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3L练习十八 1 2Word格式文档下载.docx

1、2. A: What _ Tom _(do) now? He _(pump) my tyre. What are you doing? I _(hold) the bicycle for him.3. A: Whats that in the lake? Its my dog, Billy. What _ he _(do) in the water? He _(swim). Look! He _(go) down under the water. Billy, Billy! I cant see my dear Billy.练习十九(73-76课)1. _njoy 2. p_ _ty 3. c

2、_ke 4. fl_ 5. pr_sent6. h_ppy 7.dr_nk 8. sk_p 9. acr_ss 10.w_tch二、按要求写出下列单词相应的形式1.where (同音异义词)_ 2.knife(复数)_3. policewoman(复数)_ 4.see(现在分词)_5. fly (现在分词)_ 6. up(反义词)_三、英译汉1. Its your turn t clean the blackboard.2. Heres a present for you.3. The wall is made of stone.4. Tom and Sue are eating sandwi

3、ches at the table.5. Sandys father is writing a letter now.四、单项选择1、 Dont turn off the light. Liz _ her book now.A. reads B .read C. is reading D. is read2、 Dont run across the street. The cars _.A. come B. coming C. is come D. are coming3、 A: Whats in the packet? I dont know. Mum _it now. A. opening

4、 B. is opening C. opens D. open4、 Hes watching the birds _ his telescope.A.with B. through C. in D. on5、 Her pockets _ sweets.A. fill with B. full C. are full of D. are made of 6、 A: _ is Billy? Hes nine years old today.A. where B. How old C. How tall D. How7、 The cats back(背) is on fire. Its jumpin

5、g _ the B. into C. out of D. off8、 They are _ lemonade.A. eating B. drinking C. eat D. drink练习二十(77-80课)一、语音 从 ABCD中选出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1. down A. bowl B. blow C. brown D. throw2. ruler A. jug B. blue C. pump D. puncture3. ladder A. what B. wash C. candle D. watch4. sugar A. sure B. s

6、ide C. see D. some5. near A. ear B. upstairs C. wear D. share1. I ( 复数)_ 2. they(宾格)_3.young(反义词)_ 4. box (复数)_5. swim(现在分词)_ 6. bring (反义词)_三、 按要求用所给的词造句1. Tom, play, Sandy, football, with, now(陈述句)2. You, blow up, can, the , candles (一般疑问句)3. be, coffee, any, there, cup , in , the(否定句)四、句型转换 在改变后的

7、句子的横线上填入一个适当的词,使其意思与原句相符或相近1、 There is an old man. He is sitting the tre. There is an old man_ under the tree.2、 The cup is empty. You cant see any tea in it. _ isnt any tea in the cup.3、 Some pupils are in the playground. They are playing football. _ are some pupils _ football in the playground.4、

8、A woman is picking the apples under the tree. I can see her. I can see a woman _ the apples under the tree.练习二十一(81-84课)1. c_t 2. h_lp 3. n_ se 4. dr_ w 5. ch _ lk6. c _ke 7. sw_m 8. br_ _ d 9.l_ _ ve 10. b_ _ l二、英汉搭配 把A栏和B栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。1、let me help you 1、给我拿点糖来2、make some sandwiches for tea 2、画

9、一幅画3、bring me some sugar 3、让我来帮你忙4、draw a picture 4、做点三明治当茶点5、cut the cake 5、切蛋糕6、come out of school 6、在操场上跳绳7、taste the coffee 7、尝尝这咖啡8. skip in the playground 8、从学校走出来9. run down the hill 9、往山下跑10. fly over the lake 10、从湖上飞过三、句型转换 在改变后的句子的横线上填入一个适当的词,使其符合原句后括号内的要求。1. There is an orange in that bas

10、ket. (变成复数) There _ _ _ in those baskets.2. There is a bottle on this table. (变成复数) There are some bottles on _ _.3. There is some water int the glass. (变成一般疑问句) _ there _ water in the glass?4. There is some milk in the cup. (变成否定句) There _ _ _ milk in the cup.四、完成下列对话(每空只填一个词) _ are the boys doing

11、over there? Theyre _ horses. Can you ride a horse? Yes, I _. Lets go and play _ them, shall we? Okay!练习二十二(85-88课)一、写出下列单词的现在分词 go _ jump _ make _ sit _ eat _二、写出下列各词的复数形式pen _plate _ box _ knife _ woman_三,汉英互译1. 一辆小汽车 _ 2.两个苹果 _3.十张课桌_4. a piece of paper _ 5. five bottles of ink _6. thre pairs of t

