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习惯上后只接to do sth的名词.docx

1、习惯上后只接to do sth的名词习惯上后接to do sth的名词有些名词后接一个动词作定语时,该动词通常用不定式形式,而不用of doing sth结构。这类名词比较常用的有以下一些。1. agreement协议表示“做某事的协议”,其后通常接不定式。如:They had an agreement never to talk about work at home.他们约定在家里决不谈工作。We have an agreement to always tell each other the truth about everything.我们约定无论何时彼此都要讲实话。2. appointm

2、ent约定表示“做某事的约定”,其后通常接不定式,尤其用于have make an appointment to do sth结构。如:I have anappointment to seethe doctor.我约好要去看医生。Ive got an appointment to see Ms Edwards at two oclock.我与爱德华在2点钟有约会。I keep trying to make an appointment to see him, but he has been ducking me.我一直努力约见他,但他始终回避我。有时不定式前可以用for sb引出不定式的逻辑主

3、语。如:She made an appointment for her son to see the doctor.她为儿子约定了看医生的时间。3. anxiety渴望;焦急,着急表示“某人急于(渴望)做某事”,其后通常接不定式。如:Her anxiety to go was obvious.她亟于想去是很明显的。I nearly fell in my anxiety to get downstairs quickly.我急匆匆地下楼,差点摔倒。In my anxiety to succeed, I overworked myself.由于急于求成,我把自己累坏了。有时可将其中的不定式改为fo

4、r sth,但不宜改为for doing sth。如:他渴望成功之心使他努力工作。误:His anxiety for succeeding led him to work hard.正:His anxiety to succeed led him to work hard.正:His anxiety for success led him to work hard.4. aspiration渴望,抱负,志气表示“做某事的志向或渴望”,其后通常接不定式。如:She was filled with theaspiration tosucceed in life.她渴望有所成就。He has an

5、aspiration to become a scholar.他怀有要成为学者的抱负。He has never had any aspiration to earn a lot of money.他从未企图赚很多钱。5. attempt尝试,试图表示“做某事的尝试(企图)”,其后通常接不定式。如:The storm discouraged hisattempt to sail.暴风雨打消了他扬帆航行的念头。She sent a sample of her work in an attempt to get a job.她寄去一份作品样本希望获得聘用。I am afraid my attempt

6、 to make a cake was not very successful.恐怕我这蛋糕做得不怎么样。其中的不定式有时可换成at doing sth。如:All their attempts to reach at reaching the summit failed.他们攀登顶峰的所有尝试都失败了。6. competence能力,胜任表示“做某事的能力”,其后通常接不定式。如:I doubt hiscompetence to dothe work.我怀疑他是否有能力做那项工作。He gradually developed the competence to deal with the m

7、ore difficult cases.他逐渐培养出了处理更困难问题的能力。7. call必要,理由;愿望,冲动表示“做某事的必要(需要)”,其后通常接不定式。如:There is no call to be anxious.没有焦急的必要。You have no call to do that.你没有必要那样做。Many young people are feeling the call to do charity work.许多年轻人都对从事慈善事业有着强烈的愿望。8. courage勇气表示“做某事的勇气”,其后通常接不定式。如:He lacks the courage to speak

8、 the truth.他缺乏说实话的勇气。She was trying to summon up the courage to leave him.当时她试图鼓足勇气离开他。注意courage后接不定式时,其前有时有定冠词,有时没有,比如在have the courage to do sth(有勇气做某事)中通常要用定冠词,在take gain, gather courage to do sth(鼓起勇气做某事)中通常没有定冠词,而在find (the) courage to do sth(鼓起勇气做某事)中的定冠词可以用也可以省略。如:She didnt have the courage t

9、o tell him the truth.她没有勇气告诉他实情。It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion.跟舆论唱反调需要勇气。有时courage后接in doing sth,表示“做某事时(表现出来的)勇气”。如:She has shown immense courage in opposing a corrupt and violent regime.她在反对腐败残暴的政权时表现出了大无畏的精神。注意,下面一句中courage后的不定式不是定语,而是句子主语:It may require courage to spe

10、ak freely.要有勇气才能直言不讳。9. confidence信心表示“做某事的信心”,其后通常接不定式。如:I had not enough confidence to go ahead.我没有足够的信心干。Good training will give a beginner the confidence to enjoy skiing.良好的训练会给初学者带来享受滑雪乐趣的自信心。但是,相应的形容词confident后却接of doing sth而不接不定式。如:He was confident of succeeding.=He was confident that one wou

