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1、4) They rushed over to help the man _ car had broken down.5) Beijing is the place _ I was born.6) Is this the reason _ he refused our offer?7) There are occasions _ one must yield.8) There is a flower show in the park _ we visited last year.9) Here is the place _ he found the lost wallet lying on.3、

2、判断下面句子中表述的正误,正确的标T错误的标F, 并将错误之处修改过来。1)I asked him why was he so late for school.2) The teacher wants to know when he will be back.3) We really dont know If he comes or not.4) Mr. Green did not think that she has right to do so.5) The scientist said that light travels faster a lot than sound do.4、用正确

3、的连接词填空。1) In fact, Lincoln was the best pupil _ he was young.2) You will not fail _ you study hard.3) _ it is raining heavily outside ,they are still running outside.4) It must have rained last night, _ the ground is wet now.5) He is so young _ he can not go to school.6) I cant jump so high _ he (do

4、es)7) Whatever I do, _ I go, I will be right here waiting for you.8) He talked to the girl _ he had fallen in love with her. 三、 词性、词形的变化:1、根据括号内的提示写出正确的单词: rain(形容词) _ agree(反义词)_ nation(形容词)_ farm(人)_ recent(副词)_ friend(形容词)_ hope(形容词)_ back(形容词)_ visit(名词)_ home(形容词) _ eight(序数词)_ true(名词)_ Americ

5、a(形容词)_ China(形容词)_ happy(副词) _ hopeful(反义词)_ 2、指出下列词语的词性及词义:1) act actor actress active actively activity 2)likedislike friendlyunfriendly understandingmisunderstanding patientimpatient regularirregular validinvalid思考:加前缀一般是(词性,词义)发生变化,加后缀一般是(词性,词义)发生变化?3、不同词类的词形变化:1)动词方面:写出下列动词的适当形式。动词(原形)3单形式进行式过

6、去式完成式bestudyrungotakeplayhaveswimbeginforget2)名词方面:写出下列汉语的英文形式。三只绵羊_ 一打蝴蝶 _两千个女警察_ 一些小偷_大量时间_ 3碗饺子_几对夫妇_成千上万的人_ 越来越多的富家子弟_ 黑人、英雄喜欢吃土豆和西红柿_ 3)形容词/副方面:翻译下列句子。句子1:他有2个姐姐,2个弟弟。句子2:说比做容易。句子3:史密斯先生是我见过的最幽默的老师之一。句子4:越来越多的中国人为祖国变得更富强而骄傲。句子5:你蔬菜吃得越多,锻炼得越多,身体就越健康。四、 重点形容词、副词的含义:1、 写出下列形容词的汉语意思:successful scar

7、y terrible popular irregular fantastic unfriendly awful delicious crowded unhealthy crispy traditional balanced famous outgoing serious athletic opposite necessary creative outstanding well-known alive professional comfortable positive negative unpleasant simple upset amazing scared modern nervous d

8、isappointing rural common extra certain normal perfect modest excellent natural specific frustrating complete local realistic energetic confident correct crucial anxious honest fascinating thrilling convenient underground general elementary similar ancient embarrassed exhausted proper scientific end

9、angered mysterious guilty enormous aggressive suitable disgusted2、 认识ly结尾的副词really finally seriously probably casually fortunately sincerely particularly politely nearly clearly especially fairly extremely actually mainly normally specially strongly recently certainly particularlyespecially五、重点短语/词组

10、(要求:将你不认识的短语做上标记)thanks for 为而感谢 lots of 大量;许多 on sale 廉价出售;出售 take a shower 淋浴;洗澡 across from 在对面 kind of 有几分 wait for 等候;等待 on vacation 在度假中 look for 寻找;寻求 talk about 谈论;讨论;议论 in order to 为了 a little bit 一点儿;少许 in fact 实际上;其实;确切地说 agree with 赞同 as for 至于;关于 of course 当然;自然 be stressed out 紧张的;有压力的

11、 at the moment 此时;现在 depend on 视而定;决定于 come over 顺便来访 more than 超出 in common 共同(的);共有(的) be good at 擅长;在方面做得好 cut up 切碎 mix up 混合在一起 把加到上 hang out 经常出没;闲逛 sleep late 睡过头;起得晚 太以致不能 take part (in) 参加;参与 because of 因为;由于 major in 主修;专研 grow up 成长;长大 at the same time 同时 all over 到处;遍及 ta

