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1、BECHIGHER口语题库BEC HIGHER学生自学题库与指南Part 0PART 0的部分配了部分答案提示,请参照其中短语,写出自己的真实答案。1. Can you tell me about yourself?a) My name is Tracy Yang. Now Im a senior in Renmin University and my major is accounting. Im taking the BEC HIGHER exam to prepare myself for getting a job that requires business English. b)

2、你的答案。2. How do you think about your study or work?a) Well, I like my job. My boss is very nice, and he gives me plenty of empowerment. The only disappointment is that, the salary is not very high.b) Well, I dont really like my major of international politics because they are not practical and useful

3、 in getting a job. Thats why Im eager to improve myself in other areas such as business English.c) Well, I like my major of accounting, because its quite practical and useful in getting a job. You know many companies are interested in hiring students with the background in accounting. So, I like it,

4、 although I find it boring sometimes.d) 你的答案。3. Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English?a) Well, the most important reason is that, English a very practical and useful job-related skill and many companies are interested in hiring students who speak English well. So, I improve my En

5、glish to make myself more competitive in the job market.b) 你的答案。4. Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future?a) Well, my immediate career goal after obtaining my Bachelors Degree is joining an international telecommunications company, for instance, Hua Wei, or Nokia, to work as a telecom

6、munications products sales. And then, I want to advance myself to sales management positions.b) Frankly speaking, I havent decided on my career plans since Im still just a sophomore, but I think theres a good chance that Ill further my studies in International Business till I get the Masters Degree.

7、 And then, Ill advance myself in this field.c) 你的答案。5. Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies?a) I chose the major of telecommunications mainly because both my parents and I thought it was practical and useful in getting a job. You know, many companies are interested in hir

8、ing students with the background in XXX. But now Ive realized that its not enough for getting a high pay job, and I still need to acquire other types of job-related skills such as computer and English.b) 你的答案。6. Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies?a) Well, the best thing ab

9、out my studies is that its very practical and useful in getting a job, you know, many companies are interested in hiring students with the background in XXX. So, its more practical for job hunting than many other majors such as politics, or philosophy.b) What I like most about my job is that my boss

10、 is very nice and he gives me plenty of empowerment. So, even though the salary is not very high, I still quite like the job.c) 你的答案。7. Could you tell me what you like least about your work/studies?a) Well, I have to say that my salary is not as high as I expected. Thats why Im improving myself in E

11、nglish, so that I can get a higher pay in another position or another company in the future.b) Well, my major International Trade is not practical and useful enough for job hunting. Many companies are interested in hiring students with very practical skills such as English, computer and communicatio

12、n skills, but we have to spend more time studying some big theories, which are not very useful for us to get a job.c) 你的答案。PART 1参考题目你的自学任务(1) 先把黄书题库上的PART 1提问结构回答结构总结如下图:(2) 再反复自问自答提问结构汉语翻译回答结构How has XX influenced the business life in China?在中国,XX对商业社会产生了哪些影响?扣题:XX has influenced the business life

13、 in China a lot, in many aspects. For example (或者,1st, 2nd)What do you think of XX?你觉得XX怎么样?Well, XX? Let me see I think XX has a lot of advantages, although it also has some problems. The biggest advantage is (如果有时间,就接着阐述缺点: the biggest problem is that )What role does XX play in modern business?XX在

14、现代商业起到哪些作用?XX plays a crucial role in modern business. Its crucial in many aspects. For example (或1st, 2nd )What are some necessary steps for preparing XX?准备XX,必须要哪些步骤?Many steps are necessary for preparing XX, for example(或 1st, 2nd)What kind of XX would you prefer, A or B?你更喜欢什么,A 还是 B?Well, I pre

15、fer A although B also has its advantages. I like A more because What are XX? (eg. What are necessary qualities of a manager)有哪些?Many XX are .(eg. Many qualities are necessary of a manager, for example, 或 1st 2nd )How to do XX?如何做某事We can do XX in many ways, for example 或 1st, 2nd 请BEC考生把题库上的其它第一部分的提

16、问结构和回答结构总结在此。?8. Could you tell me how important you think English is in business life in China?a) Well, English plays an increasingly important role in business life in China. English helps us to see the world, you know, we can see a lot of information published in English, which let us know whats

17、happening in the whole world. 2ndly, English serves as a communication tool between people from different countries, the US, Japan, Russia, we usually use English to talk to each other五官思维9. Could you tell me what effect you think new technology is having on business life in China?a) New technology?

