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1、During the visit, I stayed at your home, and you cooked delicious meals for me. And you showed me around quite a few places of interest, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. Resides, you took many beautiful photos of me. Whats more, you went shopping with me. I really ha

2、d a wonderful time. Another thing that I should mention is that your parents were so kind to drive us. Thank you for your kindness again and give my best regards to your parents. Yours sincerely, Li Hua篇二:7种万能写作模板 1基本要求:就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120词的短文,内容基本完整、用词恰当,语篇连贯。2评分标准及相应的要求 14分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本

3、上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。11分 切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。(单复数,冠词,拼写,大小写) 8分 基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。(时态混乱,句子成分搭配不当) 5分 基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。2分 条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。*卷面要求:字体端正清晰、易于辨认;规范大小写;词间空格,段前缩进;正确使用标点符号;避免拼写错误,减少涂改。*内容要求:语言上,关键在于变化,变化不分难易,只要有变化就行。变化分为词的变化和句的变化。在用词上,同

4、一文章中,相同意义的词要争取不断的用近义词替换。7种万能写作模板 一、 现象/观点阐释型 现象/观点阐释型作文要求考生就某一事物或者现象进行客观的分析和评论。要求分析某一社会现象出现的原因或存在的问题并结合实际情况具体说明自己的看法和建议。此类作文的基本结构如下:第一段简述某一现象(即提出文章讨论的主题)。第二段分析产生该现象的原因或存在的问题(写作的重心,需要从多方面进行阐述)。第三段提出号召、建议或解决方案。模板 (某社会现象或问题)has increasingly become a common concern of the public. . However, . The reason

5、s for this are obvious. The primary reason, presumably, is that . The second reason is that . Personally, I think should be controlled because it . To improve the present situation, .On Excessive Packaging Excessive packaging has increasingly become a common concern of the public. A package is suppo

6、sed to serve as a cover of the product to keep it clean and prevent it from being damaged. However, most of the current packages have already surpassed the mere function of packaging. The reasons for this are obvious. The primary reason, presumably, is that the manufacturers attempt to attract poten

7、tial customers with delicate packaging, or to cover up the inferior quality of the product. The second reason is that the consumers want to show their sincerity and elegance with beautifully packaged gifts. Personally, I think excessive packaging should be controlled because it conceals the quality

8、of the product, consumes a lot of resources and adds much to the cost of the good. To improve the present situation, manufacturers had better distinguish family packaging from gift packaging separately so that consumers could make choices according to their own needs. 二、 图表/图片作文型 这种题型要求学生在描述图片、图表的基础

9、上,分析相关现象或问题等,并加以评论。看懂图表和图片所要表达的意思,尤其重要。图表若是数据型,那些“极端数字”(即最大最小值、最高最低点、基本相同点以及完全相反点等等)往往是反映问题的关键。描写这种图表时切忌堆砌数据,只要把最能说明问题的数据描述出来即可。此类作文开头段一般是简单描述图片、图表并指出其反映的现象或问题。接着分析其原因、造成的影响等,最后表达作者的看法。As is shown in the picture, . It reminds me of . As it is, . To be specific, . Moreover, . Take as an example. . Al

10、l in all, .三、 评论引言型 评论引言型作文要求对引用的话进行评论,并发表个人观点。引用的话可能是普通的话语,也可能是谚语名言。评论引言、名言型作文一般要求从该言论中提炼出主题,然后用实例进行论证,最后进行简单总结。评论谚语型作文则要求在开篇引出谚语并做适当的诠释,接着从多方面举例论证。但某些谚语或名人言论也不一定正确,若是题目没有设定文章的基调,驳斥谚语或者名人的观点也是一种写作思路,但要注意一定要有理有据。Maybe most of us have heard of the saying, “.” But have you ever thought about its impli

11、cation? Undoubtedly, . Those who claim to . It is that . . Nonetheless, .篇三:感谢信英语作文模板 英文感谢信模板+范文 感 谢 信 dear_, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _ . if it had not been for your assistance in _ , i fear that i would have been_. every one agrees that it was you who_.again, i would like to

