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1、答案与解析offcut off“切下;切断”。由于地震,他们的水供应被切断了。4Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea.答案与解析so that前后为两个分句,故空格处应填连接词。前后句为因果关系,为结果状语从句。5Neither you nor I _ (be) to blame.答案与解析am根据“就近原则”,谓语动词应与“I”保持一致。6More and more students are benefiting _ this modern teaching method.答案与解析from

2、句意:越来越多的学生得益于这种现状化的教学方法。benefit from“从中得益;受益于”,符合句意。7He sat _ (close) against the wall and listened to the teacher _ (close)答案与解析close; closelyclose作副词时,意为“靠近;接近”,强调距离;而closely表示“仔细地;密切地”等抽象意义。他靠近墙坐着,仔细听老师讲。8She was _ debt when she was poor, but has been out of debt since she got rich.答案与解析in句意:以前穷的

3、时候她欠了债,可自从富了以后就不再欠债了。in debt“欠债”,为固定短语。9With more and more new drugs _ (develop), doctors dont find it that difficult to treat patients.答案与解析developeddevelop与new drugs之间为动宾关系,故该处需要用动词的被动形式,而且该动词的形式又用在了with的复合结构中,故可以排除D项。10 I have no idea what Im going to do. Why _ go to the theatre?答案与解析notWhy not.?

4、(为什么不?)用于向别人提建议。.根据课文内容,完成语法填空A week _1_(late), Wang Peng achieved great success. Lots of customers came back to his restaurant. One day Yong Hui came to his restaurant and _2_(ask) him what he did in her restaurant the other day angrily. Then Wang Peng explained to her that he only wanted to know _

5、3_ all his customers had gone. Therefore, he followed one of them to _4_ place. Wang Peng also pointed out the problems that he had found in her restaurant and asked her _5_(sit) down and taste a meal in his restaurant. Soon _6_ of them began to talk about menus and balanced diets. They thought that

6、 they _7_ combine the advantages and correct some disadvantages. At last, they decided to combine their ideas _8_ provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre. Their balanced diet became so successful _9_ before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. Both of the

7、m had very good figure. After some time they _10_married and lived happily ever after.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案完形填空I am very glad I am known for my voice today. Perhaps the greatest honor came when I was asked to read the new book

8、 on tape.But it took a long time to _1_ such good things could _2_ to me. When I was young, I stuttered (口吃) so badly that I was completely _3_ to speak in public._4_, when I was 14, Professor Green came to our school. He was a retired college professor. English was his _5_ subject; poetry was his d

9、eepest love. He held a book of poems as if it were a diamond necklace, turning pages as if _6_ treasures. When he heard our school was teaching Shakespeare, he could no longer _7_ not being a part of our school.When he _8_ that I not only loved poetry but was _9_ it, we became closer. There was, how

10、ever, one _10_ between us he could not stand the _11_ that I refused to read my poems to the class.“Jim, poetry is _12_ to be read aloud,” he said. “You should speak those beautiful words.” I shook my head and _13_.Then he tricked me. After handing in a poem, I waited for his _14_, but he challenged

11、 me in front of my classmates. “Jim, I dont think you wrote this.”I _15_ him in disbelief. “Of course I did!”“Well, then,”he said,“youve got to _16_ it by reciting it _17_ memory.”By then the other students had settled at their _18_. With knees shaking, I stood up and began to recite my poem all the

12、 way through!Afterwards, Professor Green congratulated me, and _19_ me to read other writers poetry before public._20_I discovered I did have a voice and found my classmates actually looked forward to hearing me recite.1A. believe B. imagineC. want D. expect2A. come B. happenC. go D. get3A. uncertai

13、n B. unlikelyC. unbelievable D. unable4A. But B. FinallyC. Then D. Besides5A. favorite B. goodC. poor D. bad6A. recovering B. uncoveringC. removing D. discovering7A. prevent B. helpC. keep D. stand8A. learned B. thoughtC. decided D. proved9A. reciting B. readingC. writing D. saving10A. agreement B.

