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1、四六级作文注意事项四、六级作文注意事项1、什么是四六级作文评判所使用的最低分制? 从1997年起大学英语四六考试作文评判采用了最低分制,即作文分数最低分为6分,低于6分者,以下列方法计算成绩:作文分0分者:最后得分一律不及格作文分1-6分者:最后得分=原统计总分-6分+实得作文分 例1:原统计总分为63分,实得作文分为2分 最后得分=63-6+2=59分 例2:原统计总分为70分,实得作文分为5分 最后得分=70-6+5=69分 2、备考四六级考试时,在写作上花时间值得吗?因为采用了最低分制,四六级考生不可能象以前那样把考试时间都用在阅读或其他项目上,而忽略了写作。与听力,语法,阅读相比,写作

2、与翻译一样,是能够较快提高考分的部分。考生经过多年的英语学习,在写作上已经具备了一些知识储备,语言储备和初级写作能力。但是因为练得太少,(写作时间有听力时间多吗?有阅读时间多吗?有做语法词汇练习题时间多吗?)写作看起来非常难。但是,写作部分应是耗功最少收益最多之处。花几周时间培训作文,认认真真写上几十篇作文,作文成绩一般都可以得到很快的提高。但是目前写作却很容易受到考生的忽视(可以理解,人之常情:懒)。如果能克服懒惰,掌握基本的写作方法,写作难题则会迎刃而解。3、四、六级作文会出什么样的题目?出过的题目还会再出吗? 适合用于四、六级考试的命题作文的题目,一般应具备以下特点:1)考试的命题作文都

3、是论说文结构,即Expository Writing,可以展开议论,发表看法的题为主导。因此和描写及叙述有关的题目,如:My Hometown,Our Motherland,An Unforgettable Moment, A Friend in My Memory 等等一般都不会出现在考题中。2)作文的题目应与考生的知识结构相适应。题目内容应是考生熟悉的,能够有话可说,比如说社会热点话题。四、六级考试考过的题目有:Global Shortage of Fresh Water(96/6/4)Harmfulness of Fake CommoditiesMy View on the Negati

4、ve Effects of Some Advertisements(95/1/6)Is Failure a Bad Thing?(92/1/4)Can Money Buy Happiness?(95/1/4)My View on Opportunity(93年6月六级)Should Fireworks Be Banned?(95年6月六级)My View on Job-hopping()Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?(98年6月四、六级)The Two-Day Weekend(96/1/4)Looking Forward to the 21st

5、 Century(92年6月六级)再比如说有关大学生生活,学习,理想,就业的话题。四六级考过的题目有:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English?My Ideal Job Advantages of a Job InterviewPractice Makes Perfect(97/1/4)Getting to Know the World outside the Campus (97/6/4)We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge(94/6/6)Why I Take the College English Te

6、st Band Six?(96/1/6)How I Finance My College Education?(2000/1/4、6)Reading Selectively or Extensively?(99/6/4、6)Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?(2000/6/4、6) 3)作文题目还要考虑学生的语言水平,即要求学生掌握的词汇和结构是否能够表达所考的题目。因此诸如:香港回归的意义,申澳的意义、反恐、世贸组织等有时间限制的热门话题很可能不会考试的题目范围之内。 因此四、六级作文一般会在以下四方面出题:1校园生活(学习方式,课余活动,考试,专业

7、,留学,英语学习,体育锻炼,人际交往,兴趣爱好)2业余活动(兼职,电视,旅游,娱乐,交友)3科学技术(计算机,因特网,文曲星,自动提款机,小汽车)对社会和生活的影响4社会热点(环保,失业,假冒伪劣商品,时尚,安乐死,跳槽,代沟,青少年吸烟,青少年犯罪,竞争,迷信,假文凭,人口,吸毒,献血,成人教育,大学教育)考生在平时阅读中应注意收集这方面的材料,无论是中文的还是英文的。这样在写作是才会言之有物。此外,四、六级已经考过的题目不会再一模一样地出现第二次,可是要求考生从其他角度来阐述同一个话题是可能的。比如说求职,四六级作文已经要求考生从四个角度来阐述这个话题了:My Ideal JobAdvan

8、tages of a Job InterviewHow to Succeed in a Job Interview?My View on Job-hopping关于英语学习也已经考过三次了:How I Overcome My Difficulties in Learning English?(92/6/4)Why I Take the College English Test Band Six?Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?另外,(1)句子中不能出现严重语法错误,当然最好是不出现语法错误。一般指的语法错误主要是主谓一致,时态问题,名词单复数混乱,词

