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1、 delivery point is lower than XX RMB, another XX RMB shall be charged. 3、订购单,为甲方每次向乙方订购产品所需,并且应加盖甲方公章或由其授权代表签署。订购单应载明其订购之产品品名、规格、数量及价格;送货日期及送货地址。 Purchase Order, which is necessary for Party A to buy products from Party B, shall be sealed or signed by the authorized representative of Party A. The or

2、der shall include product name, specification, quantity, price, as well as delivery date and address. 4、履约保证金,是指为保证甲方依照本合同履行支付货款的义务,其向乙方提供的一定金额的保证金。 Performance guarantee is a certain amount of funds offered by Party A to Party B to ensure that Party A perform its obligations according to the contra

3、ct. 二、双方的权利与义务 Rights and obligations of both parties 1、甲方如需向乙方订购产品报价单所载之产品,应向乙方送达加盖其公章或由其授权代表之订购单。订购单应符合本合同之要求,且至少应于载明的送货日期前天送达至乙方。 If Party A needs to purchase products in Product Quotes, Party A shall deliver the Purchase Order sealed or signed by the authorized representative to Party B. The ord

4、er shall meet the requirements specified in this contract and shall be delivered to Party B days ahead the noted date for delivery. 2 乙方就甲方的订购单数量及货期进行确认后,应将确认后的订购单送达至甲方。 Upon confirmation of the quantity and delivery date specified in the Purchase Order issued by Party A, Party B shall deliver the c

5、onfirmed order back to Party A. 2、乙方应根据订购单将甲方订购之产品全部按期运送至甲方指定地点。如甲方临时变更收货地点,导致乙方运输成本增加的,则甲方应承担该增加之运输费。如因此导致迟延交货的,乙方无须承担违约责任。 Party B shall deliver the products purchased by Party A to appointed place in time as is specified in Purchase Order. If temporary change to receiving place is necessary to Pa

6、rty A, which increases transport cost, Party A shall bear the added cost, and Party B shall assume no responsibility for delayed delivery. 3、乙方提供的产品质量必须符合国际行业标准,并在产品保质期内。 Products provided by Party B shall be within the shelf-life period, and the quality shall meet international standards. 4、甲方于收到其订

7、购之产品后,有权对产品的包装、数量、规格及型号等进行验收。如甲方发现产品与订购单不符或质量问题,可在产品送达时起24小时内以书面形式向乙方提出异议及处理意见。否则,视为乙方提供之产品符合合同标准。 After products are received, Party A has the right to check the package, quantity, specification and model of products. Should any inconsistency or 3 quality problem be discovered by Party A, a written

8、 objection with coping suggestions should be put forward to Party B within 24 hours upon delivery, otherwise it is deemed as acceptable to standard. 乙方应于接到甲方的书面异议时起24小时内予以回复,否则,视为乙方认可甲方之异议及处理意见,并应按甲方之意见进行处理。 Party B shall reply to the written objection within 24 hours upon receipt, otherwise it is d

9、eemed that Party B agrees to the objection and suggestions put forward by Party A and shall perform accordingly. 不符合甲方订购之产品规格及型号的,甲方可以拒收。拒收之货物由乙方自行处理。 Party A has the right to refuse delivery should the products fail to meet the specification or model in the purchase order, and the rejected products

10、 are up to Party B for treatment. 5、甲方应于乙方产品送至指定地点前向乙方告知其授权之产品签收人的信息,具体包括其姓名、联系电话。甲方在收到货物时,应在乙方提供的送货单上予以签收。 Party A shall inform Party B of the information of the authorized representative for receiving goods before the products reach appointed place, including the name and contact number of the per

11、son. Upon receipt, Party A shall sign the delivery note provided by Party B to acknowledge the delivery. 6、甲方应于收到产品后30日内支付该批产品之货款,并支付至乙方 4 指定之如下账户: Party A should complete the payment on the products within 30 days after the receipt to the following account of Party B: 户名:XXXXX有限公司 Account name: XXX

12、XX Co.Ltd 开户行:XXXXX Bank of deposit: XXXXX 账号:XXXXX Account:XXXXX 乙方将于收到货款之日起日内,向甲方开具发票。如甲方需开具增值税专用发票,应向乙方提供以下信息: Upon the receipt of payment, Party B shall, in days, issue invoice to Party A. If value added tax invoice is needed by Party A, following information should be offered to Party B: 单位名称:

