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1、8他不喜欢米饭。 He_ _ rice.9早饭我喜欢吃汉堡包。 I like hamburgers_ _ .10. 那位运动明星吃很多健康食品。That sports star eats_ _ healthy food.综合能力三、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. He_ like bananas. A. is B. doesnt C. not D. dont ) 2. The boy likes_ vegetables. A. lot of B. a lot C. a lots of D. lots of ) 3. The running star eats_ food. A. health

2、B. healthy C. healthing D. unhealthy ) 4. She likes eggs and bananas_ breakfast. A. of B. at C. for D. on ) 5. Tim_ apples. But I_ milk. A. like; like B. like; likes C. likes; D. likes; like ) 6. Lets_ some rice! A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats ) 7. I dont like_ . A.egg B.tomato C. milk D.pear )

3、8. _ you_ apples? No, I dont. A. Do; B. Does; C. Can; D. Do; likes ) 9. Do his brothers like math? _ 。 A. No, we don B. Yes, he does C. Yes, they does D. No, they don ) 10. Cindy is_ . A. sports star B. a sports star C. a sports stars D. a sport star四、完形填空(20分) I am Danny. I 11 a brother,Eric.I have

4、 five 12 and two oranges every day, He 13 four bananas and three 14 every day. I like 15 , but he l6 . He doesnt like salad, 17 I dont,either(也).What about my parents? My father 18 broccoli(花椰菜 ), butMy 19 doesnt.What 20 you? )11. A. am B. Have C. like D. has )12. A. banana B. Orange C. bananas D. s

5、alad )13. A. is B. Likes C. has D. have )14. A. orange B. Hamburger C. strawberries D. broccoli )15. A. tomato B. a tomato C. tomatoes D. some tomatoes )16. A. Do B. C. Like D. is )17. A. but B. And C. Or D. for )18. A. Likes D. does )19. A. friend Sister C. Mother D. uncle )20. A. of B, are C. Do a

6、bout五、阅读理解(15分) Gina和她的朋友要去野餐,请阅读下面对话,写出她们所需要买的食品。Gina:s have a picnic(野餐)Tom: That sounds good.Francisco: I like hamburgers, bananas and milk. What about you, Mary?Mary: I like strawberries and chicken. Do you like chicken? Yes, I do. I like eggs and tomatoes, too. What about you, Tom? I like carro

7、ts and oranges. And my favorite drink is orange. Do you all like orange?G, F and M: Yes, we do. OK. Lets go shopping.Food and DrinkFranciscohamburgersbananas21._Mary22. _chicken Gina eggs 23_chickenTom 24_oranges 25_六、书面表达(20分) 根据下列表格中的内容,写一篇短文,介绍Alice一家对所给食物的喜()恶()。不少于40词。FatherMotherAliceApplesIce

8、CreamChicken My name is Alice. _【第六单元综合测试题参考答案】基础知识 词汇直通车 基础知识 l.bananas 2.hamburgers 3.breakfast4. vegetables 6.strawberries 7.likes 8. Tomatoes 9.healthy10. Eating 11. apples 12. have 13. dinner 14. lots of 15. like句型训练场 1. doesnt like 2.Do, like 3.No, he doesnt. 4. likes eggs 6

9、.ice-cream 7. Does, like 8.doesn 9. for breakfast 10. lots of综合能力 单项选择 1-5 BDBCD 6-10 ACADB完形填空 11.B句意为:我有一个哥哥,叫Eric。12.C利用排除法。四个选项中只有C项是复数形式,故选C。13.C主语是第三人称单数,且表示“吃”的意思,只有C项合适。14C 15C16B由“but”可知,前后句是转折关系。旬意为:我喜欢吃西红柿,但我哥哥不喜欢吃。17B由“either可知,前后句是并列关系。句意为:我哥哥不喜欢沙拉,我也不喜欢沙拉。故选B。18A主语为第三人称单数,故可排除B、C。我父亲喜欢

10、花椰菜故选A。19 C20. What about you?意为“你怎么样呢?”,是固定搭配。阅读理解 21. milk 22. strawberries 23, tomatoes 24. Carrots 25. orange书面表达 My name is Alice.1 like apples. My mother likes apples, too. But my father doesnt like them. My mother and I like ice-cream,But my father doesnt like it.My father likes chicken. But

11、my mother and I dont like it.Unit 7 How much are these socks?一、词汇直通车(10分)A)根据句意及所给首字母提示补全单词。1.How m_ are the trousers? 50 yuan.2. The shorts are 75 d_ .3.Come and b_ your clothes at Xin Hua Clothes Store.4.We have sweaters at a very good p_ . only $30.5. The skirt is on s_ for $40.B)根据句意及汉语提示补全单词。6.

