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1、1. - What do you think of the film Avengers: Age of Ultron?- It _ be better. Id like to see it again.A. neednt B. mustnt C. couldnt D. shouldnt2. -What does the sign over there mean? -No person _ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area. A. will B. shall C. may D. must 3. There

2、 _ be any difficulty in passing the oral test since you have practiced a lot in school. A. mustnt B. shant C. shouldnt D. neednt4. Changing the order of mixing chemicals in an experiment _ cause fast reactions leading to an accident.A. shouldB. can C. must D. shall5. Harry is feeling uncomfortable.

3、He _too much at the party last night. A. could have drunk B. should have drunk C. would have drunk D. must have drunk6. She into the thick forest alone on such a dark night.A. dared not go B. dared not to go C. didnt dare go D. not dare7. - Do you really want to go out?- It may rain. _, I shall go o

4、ut; I dont mind the rain.A. Anyway B. Otherwise C. Meanwhile D. Therefore8. This English book is too difficult for me. I have no idea what subject it _ even when I read it three times. A. comes with B. does with C. deals withD. consults with9. _is required in our agreement that nobody _ our secret p

5、lan to others. A. It, lets out B. What, lets out C. It, let out D. What, let out10. He left the room with pain and sadness , _never to come back. A. determined B. to determine C. determining D. was determined11. - Will Prof. Proton attend our graduation ceremony?- He has just arrived, but I didnt kn

6、ow he _ until yesterday.A. is coming B. had come C. was coming D. came12. It is amazing that some people in your life make you smile _ they are not around.A. even if B. as though C. if only D. in case13. Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the _ of a native language environme

7、nt.A. absence B.convenience C. advantage D. aspect 14. -What a nice fire you have in your fireplace! - During the winter I like my house_. A. warmly and comfortably B. warm and comfortable C. warm and comfortably D. warmly and comfortable 15. The manager, having made _ clear to us that he didnt agre

8、e with us, left the meeting room.A. that B. which C. what D. it16. That day everyone wondered the girl of four went to her mothers office. A. how was it that B. how it was that C. how was it D. how was that17. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of pas

9、sing it at her first . A. attention B. attraction C. approval D. attempt18. -How is everything going on with you in South Korean? -Quite well. Not as smoothly as I hoped, . A. though B. instead C. either D. too19. When it football, he has no confidence.A. turns out B. comes to C. turns to D. comes o

10、ut20. - Are you going to Toms birthday party?- _. I might have to work.A. Dont mention it B. It depends C. Sounds greatD. Thank you第二部分完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)The sound of the rain hitting the windows wakes me up and it sound just exactly as it did 15 years ago, which reminded me of my girlhood. It w

11、as my second day of 21 and it was raining heavily. I could not resist the habit I had at home, so I fell asleep right at my 22 . I woke up to find myself not in the classroom but carried on Dads back. We were 23 home. It was the last time I felt 24 to him. After that, he never carried me or hugged m

12、e as other fathers did to their children. I was not bothered much by this thought. I was proud of it, for I felt 25 and grown up. However, there were times when I felt depressed by not having sought 26 from him. One day, I was writing Chinese characters as homework. I hated doing this more than anyt

13、hing. Dad came and stood behind me for a moment, 27 me scratching (乱吐,勾抹) the paper. Then he said,This kind of writing needs 28 .Your writing is not strong enough. Press harder. I follow his 29 for the next two words, but 30 I could see little improvement, I followed my own method-the fast way. His

14、advice did not improve my writing but our 31 . As I grew older, I found out that he had finished his schooling in Grade 6, which was the highest grade in town then, so he was considered to be a 32 . People used to ask him to write something to put on the walls, but he never felt very useful. He ofte

15、n said to me, As you can see, this family is going to count on you. We are 33 to improve you anything for your future .Your have to get an education to change the life for yourself. As a result of his 34 , I have 35 it through high school and through college. 21. A. graduation B. employment C. colle

16、ge D. school 22. A. dormitory B. door C. desk D. bed 23. A. at B. already C. beyond D. halfway 24. A. close B. near C. happy D. relaxed 25. A. lonely B. depressed C. independent D. comfortable 26. A. comfort B. help C. support D. explanation 27. A. helping B. directing C. watching D. blaming 28. A.

17、skill B. patience C. time D. practice 29. A. introduction B. manner C. spirit D. advice 30. A. even if B. while C. as D. though 31. A. relationship B. friendship C. thought D. life 32. A. writer B. scholar C. scientist D. specialist 33. A. tired B. glad C. useless D. ready 34. A. help B. expectation

18、s C. examination D. watch 35. A. succeeded B. got C. made D. found 第三部分 阅读理解 (3篇,共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AWhen I got the driving license (执照) last summer, Mom and I took our first trip around an empty parking lot. Then I found that my mother was not the best teacher for me. It wasnt that she shouted, or t

19、old me that I was doing poorly. As you can imagine, my mothers “helpful instructions (指示)” only made me more nervous.Since I could no longer practice with her, the job was placed in the hands of my father. The idea of learning from Dad was not one that thrilled me. I loved him dearly, but I just did

20、 not see Dad as someone I could be comfortably learning from. He almost never talked. We shared a typical (典型的) father-daughter relationship. Hed ask how school was, and Id say it was fine. Unfortunately, that was the most of our conversations. Spending hours alone with someone who might as well hav

21、e been a stranger really scared me.As we got into the car that first time, I was not surprised at what happened. Dad and I drove around, saying almost nothing, aside from a few instructions on how to turn. As my lessons went on, however, things began to change. Dad would turn the radio up so I could

22、 fully appreciate his favorite Stones music. And he actually began talking. I was soon hearing about past failed dates, “basic body” gym class, and other tales from his past, including some of his first meeting with Mom.Dads sudden chattiness (爱讲话) was shocking until I thought about why he was telli

23、ng me so much in the car. In all the years, I had wondered why my father never spoke that much, but I had never stopped to consider that it was because I had never bothered to listen. Homework, friends, and even TV had all called me away from him, and, consequently (因此), I never thought my quiet fat

24、her had anything to say.Since I began driving with him, my driving skill has greatly increased. More important, though, is that my knowledge of who my father is has also increased. Just living with him wasnt enough it took driving with him for me to get to know someone who was a mystery.36. The auth

25、or couldnt practice driving with her mother because _. A. she couldnt talk with her mother B. her father wanted to teach herC. her mother made her nervous D. she didnt trust her mother37. What surprised the author when the driving lessons went on?A. Her Dad liked modern music. B. Her Dad was the bes

26、t teacher.C. Her Dad was a chatty person. D. Her Dad told her his sad stories.38. With her story “Car Talk”, the author indicates that _. A. fathers love their daughters dearly B. mothers are less patient than fathers C. family members need real communication D. it takes time to improve the father-d

27、aughter relationshipBIt is quite reasonable to blame (指责) traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but t

28、o have one in the drivers seat is another matter.Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense. It takes the most cool-headed drivers great patience to give up the desire (欲望) to beat back (反击) when forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way toward

29、s reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave, of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere (氛围) of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behaviors of politeness are by no means enough. Many drivers nowadays dont even seem able to rec

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