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RCCL 常规英文面试问答Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Im years old. I was born in ,on . My age is .My date of birth is . 我的年龄是XX岁,出生日期是19XX年XX月XX日,出生地点是XX市。我的年龄是XX岁,我的生日是XX月XX日。5. 问:How tall are you? What is your weight/height?你的身高是多少?你的体重/身高是多少?Im centimeters. My weight is kilogram/height is centimeters. 我的身高是XXCM,体重是XXKG。6. 问:Are you married or singl

2、e? Have you got married?已婚还是单身?你结婚了么? Im single . / I m married . Yes, I have ./ No, I havent. 我是单身,我结婚了。 是的,我结婚了。/不,我还没结婚。7. 问:Whats your nationality?你的国籍是哪里?My nationality is China. 我的国籍是中国。8. 问:Where do you live? Where are you from? Whats your address? Where is your hometown?你住在哪?从哪里来?你的地址是哪里?你的家

3、乡是哪里?I live in . Im from .My address is .My hometown is . 我住在 市。我从 来。我的地址是 我的家乡是 。9. 问:How long it takes you from your hometown to here by bus/train? How far away from here to your hometown?从你家乡到这里做公车/火车需要多长时间?这离你家乡有多远?It takes about hours by bus/train. It about kilometers. 从我家乡到这里坐公车/火车需要 个小时。这里离我的

4、家乡有 千米。10.问:Is there any interesting place in ? Could you introduce some interesting place in ? Can you tell me the most famous local food/snacks in ?xxx有什么好玩儿的地方么?能给我介绍一些南京/西安好玩儿的地方么?能说说你的家乡最有名的食品/小吃么?Yes ,there is. There are . The most famous local food/snacks in is 有 好玩的地方。 有名的地方是 。我家乡最有名的小吃是 和 1

5、1.问:What is the climate in ? Which season do you like you best ?的气候如何?你最喜欢哪个季节?The climate in is very .I like the best. 的气候很宜人。我最喜欢 季。12.问:How many person/people in your family?. 你家有几口人?There are 我家有XX口人。13.问:Do you have any brothers or sisters ? What is your brother or sister doing?你有兄弟姐妹么?你的兄弟姐妹都是

6、做什么的?Yes, I have. /No ,I havent . He/she is a 我有/没有兄弟姐妹。我的兄弟姐妹是干 的。14.问:What is your father/mother doing? Whats the occupation of your parents?你父母都是做什么的?你父母的职业是什么?They are . 我的父母都是做 的。我父母的职业是 。15.问:Who will take care of your parents when you are abroad?你在国外的时候谁来照顾你的父母?I think my brother and my siste

7、r will take care of them. 我在国外的时候我的兄弟姐妹会照顾好我的父母。16.问:Which school did you graduate from? When/where did you graduate from?你是哪所学校毕业的?你是什么时候从哪里毕业的?I graduated from school. I graduated from ,on 你是 学校毕业的。我是 年从 学校毕业的。17.问:Do you have bachelor degree or diploma?你是有学士学位还是文凭?I have bachelor degree / diploma

8、 . 我有学士学位/文凭。18.问:Whats your major? What did you learn/study in the school?你的专业是什么?在学校都学了什么?My major is .I had learn /study in the school. 我的专业是 。在学校学的是 。19.问:Whats your favorite classes/subjects at school?你在学校最喜欢上的课是什么?My favorite classes/subjects at school is . 我在学校最喜欢上的课是 。20.问:Do you like Englis

9、h ?Why ? How many years have you learned English? Why do you think English is important? How to improve your English?你喜欢英语么?为什么?你学了几年英语?你为什么认为英语很重要?如何提高英语水平?Yes ,I like it . Because it is very useful . I have learned it .Because its the first language in the world. Improve English there are five poi

10、nt ,more watching, more listening, more reading ,more speaking, more writing . 我喜欢英语。因为英语是一门很有用的语言。我学了 年英语。我觉得英语重要是因为英语是现在世界各国的通用语言。提高英语主要有五点,多看多听多读多说多写。21.问:Can you speak other foreign languages except English? Can you speak Cantonese?除英语外,你还可以说其他外语么?你会说广东话么?Except English ,I can also speak .Yes ,I

11、 can./No ,I cant. 除英语外,我还可以说 语。我会/不会说广东话。22.问:Can you operate computer? What programs can you use?你会使用电脑么?都会用哪些程序?Yes ,I can./No ,I cant. I can use 我会/不会使用电脑。我会用XX程序。23.问:Which position are you applying for? Which position you apply?你应聘哪个岗位?I applying for . 我应聘XX岗位。24.问:Do you have any knowledge abo

12、ut Carnival/Caribbean International? Could you tell something about Carnival/Caribbean International?你了解嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团么?说说你对嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团的了解。Yes, I do. Carnival/Caribbean International is the first /second biggest cruises international in the world. It have cruises 我了解嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团。嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团是世界上第一/二大的邮轮集

13、团,旗下有XX条豪华邮轮 25.问:Why do you want to work with Carnival/Caribbean International? Tor what reasonyou want to join Carnival/Caribbean International? How many years do you plan to work for Carnival/Caribbean International?为什么你想来嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作?为了实现什么样的目标你想加入嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团?你打算为嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作多长时间?Because I wan

14、t to look for a more challenge . I plan to work for Carnival/Caribbean International by years. 我想来嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作是因为我想挑战一下自己 。我 打算为嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作 年。26.问:Have you told you parents that you want to work for Carnival/Caribbean International? Whats their idea? Do they agree/disagree with you?你有没有告诉你父母你打算为嘉

