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新视野大学英语第二版第三册unit 2教案Word文件下载.docx

1、 Science in Sports & Exercise: It is a multidisciplinary(包括各种学科的)journal featuring original(原始)investigations, clinical(临床)studies, and comprehensive(广泛的)reviews(评论)on current topics in sports medicine and exercise science. With this multidisciplinary journal, exercise physiologists(生理学者) physiatris

2、ts, physical therapists(临床医学家), team physicians(内科医师)and athletic trainers get a vital exchange of information from basic and applied science, medicine, education, and allied(联合的)health fields. For more information, please check out its homepage at http:/ digestive system: The digestive syst

3、em is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube(管子)from the mouth to the anus(肛门). Inside this tube is a lining(内层)called the mucosa(黏膜). In the mouth, stomach, and small intestine(肠), the mucosa contains tiny glands(腺)that produce juices to help digest food. For more information abo

4、ut the digestive system, please see http:/ Enriching your vocabulary on the topic: 4. Read the sentences carefully and guess the meaning of the boldfaced term in each sentence according to the context and your own experiences. You may discus

5、s it with your partner or refer to the dictionary at the end of the exercise.a) Running is a test of human endurance and the power of mind over body. 跑步是对人类耐力和毅力战胜体力的考验。b) They spend their evenings consuming whiskey. 他们喝着威士忌消磨晚上的时间。c) Thats the trouble with those big powerful cars they consume too m

6、uch fuel. 这就是大马力汽车的缺点-太耗油。d) The money I get from teaching evening classes provides a supplement to my income from my job. 我在夜校教书的收入是工资的补充。e) The newspaper publishes a sports supplement every Monday. 这份报纸每周一都出一份体育增刊。f) They had to get a job to supplement the family income. 他们不得不找一份工作以贴补家庭收入。g) The b

7、all hit the ground and bounced high into the air. 球碰到地面又高高地弹入空中。h) This ball has plenty of bounce while that one has lost its bounce. 这只球弹性很强,而那一只已全无弹性了。i) In the 200 meters, Lisa and Rose came first and third respectively. 在200米赛跑中,丽莎和罗斯分别取得了第一名和第三名。j) The ratio of men to women at the meeting was t

8、en to one. 出席会议的男女之比是10比1。k) Plus, we didnt have enough money to take a trip to the seaside. 而且,我们也没有足够的钱去海边旅行。andl) The bill is $10, plus $1 for postage. 汇票是10美元,再加上1美元邮费。with the addition ofm) There are various pluses for us in going to this school its near our house, for one. 上这所学校对我们来说有很多好处-离家近就

9、是一点。Advantagen) The temperature is plus four degrees. 温度是零上四度。above zero; positiveo) Were liable to make mistakes when were tired. 疲劳时我们都容易出错。likely to do sth.p) He is liable for all the damage done by his workmen. 他应对他的工人所造成的全部损害负责。responsible by lawq) Youll have to pay extra money if you exceed yo

10、ur luggage allowance. 如果你行李超重的话,就必须额外交费。限额,定量r) Most people who traveled in the course of their work were given traveling allowance. 多数人出差时都能拿到出差津贴。津贴,补助,零用钱s) Some foods are quicker to digest than others. 有些食物消化得比其他食物要快。t) The report contains too much to digest at one reading. 报告内容太多,读一次无法全部领会。u) T

11、he doctor said Id cut a vessel in my leg. 医生说我割断了腿上的一根血管。v) Laboratory equipment usually includes a variety of glass vessels. 实验室设备通常包括各式各样的玻璃器皿。w) At the height of his shipping career, he owned about 60 vessels. 在他航运事业的高峰期,他拥有60艘船。x) The sick man cannot endure the fatigue of the long journey. 这病人经受

12、不住长途旅行的劳累。y) A molecule of water is made up of two atoms (原子) of hydrogen (氢) and one atom of oxygen. 水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子构成。zz) Protein is essential to life. 蛋白质对生命是必不可少的。aa) His jokes have been described as a compound of fears and worries. 据描述,他的笑话中混合着恐惧和担心的情绪。bb) We had to build more rooms to give us

13、more storage space. 我们得建更多的屋子来增加储藏空间。cc) The suggestions were only accepted in a modified form. 那些建议只有修改后才能接受。dd) Which part does the word modify? 这个词修饰哪一部分?(in grammar) (of a word, esp. an adjective or adverb) describe or limit the meaning of (another word)ee) The sudden fire undid months of hard w

