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1、(每空限填一词)1. 据报道越来越多的兰州市民愿意参与一年一度的兰马赛。Its reported that and Lanzhou citizens would like to take part in Lanzhou International Marathon. 2.服用此药前,请仔细阅读说明。 Read the instructions before you the medicine.3. 五泉山坐落于兰州南部。 Wuquan Mountain lies the of Lanzhou. 4.别害怕犯错,我们可以从错误中学到东西!老师说。Dont of making mistakes an

2、d we can learn from them! said the teacher.5. 我相信兰州能够创建出一个更好的环境,我们应该努力去实现它。I do believe that a better environment can be created in Lanzhou and we should all work together to make it . 【答案与解析】I. 根据所给提示完成以下句子。1. buy my father some presents/buy some presents for my father 2. couldnt wait to tell 3. no

3、t only clever but also hard-working4. is used to taking /having/going for a walk5. unless you see/have seen it with your own eyes 1. two pairs of chopsticks 2. couldnt wait to see/ look at/ have a look at 3. is newer than yours/ your watch 4. not stay up (late) 5. is helpful for us1.more; more

4、efully; take; south afraid e true【用法讲解】考试要求:中考重点句型即中考经常考查的句型,在中考试卷中单项选择和句型转换以及完成句子中经常考到这些重点的句型,同学们在中考冲刺阶段需要确认是否已经掌握了这些重点的句型结构和它们的典型用法,特别是一些重点句子的表达方式。掌握了这些重点句型对于同学们解答阅读理解、听力和书面表达等都会有很大的帮助。1. 常考重点句型:1 be afraid of doing / to do /that从句2be busy doing sth./ with sth.3 be famous / late /ready /

5、 sorry +for sth.4 be glad that 5 make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth. 6 ask / tell /want sb. (not) to do sth.7 give/ buy/ lend/ sb. sth.8 tell/ ask sb. how to do sth.9 get on well with10 get ready for / get sth ready11 help sb do/(to) do ; help sb with 12 Its time +for sb. to do sth.13 Its 形容词for/of sb

6、. to do sth.14 would rather do.15 had better do sth.16 Its better/ best to do sth.17 enjoy/ finish/ practice/ mind/feel like doing sth.18 keep sb doing/ keep/make sth +adj19stop to do (doing) sth.20 keep/ stop/ prevent sb. from doing sth.21 prefer 宾语Ato 宾语B22used to do sth.23 be/get/become used to d

7、oing sth.24 含有too . to do sth.结构的句型25 含有so.that的句型26 It takessb. some timeto do sth.27spend 时间/金钱on sth./ doing sth.28 see/ hear/ watch sb. do/doing sth.29 Thanks for + doing sth.30 The 形容词/副词的比较级,the 形容词/副词的比较级.1. 中考重点句型详解: 1be afraid of doing / that 从句这个句型表示某人害怕或担心做某事,be动词随着句子的主语人称和数的变化而变化。be afra

8、id of的后面用名词或动名词形式作宾语,表示某人害怕做某事, 也可以用be afraid todo sth.。例如:My little sister is afraid of dogs. 我的小妹妹害怕狗。He doesnt want to speak English, because he is afraid of making mistakes.他不想说英语,因为担心出错。2) be afraid +that从句,一般用来要说出对方不愿意听到的内容的客气的说法,多译成恐怕。I am afraid that I cant help you. 我恐怕不能帮助你。2 be busy doing

9、 sth./ with sth.这个句型表示某人忙于做某事,be busy的后面接动词时用动名词,接名词或者代词时用be busy with。Our teacher is busy correcting our homework.=Our teacher is busy with our homework.我们的老师正忙于批改我们的作业。3 主语be famous / late /ready / sorry for 宾语这个句型的意思是因为某人或者某事而出名/ 迟到/ 做好准备/ 道歉,其中介词for表示原因。The old man is famous for his handwriting.

