华人民共和国国歌的曲作者是。 ( )A. 冼星海 B. 聂 耳 C.黄 自20142015学年度第二学期学业水平检测参考答案1、wears 2、was 3、laughing 4、turned 5、playing6、quick 7、turn 8、meet 9、is crying 10、children1、getting 2、watching 3、put 4、loudly 5、sadly6、laugh 7、find 8、were are 9、reads1-5 BBCBA 6-10 BCBCA DGJEI CFAHB五、阅读理解.( 10分)BCACC六、填空题(18分)1、收缩 舒张 2、大脑 3、1896 4、更快、更高、更强 和平与友谊5、希腊 6、四 7、太平洋 大西洋 印度洋 北冰洋 8、石油 煤炭 天然气 (所有矿产) 植物 太阳能 风能1-5 6-10 11-15 16-2021-22CACAB CCABB

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