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1、你的美国之行怎么样?,2)journey,voyage,trip,tour,excursion 它们均表示某一次旅行。但又有差别:journey 指(陆地上的)旅行。I want to make a journey to the Southwest 指(水上)旅行;航行(=a journey usu.long,made by boat or ship).When I give up work I am going to make/take a long sea voyage.trip指(短途)旅行(=a journey usu.short).We made/took

2、a trip to Taiwan.,excursion指(结伴或团体)短途旅行(=a short journey made for pleasure usu.By several people together).误:I made an excursion to Guilin.正:We made an excursion to Guilin.tour指(访问几个地方后返回到出发地的)旅行(=a journey during which several places of interest are visited).误:They will go on a journey/trip around

3、the world.正:They will go on a tour around the world.,tour表示履行一周再转会到远出发地点,在强调这种含义时,不可用journey,trip等词。I made/went on a tour to Hongkong.I made/went on a tour of Hongkong.其它词后都可用to,tour则不可。再如:The troupe(马戏团)is on(a)tour in Europe.We are starting on(a)tour of/round Europe.,The Duties and Roles of a Tour

4、 Guide.The Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide.The Working Procedures of s Tour Guide,.The Qualifications for Being a Good Tour Guide-Two PQ factors1.the professional qualifications(职业要求)-ASK1)attitude(态度)2)skills(技能)-management skill(管理技能),language skill(语言技能),listening skill(聆听技巧)and observ

5、ing skill(观察力)3)knowledge-political and governmental structure(政策 知识),physical aspects of the country(地理知 识),economic development(经济知识),social scene(社会知识),history(历史知识),religion(宗教知识),special topics(热点话题)2.personal qualities(个人素质),1)good personality healthy(健康),kindness and friendliness(善良友好),unders

6、tanding(善解人意),punctuality(准时),responsibility(负责),determination(果断),lively and out-going(活泼开朗)2)good manners attire(服饰),greeting(问候),talking(谈吐),on the topics of conversation(话题),.The Working Procedures of a Tour Guide 1.Preparations 准备工作 2.Meeting on Arrival 迎宾工作 3.On Tour 接待工作 4.Departure and Post

7、Tour送客工作,1.Preparations 准备工作 Read the Program 认真阅读接待计划 Research on the Tourists 充分了解客人 Make a Reservation in Hotel 预定饭店 Booking Coach 订车 Arrange Meals 订餐 Confirm the plane,train,or Ship 确定飞机、火车、轮船到达时间 Contact the travel Agency That Is in Charge of the Tour 做好与下一站接待社联系事宜 Collect Pamphlets and Get Thi

8、ngs Needed Ready 做好物质准备,2.Meeting on Arrival 迎宾工作Arrive at the Meeting Sites on Time 准时到底接待地点Greeting the Group 向团队问好Liaise with the Group Leader 与领队联系Give Self-introduction 自我介绍Lead Them to the Coach 照顾客人上车Make a Welcome Speech 致欢迎词Brief the Local Condition and Introduce the Hotel 简单介绍当地情况和饭店Distri

9、bute Pamphlets 分发宣传册Assist the Tourists to check in 帮助团队办理入店手续Inform the Meeting Time and Arrange the Morning call,and Tell the Tourists the Place for Breakfast and the time for Luggage Collection 告之客人集合时间,叫早时间,早餐时间和出行李时间Check the Luggage and Assist the Tourists to Their Rooms,3.On Tour 接待工作Arrive A

10、head of time 提前到达集合地点Greet the Tourists and Do the Counting 向客人问好并清点人数Brief Routine 简单介绍游览日程安排Distribute Pamphlets and Maps 分发景点介绍图册Give Commentaries to Sightseeing Spots 介绍景点概括Remind the Tourists to Take Their Valuables 抵达景点时,提醒客人带好贵重物品,4.Departure and Post Tour 送客工作Re-check ETD(the Estimated Time

