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1、 引用标准-EN1725, EN747-1/2, EN716-1/2, EN1130-1/2, EN1728, EN1022, EN12520,EN12521, EN1335-1 /2/3, EN1730, EN527-1/2/3, EN581-1/2/3,BS4875-1/5/7, ISO7170, BS14749-ASTM F 1427, BIFMA X5.1, BIFMA X5.5, ASTM F 1858, ASNI A 161.1Product: 产品Must be without any un safe defect for using;不允许有在实际使用中任何对使用者造成伤害的缺

2、陷;Should be free of damaged, broke n, scratch, crackle etc. Cosmetic / Aesthetics defect;不应有任何损坏,破碎,擦伤,或碎裂等外观缺陷;Must be conformto the shipping market legal regulation / client srequireme nt;必须符合销往国当地的法规以及客户的要求;The construction,appearanee, cosmetics and material of all units shouldcomply with clie nt

3、s requirement / approved samples;产品的结构,外观,材料等必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;All units should have full function complying with client srequirement / approved samples;产品功能必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;The mark ing / label on unit should be legal and clear.产品上的标记/标签必须符合法规要求且清晰明确。Package:包装All units will be adequately packaged

4、, and constructed from suitably robust materials, such that it arrives in store in a merchantable condition;产品要有足够强度的材料构成的充分包装,使得货物以可销售的状态到达目的仓库;The packagi ng material can protect the goods from damage duri ng tran sportati on;在运输过程中,包装材料能防止货物受损;The shipp ing mark, bar code, label (such as price la

5、bel), should con form toclient s spec. and/or approved samples;箱麦,条形码,标签(例如:价格标签)应符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;The package should comply to client s requirement / approv ed samples;包装必须符合客户的要求或与样品保持一致;Text of illustration, instruction, label and warning statement etc. must beclearly printed in user s language;图解

6、,说明书,标签,警告声明等应清晰地印有使用者语言;The illustrati on and in structi on on the packagi ng must con form to the productand its actual performa nee.包装上的图解和说明书必须与实际产品及其功能保持一致;The method and material of pallet/crate etc. should be approved by clie nt.栈板/板条箱包装的材料及方式必须经客户批准3.In spection Plan & Defects classificatio

7、n 检验计划及缺陷分类Sampling procedure & Defects Definition, please refer to SHOP-HI001 GeneralIn specti on Operati on Procedure抽样程序以及缺陷定义,详见 SHOP-HI001 通用检查程序 -最终随机检查。Acceptable Quality Limit: 可接受的质量限Critical0 Non-conformity is not allowedAQL 1.5For Major Non-Con formityAQL 4.0For Minor Non-Con formityItem

8、codeDetails 详细说明Sample size & DefectsClassificati on抽样数量及缺陷分类Critical致命Major严重Mi no r轻微1Packagi ng Check包装检查At least the square root of the total n umber of cart ons or defi ned by clie nt, and checks all carton s/pallets/crate s that were selected for sampli ng.至少是总箱数的平方根, 否则就由客户特别指定, 要对所有抽取的卡通箱 /栈

9、板/板条箱进行检查.Details please refer to SHWI-HI-G-001具体请参照产品包装验货通用作业指导书相关章节2Aesthetics / Appeara nee Check 外观检查G-IIAInstruction /warning/warranty etc. printing material 说明书/警告语/质保书等印刷材料BAppeara nee of unit产品外观Non fun cti onal sharp point and sharp edge (May injure customer)非功能性的尖点锐边(会对用户造成伤害)XLive in sect

10、 /in festati on / mildew / rotte n昆虫/害虫/发霉/腐烂Kni ves, blades, n eedles and similar sharp foreig n object con tam in ati on含有刀子,刀刃,针等利物In correct material used使用了错误的材料Excessive/u npleasa nt odor过分或难闻的气味Wrong color or style or type错误的颜色或款式Exposed n ail/screw 露钉Wrong / illegal war ning label or marking

11、 错误的警告标贴或标识Miss ing / illegal other label or mark ing缺失其他标贴或标识Dead knot死结Wobble un it晃动Miss ing / detached part 部件缺失/脱落In sect hole虫眼Live knot活结Loose part 部件松动Poorly coat ing / plat ing / polish / stick ing ven eer 喷漆/电镀/抛光/胶合板粘贴不良Deformed, damaged, scratched, dirty mark, broke n,chipped, cracked, d

12、ent mark, burr, pimple, glue sta in, etc. (for woode n parts)变形,受损,刮伤,脏,破损,缺口,开裂,凹痕,毛刺, 疙瘩, 胶印等(木头部件)Cutti ng mark, un eve n edge/surface, rough surface, discolorati on, dent, etc. (for stone parts) 切痕,边缘/外表不平,表面粗糙,变形,变色,凹痕,等(石头 部件)Warpage, wavy mark, pit, blister, pin hole, bubble, speck, spot, dir

13、t, scratch, chipped, etc. (for glass parts) 扭曲,波纹,凹痕,气泡,针眼,斑点,脏,舌U伤,缺口等(玻璃 部件)Deformed, damaged, scratched, dirty mark, broke n, chipped, crack, dent mark, rust mark, burr, etc. (for metal parts)变形,受损,刮伤,脏,破损,碎片,开裂,凹痕,生锈,毛刺(金 属部件)Open seam, fabric defects, poor stitch ing, un trimmed thread end, etc

14、. (for wove n parts) chipped, crack, dent mark, rust mark, burr, etc. (for metal parts) 开缝,布疵,车缝不良,线头等 (织物部件)3Bar Code Verificati on条形码的核对S-1Bar code can not be sca nned条形码不能被扫描Wrong bar code label is used 错误的条形码4Fun cti on test功能检查Assembly test accord ing to in structi on man ual 根据说明书进行组装测试Can t o