12、rousers _ 7. six baskets of oranges_1. Is there _ newspaper on the desk?A. some B. many C. much D. a2. There is _ jam in the jar.A. a lot B. much C. many D. any3. There arent _children in the playground.A. some B. many C. one D. lot of 4. Is Sandy eating the banana?_A. Yes, he isnt. B. Yes, he is. C

13、. Yes, she is. D. No, she is.5. Is Billy drinking lemonade or milk?A. Yes, hes drinking lemonade. B. No, he isnt. C. Hes drinking lemonade. D. He drinking milk6. Can you see that bird in the tree?A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, you are. D. Yes, you can.7. Is there any sugar in the jar?A. Yes, i

14、t is. B. No, there isnt. C. Yes, I m. D. No, he isnt.8. Whats on the plate? _ some eggs on it.A. Its B. Theyre. C. There are D. There9. _ is your torch, Sue? There it is.A. What B. Which C. Where D. How10. I can see _ beside the letter-box.A. an old man standing B. some old man standing C. a old man

15、 stand D. old man stand五、完成下列各组对话(每空只填一词) Mum, Is there _ bread _our refrigerator? Yes, there _ _. _ me a _ of bread, please. My dogs hungry.练习二十三 (89-92课)一、 单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确(一空一个字母)。1. w _ nt 2, l_ke 3. r_ ce 4. pot_ to 5. tom_to6. caref_l 7. l_ft 8. h_ppy 9. g_me 10. fr _ _ t二、英译汉1.

16、 a little honey _ 2. little honey _3. a few peaches _ 4. few peaches_5. a lot of meat _ 6. a lot of pears _7. much flour _ 8. many biscuits _9. never mind _10 . take out a piece of paper and write your name on it._三、单项选择1. There is _ in the egg-cup.A. an egg B. a egg C. egg D. some eggs2. Theres _ i

17、n the bottle.A. an ink B. a ink C. some ink D. inks3. Theres _ in the tin.A. a lot of flour B. many flour C. much flours D. only a few flour4. There are _ in the basket.A. few tomato B. little tomatoes C. a lot of tomato D. many tomatoes5. Theres _ water in the jar.A. very little B. very few C. a lo

18、ts of D. some much四、句型转换 在改变后的句子的横线上填入一个适当的词,使其符合原句后括号内的要求。1. There are some chocolates in the box. _ there _ chocolates in the box? (一般疑问句) Yes, _ _ _.(肯定回答) _, there _ _ any. (否定回答)2 . She is drawing a picture of Tom. _ she _ a picture of Tom?(一般疑问句) _, she _.(肯定回答) _, she_. (否定回答)3. They can make

19、 paper boats. _ they _ paper boats? _, _ _.(肯定回答) _, _ _. (否定回答)4. I like apples. _ you _ apples? _ , _ _.(肯定回答) _, _ _. (否定回答)练习二十四(93-96课)一、语音 从 ABCD中选出其元音部分发音与其他三个不同的选项,并在其序号上划一横线。1 A. give B. side C. like D. nice2. A. bag B. dad C. man D. class3. A. nose B. come C. those D. stone4. A. much B. cu

20、p D. put5. A. meat B. easy C. please D.bread 二、词语填空 把下列单词填入下面短文的空线上,使其意思完整与正确(每空只填一个词)pair bar tube cup piece lump packet1. I eat a _ of chocolate a day.2. We want a _ of toothpaste.3. You like the yellow _ of shoes.4. They want a _ of coffee.5. He wants a _of sweets.6. She wants a _ of sugar.

21、7. It wants a _ of meat.1. We read a newspaper in the moning. _ you _ a newspaper in the moning? _, _ _. (否定回答)2. Tom and Kate go to school by bike. _ they _ go to school by bike? Yes, _ _. (肯定回答)3. Mr. Crisp wants a glass of water. _ she _ a glass of water? _, _ _. (肯定回答)4. My sister likes bananas.

22、 _ she _ bananas? Come _ the window quickly, Sandy! What _ happening? It is _ heavily. Lets go and make a sonwman, shall we?练习二十五(97-100课)1. l_ve 2. c_ty 3. m_p 4. l _nguage 5. b_d6. w _ _ld 7. sp _ _k 8. asl_ _ p 9. f_ _ get 10. c _ _ ntry二、写出下列动词的现在分词1. get _ 2. watch _ 3. share _三、写出下列各词的复数形式1. sweet _ 2. shoe _ 3. radio _4. peach _ 5. tomato _ 6. child _四、写出所给动词的第三人称单数形式1. want _

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