11、of Departure)核实飞机起飞时间Help the Tourists to Check Out 帮助客人办好离店手续Give a Farewell Speech 致欢送词Stand by for the Airplane to Take Off 地陪应在客人所乘交通工具启动后方可离站Write a Work Report Afterwards 写好工作报告Settling the Account with the Officer 报销与结算,Situation One Immigration and Customs,Learn how to go through“CIQ”(Custom

12、s,Immigration and Quarantine)inspections Learn how to fill in Customs Declaration Form Acquire vocabulary,sentence structures and ways of expression used in presenting Customs and Culture Background.,Do you know the procedures of departing from an international airport?Try to put them in order.1.Go

13、through the security check 2.Go through the customs 3.Check in at the counter 4.Board the plane 5.Put luggage tags on the luggage,After landing at the airport,you have to go through the following procedures.Try to put them in order.1.Entering a foreign country 2.Getting off the plane 3.Going through

14、 the customs 4.Collecting the luggage 5.Going through the immigration2-4-3-5-1,Ordinary travelers should go through“CIQ”(Customs,Immigration and Quarantine)inspections before entering a country.,Lead-in,1.customs:1)duty on imports or exports 进口税,关税 2)the government department responsible for the col

15、lection of these duties 海关 pay customs on sth 为某物缴纳关税 How long does it take to go through customs?过海关要用多长时间?adj.a customs officer,check 海关官员、检查 customs duty,formalities 海关税、手续,2.immigration n.1)the movement of non-native people into a country in order to settle there 移民 immigration controls 移民管制2)th

16、e part of a port,airport,etc.where government employees examine the passports,visas,etc.of people wanting to come into a country.(设于机场、港口等的)移民检查站(负责检查入境者的护照及文件)go/pass through immigration 通过移民局检查 immigration official 移民局官员 The immigration officer stamped my passport.移民官员在我的护照上盖了戳,3.quarantine

17、:the part of a port,airport,etc.where government employees examine the suspected disease of persons or animals arriving from abroad,to prevent the spread of disease(在港口或边境为避免疾病传染对人畜等的)拘留,隔离措施;检疫局处 keep in quarantine for a week 接受一星期的检疫隔离 adj.quarantine regulations 检疫隔离的规定,“C”代表CUSTOMS(海关检查)检查行李、货品、违

18、禁品、课税品等。“I”代表IMMIGRATION(入出境管理 检查旅客护照、签证、机票、团队名单等。“Q”代表QUARANTINE(卫生检疫)对旅客、货物、交通工具进行检疫。Security check(安全检查)近年来由于劫持飞机事件时有发生,因此各国对登机旅客一般都要进行一定的安检。主要是禁止携带武器、凶器、爆炸物等。检查方式包括过安检门、用磁性探测器检查、搜身、红外线等,Keys to Listening:A1.document 2.holder 3.citizen 4.regular 5.diplomatic 6.service 7.categories 8.destination 9

19、.holder 10.purpose,B1.go 3 filled e from6.hand in7.take, official document issued by a government,identifying an individual,granting him permission to travel abroad,and requesting the protection of other governments for him护照;通行证; or mark put on a passport by of

20、ficials of a foreign country to show that the holder may enter,pass through or leave their country 签证 entry/transit/exit visa 入境/过境/出境签证,中华人民共和国护照种类1)Regular Passport(普通护照)-Passport for Public affairs 因公普通护照 Ordinary Passport 因私普通护照2)Diplomatic Passport 外交护照3)Service Passport 公务护照(因私护照一般用来留学、移民、旅游、就

21、业、探亲、访友、定居等。),Dialogue I Immigration,1.go through:pass through or accepted by 通过 Go through the bridge.过桥。Go through the customs formality 办理验关手续2.sightseeing n:the activity of visiting the famous or interesting sights of a place 游览,观光 I am here for sightseeing.我是来观光的.3.proceed:carry on,esp after st