9、组搭配不当,句子成分混乱,分词使用不当,代词的任意改变以及拼写错误等。常见的拼写错误:increas, polution, solute, collage, seriou, proble, enrionment, behavour, faiure, dangeros,messioned, now a day , success, sucseed ,opion, 常见的语法错误:china-China/Chinese cost-spend afford-offerd confident-confidence produce-productThe failure could made us fac

10、e the future with conficent.You will dont worry about those problems.And automobile is cant use there.Fresh water is importance to us.If a person run into the trubble. The man maybe didnt know how to conquer, and he will feel rad.The bicycle will more and more popular than the car in china of the fu

11、ture.Most of students like spots.I graduated from Beijing University in 1999, then I studied abroad.There are many people have computers.There are many areas suffer from water shortage.There are different kinds of vegetables can be bought on the market.With the social developing, young people who se

12、ek to go abroad are becoming more and more.As is known to all that China has the largest population in the world.(应改为it is known to all that ;或as is known to all,)另外:Either ,neither , each everybody, anybody, everyone somebody, someone等作主语时,动词通常是单数 。 e.g. Neither of the twins was helpful. Everyone w

13、ho heard the news was impressed by it.Eitheror;neithernore.g Neither the quality nor the prices have changed.Someone holds the view that .(2)句子的句式要灵活多变。简单句、复合句、短句、长句互相搭配;陈述句、疑问句、定语从句、状语从句、不定式、分词、独立结构、倒装句、强调句、虚拟语气相互穿插。(3)尽量引用谚语、名言、警句来增加说服力。平时注意积累这方面的素材,这也是拿取高分的很重要的一方面。但引用谚语时,正确的写法是“Just as the prover

14、b goes”,“As the saying goes”而不是“A proverb says”。(见资料14)N o pains ,no gains. Look before you leave.Vigor and vitality lies in exercise. Never too old to learn.Where there is a will, there is a way. Well begun is half done.Time and tide wait(s) for no man .改错:文章写完后的最后一个步骤是改错。检查每个句子的主谓是否一致、时态是否正确、搭配是否合

15、理以及大、小写,标点(英语句号为“.”; 省略号为“”; 顿号为“,”)等。这一阶段只作最后修饰,忌大改。例如:1992年1月四级考试作文试题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in no less than 100 words on the topic: Is Failure a Bad Thing? You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese):1失败是常有的事?2人

16、们对失败有各种不同的态度。3我对失败的态度。You should write your composition in three paragraphs. Remember to write your composition in readable handwriting. 下面是一学生习作:Is Failure a Bad Thing?We often meet failure in our living. For example, a student failures to pass the exam. For another example, a scientist failures to

17、 research into the cause of disease. besides, a worker products a useless product. In a word, we can find failure everywhere in our world.There are many different attitudes about failure. Some people think failure is a bad thing, when someone failure to do something, they become dispirited and give

18、up. on the contrary, some people think failure is a good thing, someone lift themselves up when they failure to do something. Some people think failure is neither a good thing nor a bad thing.For me, I didnt think failure is a bad thing. Many successful man succeed by a lot of failure. As an old say

19、ing goes: failure is the mother of success.图表作文该类作文是以图表加英文或中文提纲形式出现。在十多年的四级考试中出现2次(1991年6月和2002年6月题)。图表作文从文章结构上与其他作文没有重大区别,它也包括三部分:引言、正文、结尾。但与其他作文不同的是第一段引言部分需要描述图表内容来提出文章要解决的问题,因此文章难度较高,第二、三段与其他作文相同。那么如何写好第一段?一般有三个步骤:1、读懂图表。对图表进行描写和讨论,通过读懂图表,弄清它所反映的问题和现象。主要注意以下两点:(1)熟悉图表的各种类型,了解他们的特点和作用。图表一般包括四种:tab

20、le, line graph, bar graph,diagram和pie chart。如:见复印资料。(2)从众多的数字中抓住主要问题。所给的图表和数字并不是只进行简单的描述,而是要求通过图表上的数字抓住所反映的社会问题进行评论。因此,从数字中看出主要问题和发展趋势至关重要。考生在分析数据时尤其应注意以下两点:一是结合所给的标题和提纲。例如:(见资料)1991年6月四级考试作文试题 Changes in Peoples Diet You should quote as few figures as possible19861987198819891990Grain49%47%46.5%45%

21、45%Milk10%11%11%12%13%Meat17%20%22.5%23%21%Fruit andVegetable24%22%20%20%21%Total100%100%100%100%100%1.state the change in peoples diet in the past five years2.give possible reasons for the change3.draw your own conclusion这个考题的标题和提纲都表明主题是人们饮食的变化。二是看看图表中那些数字的前后变化最大。从上图可以看出两个规律:People consume more mil

