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1、18 Li Kang is _( 印象深刻的) with the new teachers.19 Our teacher had a friendly attitude to our c_ ; he said it didnt matter if we made mistakes. 20 Mr Davies gave us a lot of e_- he made us feel really good about being there .21 After class activities have brought us much e_ . 22 F_ and correction are

2、both important when speaking English. 23 I think there must have been some m_. I didnt order all these books 24 The teacher was d _ at seeing the students marks after the test. 25 The result of the singing competition was d_, which made us embarrassed. 26 I want to go to America for further educatio

3、n . Could you please give me some information about the American school s_. 27 A t_ is someone who is between 13 and 19 .28 Where are my keys? They seem to have d_. 29 Molly and I were friends for three years and then she m_ to California. 30 The _(助教) teacher of our Chinese class is called Miss Hua

4、ng . assistant .31 Secondary School for the US usually c_ seven years. 32 In America , students need _(毕业证书)if they want to go to college. 二 选择表格中的短语并用其适当形式填空:In other words ,look forward to, at the start of , at the end of, go to college, be divided into, take part in 1_ the long journey , we felt

5、excited , but got tired soon.2 we all _ our vacation, because we have been working for so long. 3.I _ all kinds of after-school activities such as football, basketball and so on.4 _ of the street there is a barbers shop.5 If you want to _, you must pass the entrance examinations in China.6._ of the

6、project , they even lacked basic facilities.7 In America , the school year _ into two semesters.三 语法填空:用所给动词的一般现在是或现在进行时填空。1 I used to teach English at a college but now I _(teach) in a middle school.2.Look ! The children _ ( fly ) kites in the park.3 Mary _(dance) well while his brother writes well

7、.4. Truth never _(grow) old.5 There _(go) the bell . Its time for class. 6. My mother is _(wash ) clothes at the moment .用所给的动词的ing 或ed 形式填空。7. The _look on the mans face suggested the news was _( amaze)8. I like to work with the boy because he is so _( interest) . 9 He has a _( frighten) look on hi

8、s face at seeing the poisonous snake.10. When he heard the _ ( excite) news , her eyes were full of _(excite) tears.11, All the people fixed their eyes on me , which made me very _(embarrass).四 课文句型练习: 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。1 我们的教室和他们的一样大。Our classroom is _ _ _ theirs.2 那部电影一点也不像我期待的那样。The film was _ _ what

9、 I had expected .3. 话句话说, 我们的目标是避免失败。_ _ _, our goal is to avoid losing.4. 请给我们描述一下你们的学校。Please _ _ _ _ of your school.5. 他对我的态度表明他不喜欢我。_ _ _ _ shows that he doesnt like me. 五 本单元常用词组、短语英汉对照:science subjects理科学科academic subjects文化课程favourite subjects 最喜欢的学科stories and poems 故事和诗歌the main differences

10、 主要区别be similar to 和 类似attitude to 对待 的态度the general behavior 总体的表现 in a serious and polite manner 以一种严肃和礼貌的方式the difference between and 两者之间的差异not far from 离 不远the capital city 省会城市write down ones thoughts about 写下自己对某事的感受see why 明白为什么enthusiastic and friendly 热情友好a computer with a special screen 带

11、有特殊屏幕的电脑write on the computer 在电脑上书写appear on the screen出现在屏幕上method of teaching 教学方法reading comprehension 阅读理解have fun 很开心be bored in 感到乏味introduce oneself to each other 相互介绍in groups 以小组形式be embarrassed at first 开始时感到尴尬give sb instructions 向某人做些说明work by oneself 自己做help sb do stth 帮助某人做某事improve s

12、pelling and handwriting 提高拼写和书法yy previous class我以前的班级in other words 换句话说be hardworking 很用功write a description of 描述look forward to doing sth 期望stop being shy eventually 逐渐就不害羞了be impressed with sb/sth 对 印象深刻the same as 和 一样be fluent in 语言流利be very enjoyable 令人愉快的give ab a lot of encouragement 给某人很多