13、Name of organization: 纳税人识别号(国税): Taxpayers registration number (national tax) 地址、电话: Address and Tel: 开户银行及账号: 5 Bank of deposit and account: 三、履约保证金条款 Performance bond terms 1、为保证甲方能切实履行合同中约定的付款义务,其愿意按本合同约定向乙方提供人民币万元的履约保证金。 To guarantee that Party A performs obligations specified in the contract,

14、under willingness, Party A will pay RMB Yuan as guarantee bond. 2、甲方应当在本合同签订后5个工作日内向载于本合同中的乙方账户交纳履约保证金。未能按期缴纳履约保证金的,乙方有权延期发货。 Party A shall pay the guarantee bond to the account of Party B noted in the contract within 5 working days after the signing of the contract. Any delayed payment may result i

15、n delayed delivery. 3、履约保证金的保证期限至本合同签订之日起至本合同到期终止或解除之日止。 The warranty of the guarantee bond lasts from the signing date to terminating or releasing date of the contract. 如本合同到期终止后,双方不再续约,乙方应在双方确认不再续签合同之日起5个工作日内将保证金退还至甲方指定账户。保证金退还时,无须向甲方支付利息。 In case that the contract is not renewed, Party B shall re

16、turn the guarantee bond to appointed account of Party A within 5 working days after the 6 confirmation by both parties. No interest needs to be paid for the guarantee bond. 四、违约责任 Liability for breach of contract 1、除因不可抗力及甲方原因外,乙方逾期交货的,甲方有权要求乙方支付逾期违约金,违约金每天按逾期交付货物总值的万分之五计算。 Except for force majeure

17、or Party As reasons, Party A shall have the right to request Party B to pay overdue penalty for late delivery at a rate of 0.05% per day of the total value of the overdue goods. 2、甲方未按时付款的,每延迟一天,甲方应按照应付未付款的万分之五支付违约金。 If Party A fails to make payment in due course, a penalty at a rate of 0.05% per da

18、y ofthe delayedpayment will be imposed. 五、送达条款 Delivery terms 1、双方确认联络方式: 甲方联络人:;联系电话: 传真:邮箱: 联系地址:。 Contact methods confirmed by both parties ; Contact person of Party A: Tel: 7 Fax:Email: Address: 乙方联络人: Contact person of Party B: 2、任何一方将文件、资料通过以上任意一种方式送达即视为已送达对方,任何一方若变更联系方式,须以书面方式通知对方,否则视为未变更。 Ma

19、terials or documents delivered by either party in any above method shall be deemed as valid. For any change of contact information, the party shall inform the other party in written form, otherwise the change is invalid. 六、其它事项 Others 1. 本合同有效期限自年月日至年月日止。合同有效期限届满前一个月,任何一方均可向另一方提出续约之书面申请。续约事宜由双方另行协商,

20、并重新签订合同,以做双方执行相关义务及权利之依据。 The valid period of this contract is from to . Given one month prior to the termination date, either party may ask for a renewal of the contact in written form. The renewal shall be negotiated and signed by both parties and shall be 8 deemed as the basis for the rights and

21、obligations of both parties. 2. 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。 This contractshall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 3. 本合同以中、英文双语书写,如有冲突,以中文版为准。 This contract is written in Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancies between the different versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 4

22、. 本合同由签字盖章之日起生效,一式两份,甲、乙双方各执壹份,具同等法律效力。 This contract takes effect on the date of signature and seal by both parties, in duplicate. Each party holds a copy which has the same legaleffect. 5. 本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可另行协商,签订补充协议,补充协议与本合同具有同等法律效力。未经双方书面确认,本合同不得变更解除。 The two parties may sign supplemental agreements through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.Supplemental agreementshavethesame legal effect as this contract.Withoutwrittenconfirmation by both parties, thecontractshallnot be modified or terminated. 甲方Party A(盖章): XXXXX有限公司 签约代表: 9 日期Date: 乙方Party B(盖章): XXXXX有限公司 XXXXXCo.Ltd 签约代表: 10

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