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1、D.endorsed tyrannyE.derided meddling4.The two friends occasionally induldged in , as they both enjoyed about ofgood-natured teasing.A.banterB.libelC.bombastD.controversyE.blather5.Never an , but tending instead to see both sides of an issue, the senatorwas considered by those who did not know her we

2、ll.A.absolutist indecisiveB.authoritarian insensitiveC.elitist arrogantD.ideologue adamantE.underachiev er moderate6.The passagers experienced an intimacy not uncommon among vacationers spending days together, an intimacy more often due to than any community of taste.A.proximityB.compatibilityC.affl

3、uenceD.finesseE.recalcitrance7.Chairperson and CEO Andrea Jung has revitalized her company, considered in recent years, to one whose products now attract millions of consumers worldwide.A.avant-gradeB.moribundC.auspiciousD.spuriousE.munificent8.Jessica was by Jons angry outburst: she literally did n

4、ot know what tosay , think or do.A.disenchantedB.peevedC.assuagedD.beguiledE.nonplussedSECTION 7The passages below are followed by questions based on their content; questions following a pair of related passages may also be based on the relationship betweenthe paired passages. Answer the questions o

5、n the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages and in any introductory material that may be provided.Questions 9-11 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Caves have always haunted the imagination. The ancient Greeks shuddered at tales of Cerberus, the three-headed dog guarding the e

6、ntrance to Hades, and countless legends and Hollywood fantasies include a spine-tingling staple: unknown creatures lurking in the next claustrophobic corridor, hungry and waiting for visitors. Now it turns out that bizarre, voracious denizens of the underworld arc not wholly imaginary. Biologists sl

7、ithering into ever deeper, tighter recesses are coming face-to-face with a fast-growing list of cave-dwelling spiders, centipedes, leeches, mites, scorpions, beetles, fish, snails, worms, and salamanders, along with thick beds of bacteria and fungi that sometimes make a living off the very rocks.Pas

8、sage 2Five hundred feet below the bright-green rain forest, my fellow cave diver slipsinto the dark-green waters of a Hooded cave passage called Tunkul Sump. Loaded with lights and two scuba tanks, he unreels a thin white nylon cord, his lifeline back from the unexplored passage. I sit near the sump

9、 and wait. Its April 30. 1999. my sixth expedition to the Chiquibul cave system in Belize and Guatemala. On each trip Heel Im opening books in an underground library that has preserved records of dramatic climate change over time, of the lives of the ancient Maya who once used these caves, and of nu

10、merous animal species, living and extinct.9.Both Passage 1 and Passage 2 indicate that caves are home to(A)fossilized remains(B)sedimentary rocks(C)mythological creatures(D)ancient human artifacts(E)multiple animal species10.The authors of both passages would most likely agree that caves(A)were left

11、 unexplored due to the dangers involved(B)are threatened by excessive exploration(C)continue to yield new discoveries(D)provide information about ancient civilizations(E)fuel peoples fears about the underworld11.The last sentence of Passage 2 serves primarily to(A)show the extent to which the climat

12、e of the area has changed(B)point out that the cave was once home to species that are now extinct(C)indicate the danger associated with an expedition of this kind(D)convey the idea that the cave serves as a historical chronicle(E)suggest that underwater cave exploration is more productive than schol

13、arlyresearchQuestions 12-23 are based on the following passage.The passage below was adapted from a novel published in 1987.I am a painter. I paint portraits and townscapes views of the inner city, of shabby streets, small, dusty parks, crumbling tenements. That is my art, my reason for living. Unha

14、ppily, it is not productive in the crude sense. In spite5of kindly reviews of my occasional exhibitions and the loyal response of old friends who attend the private views and buy the smaller paintings, my work only brings in a pittance. The trade that I live by. that pays the bills and the mortgage,

15、 that gives my mother the necessary allowance to |0 keep her in reasonable comfort in her small house, is that of a copyist.I am (I mast make this clear an honest craftsman; not a cheat, not a forger. I amno Tom Keating, aging a picture with a spoonful of instant coffee, spraying on flyspecks15 with