18、 Well, let me see, new technologyhas been having huge impact on business life in China. Let me use some examples of new technology to answer this question internet, QQ, I mean, instant communication, 3G, and so on Well, with the invention of new technology, the working time, the work place are being

19、 changed. We may work while traveling with mobile phone QQ, dont we? In addition, new technology has a big influence on the way we market and sell the products, for example, TV used to be the major media for commercials but now internet is attracting more and more attention! (真正考试的时候,只答出一个层次就可以了。)举例

20、5W部门思维b) 请你想想,可以用5官法吗?10. Could you tell me what effect you think advertisements have on people in China?a) Advertising? Let me see, well, advertising certainly has a lot of influence on people in China. /On one hand, it informs us of the quality, features of available products and services, which c

21、an improve the quality of our life. /On the other hand, some advertisements have negative effects on us, for instance, Mcdonnald commercials lure kids to eat unhealthy foods, diamond ads make young people overspend, and so on. 正反思维11. Could you tell me how working life is changing in China?a) 5W、爸妈为

22、例12. Why is teamwork so important?a) 5官、部门13. Do you prefer to work for a big company or a small one?a) 5官、5W14. Can you tell me what you hope to achieve professionally in the next five years?a) 同AMBITIONS题目15. Do you think mobile phone fees should be paid by companies?a) It depends. 举例16. Can you t

23、ell me how you relax from your work or studies?a) 5官17. Can you tell me what you would like to change about your work or studies?a) 参考前些题目。18. Can you tell me what you think is the biggest change in working life in China?a) 5官、5W19. What are the necessary qualities of a manager?a) 5官20. How do build

24、 teamwork in a team?21. Degree or experience, which is more important when choosing a job applicant?a) It depends. 举例22. Is dress code necessary?a) It depends. 举例Part 2 PRESENTATION大量做题前,抽出24小时,你要:(1) 看懂题目(训练方法:把剑2、3、黄书、题库中的TOPICS的核心结构念熟3遍)(2) 题目分类(上课完成剑2自己分剑3、黄书、题库)(3) 同类题目,确定回答逻辑英文表达(4) 开始大量做题(剑桥黄

25、书题库)自学指南(1) 自己先做全真模拟:做笔记presentation,如效果不好,再做一次(2) 学习参考答案:思维短语配对1. Customer relation: the importance of offering incentives to customers Offering incentives to customers can help you to strengthen your customer base and enhance customer loyalty. If you offer incentives such as vouchers, or gifts in

26、the promotion or sales, you will attract more customers and get them buy your products or services. (思维:销售方面) At the same time the image of your company will be improved and your brands are more likely to be known by customers. (思维:市场品牌方面)短语配对演示汉语英语加强客户基础Strengthen your customer base提高客户忠诚度Enhance c

27、ustomer loyalty公司的形象会得到提升The image of your company will be improved.让大家买你们的产品或服务Get them to buy your products or services.你的品牌可能会更广为人知Your brand is likely to be known by more customers. 2. Product promotion: how to ensure that products are promoted effectively at international trade fairs.You should

28、 send a professional team of experts to arrange the promotion at the trade fair. They must be familiar with the products you want to promote at the fair. Meanwhile they must be good at dealing with clients especially foreign clients. (思维:?人)You should use advanced technology to display your products

29、 at the fair. Necessary equipments such as DVD, overhead projector, high-definition screen(高清屏幕) can help you demonstrate the quality, function and specification of your products. (思维:?设备。思考:做任何事情,岂非都需要“人设备”啊!)3. How to reduce labor turnover ratesIn order to reduce labor turnover rates we must take

30、the following effective measures: Set up a clear staff appraisal process to make sure that the performance of every staff can be evaluated openly and honestly and their promotion is based on their contribution to the company. Thus no one will complain about unfair promotion which once forced some of

31、 your staff to leave their jobs. Enhance the staff benefits including their base pay,annual bonus and other benefits. An incentive system should also be necessary to encourage the staff to work with the company longer. Improve the work environment of your company or factory. Try to foster a spirit o

32、f mutual help among your staff and let them understand that the company or factory is far more than just a workplace. Its a family where all members are supported and valued.4. Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your careerWith the unceasing development of science and te

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