14、difficultyC. promise D. pity11. A. truth B. ideaC. fact D. belief12. A. said B. meantC. caused D. prepared13. A. answered back B. showed upC. turned away D. stuck to14. A. correction B. praiseC. return D. comment15. A. turned to B. stared atC. pointed to D. laughed at16. A. show B. proveC. have D. m

15、ake17. A. from B. byC. in D. at18. A. tables B. classesC. schools D. desks19. A. enabled B. persuadedC. encouraged D. supported20. A. Long before B. Before longC. Long after D. After long答案与解析1A通读全文,可知作者刚开始并不认为自己能朗诵诗,因此本句表达作者花费很长时间才相信此事。believe“相信”,符合题意。imagine“设想”,一般是难以实现或近期不大可能实现的事物。want“想要”; expe

16、ct“期望”,均不合句意。2B花费很长一段时间我才相信这样的好事还会发生在我的身上。sth.happen to sb.为“某人发生某事”。3Dbe unable to do sth. “不能干某事”,固定搭配。4C由上下文知,此处需要一个表时间的过渡性副词,只有then符合。but为连词,不可用;这里并不是说明事情的最后结果,故finally也不可选;besides表“此外;而且”,也不符合句意。 5A英语是他最喜欢的课程。根据deepest一词判断所选单词与该单词形成比较,所以选一个有比较意义的单词。6B对于诗迷来说,读诗犹如发掘宝藏一样,因此只有B项uncover“揭开;发现”符合句意。r

17、ecover“恢复”; remove“除去;拿起”; discover“发现”。7Dstand“忍耐;忍受”,后面加动词的ing形式,四个选项中只有D项符合。8A“当他了解到我很喜欢诗时”,learn“听说;了解到”,符合句意。think“考虑”; decide“决定”; prove“证明”。9C作诗。也可以根据后文第14个空后“. you wrote this”推知选write一词。10Bdifficulty在这里意为“异议;意见不一”。由however转折,可知我们之间存在一些意见上的分歧。11C在此表示造成我不敢开口的客观事实。12Bbe meant tobe intended to“意

18、欲;打算;本来是想;意味着;是用来”。13C此处表示作者没有说话,走开了。answer back“顶嘴;回嘴”;show up“揭露;出席;到场”; stick to“坚持;不停努力”;只有C项turn away“转身走;离开”,表示不认可老师的建议。14D指老师对诗歌的“评语;评价”用comment。15B作者不相信地看着教授, stare at“盯着瞧”; turn to“转向”; point to“指向”; laugh at指“嘲笑”均不合句意。16B由上文中I disbelief可知,教授是要作者证明诗是作者自己写的。prove“证明;证实”。17Afrom memory“从记忆中”,

19、属固定搭配。18D其他同学在书桌前安顿下来,table为“饭桌”; desk一般指“书桌”。19Cencourage do sth. “鼓励某人干某事”。20B不久以后,我发现自己有好的嗓音。before long“不久”; long before“很久以前”; long after“很久以后”。.七选五Le Invitation: The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation in 48 hours. And now, the guest may not ask to bring a guest becau

20、se the hostess has chosen her own and where they will be seated.Le Gift: _1_ They may also be sent afterwards with a thankyou note. It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift or flowers in hand, therefore forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that. _2

21、_ Why, its as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and thats an insult (凌辱). You may, however , offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.Le Arrival: _3_ Guests who arrive exactly on time of how terrible! early, are mere thoughtless lout (

22、乡巴佬) who are not giving the hostess those last minutes she needs to deal with details. The “correct” guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time on the invitation.Le Table Manner: Dont eat your bread before main course, or host

23、ess will fear you are ruining your appetite for whats to come. _4_ Thats right. Dont, its considered bad luck. And you must eat everything you take from the serving dish lest you insult the hostess food. _5_A. Its a bad habit to be late for the party.B. Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift

24、.C. Also, the French abhor (厌恶) waste.D. If an invitation is for eight oclock, the considerate guest arrives at 8:15.E. Though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party.F. If you bring a bottle of wine, the hostess will appreciate it.G. And dont pick up and pass the salt

25、when asked.答案1.B2.E3.D4.G5.C.短文改错Dear Li Hua,Im glad to hear of you. As for living at home and living in your school dormitory, I think youd better to choose the latter.First of all, living in a dormitory will develop your ability of living independently and solve problems by yourself. Secondly, if

26、you live there, you will find easier to share feelings with your friends; in all, you are of the same age and have common feelings towards many thing. Most important, living with your friends will improve your team spirit, that will be beneficial to your future career.I hope you can consider my advi

27、ce seriously and then make you final decision.Yours,Wang Lin答案m glad to hear you. As for living at home living in your school dormitory, I think youd better choose the latter.First of all, living in a dormitory will develop your ability of living independently and problems by yourself. Secondly, if

28、you live there, you will find easier to share feelings with your friends;all, you are of the same age and have common feelings towards many. Most, living with your friends will improve your team spirit, will be beneficial to your future career.I hope you can consider my advice seriously and then make final decision.

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