16、 a mixture of asphalt and turpentine, pretending to have come upon an unknown Old Master in a junk shop or attic. I paint copies of famous paintings, sometimesfor private persons or institutions, but mostly for the directors of companies who want an impressive decoration to hang in20 their boardroom

17、s. Deception of an innocent kind is their intention; asked if the picture is genuine, few of them. I imagine, would lie. Nor would they be wise to.Whether they know it or not (and in some cases 1 am sure that they do know, collaborating with me in a further, minor25 deception out of pleasure and a s

18、hared sense of humor), my copies are never exact.That is where vanity comes in. One wants to leave ones mark on the world. Like many another craftsman, like an apprentice stonecutter carving a gargoyle on a cathedral. 30 I want to make my individual contribution to the grand design, t copy the paint

19、ing with all the skill at my disposal, all the tricks; squaring up, measuring with calipers, using photographs, a projector, a light box for transparencies to get as near as I can to the true color. I try to match the35 pigments used by the artist, grinding my own Naples yellow, or buying it in atub

20、e from Budapest where ii is still legal to sell it ready made with Lead and antimony. But instead of adding my signature, I change some insignificant feature. I alter the expression of a man in o crowd, add40 a tiny animal face in a dim corner, a mouse or a weasel, replace the diamond ona womans han

21、d with a ruby, paint a watch on a wrist in an eighteenth-century portrait.How many casual observers would notice Or care if they did* Most people chortleto see experts confounded.45 All art. of course, is full of deception. Nature, too, and human behavior,but more of that later. Remember thestory of

22、 Zeuxis No Then Ill tell you. (Bear with me. The tale will develop, I hope, when I can find my way into it. but I am only a painter, unused to the art of narrative flow.)50 This Zeuxis lived in Athens in the fourth century . He painted a picture of grapes with such skill that sparrows Hew in and tri

23、ed to peck al the fruit. Amused, Zeuxis invited another painter lo witness a repeat performance. A rival, whose name was Parrhasius. HE affected to be55 unimpressed. To cheat sparrows was nothing extraordinary. Bird brained washis buzzword. The birth of a clich Parrhasius went home and brooded. His

24、turn to ask his friend Zeuxis to inspect athe draperiesfew60 had been painted. Zeuxis. who was either a fool, or a very nice man. or simplysomewhat shortsighted, was generous with praise. I was only able to deceive asparrows, but you have deceived me. a man and an artist.This hoary old legend has it

25、s quirky, private significance65 for me. Ever since I first heard it. at school, it made me want to be an artistgood enough to fool the experts.Tom Keating (1018-1984) was an art restorer and famous art forcer who claimed tohave forged over 2000 paintings by over 100 different artists.12.hi line 4,

26、Unhappily most nearly means(A)Inappropriately(B)Mournfully(C)Unfortunately(D)Awkwardly(E)Unexpectedly13.The narrator portrays the friends ” (line 6) as generally being(A)imaginative(B)artistic(C)amusing(D)reflective(E)supportive14.The narrators attitude toward Tom Keating (line 13) is primarily one

27、of(A)sympathy(B)fascination(C)regret(D)disdain(E)exasperation15.In line 16, the narrator uses the phrase an unknown Old Master to refer to(A)a forgotten teacher who once wielded great influence(B)a formerly prominent artist who has now become obscure(C)any painting found in an out-of-the-way place(D

28、)an artwork so damaged that it has lost its aesthetic appeal(E)a painting by a famous artist that had previously been unrecognized16.(lineThe attitude of those people collaborating (line 24) in the deception25) is one of(A)feigned innocence(B)ironic detachment(C)wry amusement(D)naked ambition(E)unmi

29、tigated greed17.As described in lines 31-37 (I copy . antimony), the narrators approachto copying is best characterized as(A)painstaking(B)grudging(C)innovative(D)simplistic(E)slipshod18.The watch (line 42) is best characterized as(A)an allegory(B)an anachronism(C)a metaphor(D)a symbol(E)a conundrum

30、19.The statement in line 45 (All art. deception) signals a shift from(A)a discussion about a vocation to a discussion about private life(B)a description of a person to a description of a community(C)an analysis of a deception to a rumination on that deceptions consequences(D)an account of a particular individuals actions to an explanatory anecdote(E)a histori

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