14、ork. 这场突如其来的大火把几个月的艰苦工作都毁了。ff) Id eaten too much that I had to undo my belt by a couple of holes. 我吃得太多了,我必须松一下皮带。gg) This region is one in which a lot of cereal is grown. 这个地区种植了许多谷类作物。hh) We derive knowledge from practice. 我们从实践中获取知识。ii) Thousands of English words derive from Latin. 英语中有成千上万个词源于拉丁

15、语。jj) Dont allow pleasure to interfere with duty. 不要让玩乐妨碍职责。kk) Interfering in other peoples relationships is always a mistake. 干预他人的关系总是错误的。To interfere in something is to take part in it without being wanted. But to interfere with something is to prevent it from happening.interfere in sth.是指别人未请而自

16、己主动参与;interfere with sth.是指阻碍事情发生。ll) Id never interfere between a husband and wife. 我从不干涉夫妻之间的事。mm) Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied. 你发音的毛病是可以纠正的。nn) The best remedy for grief is hard work. 克服悲痛的最好方法就是努力工作。5. Match the synonyms and antonyms in column B with those in column A. average(平

17、均的) moderate(适中的)journal(定期刊物,杂志,航海日志) magazine(杂志,期刊) newspaper limit(限制,限定) restrict(限制,约束) typical(典型的) striking(显著的,惊人的) attracting(引起注意的,有吸引力的) calculate(计算) estimate(估计) enough sufficient abundant plentiful indicate(指出,显示) show(显示) advisable(可取的,明智的) sensible(明智的,有判断力的) shortcoming(缺点,短处) weak

18、ness(缺点,弱点) fault(缺点,毛病)2. Homework: a. learn the new words and expressions of the text by heart. b. go over the text and write down the difficult points. Stage 2: Reading-Centred Activities (2 hours) 1. Global Reading Task: Talk about the main idea of the text in groups and answer the following que

19、stions (see exercise 2). The essay can be structurally divided into three parts.Part 1: This part consists of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3. The central topic is that exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. Then three groups of people are men

20、tioned as suffering from iron deficiency: endurance athletes, women starters of a program of moderate exercise showing evidence of iron loss and new exercisers with the normal diet showing a decrease in iron levels. Part 2: This part is made up of 3 paragraphs, from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 6. Parag

21、raph 4 tells us that iron deficiency is very common among women and the general causes for it. Paragraph 5 deals with one specific cause: the average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron and any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over th

22、e edge into a more serious deficiency. Paragraph 6 deals with another specific cause: exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Part 3: This part is made up of 6 paragraphs, from Paragraph 7 to Paragraph 12. Paragraphs 7 and 8 tell us there are three stages of iron deficiency

23、 and that if youre stage 3, it means your iron reserves go to zero and youre in trouble. Paragraph 9 recommends one way to check the amount of iron storage in the blood. Paragraphs 10 to 12 suggest specific ways to correct iron deficiency in blood. Paragraph 10 is about adding more iron-rich foods t

24、o the diet, Paragraph 11 about selecting food with “iron-added” labels, cooking food in iron pans and avoiding coffee or tea with meals and Paragraph 12 about paying attention to warning signs of iron deficiency before iron reserves are gone. Central topic: Exercise, even moderate exercise, may lead

25、 to reduced iron in the blood of women. _ Sports medicine experts have observed that endurance athletes, particularly females, frequently have iron deficiencies. Para. 1 A new study shows that inactive women who started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss. Para. 2 The new exe

26、rcisers who followed their normal diet showed a decrease in iron levels. Para. 3 Paras. 1-3 Iron deficiency is very common among women:One in four female teenagers; one in five women aged 18 to 45; the ratio is even greater among active women: about 80 percent of female endurance athletes Four cause

27、s: Too many women ignore the amount of iron they take in; womens monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss; many women increase their risk of iron loss by rejecting red meat; women are liable to experience a deficiency as a result of restricting their diet in weight control. Para 4 _ One speci

28、fic cause: The average woman takes in only two thirds of the recommended daily allowance for iron and any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. Para. 5Another specific cause: Exercise can result in iron loss through a variety of mechanisms. Para. 6 Paras. 4-6 Iron deficiency in blood:Three stages of iron deficiency: the first stage no symptoms; the second stage wi

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