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高考英语一轮闯关式训练 板块BookII Unit19 The Merchant of VeniceWord文档格式.docx

1、A 解析:pay back意为“偿还;报复”。9. She is kind-hearted woman and often has _mercy _ people who are in trouble. A. a; on B. /; on C. a; to D. /; to B have mercy on sb.是固定短语,“对表示怜悯”。10. How I _ him the pleasures he had during the vacation!A. envy B. admire C. appreciate D. enjoyenvy sb. sth.是习惯表达,这时envy后接双宾语,其

2、他三个选项无此用法。11.Do you still have the receipt, madam?No, Im afraid Ive_ .A. torn it offB. torn it down C. torn it upD. torn it away C tear up“撕碎;撕毁;毁掉”。12. The papers say this murder case will be brought to_ next week. A. the courtB. a courtC. courtsD. court D bring sth. to court是固定短语,意为“提交法庭审判”。13. Th

3、e slave owner ordered the slaves to go down _ when he walked by. A. on their kneesB. on their knee C. to their kneesD. to their knee go down on ones knees是固定短语,“跪下”。14. I ordered that the gate _ to keep the cows and sheep out. A. was lockedB. must be locked C. be lockedD. would be locked order后面接tha

4、t从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气。15. After the trail, the judge passed judgement_ her and she was sentenced _3 years in prison. A. to; to B. on; on C. on; to D. to; on pass judgement on“对宣判”;sentence sb. to.“判某人徒刑”。16.Do you have any new dictionaries?Weve got _at the moment. A. no oneB. not oneC. noneD. neither 我

5、们现在一本新词典也没有。none代指no new dictionary。17. They spent three months at_ sea before they went on _ shore. A. the; the B. /; / C. the; / D. /; the at sea“在海上航行”;go on shore“上岸”。18. I promise that you_ have five dollars if you clean all the windows. A. willB. wouldC. shallD. shouldshall用于第二或第三人称时,可表示许诺。19.

6、 His theory was so_ that few people could understand it at that time. A. completeB. complexC. curiousD. content 他的理论太复杂,当时没人能看懂。20. Since she is angry, we might as well _ her alone. A. leaveB. to leaveC. leavingD. left might as well do sth.“还是 做为好”21. She will join us _ one condition: that we divide

7、 all the profits equally. A. inB. forC. onD. to on one condition“有一个条件”。22. Its useless_ to persuade him to get rid of that habit; he just cant make_ .A. trying; itB. to try; that C. trying; thatD. in trying; it Its useless doing sth.“做某事没用”;make it“做到”。.单句改错 23. Sometimes people are in a position t

8、hat they can make a decision about a person they hate. 24. You might as well to go. 25. If you offered me with six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. 26. How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show neither?27. If Shylock cuts deeply enough, Ill pay him back

9、 with all my heart. 28. Antonio told him that all his ships were at the sea and he had no money at present. 29. Bassanio tried to keep Antonio from accept these terms, but Antonio treated them as a joke. 30. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with such wise a head. 23.thatwhere24.去掉to25.去

10、掉with26.neithernone27.deeplydeep28.去掉the29.acceptaccepting 30.suchso 综合提升.完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A true apology is more than just acknowledgement(承认) of a mistake. Its recognition that something youve said 31done has damaged a relationship and that you care 32about that relation

11、ship to want it 33. Its never34to acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the 35of apology. Look back and see how 36youve judged roughly, said unkind things, pushed yourself ahead at the expense of a friend. Some 37 thought in us knows when even a small mistake has been made, your

12、 feeling will stay out of 38until the mistake is acknowledged and regret39. I remember a doctor friend, the late Charence Lieb, telling me of a man who came to him with different 40:headaches, insomnia(失眠),stomachaches and so on.No 41causes could be found. Finally, the doctor said to the man, “ 42 y

13、ou tell me whats on your conscience(良心),I cant help you.” After a short 43the man told the doctor that he44 all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was 45.His father had died, so only he himself knew the46 .The old doctor made the man write to his brother 47 an apology and enclosing a

14、 48 .In the post office, the man 49the letter into the mail chute(邮件滑行槽).As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. “Thank you, doctor,” he said. “I think Im all right now.” And he 50 . 31. A. or B. and C. but D. while 32. A. little B. enough C. of D. for 33. A. built B. formedC. repaired