10、 这个老年人因为他的书法而出名。We are sorry for not taking part in your birthday party. 没能参加你的生日聚会我们感到抱歉。4 be glad +that从句这个句型表示对于某事很高兴,that 后跟一个句子,这里的that可以省掉。类似的用法还有be happy/pleased that+从句。I am glad that every student is studying as hard as possible. 对于每个学生都尽可能努力学习,我很欣慰。Im glad that you passed the exam. 对于你通过了考

11、试,我很高兴。He is pleasedthathis daughter gives him a present for his birthday every year. 他很满意女儿每年在他生日时,送他一个生日礼物。5 make/ let /have sb. (not) do sth使役动词make/ let/ have的后面用省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,意思是使/ 让某人做某事而此句型谓语动词变成被动语态时,要把省略的to加上。My father often makes me do my homework for an hour at home. 我的爸爸每天使我在家做一个小时的家庭

12、作业。He was made to work more than ten hours a day. 每天他被迫工作十多个小时。动词ask、tell、want的后面可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语,意思是要求/ 告诉/ 想要某人做某事。My teacher often tells us to do our homework at home. 我们的老师经常告诉我们在家做我们的家庭作业。What did your father say just now? 你父亲刚才说什么?He asked me to help him clean his car. 他要我帮他擦车。7give/ buy/ lend s

13、b. sth.give/ buy/ lend等动词后可以跟双宾语,谓语动词的变化和句子的主语保持一致,意思是给某人某物/ 给某人买某物/ 借给某人某物,表示某物的宾语是直接宾语,表示某人的宾语是间接宾语。如果直接宾语在前面,间接宾语在后面要用介词to/for。有类似用法的动词很多,常见的能与to连用的有:give,lend,bring,hand,pass,read,return,sell,show,teach,tell,throw常见的能与for连用的有:buy,choose,cook,find,get,make,order,prepare My mother bought me a new

14、sweater yesterday. My mother bought a new sweater for me yesterday. 昨天我妈妈给我买了一件新毛衣。8 tell/ ask + (sb.) +how to do sth.动词tell/ask/ know/ show等动词的后面用疑问词+动词不定式构成的短语作宾语,相当于疑问词引导的宾语从句。Can you tell me where to buy this kind of flowers? Can you tell me where I can buy this kind of flower?你能告诉我在哪里买这种花吗?9 ge

15、t on well with sb 该句式表示和某人相处的融洽,同义词组有get along well with sb。I get along well with my classmates. 我和我的同学们相处的很好。Mary is selfish. She can hardly get on well with everyone.Mary很自私,几乎和每个人关系都不好。另外,get along也有进展、进行的意思。How are you getting along with your English?你的英语学得怎样?get ready for / get sth. ready 表示为做好

16、准备,for后面接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。例如The next stop is Tiananmen East. Please get ready for your arrival. 下一站是天安门东,请准备下车。Go home immediately. Mum has got the dinner ready.快回家吧,妈妈已经把饭准备好了!这两个句式表示都帮助某人做某事。后接动词不定式时,do或to do都可以;如果是后接名词或代词时,要用with。I often help my mum do the housework. 我经常帮助妈妈做家务。He helped me a lot w

17、ith math. 他在数学方面给我很大的帮助。12 Its time (for somebody) to do sth.这个句型意思是到了做某事的时间、该做某事了,如果用名词表示事件,也可写成Its time for sth.。其中it指时间。Its time for you to take some medicine. 到了你吃药的时间了。Its time for bed. 到了上床睡觉的时间了。13 Its 形容词for/ of somebody to do sth.这个句型it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,意思是对某人来说做某事是怎么样的。Its difficult for

18、 your brother to take the heavy box to his room. 对你小弟弟来说把那个重箱子搬到他的房间里是困难的。注意:如果句型中的形容词表示某人的性质和特点时,一般用of;而形容词表示做某事的性质和特点时,就要用for。Its kind of you to help me a lot. 你真太好了,帮了我这么多。14 would rather do .这个句型是表示宁愿做某事的意思,表示选择,后接不带to的不定式。Id rather not say anything. 我宁愿不说任何事情。Would you rather work on a farm?你愿意