13、鼓励make a lot of progress取得很多进步misunderstand sb 误解某人be a bit disappointed 有点失望at the beginning 一开始attend a Chinese lesson 上汉语课the assistant teacher 助教be absolutely amazing 绝对震撼 look at the photos 看一些照片a US high school brochure 一个美国学校的宣传手册similarities and differences 相似点和不同点American and Chinese school

14、 systems 中美学校教育体制be in the tenth grade 上十年级write to teenagers all over the world 给世界各地的青少年写信your memories of first year at school 第一次上学的记忆at the start of the year 在新学年开始的时候secondary school 中学教育cover seven years 包括七年ninth to twelfth grades 九到十二年级at the end of 在 结束的时候receive the high school diploma 拿到

15、中学毕业证go to college 上大学be divided into 被分成take part in 参加after-school activities 课外活动 六 写作话题与素材你开学的第一天过得怎么样?你都有哪些有趣的见闻?你对新学校,新老师,新同学的印象如何?请根据一下要点写出你的感受。1 学校离家有点远。坐车上学。2 学校很大,环境优美,最喜欢操场。3 英语老师嗓音优美,热情,友好,精力充沛。4 大家课堂上,相互自我介绍。5 难忘的一天。(为学生列出常用词汇,短语,句型,提供参考范文)校园环境类词汇:Campus,learning environment, teaching b

16、uilding, classroom, library, teachers office, laboratory, playground, gym, meeting room, multimedia room, dormitory, canteen, dining hall老师和同学类词汇:Impression, attitude, knowledge, method of teaching, teaching style, instructions,directions,Enthusiastic, hard-working, warm-hearted, kind, easy-going, c

17、areful, handsome, well-dressed, beautiful, patient, lively, friendly, strict, special, fair, interesting comfortable, shy, humorous, well-organized 常用句型与短语:My school is located inMy school covers an area of My school is far / close from my homeMy school is quite beautiful, surrounded byWe have a tea

18、cher calledBe deeply impressed by /with Be amazed at/by IntroducetoTake a/an attitude to/towards His teaching method is nothing like I dont think I will be bored inteaches us in a fun way with games and activities Fall in love with the school life For homework tonight, we have toIm looking forward t

19、oThere are times as many girls as boys.参考范文:Today is my first day of High school. I went to school by bus because the school is a bit far from my home. our school is fabulous with fantastic environment around. The basic facility is brilliant , and my preferred part is the athletic field.My new Engli

20、sh teacher who is enthusiastic, friendly and energetic has a beautiful voice. In class, we introduced to each other and did some speaking . It was really an unforgettable day .参考答案: 1 academic 2 enthusiastic 3 amazing 4 information 5 websites 6brilliant 7comprehension8instructions 9 bored 10embarras

21、sed.11 attitude12behavior13previous14description15amazed 16Technology17 embarrassing18impressed/impressive19 correction 20encouragement.21enjoyment 22Fluency23misunderstanding 24disappointed25disappointing26system27teenager28 disappeared 29 moved 30assistant 31 covers32 diploma 1 at the end of 2 loo

22、k forward to 3 take part in 4 at the end of 5 go to college 6 at the start of 7 is divided into 1 teach 2 are flying 3 dances 4 grows 5 goes 6 washing 7amazed ; amazing 8 interesting 9 frightened 10 exciting; excited 11 embarrassed.1. as big as 2. nothing like 3. In other words4. give us a descripti

23、on.5.his attitude to/ towards me 积极阅读复习模板Eat chocolate -It might be good for you !找出恰当的英文解释:The cocoa tree originally comes from the Amazon Region of South America. in the middle B in the beginning C. at the end of (出题时围绕课文话题,句子相对完整,无科学性错误)找出恰当的汉语解释:Some people in Peru believed it was an aphrodisiac.A 饮料 B 催情药 C.消炎药 (涵盖所有生词与短语)分工模块一 李方模块二 文涛模块三 小柯模块四 毛毛 模块五 袁琼模块六 成 成积极阅读一 青青积极阅读二 小喻积极阅读三 马思 积极阅读四 张丽积极阅读五 东东文本格式:16开 五号字 楷体 交稿时间:下周一 集体备课时间 (请大家认真执行,若不合格,要返工。)

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