11、ld succeed.他有信心能成功。10. conspiracy阴谋表示“做某事的阴谋”,其后通常接不定式。如:This action was part of a conspiracy to deceive the public.这次活动是欺骗公众的一场阴谋的一部分。Party officials have uncovered a conspiracy to discredit the prime minister.党内官员揭露了败坏首相名声的阴谋。The charges against them include conspiracy to smuggle heroin.对他们的指控包括搞海

12、洛因走私的阴谋活动。11. campaign战役,运动表示“做某事的战役(运动)”,其后通常接不定式。如:We arguably needs a campaign to promote respect for law.我们无可争辩地需要进行一次遵法的运动。They began a campaign to get more members for the society.他们开始了一场征收新会员的运动。They enlisted my support for the campaign to keep the hospital open.在为继续开办那家医院而开展的活动中,他们得到了我的支持。12

13、. curiosity表示“做某事的好奇”,其后通常接不定式。如:We were burning with curiosity to know what had happened.我们急切想知道发生了什么事。Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents.许多人对了解自己祖先的情况非常好奇。13. disposition倾向,意向表示“做某事的倾向(意向)”,其后通常接不定式。如:He has a disposition to take offense easily.他脾气不好,容易发怒。There

14、was a general disposition to ignore the problem.人们一般都忽视了这个问题。Neither side shows the slightest disposition to compromise.双方都没有表现出丝毫妥协的意思。14. decision决定表示“做某事的决定”,其后通常接不定式。如:His decision to retire surprised all of us.他决定退休使我们大家为之一惊。He took the fatal decision to marry Martha.他作了危险的决定,要和马莎结婚。You were qu

15、ite right in your decision to refuse.你予以拒绝的决定是恰当的。The company has come under fierce attack for its decision to close the factory.因为决定要关闭工厂,公司受到猛烈攻击。15. disinclination不情愿,免强表示“不情愿做某事”,其后通常接不定式。如:I have a strong disinclination to do any work.我不愿做任何工作。I have quite a disinclination to retire on a pensio

16、n.我很不愿意领养老金退休。16. desire欲望表示“做某事的欲望”“想做某事”,其后通常接不定式。如:He has an innate desire to win.他天生有一种求胜的欲望。He felt the least desire to go to bed.他完全不想去睡觉。She expressed a desire to go on vacation.她表示了想休假的愿望。He has neither talent nor the desire to learn.他既无天分也不想学习。偶尔也接of doing sth,但很不普通。如:His desire of returnin

17、g to his family is natural.他想回家是很自然的。17. eagerness渴望表示“做某事的渴望”,其后通常接不定式。如:I could see her eagerness to see you.我看得出她渴望见到你。I couldnt hide my eagerness to get back home.我无法掩饰想回家的渴望。She was distressed to see his eagerness to go away.看到他急于要走她很难过。18. evidence证据表示“做某事的证据”,其后通常接不定式,且主要用于there be句式或与动词have连

18、用。如:We have enough evidence to prove him innocent.我们有充分的证据证明他是无罪的。There is no evidence to connect him with the crime.没有证据显示他和这起罪行有关。19. effort努力表示“做某事的努力”,其后通常接不定式。如:Many countries are making a strong effort to reduce pollution.许多国家在下大力气减少污染。Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort

19、 to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣。有时也接at doing sth。如:His efforts to find at finding his daughter failed.他设法要找到他女儿的努力失败了。20. fortune运气,命运表示“做某事的运气(命运)”,其后通常接不定式。如:Then he had the bad fortune to fall ill.后来他不幸生病了。He had the fortune to escape being punished.他逃脱了惩罚,真是幸运。I had the good fortun

20、e to work with people I liked.我很幸运,可以与我喜欢的人一起工作。21. failure失败;没做到用于failure to do sth,表示“没做成某事”。如:I am puzzled by his failure to reply to my letter.他不给我回信使我百思不解。His failure to react quickly enough caused the crash.他由于反应不够迅速而导致了撞车。Failure to say “No” may, by implication, be taken to mean “Yes”.没表示否定,其

21、含义可能理解为是肯定的。22. freedom自由表示“做某事的自由”,其后通常接不定式。如:He enjoyed complete freedom to do as he wished.他享有完全按照自己的意愿行事的自由。The freedom to wear trousers became a symbol of womens liberation.有穿裤子的自由成为妇女解放运动的标志。23. impatience耐心表示“急于做某事”,其后通常接不定式。如:We noted her impatience to begin.我们注意到她急着想开始。She was bursting with