12、 express my warm thanks to you! please accept my sincerely 你的姓名 extend ?kstend vt. 延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对?估价 vi. 延伸;伸展;使疏开 gratitude gr?t?tju?d n. 感谢(的心情);感激 assistance ?s?stns n. 援助,帮助;辅 助设备 感谢信 1)感谢信的写法 人们在交往中常需 要相互致谢,收到别人赠送的礼物,得到别人的帮助、受到别人的慰问,都应该表示感谢。感谢信是人们常用的一种感谢方式。感谢信最主要的特 点是真诚。缺乏真挚的感情答谢他人,收信人将

13、对你的谢意产生怀疑,感谢的目的也就失去 了。因此,写感谢信首先得真心诚意。感谢信另一个特点 是具体。写感谢信切忌泛泛而谈,而应着重于具体的感谢事由。 其次一个特点是及时。收到 别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打折扣。收到他人赠送的礼 物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物 的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”;而不要笼统地写 上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”,

14、这样,使人觉 得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。范例1 dear laura,i was truly eaptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden. how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more! you have a

15、positive genius for selecting the right gift!the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasa ntest period in my life. i will cherish this memory forever. how nice it would be to see you again. you have been more than kind, and i wont ever forget it. my love and deepest gratitude,

16、 now and always!sincerely yours, jane 范例2 dear dan and laura, jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set. we are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift. thanks again for the lovely gift. fondly, minnie 范例3 dear mrs. gorden, id like

17、you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant to me. i not only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed a nd refreshed as i havent felt for months. please give my love to helen. it was so nice being with her again just like our old days together at school. many thanks to you and

18、 mr. gordon for asking me. sincerely yours, jean brown 2)感谢信模板 date:_ dear_, i am now writing to express my sincere thanks for_ . id like you to know how much your_ meant to me. you have a positive genius for _. i not only enjoyed_ , but also_. i shall ever remember _ as one of the most _ in my life

19、. i _. i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating. would you kindly let me know _.i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _. how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you next time!i repeat my thanks again for your_. please give my kind regards t

20、o your_ . yours truly, signature 信息提示 信件启首 直接表达谢意 表达出自己非常 珍惜对方的付出/礼物 对对方一定的赞美 对方的情意对 自己的影响 介绍自己的近况 表达出自己希望 有回报的机会 询问对方是否有时间 表达自己回报 的心情 提出希望下次 见面的愿望 再次表达感谢 最后表达真挚的祝 福 信件结尾与签名 感谢信英语作文范文 感谢 信 范文 dear mary , in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your books about band four

21、to me. the book is very useful especially for my reading and writing .i want to buy this book for a long time. your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly. i feel obliged to thank you once more. tom dear mary, i would like to thank you for your warm-heart help last term. i couldnt have pa

22、ssed the cet band 4, if not had received your reference book on english learning. it is more necessary to appreciate you because of your tender care and perfect consideration for me. i would never forget that night when you sent the umbrella to me at the library. best wishes!英文感谢信范文 感恩 信 要求字数120字以上;

23、内容是感谢信,参 加一次晚会后,感谢主人热情的邀请和招待。范文 dear david , many thanks to you for inviting me to your party. ive spent a sweet night there with you,your family and friends. your family members were very nice and hospital. you really made me feel home. please remember me to your wife. she had prepared a fancy meal

24、. i enjoyed that very much. and also your daughter cicy. she dances very well. from her i foresee a promising dancer in the future. your friends were all easy-going and cute. especially your collegues. you must keep a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in your office. thanks again for your invitaion

25、, your hospitality, your family, your friends, your vodka and all the fancy memory you brought to me 母亲节到了,写给母亲的感谢信 整理收集 my dearest mother, your son 2 dear mother :brother and love our though various different approaches such as study ,work and life ,consquently ,our held on the belief that the mother is only lover .please accept our appreciate again i hope that you have happiness everyday?/ 3 mum 篇四:英语作文万能模版范例感谢信 英语 作文万能模版范例(一)感谢信 directions:after being involved in an accident,

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