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1、 re elevated 2a feet, he told his father, and we re a good 250 yards from the sea. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it. Well probably be as safe here as any place else.约翰37岁,他的全部家业就安置在自己的家里(他设计开发教学用具和设备,所有他的玛格纳公司信函,设计图纸和工艺模型都存放在一楼)。他非常了解飓风的威力。四年前,飓风贝齐就摧毁了他在海港湾以西

2、几英里外的旧家(飓风前夕柯夏克一家已经搬进了一家汽车旅馆过夜)。那幢房子所处的地势只比海平面高出几英尺。“我们现在的房子已高了23英尺,”他对父亲说,“而且距离海边至少也有250码远。这幢房子1915年就在这儿了,从来没有受到过飓风的袭击。我们呆在这儿可能是最安全不过的了。”4 The elder Koshak, a gruff, warmhearted expert machinist of 67, agreed. We can batten down and ride it out, he said. If we see signs of danger, we can get out be

3、fore dark.67岁的老柯夏克,这位声音粗哑,热心快肠的熟练机械师,赞成儿子的主张。“我们可以做好必要的准备,度过难关。”他说:“如果发现危险信号,我们还可以在天黑之前离开这里。 5 The men methodically prepared for the hurricane. Since water mains might be damaged, they filled bathtubs and pails. A power failure was likely, so they checked out batteries for the portable radio and fla

4、shlights, and fuel for the lantern. Johns father moved a small generator into the downstairs hallway, wired several light bulbs to it and prepared a connection to the refrigerator.为了迎战飓风,几个男人们有条不紊地做着准备工作。自来水管可能会被破坏,他们便在浴盆和水桶里蓄满水。飓风也可能会造成停电,于是他们检查了手提式收音机和手电筒里的电池,以及提灯里的燃油。约翰的父亲把一台小发电机搬到楼下门厅里,接上几个灯泡,并准

5、备将发电机接通电冰箱。6 Rain fell steadily that afternoon; gray clouds scudded in from the Gulf on the rising wind. The family had an early supper. A neighbor, whose husband was in Vietnam, asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks. Another neighbor came by on his way inland wo

6、uld the Koshaks mind taking care of his dog?那天下午,雨一直下个不停。乌云随着声势愈猛的飓风从海湾上空席卷而来。一家人早早地吃了晚饭。一位丈夫远在越南的邻居妇人跑来,问她和她的两个孩子能否和他们一家人呆在一起躲避飓风。另一位邻居在逃往内陆的路上,也跑来问柯夏克一家是否能帮忙照看一下他的狗。7 It grew dark before seven o clock. Wind and rain now whipped the house. John sent his oldest son and daughter upstairs to bring dow

7、n mattresses and pillows for the younger children. He wanted to keep the group together on one floor. Stay away from the windows, he warned, concerned about glass flying from storm-shattered panes. As the wind mounted to a roar, the house began leaking- the rain seemingly driven right through the wa

8、lls. With mops, towels, pots and buckets the Koshaks began a struggle against the rapidly spreading water. At 8:30, power failed, and Pop Koshak turned on the generator.七点之前天就黑了。风和雨鞭打着房子。约翰派大儿子和大女儿到楼上拿下被褥和枕头给弟妹们。他想把一家人集中在一层楼里。“离窗户远点,”他警告说,他担心被暴风雨震碎的玻璃会伤到家人。风凶猛地咆哮起来,房子开始漏雨雨水好像穿过墙壁,打到屋里。柯夏克一家拿起拖把、毛巾和水

9、桶,开始迎战不断上涨的渍水。八点半钟,电停了,老柯夏克启动了发电机。8 The roar of the hurricane now was overwhelming. The house shook, and the ceiling in the living room was falling piece by piece. The French doors in an upstairs room blew in with an explosive sound, and the group heard gun- like reports as other upstairs windows di

10、sintegrated. Water rose above their ankles. 飓风的咆哮声变得震耳欲聋。房子摇晃起来,客厅的天花板一块一块地往下掉。楼上房间的落地窗砰地一声被风吹开了。他们听到楼上窗户破碎时发出的机枪式的劈啪声。渍水淹到了他们脚踝上。9 Then the front door started to break away from its frame. John and Charlie put their shoulders against it, but a blast of water hit the house, flinging open the door an

11、d shoving them down the hall. The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Charlie licked his lips and shouted to John. I think we re in real trouble. That water tasted salty. The sea had reached the house, and the water was rising by the minute!这时,前门开始从门框上脱落。约翰和查理用肩膀挡住门板,但一股水浪袭来,撞开了大门,把他们两个人冲

12、到大厅里。发电机泡在了水里,电灯熄灭了。查理舔了舔嘴唇,冲着约翰喊道:“我想这回我们可真遇到麻烦了。水是咸的。”海水已经淹到房子里,而且水位每分钟都还在不断上涨。10 Everybody out the back door to the cars! John yelled. ll pass the children along between us. Count them! Nine!“大家都穿过后门到车里去!”约翰大声叫道。“我们把孩子一个一个递过去。数一数!一共九个孩子!11 The children went from adult to adult like buckets in a f

13、ire brigade. But the cars wouldnt start; the electrical systems had been killed by water. The wind was too strong and the water too deep to flee on foot. Back to the house!Count the children! Count nine!孩子们犹如救火队里的水桶一样一个个地在大人手中传递过去。但是汽车由于点火系统被水浸坏,无法发动。风势太大,积水太深,他们无法靠两条腿逃命。“回到房子里去!”约翰高声喊道:“数数孩子们,一共九个!

