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Unit 7A Christmas CarolWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、5. The companies must care about hygiene to protect the people working for them. P566. The customers must trust the people who make and sell products. P567. People who make and sell products should have some social conscience. P568. People who make and sell products shouldnt only think about profit.

2、 P56 词 汇1.四会词汇bacteria, powder, standard, conscience, frost, handwriting, overcoat, wage, anyway, god, admit, foolish, clap, partner, abundant, warmth, taxpayer, occupy, constant, welfare, clerk, composer, novelist, firm, shadow, ambition, noble, bond, indeed, goose, selfish, bishop, choir2.认读词汇caro

3、l, Charles Dickens, Jacob Marley, Ebenezer Scrooge, Santa Claus, employee, hygiene, fake, Bob Cratchit, Fred, shilling, humbug, festive, idle, striking, idol, aspiration, pudding, karaoke3.词组care for, leave alone, in want of, badly off, close up, have an eye for/on, as follows, of late4.重点词汇standard

4、, anyway, admit, foolish, occupy, constant, firm, selfish, care for, leave alone, in want of, badly off, close up, have an eye for/on, as follows, of late结构Review the Adverbial1. Personally, I dont care. Its not my business.2. My partner Mr. Marley died seven years ago, this very night.3. Fred, you

5、celebrate Christmas in your own way, and let me celebrate it in mine!4. My hands are too cold to write. I cant even read my own handwriting.5. Placing his hands on the candle, Bob tried to warm his freezing hands.6. Frightened by Santa Claus words, Scrooge woke up.7. Make it short, because its time

6、to close up.重 点 句 子1. In the race to become rich quickly, some people forget that business is not only about making money and profits. P562. People who make and sell such unsafe products only think about the money they can make. P563. What reason do you have to be merry? P584. Its the only time of t

7、he year when one does not only think about oneself, but when men and women open their hearts freely and think of other people. P585. When many of us enjoy abundant comfort, we would like to ask you to open your heart to the poor, whose sufferings are great. P586. Our bond dates back to the time when

8、 we were both poor and content to be so. P617. I think its because he walks slower than he used to, as of late. P62III 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以一篇戏剧“圣诞欢歌(A Christmas Carol)”为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解Charles Dickens (查尔斯狄更斯)和他的作品,学会使用合适句型来谈论社会责任,在语法上复习有关状语的问题,能根据不同情况使用合适的状语,如副词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词、动词不定式等,能写一篇戏剧评论。1.1

9、 WARMING UP 通过让学生们看四幅图画,然后让他们猜测这几幅图画分别是查尔斯狄更斯的哪部戏剧作品来让学生们更多了解查尔斯狄更斯的写作风格和戏剧特点。1.2 LISTENING 先是引入,通过向学生提问点出做梦这个主题,然后让学生们听圣诞欢歌片断,最后进行任务型听力训练,根据所听到内容填空,使缺失信息的句子完整。1.3 SPEAKING 主要在语言输入(一篇有关社会责任感的材料)的基础上要求学生进行任务型口头表达,重点是要求学生掌握使用有关社会责任的单词、词组。1.4 PRE-READING是READING的热身活动。在这里它分为两部分,一为通过问答方式让学生了解有关圣诞节的情况,为戏剧

10、阅读提供文化背景。二为通过问答方式让学生了解戏剧大致内容,为戏剧阅读提供一个切入点。1.5 READING是戏剧A Christmas Carol(圣诞欢歌)的第一部分,这一部分在时间上都发生在圣诞前的一天,但又可以细细分为四个不同场景,第一个场景发生在Scrooge的办公室,人物有Scrooge和他的雇员Bob Cratchit, 情节为Scrooge 阻止Bob暖手和Bob向Scrooge请假,展现了Scrooge对人苛刻、吝啬、自私的一面。第二个场景发生在Scrooge 和他的外甥Fred之间,情节为Fred邀请他舅舅Scrooge一起庆祝圣诞,但是Scrooge断然拒绝,还奚落了Fre

11、d,从中可以看出Scrooge没有亲情、惟利是图的本性。第三个场景发生在Scrooge和一位慈善机构的先生之间,慈善机构的先生向Scrooge募捐,然而Scrooge非但分文不给,相反还建议把那些穷人送进监狱,从这个场景我们可以看出Scrooge没有社会责任感、缺乏怜悯心的特点。第四个场景发生在圣诞前夜Scrooge的梦中,主要人物为Santa Claus(圣诞老人)和Scrooge, 圣诞老人前来提醒Scrooge他所做过的梦。READING这一部分篇幅不长,但是语言精炼,场景转换很快,人物个性(尤其是主角Scrooge的人物个性)非常鲜明,在第四个场景后面还留下了一个悬念,让我们思考接下去

12、Scrooge将会发生什么变化。为后面阅读INTEGRATING SKILLS中的A Christmas Carol(圣诞欢歌)的第二部分埋下了很好的伏笔。1.6 POST-READING 既有知识性的问题,让学生了解文章细节,同时又跳出课文,对戏剧情结和人物个性进行评价,由易到难,有较好的梯度,而且这表明本单元READING 的要求是:在理解的基础上,重点训练学生的推理判断能力和概括能力,并结合实际运用语言进行交流。1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study 是根据语境缺词填空练习和有关in . of 词组的运用,Grammar 则重点讲解状语的知识

