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1、A.A good education.B.School.C.Future life.D.Friendship.3.If you dont like school,the first step is to .A.find out why B.go to see a doctorC.ask your parents for help D.leave school for a short time4.How many reasons why you dont like school are given by the writer?A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.D.Five.5.When

2、you start taking steps to make things better,one of the good ideas is to .A.keep silent about your problems B.share what you ve written with othersC.write down your feelings about school D.get along well with your classmates 二Mr Jenkins lives in a town.He works in a museum.There are a lot of old won

3、derful things in it.He likes his work and often goes to work on time.One day he left his office at twelve.He went to have lunch.As soon as he went out of the gate,he met an old friend of his.They didnt see each other for about five years.Of course,they were very happy.His friend asked him for lunch.

4、He agreed,and they went into a restaurant.There they drank a lot.Then his friend said,Youve drunk too much.Let me help you to your office.”“No,no,”said Mr Jenkins.“My office is only several minutes walk.I can go there myself.”When his friend left,it was difficult for him to stand.He was afraid to be

5、 late and stopped a taxi.When he got on,the driver asked,Where are you going,sir?“To the Park Street.”Oh.Sorry,sir,the driver said in a hurry.This is the Park Street.”OK!Mr Jenkins said and got off.He took out some money and threw it to the driver.He shouted,But dont drive so fast next time!1.Where

6、does Mr Jenkins work?A.In a restaurant.B.In a museum.C.In a hospital.D.In a school.2.Who did Mr Jenkins meet when he went out of the gate?A.His friend.B.A strange man.C.A policeman.D.A driver.3.How long didnt they see each other?A.For about two years.B.For about three years.C.For about four years.D.

7、For about five years.4.Where is Mr Jenkins office?A.Its far from the restaurant.B.Its in the Park Street.C.Its next to the park.D.Its across from the restaurant.5.What did Mr Jenkins do when his friend left?A.He went home.B.He went to his friends home.C.He took a taxi.D.He drank more wine.三 What wou

8、ld it be like to fall at a speed of 25 meters a second from a height of 1 160 meters?Could a person still think clearly during the experience?Recently this happened to Chinese Air Force pilot Li Feng.What he thought was,I will save my plane.”It was on March 7.Li,38,was flying a Jian-10(Fighter-10)at

9、 4 500 meters during a training exercise.A red message showing emergency suddenly appeared on the planes computer screen.He realized the plane might fail at any moment.Li did a quick check of the engine and asked the captain for permission to return.When the fighter was 7 km away from the airport,ho

10、wever,the engine stopped working.The plane was still 1 160 meters above the ground.It began to fall at a speed of 25 meters a second.Under Air Force rules,fighter pilots may eject(弹射出)if their airplane fails below 2 000 meters and cant be restarted.You can eject now,”the captain told Li Feng,but he

11、decided to try to save the plane.“I knew when the deadline was and was ready to eject,but I decided not to give up unless the fighter was completely out of control,”Li said during a recent television interview.Under great pressure,he managed to control the plane and land it.It moved along the runway

12、 for 1 400 meters before stopping.It took 104 seconds.You are a hero!Congratulations!”Lis teacher,Xu Yonglin text messaged him after the landing.He said Li was a cool-headed pilot.However,Li said it was nothing.He said any professional pilot would have done the same thing.“A pilot loves his plane.It

13、 would hurt him to lose it,he said.Lis bravery and calm not only saved 200 million yuans worth of airplane but also gained the Chinese Air Force experience of dealing with an engine emergency.For his outstanding performance,the Air Force recently gave him a gold medal.1.Li Feng a Chinese Air F

14、orce pilot B.was born on March 7C.has been a pilot for 38 years D.became a pilot at the age of 382.What happened to Li Feng during a training exercise?A.His plane flew too high and too fast.B.Something went wrong with the planes computer.C.The engine of his plane broke down.D.His plane flew faster a

