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1、Can you recommend me some new books on the subject? 医生劝病人接受他的忠告。The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice.2. Do you think that e-books will ever replace books in print?归纳拓展:replace 取代,替代,替换;放回原处,退换,赔偿replace = take the place of 取代,代替replace by / with 以替代、替换in place of = in ones place 代替t

2、ake ones place = take the place of 代替give place to sb. / sth. 为某人、某物所取代,让位于 所有的书都必须放回到书架上。All the books must be replaced on the shelves. 我用新轮胎换了旧轮胎。I replaced the old tyres with new ones. 他失去了家庭,这一损失是无法弥补的。Nothing can take the place of the family he had lost.Welcome to the unit 短语归纳:listen to music

3、for entertainment in their spare timerecommend a book to your friend in print Reading: Appreciating literature1. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today. (line 6-7) 它们当中所运用的语言与现在人们所运用的语言大不相同。句法分析 本句为简单句,used in them 为过去分词短语作定语 过去分词短语作定语:单个的过去分词通常作前置定语,而分词短语作定语常后置,相当

4、于一个定语从句。 He is an advanced teacher. 他是个先进老师。 The play performed by the students was a great success. = The play which was performed by the students was a great success. 由学生们表演的那个戏剧获得了巨大成功。巧辩异同:过去分词、现在分词的被动式与不定式的被动式作定语的区别这三种形式作定语,主要是体现在动作发生的时间上 (1) 过去分词表示的动作或是在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生,或是没有一定的时间性,即表示被动关系。 (2) 现

5、在分词的被动式作定语时表示的动作正在发生或是与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。 (3) 不定式的被动式作定语时,表示一个未来的动作试翻译并比较下列句子: 你读过狄更斯写的小说吗?(在谓语动词所表示动作之前发生)Have you read the novels written by Dickens? 他是一个被所有人爱戴的人。(没有时间性,只表示被动)He is a man loved and respected by all. 听!正在演唱的这首歌很受学生的欢迎。Listen! The song being sung is very popular with the students. 将在明天

6、会议上讨论的问题非常重要。The question to be discussed at tomorrows meeting is a very important one.2. Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. (line 8-10) 许多人不读这些书,因为他们认为这些书已经过时了,让人厌烦,并且和现实生活没有联系。句法分析 本句为复合句,because 引导原因状语从句。 old-

7、fashioned 复合形容词的构成:形容词词干 + 名词-ed middle-aged 中年的 cold-blooded 冷血的形容词词干 + 形容词词干 red-hot 炽热的 dark-blue 深蓝色的形容词词干 + 现在分词 ordinary-looking 相貌平平的 funny-looking 样子滑稽的 形容词词干 + 过去分词 ready-made 现成的,制作好的 clean-washed 洗得干净的副词词干 + 现在分词或过去分词 hard-working 勤劳的 deep-stuck 深陷的名词词干 + 形容词词干 life-long 终身的 snow-white 雪白

8、的名词词干 + 现在分词/过去分词 peace-loving 热爱和平的 man-made 人造的数词词干 + 名词-ed / 名词-形容词 three-legged 三条腿的 four-year-old 4岁的 have nothing to do with 与没有联系 have something to do with 与有联系他总是说与那个事故没有关系但实际上他与那个事故是有关系的。He always says that he has nothing to do with the accident but in fact he has something to with it.用下列短语

9、的真确形式填空care nothing for 对满不在乎 for nothing 免费 make nothing of 不了解think nothing of 对满不在乎 nothingbut只是 nothing like 什么也比不上; 完全不像 He cares nothing for money. (不在乎钱) She got the tickets for nothing. (免费) I could make nothing of (不了解) what he said. She is nothing but (只是) a child. The dress is nothing lik

10、e (完全不同) the one they advertised. He thinks nothing of (认为不算啥) a twenty-mile walk.3. a modern adaptation of Charles Dickenss novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas. 根据狄更斯的小说远大前程改编的现代版的电影出现在电影院里。(Line 15) adaptation n. a film or play that was first written in a different and new situations 改编,改

11、写单词积累 adapt vt. 使适应;改编;vi. 适应 adaptable adj. 适应性强的短语链接 adapt oneself to 使自己适应 adapt sth. to 使某事物适应,适合 adapt A for B 改建,改造 adapt from 根据改编 adaptas 把改写为有些动物学会了很快适应气候的变化。Some animals learn to adapt themselves to the changes of weather quickly.我将改变我的教学方法以满足新生的需要。I will adapt my teaching methods to meet

12、the need of the freshmen.巧辩异同 adapt, adjust, fit, suit 与 match 它们都有“适应”的意思。(1) adapt 是指修改或改变,是某物或某人做些改变以适应新条件。(2) adjust 是指借正当的判断或熟练的技巧调整调节以使两者互相适应。你把望远镜调节到适合你的目光后,你才能看得见。You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.(3) fit 指大小适合。 这鞋你穿正好。 The shoes fit you well.(4) suit 多指合乎要

13、求、口味、性格等情况。 众口难调。 No dish suits all tastes.(5) match 指大小、色调、形状或性质等相配或相称。红上衣与绿裤子不相配。 A red jacket doesnt match green trousers.跟踪练习Have you adapted _ in a different country?A. to live B. to living C. living D. in living 达尔文解释了生物对环境的适应现象。4. Pips sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind a