14、12 As they scrambled back, John ordered, Every-body on the stairs! Frightened, breathless and wet, the group settled on the stairs, which were protected by two interior walls. The children put the cat, Spooky, and a box with her four kittens on the landing. She peered nervously at her litter. The ne

15、ighbors dog curled up and went to sleep.当他们爬着回到屋里,约翰又命令道:“大家快上楼!”一家人躲到有两面内墙保护的楼梯上,个个惊恐不已,气喘吁吁,浑身透湿。孩子们把一只叫斯普琪的猫和个装着她的四只小猫的盒子放在楼梯平台上。她紧张不安地盯着她的孩子。邻居家的狗蜷缩起身子睡着了13 The wind sounded like the roar of a train passing a few yards away. The house shuddered and shifted on its foundations. Water inched its wa

16、y up the steps as first-floor outside walls collapsed. No one spoke. Everyone knew there was no escape; they would live or die in the house.狂风就像在身边疾驰而过的火车一样发出震耳欲聋的响声。房子摇晃个不停,在地基上移动起来。随着一楼外墙的坍塌,水位渐渐升到了楼梯上。没有人说话。大家心里都明白没有退路了:他们要么在这幢房子里侥幸逃命,要么会不幸丧命。14 Charlie Hill had more or less taken responsibility

17、for the neighbor and her two children. The mother was on the verge of panic. She clutched his arm and kept repeating, I cant swim, I cant swim.查理希尔差不多承担起了照顾邻居妇人和她的两个孩子的责任。那位母亲几乎精神崩溃。她抓紧了他的胳膊,嘴里反复念叨着:“我不会游泳,我不会游泳呀!15 You wont have to, he told her, with outward calm. Its bound to end soon.“你不一定非得会游泳,”

18、他强作镇定地对她说,“飓风很快就会过去的。16 Grandmother Koshak reached an arm around her husbands shoulder and put her mouth close to his ear. Pop, she said, I love you. He turned his head and answered, I love you - and his voice lacked its usual gruffness.柯夏克祖母伸出手臂挽住丈夫的肩膀,把嘴巴凑到他的耳朵边。“他爸,”她说,“我爱你。”他扭过头来回答说:“我也爱你!”他的声音里

19、没有往日的那种粗哑。17 John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. He had underestimated the ferocity of Camille. He had assumed that what had never happened could not happen. He held his head between his hands, and silently prayed: Get us through this mess, will You?约翰望着海水拍打着楼梯,心中充满了沉

20、重的负疚感。他低估了飓风卡米尔的凶猛程度。他总以为以前没发生过的事情就不会发生。他双手抱头,静静地祈祷着:“上帝啊,保佑我们度过灾难吧!18 A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty swipe, lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air. The bottom steps of the staircase broke apart. One wall began crumbling on the marooned group.过了一会儿,

21、一阵飓风袭来,将整个屋顶掀起,抛到空中40英尺的高度。楼梯底层的几级台阶断裂开了。一面墙开始倒向这群孤立无援的人们。19 Dr. Robert H. Simpson, director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Fla., graded Hurricane Camille as the greatest recorded storm ever to hit a populated area in the Western Hemisphere. in its concentrated breadth of some 70 miles i

22、t shot out winds of nearly 200 m.p.h. and raised tides as high as 30 feet. Along the Gulf Coast it devastated everything in its swath: 19,467 homes and 709 small businesses were demolished or severely damaged. it seized a 600, 000-gallon Gulfport oil tank and dumped it 3ymiles away. It tore three la

23、rge cargo ships from their moorings and beached them. Telephone poles and 20-inch-thick pines cracked like guns as the winds snapped them.位于弗罗里达州迈阿密的国家飓风中心主任罗伯特H辛普森把飓风卡米尔定级为“有记载以来对西半球居民区袭击最猛烈的一场飓风。”在飓风袭击最重的大约70英里的范围内,风速几乎达到每小时200英里,飓风掀起的海浪也高达30英尺。在海港湾沿岸,飓风所过之地,一切尽毁。19,467户人家和709家小商铺遭到完全毁坏,或严重破坏。飓风抓起

24、一个重达60万加仑的油箱,然后把它摔到35英里外的地方。三艘大型货船被刮离泊位,推上海岸。电话线竿和20英寸粗的松树在飓风中接连断裂,发出像机枪一样的声响。20 To the west of Gulfport, the town of Pass Christian was virtually wiped out. Several vacationers at the luxurious Richelieu Apartments there held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantage point

25、. Richelieu Apartments were smashed apart as if by a gigantic fist, and 26 people perished.位于海港湾以西的帕斯克里斯琴镇事实上已被夷为平地。住在当地一家豪华的雷塞留公寓的几位度假游客在那里组织了一次聚会,从他们所居住的有利地形来观赏飓风的壮观景象。但飓风犹如一个硕大的拳头,将雷塞留公寓击得粉碎,26人因此丧生。21 Seconds after the roof blew off the Koshak house, John yelled, Up the stairs - into our bedroom

26、! Count the kids. The children huddled in the slashing rain within the circle of adults.Grandmother Koshak implored, Children, lets sing! The children were too frightened to respond. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.柯夏克家的屋顶一被掀走,约翰就高声喊道:“上楼到卧室去!数数孩子。”在倾盆大雨中,孩子们紧紧地蜷缩在一起,大人们把他们团团围住。柯夏克祖母用一种恳求的语气说:“孩子们,我们一起唱支歌吧!”孩子们都吓呆了,根本没有反应。老祖母独自唱了几句,然后她的声音就越来越小,最后完全没声了。22 Debris flew as the living-room fireplace and its chimney collapsed. With two walls in their bedroom sanctuary beginning to disintegrate, John ordered, Into the televisi

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