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1、-et /et/ g-etget w-etwet-eg /eg/ b-egbeg p-egpeg-es(ess) /es/ m-essmess l-essless-en /en/ d-enden m-enmenIi /i/-ib /ib/ b-ibbib f-ibfib-ip /ip/ d-ipdip s-ipsip-id /id/ b-idbid d-iddid-it /it/ b-itbit h-ithit-ig /ig/ d-igdig b-igbig-ix /iks/ m-ixmix s-ixsim-is /is/ h-isshiss k-isskiss-in /in/ p-inpin

2、 b-inbin-im /im/ d-imdim h-imhim-iz /iz/ f-izzfizzOo /-ob /b/ m-obmob j-objob-op /p/ h-ophop p-oppop-od /d/ r-odrod s-odsod-ot /t/ c-otcot l-otlot-og /g/ l-oglog h-oghog-ox /kx/ f-oxfox b-oxbox-om /m/ T-omTom m-ommom-on /n/ D-onDon R-onRonUu /-ub /b/ c-ubcub s-ubsub-up /p/ c-upcup s-upsup-ud /d/ m-u

3、dmud b-udbud-ut /t/ b-utbut c-utcut-ug /g/ h-ughug b-ugbug-us /s/ G-usGus b-usbus-um /m/ b-umbum s-umsum-un /n/ f-unfun g-ungunBb /b/ b/ dab gab tab cab lab -ib /ib/ bib rib fib -ob /b/ mob rob sob Bob job -ub /b/ hub pub rub sub Pp /p/p/ gap nap rap tap -ip /ip/ dip rip sip tip zip -op /p/ hop mop

4、pop -up /p/ sup cupDd /d/_ad /d/ had pad sad dad _ed /ed/ fed led Ned wed_id /id/ bid did hid rid _od /d/ God rod sod_ud /d/ mud bud Tt /t/_at /t/ bat mat pat rat sat vat _et /et/ bet get jet let met set _it /it/ it bit hit kit lit pit wit _ot /t/ cot dot got lot not rot_ut /t/ but gut but rut put-e

5、pt wept slept kept Xx /ks/ks/ tax wax-ix /iks/ mix six-ox /ks/ box fox-ext /ekst/ next text Gg /g/g/ lag nag tag wag -eg /eg/ beg Meg peg-ig /ig/ dig fig big pig wig -og /g/ log hog-ug /g/ dug hug jug rug tug Ss /s/-as /s/ mass pass glass class -es(-ess) /es/ mess less yes less-is /is/ hiss kiss mis

6、s-oss /s/ boss moss loss toss -us /s/ Gus busst- /st/ stamp step still stop stuff -st /st/ -ast mast cast last past -est vest jest pest test -ist fist list gist -ust bust gust rust dustsp- /sp/ span spend spill spot -sp /sp/ -asp gasp rasp -isp lisp wisp Mm-am dam ram ham jam-im dim him rim slim -om

7、 Tom come -um bum sum gum rum-mp -amp camp lamp damp ramp -imp wimp skimp limp -ump bump dump jump-mb lamb bomb dumb thumb sm- smack smell smog smug Nn-an ban man pan -and and hand land sand -ance chance lance trance -ang bang hang rang -ank bank tank rank-ant rant pant scant-en den men yen -ent ben

8、t lent rent -ence fence pence -end bend send tend-in bin fin kin -int hint mint -inch pinch winch finch -ind wind find bind mind -ing king ping ring -inge hinge singe whinge -ink drink brink mink-inner winner dinner thinner -on on Ron son -ond pond bond fond-ong long song strong-un bun fun gun -unt

9、hunt runt punt -unch punch lunch bunch -under plunder thunder -ung hung rung sung-unk junk dunk skunksn- snap sniff snip snubkn- knee knot know knob Llbl- blast bled blip blot blunt cl- clamp clinch clock clubfl- flap fleck flip flog fluffgl- glad glitter glove pl- plank pledge plight ploy plumsl- s

10、lam sled slim slog slush sly -el- -elf self shelf elf -ell gel bell cell dell -elp yelp help kelp -elt melt belt felt-il- -ill bill hill kill -ilt hilt silt tilt built guilt-le -able stable able -cle muscle -ple multiple steeple pimple -angle tangle bangle dangle -andle handle candle -ettle settle f

11、ettle mettle -ibble nibble dibble quibble possible -ickle fickle sickle pickle nickel -iddle riddle diddle middle -iggle jiggle giggle niggle wiggle -istle whistle bristle gristle dismissal -ittle little skittle whittle -obble bobble gobble cobble -ubble bubble rubble stubble double -uckle knuckle b

12、uckle suckle -umble jumble bumble mumble -al annual oval special journal -andal sandal vandal scandal -etal metal petal -issal dismissal-el gel expel rebel -abel label -ickel nickel -vel travelRrbr- brand brim broke brushcr- craft crept crib cross crumpfr- frantic fret frill frog frumpgr- grab Greg

13、grill grubpr- prank press print prop prunewr- wrap wreck wriggle wrong wrung dr- drag dreg drip drop drum tr- trap trend trim trot trustscr- scram scrimp scrunchshr- shred shrill shrugspr- sprang spring sprungstr- strap stress strip strong strum Fffl- flap fleck flip flog flufffr- frantic fret frill

14、 frog frump-elf self shelf elf-ff -iff cliff biff sniff miff quiff -uff buff fluff cuff -ft -aft daft aft craft -eft left -ift gift lift -oft loft soft waftKksk- skill skunk sky-sk -ask ask mask task flask -esk desk -isk disk risk -usk tusk busk musk -nk -ank bank rank sank tank -ink ink pink sink w

15、ink -unk junk bunk dunkkn- knelt knit knot knubCccl- clap cliff clock clubcr- crab crept crib cross crustsc- scan Scottscr- scratch script scrub .-ct -act act fact -ect insect collect correct -ck -ack jack back lack snack -eck neck beck speck -ick kick pick brick trick thick -ock lock rock sock -uck

16、 duck luck struck-ic music picnic magic panicci-/s/ pencil cinema-ce/s/ -ace face nice rice police -ance dance glance lance -ice police office -ence fence pence -ense dense sense tense Hh sh- / shall shell shift shot shutch-/t/ chat chest chick chop chugth-/ thank theme thick thudth-/ than them this

17、 those thuswh-/w/ when which what/h/ who whoseph-/f/ Phil phonics phone_sh / -ash ash cash wash -ish dish fish wish -ush rush rush mush gush-ch /t/ -anch ranch -ench bench -ich rich rich which -inch finch pinch winch -uch much such -unch lunch punch brunch -tch/t/ -atch catch match hatch -etch fetch

18、 -itch itch pitch witch -utch clutch-th / -ath bath math path -ith with -enth tenth -ifth fifth Www- wa- wad wan water wall we- wed welt west wet wi- wig wit wisp wimp wo- wow wobblewh- wha- what whack wham whe- when where whi- which whiff whim whittle who- who whose wholewr- wrap wreck write wrongsw- swam swim Yyy- ya- yap yacht ye- yell yellow yelp y

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