12、1 want a_ (黄色)skirt.7The green_ (毛衣)is $99,8He cant_ (买得起)the red skirt.9The girl has a_ (小的)hat.10. Mr Cools Clothes Store_ (卖)pants for¥30.二、句型训练场(10分)A)根据汉语意思完成句子。1这件白色T恤衫85元。 This_ _ is eighty-five yuan.2这双黑鞋卖60元。 The pair of_ _ _ 60 yuan.3看看我们的服装店。 Have a_ _ our clothes store.4那条红色裤子正在减价销售,仅仅20

13、元。 The red pants are_ _ for only 20 yuan.5我们以极好的价格卖我们的衣服。We_ our clothes_ very good_ .B)请为每个句子或对话找出相匹配的图画。 ¥12 15 10¥ A B C D E )6. I want a sweater. )7. How much is it? Its $15. )8. What color do you want? Blue. I want blue pants. )9. How much are they? Theyre¥ 10. )10. We have bags for only¥12.三、单

14、项选择(20分) )1._ is this T-shirt?s seven dollars. A. What B. How C. How much D. What color )2. _ ? Yes, please. I want a bag. A. Can you help me B. Can I help you C. How are you D. What do you want ) 3. Thank you. _ . A. No, not thank you B. Thank you, too C. Me, too D. Youre welcome ) 4. These black t

15、rousers_ eighteen dollars. B. Am C. are D. can ) 5. They have sweaters_ a very good price. A. in B. At C. on D. of )6. We have T-shirt_ red,green and white_ only¥ 18. A. is; is B. in; in C. for; on D. in; )7. What can I do for you ? I need to buy_ shoes. A. pair of B. pairs of C. a pair of D. two pa

16、irs )8. The blue sweater is too big . I want a_ one. A.long B.nice C.short D.small )9. Have a look_ my white shoes! A. on C. at D./ )10. The socks are cheap(便宜的), Ill_ it. B.bring C.sell D.take四、完型填空(20分) Next to(靠近) the No.l Middle School is a school store. Its not but it has 0f school

17、things (学习用品). D0 13 like books, erasers, pens 14 color pencils? Theyre on 15 sale. Big erasers are only one yuan 16 and thesmall one is 0.5 yuan. Those color pencils are only two yuan. I want the yellow pencil sharpener(卷笔刀). It is 18 a good price. Ill take it. Do you need some school things for ?

18、to this store! )11. A. big B. small C.long D. good )12. A.lot B. lots C. Many D. much )13. A. I B.they D.we )14. A. but B. too C. all D. or )15. A. in D,/ )16. A. one B. every C. each D. sale )17. A. for B. on C. in )18. A. in D. for )19. A. you B.your D.yourself )20. A. Come B. Welcome C

19、. A or B D. Please五、阅读理解(15分)根据Mr Green商店里的价目表,选择正确答案。Mr Greens Clothes StoreClothesColorPriceSockswhite, blue$4Trousersblack, red$11Sweaterred, white$8T-shirtgreen, black$7Hat$6 )21. Which is the cheapest(最便宜的) ? A. Hat. B. T-shirt. C. Socks. D. Sweater. )22. How much are two pairs(条) of trousers a

20、nd a hat? $22 $28 $14 $18 )23.You can buy_ at Mr Greens Clothes Store. A. black trousers B. a blue sweater C. a green hat D. a green shirt )24. You like red and you only have $7. You can buy_. A. a sweater B. a hat C. socks D. trousers )25. You only have sixteen dollars.You can buy_. A. a sweater and a pair

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