15、t the height of 1 160 meters.3.What did the red message on the planes screen mean to Li Feng?A.He should first try to slow down the speed of the plane.B.The plane might be out of control at any time.C.He had to give the engine a quick check and restart it at once.D.He neednt ask the captain for perm

16、ission for an emergency landing.4.The underlined word deadline”in the passage means ”.A.25 meters a second from a height of 1 160 metersB.the plane out of control at any heightC.the speed and pressure that the pilot can be ejectedD.the plane fails below 2 000 meters and cant be restarted 5.Which of

17、the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The engine of Li Fengs plane stopped working 7 km above the airport.B.During an interview Li Feng told the reporters that his plane was completely out of control.C.It took 104 seconds for Li Feng to get control of his plane before landing safely on th

18、e ground.D.Li Fengs bravery and calm helped him save the Jian-10(Fighter-10).四 How hard is it to earn(赚)10 yuan?The students of Class 23 at the Yunnan University Secondary School can tell you.Recently they had a special“learning life skillsactivity.The 64 students in the class were divided into 16 t

19、eams.They did all kinds of jobs including selling drinks,fruit and cleaning shoes in the street.If a team cant earn 10 yuan each person,they fail,”said Li Xueping,the head teacher.Zhang Ruoxins team sold expensive black tea and tea cups.The girls tried to sell the things to many people but few bough

20、t them at firstLuckily Zhang had a“secret way”a small booklet with advice on healthy tea drinking.People were interested in the idea and they began to sell more of their things.Dong Yanyu and other girls in her team,however,worked more with their hands than by talking.They cleaned motorcycles and bi

21、cycles.The girls worked well as a team.Some fetched water,others did the cleaning and the rest tried to find their new customers.They charged(要价)five yuan for a motorcycle and four yuan for a bicycle.In all hour they had earned 51 yuan.I cant believe it,said Dong.”Thats almost a weeks pocket money!”

22、At the end of the day,only four teams had failed the 10-yuan requirement.Li,the teacher,said she was happy to see the students had got a taste of life.They worked hard with each other.They also came up with ideas about how to sell their things and provide good services.These are both important and u

23、seful life lessons,”she said.1.The students of Class 23 were asked to in their special activity.A.make some money B.clean the street C.visit a university hard2.The students in the picture are .A.selling drinks shoes C.selling fruit bicycles3.What helped Zhang Ruoxins tea

24、m sell more of their things?A.The quality of their tea.B.The tea cups.C.The girls politeness.D.The advice on healthy tea drinking.4.Why did the teacher feel happy at the end of the day?A.Because each team earned a lot of money.B.Because few of the teams met her requirement.C.Because the 16 students

25、could do different kinds of jobs.D.Because most of the students did well in the life lessons.5.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.There are only 4 students in each team.B.The girls in Dong Yanyu,s team charged more for cleaning a motorcycle than a bicycle.C.The students of

26、 Class 23 earned about 450 yuan that day.D.The teacher thought the life lessons were important to her students.五Expo 2010 is held in Shanghai from May 1 to October 31.People all over the world are looking forward to it.Here are several golden rules on how to best plan your trip.Rule 1:Do your homewo

27、rkRead everything you can before going.Really study the maps.Know the pavilions.Arrive at the entrance nearest to the things you want to see.Have a plan.It will make a big difference.Rule 2:Allow plenty of timeExpo 2010 is the largest attraction event in the history of the world It will take many da

28、ys to see it Plan to spend from five to eight days or more seeing it.Rule 3:Pace yourselfExpo is enormous.The distances are punishing.It is better to spend a day seeing a single area than to run back and forth all over the site.Remember to wear the most comfortable shoes.Never mind what they look li

29、ke.Rule 4:Get going in May At many Expos the crowds are smaller in May and in early June than any other time.And beware the last two weeks.During every Expo,people delay their visits and then in early October they suddenly realize,“Expo will close soon!I havent seen it!As a result,the last several weeks usually have the mos

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