14、nd simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. (Line 30) 皮普的姐姐几乎没有好言好语,但乔却是一个善良淳朴的人,他宁可死也不愿看到皮普受任何伤害。 would rather do than do 轻松归纳(1) would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事;(2) would rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事;(3) would rather 后接从句时,从句中用虚拟语气(用过去式表示现在或将来的愿望,用过去完成式表示过去的愿望);(4) would rather do s

15、ht.1 than do sht.2 宁愿做某事1不愿做某事2 /与其做某事2,不如做某事1;(5) prefer to dorather than do 喜欢做胜过我宁愿听我的MP3,而不愿听CD。Rather than listen to a CD, I would rather enjoy my MP3.与其座公共汽车,不如走路。I would rather walk than take a bus.我宁愿你明天来,而不是今天来。I would rather you came tomorrow than today. 友情提示(1) rather than 表示“而不是”,指两者之间排除

16、一个;instead of 也有此意,但因of为介词,instead 之后只能跟名词,代词和动名词,而rather than之后几乎可以接所有的词类;(2) other than 不同于rather than,它的意思是“除了”,相当于 except;(3) or rather 的意思是“确切地说”。 -Shall we go skating or stay at home? Which _ do?A. do you rather B. would you rather C. will you rather D. should you rather To enjoy the scenery,

17、Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _ travel by air.A. as B. to C. than D. while It was owing to luck _ judgment _ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.A. better than; when B. rather than; that C. other than; when D. more than; which 改错:My son prefers to play football rather tha

18、n to read books. come to (1) 表目的 他是来道别的。 He came to say goodbye.(2) 后常跟understand,know,realize之类的动词,表示“经过一个变化过程才发生某事”你会慢慢懂得这一点的。 Youll come to understand it.(3) 意为“总共,共计,达到数目”死亡人数总计达300多人。The deaths came to over 300.(4) come to sb. 发生在某人身上;使想起当你努力工作时,成功就会降临你。 Success will come to you when you work h

19、ard.(5) come to a conclusion / decision 作出结论/决定我也许作出了错误决定。 I might have come to a wrong decision.(6) come to an end 结束会议即将结束。 The meeting is coming to an end.5. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life. (Line 41)搬到伦敦后,皮普非常兴奋,他迫不及待的要开始新生活。can hardly wait to do sth. 迫不及

20、待要做某事杰克迫不及待要回家。Jack can hardly wait to go home. = Jack cant wait to go home.6. Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estellas love. (Line 46)皮普决心成为一位绅士并赢得伊莎贝拉的爱情。be bent on 下定决心 吉姆似乎决心成为一名音乐家。Jim seems bent on becoming a musician.表示决心的短语还有:make a decision, determine to do sth. be determine

21、d to do sth., make up ones mind to do sth.7. the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. (Reading strategy line 1) 作者竭力说服读者接受某种特定的观点。convince v. 使信服短语链接convince sb. of sth. / that 使信服persuade sb. of sth. / that convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事persuade sb. to do sth. / in

22、to doing sth. / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事8. The best part of the story is when Pip makes the acquaintance of the man who gives him his fortune. (P5 Part E last line) 这个故事最精彩的部分是皮普结识了那个赠送他财产的男子。acquaintance n. U 相识,结识make ones acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人cut / drop ones acquain

23、tance 与某人绝交 gain acquaintance with 得以熟知acquaint v. 使相识,告知 acquaint sb. with 使某人了解我懂一点法语,但不精通。I have some acquaintance with French, but I dont know it well. 他是我的老相识。He is my closest acquaintance.Mary is not a _, just a (an) _.A. friend; acquaintances B. acquaintance; friend C. friend; acquaintance D.

24、 acquaintance; friend Appreciate Literature 短语归纳:(翻译并熟记)文学欣赏_ appreciate literature与今天的生活没有任何关系_ have nothing to do with life today在当今世界占有一席之地_ have a place in the world today发表小说,每次一章_ publish novels one chapter at a time在舞台上上演_ perform on stage以为背景_ set in (be set in)雾是危险和不确定性的象征_ mist is a symbol

25、 of danger and uncertainty这笔钱使他不用为经济问题担忧_ the fortune sets him free form financial worries迫不及待做某事_ can hardly wait to do sth.浅薄的缺点_ the shortcomings of being shallow 对有偏见_ having prejudice against一心想要成为一名绅士_ be bent on becoming a gentleman一部小说的重要部分_ an important part of a novel一篇具有说服力的文章_a persuasiv

26、e essay说服读者接受某种特定的观点_ convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view认为是_ see as 他吝啬的姐姐_ his mean sister相识_ make the acquaintance ofWord PowerI.重点词汇:1.main adj. 主要的,重要的。这是我到这儿来的主要目的。This is the main purpose of my coming here.【用法搭配】主楼:main building 主要工作:main business主句:main clause 主要课程;主菜:main course 干线:main line 大路:main road【练习】 1.Rice is our_ (主食)(main food) 2.What is the _ _ _(主菜)a meal? (main course of)2. divide vt&vi 分,划分 divide funds分配资金 divide mails分拣邮件 注意区分separate【练习】1。那条河在河口附近分岔。 2他把大蛋和小蛋区分开来。 3 那个单词有两种不同的意思。

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