13、,第一部分主要是要求学生们划出句子中不同的状语,让学生了解在句子中各种不同状语的形式和用法。第二部分是运用状语进行填空,要求学生们把各种状语填入一篇有关Charles Dickens (查尔斯狄更斯)的文章中,讲练结合,而不是单纯的语法知识讲解,很好的实现了语法交际化、语法实践化的目的。1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS中是戏剧A Christmas Carol(圣诞欢歌)的第二部分; 在这个戏剧场景中主要是展现了圣诞老人点化顽固的Scrooge和Scrooge改变自我,开始对别人慷慨的过程。再通过阅读, 回答有关戏剧中的一些问题;然后写一篇对本戏剧的评论,要求学生使用有关承担社会责

14、任的句型和词汇,做到语言地道、格式规范。2 教材重组2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP 与SPEAKING相一致;从教材份量来说,可将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。2.2 将LISTENING、 Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“听力课”。2.3 可将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起上一节任务型“阅读课”。2.4 可将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的语法练习题(见PRACTISING)整合在一起

15、上一节任务型“语法课”。2.5 可将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的Reading和Workbook中的Reading整合起来上一节任务型“泛读课”。2.6 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中的Writing和Workbook中的Writing整合成一节任务型“写作课”。 3 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用6课时教完。) 1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Listening 3rd Period Reading 4th Period Language study 5th Period Extensive reading 6t

16、h Period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语greedy, mean, profit, partner, employee, in society, race, make money, safety measures, hygiene, fake, case, bacteria, unsafe, powder, responsibility, working conditions, quality, trust, social con

17、science, merely, plot, wage, logical, situation, ask for, be removed from, as well, be picked up, pickpocket, fateb. 重点句子He is cold, mean and only interested in profit and money. (And引导的并列句)Scrooge has no friends, except his business partner, Marley, who is just like him.(Attributive Clause)Neither

18、Scrooge nor Marley cares for other people. (Neither . nor sentence structure)In the race to become rich quickly, some people forget that business is not only about making money and profits. (Object clause)Fake milk powder has caused the deaths of many babies, while food poisoning is an increasing pr

19、oblem in both cities and the countryside. (While sentence structure)The only person who can make things better is Ebenezer Scrooge.Oliver Twist, who had lost both his parents, spent the first nine years of his life in a home for kids like himself, and later at the workhouse.2. Ability goals 能力目标a. E

20、nable the students to say something about Charles Dickens and his works.b. Enable the students to learn how to discuss their social responsibilities.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn to describe social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.Teaching important po

21、ints 教学重点Describe Charles Dickens and his works.Discuss the social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.Teaching methods 教学方法Cooperative learning.Teaching aids 教具准备1. A recorder;2. A projector and some slides;3. Multi-functional teaching equipment (CAI).Teaching procedures & ways

22、 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionT: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls! Yesterday I asked you to look up some information about the famous English novelistCharles Dickens. Now I would like to check it by asking you some questions about him. Now listen to me carefully and try to answer my questions.First

23、 show the students a picture of Charles Dickens on the computer, then ask them some questions. Who is the person on the computer?Ss: Charles Dickens. Yes, then what is Charles Dickens? He is a famous novelist(小说家). Yes, you are right. What is his nationality? He is an Englishman. Yes, another questi

24、on: Did he write many famous novels? Yes, he wrote many novels. Can you name some of them? Yes, “Hard Times”、“Great Expectations”、“A Christmas Carol”、“David Copperfield”、“Oliver Twist”、“A Tale of Two Cities” and so on. Great! Now please look at the following four pictures. They are all about Charles

25、 Dickens novels. Decide which novel each picture is about. Have a try!Step II Warming upThe Warming-up exercise makes the students know more about Charles Dickens and the novels that he wrote. In this procedure, all the students are expected to participate. Show the pictures on the computer. Look at

26、 Picture 1 on the computer. What is it about?SA: Its about a family dinner. Everything in the room is out of order and a dog has crawled onto the dinner table. How dirty the room is! Good. Now look at the second picture. What is it about?SB: Its about a family party. An old woman and an old man are

27、dancing happily. Other people are looking at them with great interest. Right. Now who can tell me something about the third picture?SC: Its about a revolution. Many people are rushing into a prison and they want to set the prisoners free. OK, now is there anyone who can say something about the fourt

28、h picture?SD: There are two boys who are picking a gentlemans pockets. You have done a good job. In fact these pictures are all from books by Charles Dickens, but do you know which books these are? Picture 1: Great Expectations.Picture 2: Hard Times.Picture 3: A Tale of Two Cities.Picture 4: Oliver

29、Twist. Now what have you already known about Charles Dickens and the times in which he lived? Please fill in the following blanks with correct information.Suggested answers: Good, now we will read one of the most famous novels written by Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol. I will give you 2 minutes a

30、nd you should read the following text about the novel carefully. Then I will ask you to carry out some tasks about it.Step III Speaking Now, I want to check whether you have fully understood the text. Task 1Ask the students to finish the reading comprehension multiple choices. Show the multiple choices on the

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