22、k and meat than they used to.People eat less grain, fruit and vegetable than in the past.2002年6月四、六级考试作文题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Student Use of Computer. You should write at least 100 words, and base your composition on the outline g

23、iven in Chinese below:Average number pf hours a student spends on the computer per week1.上图所示为1990、1995、2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;2.请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);3.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。依据以上图表,我们可以拟订提纲为:Introduction:Body:Conclusion:2、描绘图表,得出结论,提出要解决的问题。描绘图表时应注意以下几个问题:(1)在描写中,对数字的运用要有针对性,不要

24、把图表中的数字全部描写出来。图表和数字只是说明问题的材料,通过他们抓住了问题,并能够把问题表达出来。例1(2002年6月):Students tend to use computers more and more nowadays. Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In 1990,it was less than 2 hours; and in 1995,it incr

25、eased to almost 4 hours, and in 2000,the number soared to 20 hours.(2)所给的数字只是用来表明一个趋势和变化,因此文章即使一个数据也没提,内容也会清清楚楚地描述出来。例2(1991年6月):In the past five years there have been many changes in peoples diet . From the table listed above, we can find that people consume more milk and meat than they used to. On

26、 the other hand, they eat less grain, fruit and vegetables today than in the past.(3)所得出的结论可以放在段首,也可以放在段尾。有时为了避免毫无目的过多或全部引用数字,可以在描写和引用数字前,先把这些数据要反映的问题用一句话写出来。有时为了自然引出主题,过度到下一段,经常把结论放在段尾。如例1和例2都是把结论放在段首。应用文1书信书信类作文的多次出现,说明四级作文也开始侧重测试学生的实际应用能力。这类作文体裁属于应用文,但并不强调考生对书信格式的掌握,在试题中格式已经给出。要求考生根据所给中文提纲以书信的形式解

27、释或说明一件事情,但基本的格式应掌握。这类作文考生普遍反应比较容易,不容易偏题,很容易写得简单,但得高分并不容易。书信的结构:英文书信的主要组成部分是:1)信头(Heading)。信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期。英文中的地址是从小到大,先写门牌号码和街道名称,再写市、省、邮政编码、国名,最后一行写寄信的日期。日期年份应完全写出,不能省略,月份用英文,不能用数字代替,可用公认的月份缩写形式,日期可用基数词或序数词。如果使用已印有信头的信纸,则只需在下端写上日期即可。如使用无信头信纸,信头可置于信纸的右上角。2)信内地址(Inside Address)。指收信人的姓名地址,写在信纸首页的左上角,从

28、左边略低于写信日期的一、二行处顶格写起。先写姓名、头衔和单位名称,后写地址。3)称呼(Salutation)。从左边顶格写起,低于信内地址一二行。称呼后可用冒号或逗号,也可不用。如果给某机构或不认识的人,可以是:Dear Sir/Madam, To whom it may concern如果知道收信人的姓名,可以是:Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms4)信的正文(Body of the letter)。正文开头是写信目的或寒暄;正文中部叙述写信人的要求和企图,结束部分是祝愿和结束敬语。正文可以是完全平头式和半平头式5)结束语(Complimentary Close)。英文信件的结束语是写信人对收

29、信人的一种谦虚的称呼。结束语一般低于正文一、二行,可以顶格也可以从中间开始。写给亲属或挚友:Yours affectionately, Yours ever, Yours, Your devoted friend, Your loving son,写给一般熟人或朋友:Yours very sincerely, Yours cordially, Yours sincerely,写给上级或长者:Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours,写给机关或不认识的人:Very faithfully yours, Yours faithfully, Truly yours,

30、 Yours truly,6)签名(signature)。低于结束语一、二行处写信人要亲笔签名。如有头衔,置于签名的下面。如代表单位,单位名置于结束语下面。如写信人为女性,对方不认识,应在署名前加括号,注明MissMsMrs7)附件(The Enclosure)如有附件,可在左下端写明Encl.或Enclosure8)再启(The Postscript)也叫附言,用来补叙遗漏,可在左下端写明PS。2001年6月四、六级试题Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose yo

31、u are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the weeklong holiday. You should write at last 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese. 1.表示欢迎。2.提出对度假安排的确建议。3.提醒应注意的事项。 A Letter to a SchoolmateJune 23,2001Dear Xiao Wang, Yours, Zhang Ying再如:2002年1月四级考试作文题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus. You should write at least 100 words

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