15、年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作?他们有什么意见?他们赞同你么?Yes, I have told them. They agree with me . 我已经告诉我的父母我打算为嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作。他们没有意见。他们很支持我。27.问:If your parents do not allow/object you to work on ship(Carnival/Caribbean International),what will you do ?如果你的父母不同意/反对你在船上(Carnival/Caribbean International)工作,你会怎么办?I will try my b

16、est my best to make them agree with me. 如果我的父母不同意/反对我在船上(嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团)工作,我会尽力说服他们。28.问:What about your health? How is your health?你的健康状况如何?My health is well. 我的健康状况很好。29.问:What about your eyes sight? Are you warring contact lense?你的视力如何?你带隐形眼镜么?My eyes sight is well. No ,Im not. 我的视力很好。我不带隐形眼镜。30.问:A

17、re you short sighted or color blind?你近视/色盲么?No, Im not. 我不近视/不色盲。31.问:Are you sweaty palm?你手掌喜欢出汗么?我的手掌不喜欢出汗。32问:Do you have any registration of disciplinary violation ? Did you ever breach country law ?你有违规记录么?触犯过法律么?No , I havent ./ No , I didnt . 不,我没有违规记录。/ 不,我没有触犯过法律 33问:Do you like traveling ?

18、 Why ? Have you ever been to abroad / other countries ?你喜欢旅游么?你出过国么?Yes , I do . Because its so interesting ./ No, I havent ./ Yes ,I have. 是的,我喜欢旅游。因为旅游很有趣。/ 我没出过国。/ 我出过国。34. 问:Do you have any work experience ? Whats your working experience background ?Can you describe your working experience ?你有过工

19、作经验么?你都有哪些工作经验?能否描述一下?Yes , I have . I had working in company / hotel .My working experience is 我有工作经验。我曾在 公司 / 酒店工作。我的职责是 。35. 问:Whats position you held ? Whats the duty ? Could you state your responsibilities ?你的职位是什么?职责又是什么?能否陈述一下你的工作职责?I held is . The duty is . I state . 我的职位是 。职责是 。我负责 。36. 问:W

20、hy do you want to do this job / GS Apprentice ?你为什么想要做这份工作?答:Because I felled worked on Carnival / Royal Caribbean International is a good thing . 因为我觉得能在嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作是一件很美好的事情。37. 问:Do you like your present job ? Why do you want to quit your present job ?你喜欢你现在的工作么?为什么你不想做你现在的工作了?I like / dont like

21、 my present job . Because its expiration of a contract . 我喜欢/不喜欢我现在的工作。因为合同期满了。38. 问:How about your salary ? How much you are paid ?你的薪金待遇怎么样?你的月薪是多少?Just so so . 一般般。39. 问:Did you have any infected diseases before ? Are you seasick ?你有传染病史么?你晕船么?No ,I didnt . / No , Im not . 不,我没有传染病史。/ 不,我不晕船。40.

22、问:Do you think it is dangerous to work in ship ?你认为在船上工作危险么?No, I dont think so . Because I think you will make sure to keep our safe . 不,我不这样认为。因为我相信你们会确保我们的安全。41. 问:If the guest complains to you , what do you do ?如果客人向你抱怨,你会怎么做?If the guest complains to me , I will smiling with the guest . 如果顾客向我抱

23、怨,我会以笑脸相迎。42. 问:Do you think smiling is very important when you are working ?你认为工作的时候微笑重要么?I think smiling is very important when I am working . Because it can make the guests happy . 我认为工作的时候微笑很重要。因为这会让客人心情愉悦。43. 问: What do you think is the important thing in this job ?你认为这份工作最重要的是什么?I think the im

24、portant thing in this job is must be take pains and smiling . 我认为这份工作最重要的是耐心和微笑。44. 问:What is your advantage and disadvantage in studying English ?你在学习英语的过程中,优势和劣势分别是什么?My advantage is I make great efforts ,disadvantage is I dont have a good condition of learning English . 我在学习英语的过程中,优势是我很勤奋,劣势是没有一个

25、很好的语言环境。45. 问: What do you know about Carnival / Royal Caribbean International ? Could you give me some information about Carnival / Royal Caribbean International ?你对嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团了解多少?能说说有关嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团的信息么? I know something about Carnival / Royal Caribbean International . Carnival / Royal Caribbean Int

26、ernational is the first / second biggest cruises international in the world .There are have cruises 我对嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团有一些了解。嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团是世界第一/第二大的邮轮集团。期下拥有 邮轮。46. 问: Is this the first time you take interview ? Why are you so nervous ?这是你第一次面试么?你为什么这么紧张?Yes , this is /No, it isnt my first time to take inte

27、rview . I m nervous is I really want to work with Carnival / Royal Caribbean International ./ Im not nervous . 这是/不是我第一次面试。我紧张是因为我很想到嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团工作/我不紧张。47问:If you cannot be recruited by Carnival / Royal Caribbean International this time ,what will you do ?如果这次你没有被嘉年华/加勒比邮轮集团录用,你会怎样?I will try my bes

28、t next time . 我下次会继续努力。48. 问: Why do you apply for GS Apprentice ? Do you have any information about this position ?你为什么来应聘()这一岗位?你了解这个岗位么?Because I think I can do well . I have some information about this position . It 我来应聘 这一岗位是因为我相信我可以做得很好。我了解这个岗位。主要是负责 的工作。49问:How long you have to work in the ship for one contract?合同期内你要在船上工作多长时间?I think about twelve month . 合同期内我要在船上工作 个月 50.

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