19、在农场工作吗?由于would rather表示选择,后可接than,再接相比之下不愿意做的事。I would rather work on a farm than in a factory. 我宁愿在农场工作而不愿意在工厂工作。15 had better (not) do sth.这个句型要注意had better的后面用动词原形,had better可略写为d better,意思是最好做某事,否定形式在had better 后加not。We had better go there on foot. 我们最好步行去那里。Youd better not be late for school ag

20、ain.你最好不要再迟到了。这个句型中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,意思是最好做某事。表示相比较而言,做某事更好或最好。Its best to plant trees in the spring. 春天是植树的最好季节。It is better to give than to receive. 给予比接受更好。17 feel like/ enjoy/ finish/ practice/ mind doing sth.在动词enjoy(喜欢)、finish (完成)、practice (练习)、mind (介意)和短语feel like (想要)的后面必须用动名词作宾语。Do y

21、ou mind my smoking here? 我在这里吸烟你介意吗?I dont feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。You need to practice writing. 你需要练习写作。18 keep sb doing sth;keep doing sthkeep sb doing sth表示让别人一直做某事,而keep doing 表示某人一直做某事。I am sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time. 对不起,让你久等了。He caught such a bad cold th

22、at he kept coughing all morning.他感冒了以至于整个上午都在咳嗽。keep 还可以加形容词,表示保持某物的状态,即keep sth. + 形容词adj.。 Keep the door open, please. 请保持门开着。19 stopto do (doing) sth.动词stop的后面可以接动名词,也可以接动词不定式,区别如下:stop doing sth.表示停止做某事即停止正在做的事, stop to do sth.表示停下来手头的事开始做另一事。 例如:Its time for class. You should stop talking. 现在上课

23、了,你们应该停止谈话。We have worked for three hours. Lets stop to have a rest.我们已经工作三个小时了。让我们停下来休息一会吧。20 keep/ stop/ prevent sb. fromdoing sth.动词keep/ stop/ prevent和介词from连用,表示阻止某人做某事,from后面如果接动词,要用动名词形式。The trees can keep the water from running away. 树木能够阻止水流失。I prevent him from going out. 我阻止他出去。这个句型表示与B事相比

24、更喜欢做A事,其中两个宾语的形式一般是一致的,如果用动词,都要用动名词形式。My father prefers apples to bananas. 我爸爸喜欢苹果胜过香蕉。He is a man who prefers doing to talking. 他是个喜欢做而不喜欢说的人。22 used to do sth.这个句型在used to的后面要用动词原形,其中to是不定式符号,表示过去常常做某事,现在已经不做了。My father used to be a math teacher. 我的爸爸过去曾经是一名数学老师。You used to do this by yourself?以前都

25、是你自己一个人做的吗?23 be/get/become used to doing sth.这个句型在be/get/become used to的后面用动名词形式做宾语,表示习惯于做某事,其中to是介词,可以用于各种时态。My little brother has been used to getting up early to go to school. 我小弟弟已经习惯早起上学了。You get used to doing your own business on your own time.你们必须学会用自己的时间做自己的事。24 too . to do sth. 这是一个简单句的句型,

26、表示太.而不能做某事。其中too可以修饰形容词和副词,意思是太,后面的to do sth. 是结果状语。Your brother is too young to go to school. 你弟弟太小还不能去上学。We are never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。这是一个复合句的句型,意思是太.以至于不能做某事,与含有 too . to do sth. 是同义句。I got up so late that I couldnt catch the first bus. 我起床如此晚以至于我没能赶上第一班公共汽车。此句也可以改为:I got up too late to catch the first bus. 我起床太晚了,赶不上第一班公共汽车了。26 It take sb. some time/money to do sth.这个句型表示做某事花费某人的时间或金钱,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。take的时态要根据句子的具体要求去确定。It took me

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