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1、 We have four.我们一周上多少节英语课?四节。句型转换: 1.ItsTuesday.(对划线部分提问) What day is it today? 2.I like English and Maths. (对划线部分提问)What subject do you like? 3.We haveeightsubjects this term. (对划线部分提问)How many subjects do you have this term? 4.We have Chinese, Maths and English in the morning. (对划线部分提问)What lesson

2、s do you have in the morning? 5.Nice to see you. (同义句)Nice to meet you./Glad to see you./Glad to meet you.词形转换 : China(形容词)Chinese here(同音词)hear lesson(同义词)class good(反义词)bad interest(形容词)interesting buy(同音词)by/bye minus(反义词)plus she(宾格)her right(同音词)write he(宾格)him right(反义词)wrong open(反义词)close 一、

3、英汉互译 1.第一节课_2.在晚上_ 3.在星期一早上_4.一周中_ 5.一本有趣的书_6.上更多的体育课_ once_8.have an English lesson_ 9.I hope_10.Welcome back to school_ 11.两节数学课_12.新学期第一天_ 13.every day_14.this afternoon_ 15.let me see_16.Whats the trick?_ 17.八门科目_18.What subject do you like?_ 19.thirty minus thirteen_20.多少节课_ 21.寻找_22.课后_2、

4、按要求写出下列单词第三人称单数)_2.lesson(近义词)_ 3.these(对应词)对应词)_近义词)_6.her(主格)_ 7.class(复数形式)_8.parents(所有格)_ 9.children(单数形式) _10.write(同音词)_三、根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整 A: Welcome b_ to school, Ben. B: Nice to m_ you, Mr Green. There is a n_ subject in this t_, do you know? Yes. Its S_ S_. Do

5、you l_ it? Maybe. I t_ it will be i_. Of course. When do you h_ this l_? On M_? No. Its on F_. W_ will teach us, Mr Green? Mr Zhang. He is a very good t_.四、判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打T,不相同的打F 1.first term ( ) 2.term interesting ) 3.about how4.many table 5.subject Monday ( 6.Maths what 7.Sunday but ( 8.

6、Friday minus 五、完成句子 1.你喜欢什么学科?我喜欢语文.What_ do you like? I like _. 2.星期二你们有什么课?What _ do you have _ Tuesday. 3.这是新学期的第一节课.This is the _ _ of the new term. 4.放学了.让我们弄点儿吃的.School is over. Lets go and _ something to _.六、句型转换.1. Its Monday today. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it today?2. I like and Art. (改为一般疑问句)_ you

7、_ English and Art?3. her, are, Miss Li, a, and, lesson, having, students ( . ) (连词成句)_English _4. What lessons do you have? (用Tom替换you)_5. 321 minus 123 is198. (对划线部分提问)_ _Unit2 a telephone call一个电话,at school在学校,call her(宾格)给她打电话,after lunch午饭后,speak to Helen和海伦通话,speak to him和他说话,a bad cough严重的咳嗽,a

8、 high fever高烧,be absent缺席,stay in bed呆在床上,stay at home呆在家里,.get better soon尽快好起来,still feel ill依然觉得病的,take some medicine吃一些药,feel better感觉好些,Classes are over所有的课结束了,School is over 放学了,get some fruit for you给你带一些水果,See you soon一会见,20. Anything else?还有别的什么吗?pen your mouth张开你的嘴,close the window关窗,have

9、a lot of rest多休息,choose one to call选择一个打,look at these numbers看这些号码,wrong number打错电话,go to see a doctor去看医生,want my mother想要我的妈妈,love that fat monkey喜爱那只胖猴。要求掌握的句型: 1.Why are you absent today?你今天为什么缺席?(相当于Why are you not here today? 2.See you soon.一会见。 3.I hope you get better soon.我希望你尽快好起来。 4.How d

10、o you feel now?你现在觉得怎么样啊?I feel( tired, hot, thirsty, ill)我觉得(累的,热的,渴的,病的)。I can get a / somefor you.我能给你一/一些。 5.Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?(相当于Whats the matter with you?)Ive got a( fever, toothache, cold, cough)我得了(发烧,牙痛,感冒,咳嗽)。Im sorry to hear that.听到这我感到很抱歉。 1.How do you feel now? I feel thirsty.