12、ke out 取出 work on 从事;忙于 close to 靠近;接近 (not) at all (用于否定句)一点也/根本(不) fall in love with 爱上 be able to 能够;得以 come true 实现;达到 in the furture 未来;将来 hundreds of 好几百;许许多多 keep out 不让进入 out of style 不时髦的;过时的 call sb. up 打电话给 pay for 付款 get on 相处;进展 possible 尽可能 all kinds of 各种;take off 起飞 run away 逃跑

13、;跑掉 come in 进来 hear about 听说 take place 发生 first of all 首先 pass on 传递 be supposed to 被期望或被要求 do well in 在方面做得好 in good health 身体健康 get over 克服;恢复;原谅 open up 打开 care for 照料;照顾 take away 拿走 make a living 谋生 all the time 一直 run out of 用完;用尽 by the way 顺便;附带说说 be interested in 对感兴趣 far away 在远处 turn dow

14、n 调节使音量变小 right away 立刻;马上 dish n.盘;碟 wait in line 排队等候 cut in line 插队 keep.down 压低声音;使缓和 take care 当心;小心 put out 熄灭 pick.up 捡起 give away 赠送;分发 rather than 胜于 hear of 听说 take an interest in 对感兴趣 make friends with 与交友 on board 在船上 end up 结束 look through 浏览 come along 出现;发生 at least 至少 later on 以后;随后

15、laugh at 笑话;取笑(某人) take notes 做笔记;做记录 look up (从词典中)查阅(词或资料), make up 组成;构成 deal with 处理,料理 go by (指时间)过去;消逝 break off 突然中止;中断 used to 过去经常;以前常常 be terrified of 害怕;恐惧 take pride in 对感到自豪 pay attention to 对.注意;留心 give up 放弃 instead of 代替,而不是 stay up 熬夜 at present at this time;now 现在,目前 get in the way

16、 妨碍 care about 担心;关心 in the slightest 一点也;根本 get along with 与.相处 let.down 使.失望 come up with (针对问题等)想出,提出 come out 出版;发表 belong to 属于;是的成员 use up 用完;用光;耗尽 remind of 提醒;使记起 on display 展览;陈列 to be honest 老实说;说实在的 be in agreement 意见一致 take it easy 不紧张;轻松 in general 大体上;通常,一般说来 provide with 给.提供;以.装备 cle

17、an up 打扫干净;梳理整齐 cheer up 使振奋;使高兴起来 put off 推迟;拖延 set up 建立;创立;开办 think up 想出 take after (在外貌、性格等)与(父、母)相像 fix up 修理;修补 put up 展示;张贴 work out 结局;至最后;结果为 at once 立刻,马上 be used for 用来做. by mistake 错误地 by accident 偶然,意外 according (与to构成介词)按照,根据 fall into 落入;陷于;河流注入 knock into 撞上(某人) by the time 到.的时候 go

18、 off 闹钟(闹响) break down 损坏;坏掉 show up 出席,露面 set off 激起;引起 dress up 盛装;装扮,装饰,修饰 hand in 交上;递上 drop by 访问;拜访 affer all 毕竟 keep out (使)留在外面,(使)不进入 aim at 瞄准;针对 for instance 例如;比如 to start with 首先;作为开始 so far 到目前为止 thanks to 多亏了.幸亏 look forward to 盼望;期待 care for 关怀;照顾,照料 六、简单句句子结构列举:1、请分别用how/what造一个感叹句。

19、2、句子翻译:1)倒装句:句1:Tom喜欢踢足球,Jim也喜欢。句2:Tom不喜欢踢足球,Jim也不喜欢。2)反意疑问句:-Betty今天早上什么也没吃,对么? -不,她喝了一碗稀粥,还吃了一个汉堡。- Jack的爸爸去过纽约,是么? -是的。这是第三次他去哪了,不过后天就回来了。3)选择疑问句:你想喝咖啡还是喝茶?4)否定疑问句:难道你不想取得好成绩么?七、代词的正确使用:任务1:区分如下3组词的使用:Itonethatthisbothnoneeitherneither-allotherthe otheranotherothers任务2:理解:some/every/no与thing/one/

20、body的合成使用。任务3:正确使用人称、物主代词、反身代词。八、综合阅读 阅读下面文段并回答后面的问题:In nature, you may see many insects and animals of different colors. Have you ever wondered why? Locusts are super delicious food for birds,but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch them.It is neither because locusts are good jumpers or runners nor because they are smarter than their enemies. The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops. When crops are young, locusts look green. But when autumn comes, locusts change to the yellow and brown color as crops

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