22、opping;continue(something or to do something)继续下去,继续进行 Please proceed with your work.请继续做你的工作。Lets proceed(to the next item on the agenda).让我们继续(下一个议程)吧。, about to:intend to do sth immediately 即将,正要 Were about to start.我们正要动身。5.fill in/out:to complete(a form,drawing,etc)填写 Fill in the blanks.填空。

23、Fill in this form,please?请填写这份表格。Fill in your name,please.请填上你的名字。6.declare:1)to make clearly known or announce officially 宣布,宣告,声称,2)tell the tax authorities about(ones income),or customs officers about(dutiable goods brought into a country)向税务部门申报(自己的收益)或向海关官员申报(应纳税的物品)declare war 宣战 She declared

24、that she didnt want to see him again.她宣称她再也不愿见到他。Have you anything to declare?你有东西要申报吗?(指应纳税的东西),declaration:written notification n.书面通知a customs declaration:a form giving details if the contents of a parcel,consignment,etc on which duty may be payable 报关单(详列包裹、托运品中应纳税项目的申报表)。 particular a word

25、or phrase that particular people use in particular situations.特定的人在特定的场合使用的词或者词组,8.belongings:the things that a person owns or has with him;possessions 所有物;财产 I have nothing but personal belongings.我只有一些个人用品。Your personal belongings are not dutiable.个人物品不用纳税.9.the green channel 绿色通道(海关设有红、绿两个通道,一般没有

26、物品要申报的旅客可以走绿色通道),Dialogue II Customs,1.valuable something(esp.something small,such as a piece of jewelry)that is worth a lot of money 贵重物品2.zoom lens n.摄变焦距镜头,变焦头I have a camera with a zoom lens.我有架带有变焦镜头的照相机。3.contraband:goods that are prohibited by law from being exported or imported.illegally imp

27、orted or exported goods 走私货;违禁品I dont have any contraband in my baggage.我的行李中没有什么违禁物品,FunctionalSentences,Oral Practice,.Complete the following open dialogues and then role-play them with your desk mate.1.No,I have nothing but personal belongings.2.Is this all the luggage you have?3.Would you please

28、 open this suitcase for examination?4.Well,Ive brought some small gifts for friends,and here is a carton of cigarettes I bought on the plane.5.Whats in that box?6.Its a camera for my friend7.How much should I pay?8.Some fruits.9.Well confiscate them if you can not eat them all before you leave the c

29、ustoms.,Reading A Customs,1.confiscate:take possession of(sbs property)by authority,without payment or compensation vt.没收把.充公Youre not supposed to bring fresh fruit into the United States.Ill have to confiscate them.你不应该把新鲜水果带入美国,我得把它们没收。If you are caught smuggling goods into the country,they will p

30、robably be confiscated.假若查出你向该国走私货物,你的货物准被没收。2.drugs泛指毒品,可分为不同种类:Ccocaine 可卡因;Hheroin海洛因;Mmorphine大麻;Oopium鸦片。,Key to ExercisesAnswer the following questions based on the information from the passage.1.The duty-frees are mainly for personal use,like souvenirs or gifts to friends or relatives.2.Somet

31、hing like drugs and guns are strictly forbidden to bring in most of countries.3.People who try to bring contraband items into a country or who try to hide things so that they wont have to pay duty are called“smuggler”.,Language Focus.Fill in the blanks with the given words below.Changes the form whe

32、re necessary.1.personal 2.smuggler 3.Contraband 4.objects 5.amount 6.declare 7.forbidden 8.luggage 9.duty-free 10.dutiable,.Complete the following sentences with the phrases or expressions in their proper forms from the Situation.1.bring 2.brought 3.bring 4.bring,Translation.Translate the following passage into Chinese.Key:在海关,你应当把东西放在一起,使工作 人员一目了然。你还必须牢记几个基本的关 键词,如申报、免税的、要交税的、私人物 品等等。还有几个关键的

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