11、I can get a glass of water for you.你现在感觉如何?我感觉很渴。我可以给你一杯水。 2.How do you feel now? I feel tired. Sit here and have a rest.你现在感觉如何?我感觉很累。坐下休息。 3.Whats wrong with you? Ive got a fever. Im sorry to hear that.你怎么了?我发烧了。很抱歉听到这个。 4.Whats wrong with him? He has got a toothache.他怎么了?他牙疼了。 5.Whats wrong with

12、her? She has got a bad cold.她怎么了?她得重感冒了。6.May I speak to Helen ?This is Helen speaking.我可以和海伦通话吗?我是海伦。打电话的常识: 1.如你致电某人,电话接通后,你应对接电话的人说May I speak to, please? 2.如果你接听电话,而你正是对方想找的人,应说Yes, speaking. 3.如果来电的人找的人不在,你应说Sorry,is not here. 4.无论是你致电他人或他人致电给你,若你想问是谁在接听电话,应说Whos that, please? Is that(speaking)

13、? 5.如果你想告诉对方你是谁,应说This is.(speaking). 6.如果有人打错电话,你应说Sorry, wrong number.一、翻译下列词句 1.打电话给我_2.get better_ 3.午饭后_4.a high fever_ 5.重感冒_6.go to see a doctor_ 7.呆在床上_8.anything else _ 9.对海伦说_10.take some medicine_ 11.在学校_12.have a lot of rest_二、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。 on ( 2.monkey doctor (

14、ese evening ( show 5.highright ( 6.speak breakfast ( 7.for worker ( 8. cold lot ( 9. hope sorry ( 三、单项选择) 1.May I_to Yang Ling?-This is Yang Ling_. A. speak;speak B. speak;speaking C. speak;to speak) 2.Whyyou absent today? A. Do B. Are C. is) 3.I hope you getsoon. A. bestB. goodC. better) 4._s

15、ome medicine and_a lot of rest. A. Eat, take B. Take, have C. Take, take) 5.Whats wrong_ you?A. With B. At C. in4、找出正确的答句) 1. How are you?A. This is Mike speaking.) 2. How do you feel now?B. Yes, a lot.) 3. Whats wrong with you? C. Ive got a bad cough.) 4. May I speak to Mike?D. Im fine, thank you.)

16、 5. Are you taking any medicine?E. I feel ill.五、连词成句 1.Su Yang, her, calls, mother, lunch, after (. _ 2.taking, you, medicine, are, any (?, hear, am, sorry, I, that 4.a, get, I, glass, water, of, you, for, can(六、用下面所给的词填空 For, in, of, at, about, to, on, with 1. Im sorry _ hear that. 2. Whats wr

17、ong _ you ? 3. I can get some apples _ her. 4. We have an English lesson _ Monday morning. 5. -Is Nancy _ ? -No, shes _ home. 6. This is the first day _ the new term. 7. Its _ three thirty.七、根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空填一词 1.苏海生病了,她得了重感冒。 Su Hai is _. She has _ a _ . 2.你现在感觉怎样?_ do you _ now ? 3.我希望你不久就好起来。 I _

18、you _ . 4.服一些药,好好休息。_ some _ and have a_.八、根据上下文完成对话 Hello, may I _ to Su Yang ? Im afraid you cant. She is _ . She _ a fever. Im sorry _ that. Is she _ medicine. Yes, a lot. She is _ a _ now . Ill see _ tomorrow. Thank you. Its my_.Unit3 take photos拍照,go shopping(去)购物,collect stamps集邮,make model sh

19、ips做模型船,make clothes做衣服,grow flowers种花,draw pictures画画,make model planes做模型飞机,read newspapers看报纸,read magazines看杂志,.make cakes做蛋糕,cook nice food做美味的食物,wash clothes洗衣服,do housework做家务,fly a kite放风筝,listen to music听音乐,water the flowers浇花,.play football踢足球,play cards打牌,play chess下棋,watch TV看电视,play com

20、puter games玩电脑游戏,have many hobbies有许多爱好,any beautiful stamps许多漂亮的邮票,show them to his classmates把它们给他的同学看,show us his stamps给我们看他的邮票,Chinese stamps中国邮票,animal stamps动物邮票,Here they are 它们在这儿,write music写音乐,make pretty dresses for my doll给我的洋娃娃做漂亮的连衣裙,the same hobby相同的爱好,use a computer使用电脑,use chopsticks使用筷子。1、关于业余爱好,我们可以问: Do you have any hobbies?你有些爱好吗? Yes, I do. I like( taki

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