15、r difficult to set up 不能或难以组装Shear & press point check剪切点&挤压点检查For table & chair,1.Dista nee betwee n moving parts shall be less tha n 7mmor more tha n 18mm桌椅活动/相对移动部件的间距应小于 7mm 或者大于18mm2.Accessible tubular comp onen ts, holes and gaps shall beless than 7mm ot more than 12mm.可接触到的管子部件,洞,缝隙应小于 7mm 或者

16、大于12mm3.For cab inet & bed, dista nee betwee n moving parts shallbe less tha n 8mm or more tha n 25mm柜子和床活动/相对移动部件的间距应小于 8mm或者大于25mmCNormal fun cti on test (sit on chair)一般功能检查(需坐在椅子上)G-llNo fun cti on or malfu ncti on aga inst refere nee sample and / or requireme nt of clie nt功能丧失或失灵DFlat ness chec

17、k on base/leg底座的平稳性检查Put the base/leg on a flat surface, un it shak ing in stability;将底座放置于光滑的平面上,底部明显晃动EFor office chair,Gas lift bottom check after assembly;办公椅气杆与底座的装配检查Gas lift bottom does not enter totally on the base hole, and cause obvious in stability on the chair.气杆不能充分装入底座圆孔,导致座椅明显晃动w5Fiel

18、d Tests & Data Measureme nt现场测试及数据测量Size of unit产品尺寸3 samplesThe measured data is out of 士 5% toleranee测量出的数据超出士 5%公差围Fail the shipme ntWeight of unit产品重量Moisture content test含水率检查For Europea n market: out of range 8%-12%欧洲市场产品:含水率超过8%-12%For America n in door products: out of range 7%-14% 美洲室家具:含水率

19、超过7%-14%For America n outdoor products: out of range 4%-13%美洲户外家具:含水率超过4%-13%Seat static load test, if applicable椅面静压测试,若适用For Europea n In door: 130kg ,10 min utes;欧洲室:将质量为130公斤的重物放置于座位上 10分钟For Europea n Outdoor: camp ing 110kg , Domestic -160kg , Con tract - 200kg , 30 min utes欧洲户外:将质量为XXX公斤的重物放置

20、于座位上 10分钟XXX:野营用-110kgs; 家用-160kgs; 公共场所使用-200kgs注:单人椅:载荷压在其中心上;双人椅;两个座面同时加载荷;三 人椅子压顶端的一个和中间的一个 ;四人或者四人以上的椅子,先同时压最顶端的两个,然后再同时压最中心的两个 ,其余座面压60千克(户外)或者75千克(户咸荷.America n In door: 135Kg, 1 hour美洲室:将质量为135公斤的重物放置于座位上 1小时American Outdoor:180Kg, 30 minutes美洲户外:将质量为180公斤的重物放置于座位上 30分钟Results: product may n

21、ot susta in any fun cti onal damage or dislodged parts would ren der if un acceptable for use.产品不能有功能损失坏或损坏以致不能使用Table top static load test, if applicable 桌面静压测试,若适用 W/ 100kg weight on top 10 min utes;for accessorial top, 35 kg , 10 min utes质量为100公斤的重物压 10分钟;辅助桌面:质量为35公斤的重物压10分钟在桌面最可能引起失败的地方,用压块施加一个

22、垂直向下的力。 离边缘不少于 100mm camp ing 50kg , Domestic - 75kg ,Con tract - 100 kg , 10 min utes; for accessorial top, camp ing10kg , Domestic - 20kg , Con tract 35kg , 10 mi nutes质量为AAA公斤的重物压10分钟;质量为 BBB公斤的重物压 10分钟AAA:野营用-50kg ; 家用-75kg ; 公共场所使用-100kg BBB:野营用-10kg ;家用-20kg ;公共场所使用-35kgFor America n market: 1

23、6kg/square inch (or max. 16kgs), 1hour美洲市场:每平方央寸16公斤,最大不得超过135公斤,压1小时Table stability test桌子稳定性测试Apply a vertical load (Vf.) 50mm from the outer edge of thetable top on that side where the load is most likely to cause overtur ning as far away from the supports as possible.Measure the Ion gest dime ns

24、ion of the table top (L)Vf. are as below:For L 1600mm, all Levels: 600 NFor other range of L, force is determ ined by ATTACHEDFIGURE, Determi ned force = L 3/8 = in N.在桌面找一个最易翻倒的边(即远离支撑点),测量这条边的长度(L), 然后在距离此边缘 50毫米处施加一个垂直向下的力 Vf;Vf.等于:如果L 1600 毫米,为600N ;对于其他长度,按以下公式计算:Figure 7 - Vertical stabilrty t

25、estThe table overtur ns.桌子翻倒Any defect or loss serviceability缺陷产生或功能丧失Storage static load test储物柜静压测试If the top 1C00 mm from the floor or to bottom the clearheight 1600 mm, apply a load of 75kgs for 10 min utes at any positi on likely to cause failure but not lees tha n 50mm from the edges;如果柜子的顶部高度

26、小于等于 1000mm, 或者两层之间的净高度大于等于1600mm, 在距离边缘50mm 处施加75公斤的力, 维持10分钟;For the other top, bottom, shelf, load un iformly with theload of 1.5kg/dm last for:1 hour that made of metal, glass and stone;4 hours that made of other materials.对于其它尺寸的储物柜,在每一层均匀施加 1.5公斤/平方分米的力,维持:1小时(金属,玻璃,石材制成的面)4小时(其它材料制成的面)Any defect or loss serviceability 缺陷产生或功能丧失

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