15、D. damaged 34. A. difficult B. easy C. shy D. shamed 35. A. skill B. way C. art D. reason 36. A. long B. often C. much D. soon 37. A. deep B. new C. other D. simple 38. A. time B. body C. breath D. balance 39. A. expected B. explainedC. described D. expressed 40. A. acts B. mannersC. illnesses D. fe

16、elings 41. A. single B. realC. physical D. serious 42. A. If B. UnlessC. Because D. Although 43. A. rest B. stayC. absence D. silence 44. A. accepted B. receivedC. seized D. robbed 45. A. present B. deadC. abroad D. lost 46. A. matter B. result C. cause D. relation 47. A. giving B. showing C. having

17、 D. making 48. A. card B. stamp C. check D. photo 49. A. dropped B. storedC. hit D. drew 50. A. should B. did C. had D. was 参考答案:31.答案:said 与 done 并列,表示选择。32.答案:你足够在意这个受损的关系,而且想要修复它。33.答案:修复原来友好的关系。34.答案:由后句“Being human, we all need the.”可知,承认自己犯了错并不容易。35.答案:art of apology 道歉的艺术。36.答案:由“look back”可推

18、知应为how often。how long, how much, how soon都不符合语境。37.答案:我们内心深处的思想。38.答案:stay out of balance 失去平衡。39.答案:regret 与 expressed 搭配符合逻辑。40.答案:由后面列举的各种病症可知。41.答案: 由后面的故事,我们知道此人的病根是心理上的,而非身体上的。42.答案:unless.,I cant.逻辑通顺。43.答案:病人要吐露内心的秘密,自然会犹豫、迟疑,而沉默一会儿。44.答案:seize 意为“夺取”;rob 的宾语不能为 money,通常构成短语 rob sb. of sth.。

19、45.答案: 由下文寄信可推知。46.答案:指他侵吞兄弟钱财这件事。47.答案:make an apology是固定短语。48.答案:指用支票还钱。49.答案:把信“投”进信箱。50.答案:he was 与前句的 Im 相对。.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Beit Fajar, West BankOf Khalil Taqataqahs nine children, 20-year-old Andaleeb was his favourite. She was up early on Friday, made him tea and then

20、 slipped unnoticed out of the modest family home in this West Bank village. In central Jerusalem later in the day, AndaleebArabic for nightingale(夜莺)ended her life the way dozens of other Palestinians have before: She blew herself up, killing herself and six Israelis and injured scores more. Andalee

21、bs parents, sisters, best friends and close relatives painted a picture of a quiet and soft-spoken woman who had not given a hint of her intentions. But Andaleeb spoke of her plan in a video taken before Fridays bombing, and shown on Saturday on the Qatar-baaed Arab satellite TV channel Al-Jazeera.

22、“Ive chosen to say with my body what Arab leaders have failed to say,” said Andaleeb, echoing a frequent complaint by Palestinians that Arab nations are not doing enough against Israel. “My body is a barrel(桶) of gunpowder that bums the enemy,” she said, reading from a piece of paper. “She was like

23、any other girl of her age,” said her best friend and coworker Laila Mahmoud. “She spoke about love and marriage. I am so sad shes gone. Its the shock of my life,” said Mahmoud. A school dropout, Andaleeb had supported her family from a job at a Palestinian-owned textile factory in the nearby town of

24、 Beit Jala. She had not reported for work for nearly three weeks because of repeated closures of West Bank roads by the Israeli army, according to her relatives. “Anyone in her place would have snapped(失去控制).Its her destiny(使命) and its a source of pride and glory for us that she did what she did,” s

25、aid her aunt, Jameela Taqataqah as she held back tears. Andaleeb, the third Palestinian woman to commit a suicide(自杀) murder this year, wore blue jeans and a matching checkered flannel shirt when she had a photograph taken two months ago. Andaleeb, her parents fourth child, looked more 15 than 20 in

26、 the photograph. Andaleebs parents said they learned of their daughters death early this morning when Israeli troops arrived and asked everyone to step out while they searched the house. They arrested one of her brothers and a male cousin who lives next door, the patents said. 51. Whats the news sto

27、ry mainly about?A. A Palestinian girl killed herself. B. Andaleeb, her fathers favourite daughter. C. A Palestinian girl blew herself up to kill Israelis. D. Israeli troops arrested two Palestinian men. 52. How many Palestinian women had committed suicide-murders so far?A. Dozens. B. 9. C. 4. D. 3. 53. Which of the following is N

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