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1、Three people were killed and five injured in the crash.ruin:破坏,使毁坏,这种破坏是使某物价值或用处失去。My new shoes got ruined in the mud.2.can & be able to都可以表示能够。can有能力做某事,只有现在式和过去式两种形式。be able to表示要经过一番努力才能做到的事,可用于各种时态,不能用与can连用。If I concentrate on the work, Ill be able to work out the problem.Ill be able to speak F

2、rench in another few months.3.grateful to & grateful for都表示感谢。grateful to指对表示感激,其中的介词to表示对象,宾语通常是人或组织团体。grateful for指为表示感激,其中的介词for表示原因,宾语通常是某一件事。ll be very grateful to you if you will give me an early answer.Were grateful for all that youve done to us.介词to和for可同时与grateful连用,to短语应置于for短语之前。They were

3、 particularly grateful to us for our timely help.4.exhausted, tired, tiresome都与疲劳、疲倦有关。exhausted:筋疲力尽的,疲惫不堪的,语气最强。形容人因劳累过度而再无剩余精力或耐力继续做某事。在句中可作表语、状语。当它形容物,如资源等时,意为耗尽。I was too much exhausted to wake easily when once asleep.tired:累的疲倦的,普通用词,泛指由于工作紧张或其他原因导致的疲乏,也可表示厌倦,不耐烦。常用于短语be tired of (doing) sth.厌

4、倦做某事。m sure you must be tired after cycling all that distance.When I first got to U.S.A, I was tired of eating such kind of food as hamburger every day.tiresome:令人厌倦的,讨厌的,指描写得毫无趣味,易让人生厌的人或事物,也指单调重复的工作使人感到疲劳。The difficulty of abstract statements made my learning very tiresome.5.familiar with & famili

5、ar to都表示熟悉。familiar to介词to后接人称名词或代词的宾格形式。This subject is familiar to us.These are the rules that are familiar to everyone.familiar with介词with后接事物名词。They are familiar with English.We are all familiar with the three states of matter.6. glad & happy & pleasedglad高兴的,乐意的。指一时短暂而强烈的喜悦,只用于人。只能作表语,不作定语,后接介词

6、of短语,不定式或that从句。m glad of your success in the games.happy幸福的,高兴的。隐含一种强烈的满足感,可用于人或事物。它可作定语及表语,后可接介词about, at, over, with短语及不定式或that从句。The story has a happy end.pleased喜悦的,满足的。指持续时间较长的喜悦,只能用于人。它多作表语,很少被用作定语,它的后面可接介词at, about, with短语,不定式或that从句。There is nothing to be pleased about.Mother was pleased wi

7、th my full mark in arithmetic.7. base & basis表示基础基地。base用来指某物体的具体的基础或底部的支柱。We camped at the base of the mountain.Our companys base is inNew York, but we have extended many branches all around the world.basis则用来表示抽象意义上的Whats the basis of your opinion?We are willing to develop economic relations with

8、all countries on the basis of mutual benefits.8. fairly, quite, rather都用来表示程度。fairly相当、还算,是这组词中语气最弱的一个。quite相当、或多或少地,在某种程度上语气比fairly稍强。rather相当、有点、颇,语气最强。fairly只用于修饰褒义的形容词和副词。如:She is fairly clever.rather主要用于修饰贬义形容词和副词。rather poor/bad/stupid/ugly。rather可与too或比较级连用,而fairly和quite则不可。My mother is rathe

9、r better today.9. select & electselect指在广泛的范围中进行有斟酌的精选,淘汰的意味较重,其后须跟名词或代词作宾语。Most of the delegates to the conference are selected from advanced workers.It is difficult to select good materials for middle school students to read.elect最普通的意思是通过正式手续或投票形式的选举,其后须跟人或职称名词作宾语。We elected him monitor.They elec

10、ted Jimmy Carter (as) President.They elected him to take part in the competition.10. gone & lost & missinggone表示丢了,没了,含有一去不复返的意味,在句中可作表语和补足语,但不能做定语。My fever is gone, but I still have a cough.She looked down at her dress and found her necklace gone.lost表示丢失,含有失去后难以回归的意味,在句中可作定语,表语和补足语。The parents fou

11、nd the lost child at last.His elder brother was lost at sea.missing表示失踪了,不见了,强调某人或某物不在原处,在句中可作定语,表语和补足语。My dictionary is missing.The police are trying their best to find the missing girl.11. good at & good withgood at指擅长某一科目,某种业余消遣或某种活动,其后接名词或动名词。He is good at finding cheap flights.We are not only good at destroying the old world. We are also good at building the new one.good with通常指善于使用、处理某物或对待某人,其后通常接表示工具,人体器官或人的名词。She is good with her hands.He is good with these tools.She understands children, so she is good with them.

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