22、 impatience to tell Natalia what had happened.她急不可待地想要告诉纳塔利娅所发生的事情。He was already half an hour late which explains his impatience to leave.他已经晚了半个小时,所以他焦急地要离开。24. impulse冲动,念头表示“做某事的冲动(念头)”,其后通常接不定式。如:I had an impulse to hit him.我突然想揍他。We had a sudden impulse to go to the movies.我们突然想去看电影。He had an

23、impulse to run, but he kept on walking.他有种冲动想跑,然而他继续走着。24. inclination倾向;意愿表示“做某事的倾向(意愿)”,其后通常接不定式。如:He has an inclination to stoutness / to be fat.他有发福发胖的趋势。The car has an inclination to stall on cold mornings.这辆汽车天冷时早晨常常熄火。I have little inclination to listen to you all evening.我可不愿意一晚上都听你说话。26. in

24、ducement动力;诱因;动机表示“做某事的动力(诱因、动机)”,其后通常接不定式。如:I gave him money as an inducement to leave.我给他钱,诱使他离去。They have little inducement to work harder.他们没有什么更加努力工作的动力。27. invitation邀请表示“做某事的邀请”,其后通常接不定式。如:I was very flattered by your invitation to talk at the conference.承蒙你邀我在会上讲话,深感荣幸。She refused her boyfri

25、ends invitation to go to the country for the weekend.她拒绝了她的男朋友邀她去乡下度周末。28. leisure空闲表示“做某事的空闲”,其后通常接不定式。如:I have no leisure to do such things.我没有空闲做那样的事。Im now at leisure to visit my friends.我现在有空去看看朋友了。用于have (the) leisure to do sth时,其中的the可以省略。如:Do you have (the) leisure to go to the cinema?你有空去看电

26、影吗?29. luck运气,幸运表示“做某事的运气(幸运)”,其后通常接不定式,且主要用于have the luck to do sth这一结构。如:I had the luck to find him at home.我很幸运,找他时他正在家。He had the luck to escape death in the fire.他在火灾中侥幸地逃过一劫。30. need需要,必要表示“做某事的必要”,其后通常接不定式。如:I feel a need to talk to you about it.我觉得有必要跟你谈谈那件事。The need to find a solution urged

27、 him on.亟须找出解决方法,这是鞭策他的动力。Does she understand the need to keep everything secret?她明白这事要绝对保密的必要性吗?31. nerve勇气,胆量表示“做某事的勇气(胆量)”,其后通常接不定式。如:I didnt have the nerve to ask.我没有勇气问。I had to summon up all my nerve to face my boss.我得鼓足勇气去见上司。I wouldnt have the nerve to try anything so dangerous.我可不敢做那么危险的事32

28、. obligation义务,职责表示“做某事的义务(职责)”,其后通常接不定式。如:He has an obligation to help support his parents.他有义务帮助赡养父母。You can look around the shop with no obligation to buy.你可以在这个商店里到处看看,不一定非要买东西不可。Youre under no obligation to pay for goods which you did not order.没有订购的货物就无须付款。Damaging the goods puts you under an

29、obligation to buy them.你损坏了这些商品,你就得都买下来。33. order命令表示“做某事的命令”,其后通常接不定式。如:He gave the order to start the attack.他发出了开始进攻的命令。Soon came the order to start the general attack.很快下达了发起总攻的命令。34. occasion理由;机会表示“做某事的理由(机会)”,其后通常接不定式。如:You have no occasion to be angry.你没有理由生气。He had no occasion to buy a car.

30、他没有必要买车。She seized the occasion to invite him home for a short visit.她抓住这机会邀请他到她家作简短访问。35. patience忍耐表示“做某事的耐心”,其后通常接不定式。如:He doesnt have the patience to wait.他没有耐心等待。She hasnt the patience to do embroidery.她没有做刺绣的常性。有时后接in doing sth,表示“做某事时的耐心”。36. plot阴谋表示“做某事的阴谋”,其后通常接不定式。如:They formed a plot to

31、rob a bank.他们密谋抢劫一家银行。They hatched up a plot to overthrow the government.他们策划推翻政府。The Secret Service smelled out a plot to kill the President.情报部门抽丝剥茧发现了要行刺总统的阴谋。37. permission允许表示“做某事的允许”,其后通常接不定式。如:We have her permission to use her car.她允许我们用她的车。She asked for permission to leave work early.她请求批准她提前下班。The bookstore has written permission to return unsold textbooks to the publishers.书店持有书面许可,可以把未出售的教材退还给出版商。38. permit

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